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Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速
Revit速 Architecture
Philip Chan, LEED AP
Co-presenter: Kelvin Tam, RA, NCARB, LEED AP - NBBJ
Class Code: AB224-7C
Curtain wall system is not just a tool for curtain wall or storefront. When you think outside-the-box, it can
become a powerful design and documentation tool in Revit. We will showcase how to use and customize
curtain wall system in Revit to solve some of the common but complex design problems. This class will
explore the possibility of creating a family using the characteristics of a curtain wall system for another
purpose. We will unfold the secrets of what a curtain wall system can do for you. These skills will not
only benefit individual Revit users but also the entire project team.
About the Speakers:
Philip Chan has worked for a variety of architectural firms for over 10 years. He has been using Autodesk products for
12 years. Philip had been involved in implementing Revit for a number of Architectural firms in the Houston area which
included from setting up office standards, creating and maintaining Revit library content , providing training and
technical support to users. Philip has been a speaker at the local Revit user group. Philip holds a bachelors degree of
Architecture and Environmental Design from University of Houston. He is also an Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
certified professional.
Contact: pchan925@yahoo.com
Kelvin Tam has been growing in BIM with Autodesk速 since he was a designer at RTKL starting using Revit Building
version 8.0. With a passion in BIM, Kelvin has been thinking out of the Revit package box for challenges that the
program could hardly do and trying to push Revit Architecture to the very limit to satisfy architects' specific needs for
design, documentation and management. He has been working as both a designer and BIM lead on a variety of
building types in the nation's leading design firms as RTKL, Rossetti Architects and NBBJ. Currently, Kelvin is a
project BIM coordinator at NBBJ and is highly involved in setting up standards and protocols for the firm's BIM
implementation. Holding a B.S. in Environmental Design from the College of Architecture at the University
of Houston and a B. Arch from SCI-Arc, Kelvin has a very strong design sensibility and is bringing design
and technology together in the practice of architecture.
Contact: ktam11@hotmail.com
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Unlike typical walls, a curtain wall is a system that uses a defined set of rules. In this class, we will take
this concept to apply on different elements for a building or a site components in a project.
Typical Properties Dialog Box of a Curtain Wall System
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Theater Seating
 Easy placement. Use it as a linear row of seats other than individual family.
 Flexibility. Roll of seating can be place as straight line or curve.
 Ease of schedule; accurately report the total number of seats in schedule.
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Parking Space
 Similar to theater seating; parking space can be placed as a linear row other than individual family.
 Can be placed in curve.
 Ease of schedule; whether it is for 100 spaces or 1,000 spaces.
Parking Space Nested in Curtain Panel Family
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
 Creating trellis framework as a slope glazing.
 Make sure in the type properties  set curtain panel to empty system panel.
 Equally and correctly place structural member within the perimeter of the frame.
 Easy to make adjustment to the shape of the frame.
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Space Frame
 Use conceptