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息 2012 Autodesk
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall
Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Philip Chan
BIM Manager - Lake|Flato Architects
息 2012 Autodesk
Class Summary
You have probably used the curtain wall tool the way it is meant to be
used. However, if you think outside the box, the curtain wall system can
become your favorite tool in Autodesk Revit software. In this class, we will
unfold the tricks of how to strategically plan and create your own custom
families for curtain walls. We will show you how to use curtain walls to
generate quantity count schedules with different categories of families. We
will also showcase some of the real-world project samples of how we have
used the tool.
息 2012 Autodesk
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
 Explain how to use curtain wall as an alternative solution
 List the pros and cons of curtain wall tool
 Explain how nested family works in curtain wall
 Create your own design elements
息 2012 Autodesk
About the Speaker:
 Philip Chan currently is the BIM Manager at Lake|Flato Architects in San
Antonio, Texas. Philip is responsible for directing the usage of BIM in the
office. He develops, maintains and administrates all Revit templates and
contents, and conducts continued education for the staff in the use of
Revit for best practice.
 Autodesk Revit Certified Professional
 AU Virtual Speaker in 2010
 Season Speaker at local Revit User Group
息 2012 Autodesk
About Lake|Flato Architects:
 Established in 1984
 AIA Firm of the Year - 2004
 Nationally recognized for work in sustainable design; six projects have
received the national Top Ten Green Projects award by the AIA
Committee on the Environment (COTE)
 With a staff of more than 60 employees, the team works in various
market sectors, including residential, independent schools, higher
education, visitor centers and civic and cultural projects.
 Our work has been featured in two Monographs, over 70 books and 120
national and international publications
息 2012 Autodesk
About Lake|Flato Architects:
Lake|Flato Architects create
high-performance buildings
that successfully merge with
the landscape, supporting our
belief that design and
sustainability are two sides of
the same coin.
息 2012 Autodesk
About the Audience:
 Interior Designers?
 Landscape Designers?
 Teacher & Academic Professors?
息 2012 Autodesk
This class will focus on the use of traditional Curtain Wall System and
Slope Glazing tool in Revit. Since both of them use the same set of rules
to define the system, for modeling wall and roof respectively, the
techniques showcased in this class could be interchangeable in some
息 2012 Autodesk
Curtain Wall and Slope Glazing
Curtain Wall Command Slope Glazing Command
息 2012 Autodesk
Curtain Walls Properties
Instance Parameters Type Parameters
息 2012 Autodesk
Slope Glazings Properties
Instance Parameters Type Parameters
息 2012 Autodesk
Curtain Walls Anatomy
息 2012 Autodesk
Curtain Wall Sub-Elements
 Curtain Grids
 Curtain Panels
 Curtain Wall Doors and Windows
息 2012 Autodesk
Choosing the Right Template
Curtain Mullions Template Curtain Panels Template
息 2012 Autodesk
Sample Work
息 2012 Autodesk
Tilt-up Wall Panel System
Tilt-up Wall System using Curtain Wall
(Panel Joint Detail)
息 2012 Autodesk
Precast Concrete Panel System
(Perot Museum by Morphosis)
息 2012 Autodesk
Corrugated Wall Panel
Corrugated Perforated Wall Panel at Arizona State University
(Render Image in Revit)
息 2012 Autodesk
Corrugated Roof Decking
Open metal structure truly expressed as corrugated roofing
息 2012 Autodesk
Standing Seam Roof
Standing Seam roof created with basic and slope glazing tool
息 2012 Autodesk
Custom Millwork
Kitchen millwork using custom curtain panel
息 2012 Autodesk
Wood Slat Screening
Wood Slat Screening for open structure
息 2012 Autodesk
Shower Enclosure
Kitchen millwork using custom curtain panel
息 2012 Autodesk
Making Snow and Snow Flake
Snow Scene
息 2012 Autodesk
Best Practice
 Disallow Join  Profile
息 2012 Autodesk
Best Practice
 Room Bounding  Edit Profile
息 2012 Autodesk
Workaround  Is it Possible!?
Hole in the Wall Game Show Hole in the Curtain Wall
息 2012 Autodesk
 Understand how the curtain wall system is composed (i.e. what is
Curtain Panel vs. Mullion)
 Is the grid repetitive or manually defined?
 Understand the limitation of Curtain Panel and Mullion and know how
to get around it
 Understand how nested families are used when nesting into the
Curtain Panel family
Remember: The only limit is your imagination: Be creative and
息 2012 Autodesk
息 2012 Autodesk
Thank You!
Email: pchan@lakeflato.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/philip-chan-leed-
Please Fill Out Survey at Kiosk
息 2012 Autodesk
Autodesk, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and
services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 息 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. 息 2012 Autodesk Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 Philip Chan BIM Manager - Lake|Flato Architects
  • 2. 息 2012 Autodesk Class Summary You have probably used the curtain wall tool the way it is meant to be used. However, if you think outside the box, the curtain wall system can become your favorite tool in Autodesk Revit software. In this class, we will unfold the tricks of how to strategically plan and create your own custom families for curtain walls. We will show you how to use curtain walls to generate quantity count schedules with different categories of families. We will also showcase some of the real-world project samples of how we have used the tool.
  • 3. 息 2012 Autodesk Learning Objectives At the end of this class, you will be able to: Explain how to use curtain wall as an alternative solution List the pros and cons of curtain wall tool Explain how nested family works in curtain wall Create your own design elements
  • 4. 息 2012 Autodesk About the Speaker: Philip Chan currently is the BIM Manager at Lake|Flato Architects in San Antonio, Texas. Philip is responsible for directing the usage of BIM in the office. He develops, maintains and administrates all Revit templates and contents, and conducts continued education for the staff in the use of Revit for best practice. LEED A.P. Autodesk Revit Certified Professional AU Virtual Speaker in 2010 Season Speaker at local Revit User Group
  • 5. 息 2012 Autodesk About Lake|Flato Architects: Established in 1984 AIA Firm of the Year - 2004 Nationally recognized for work in sustainable design; six projects have received the national Top Ten Green Projects award by the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) With a staff of more than 60 employees, the team works in various market sectors, including residential, independent schools, higher education, visitor centers and civic and cultural projects. Our work has been featured in two Monographs, over 70 books and 120 national and international publications
  • 6. 息 2012 Autodesk About Lake|Flato Architects: Lake|Flato Architects create high-performance buildings that successfully merge with the landscape, supporting our belief that design and sustainability are two sides of the same coin.
  • 7. 息 2012 Autodesk About the Audience: Architects? Interior Designers? Landscape Designers? Engineers? Teacher & Academic Professors? Contractors? Fabricators? Others?
  • 8. 息 2012 Autodesk Introduction This class will focus on the use of traditional Curtain Wall System and Slope Glazing tool in Revit. Since both of them use the same set of rules to define the system, for modeling wall and roof respectively, the techniques showcased in this class could be interchangeable in some cases.
  • 9. 息 2012 Autodesk Curtain Wall and Slope Glazing Curtain Wall Command Slope Glazing Command
  • 10. 息 2012 Autodesk Curtain Walls Properties Instance Parameters Type Parameters
  • 11. 息 2012 Autodesk Slope Glazings Properties Instance Parameters Type Parameters
  • 12. 息 2012 Autodesk Curtain Walls Anatomy
  • 13. 息 2012 Autodesk Curtain Wall Sub-Elements Curtain Grids Mullions Curtain Panels Curtain Wall Doors and Windows
  • 14. 息 2012 Autodesk Choosing the Right Template Curtain Mullions Template Curtain Panels Template
  • 16. 息 2012 Autodesk Tilt-up Wall Panel System Tilt-up Wall System using Curtain Wall (Panel Joint Detail)
  • 17. 息 2012 Autodesk Precast Concrete Panel System (Perot Museum by Morphosis)
  • 18. 息 2012 Autodesk Corrugated Wall Panel Corrugated Perforated Wall Panel at Arizona State University (Render Image in Revit)
  • 19. 息 2012 Autodesk Corrugated Roof Decking Open metal structure truly expressed as corrugated roofing
  • 20. 息 2012 Autodesk Standing Seam Roof Standing Seam roof created with basic and slope glazing tool
  • 21. 息 2012 Autodesk Custom Millwork Kitchen millwork using custom curtain panel
  • 22. 息 2012 Autodesk Wood Slat Screening Wood Slat Screening for open structure
  • 23. 息 2012 Autodesk Shower Enclosure Kitchen millwork using custom curtain panel
  • 24. 息 2012 Autodesk Making Snow and Snow Flake Snow Scene
  • 25. 息 2012 Autodesk Best Practice Disallow Join Profile
  • 26. 息 2012 Autodesk Best Practice Room Bounding Edit Profile
  • 27. 息 2012 Autodesk Workaround Is it Possible!? Hole in the Wall Game Show Hole in the Curtain Wall
  • 28. 息 2012 Autodesk Conclusion Understand how the curtain wall system is composed (i.e. what is Curtain Panel vs. Mullion) Is the grid repetitive or manually defined? Understand the limitation of Curtain Panel and Mullion and know how to get around it Understand how nested families are used when nesting into the Curtain Panel family Remember: The only limit is your imagination: Be creative and experiment!
  • 30. 息 2012 Autodesk Thank You! Email: pchan@lakeflato.com LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/philip-chan-leed- ap/16/845/640 Please Fill Out Survey at Kiosk
  • 31. 息 2012 Autodesk Autodesk, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 息 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.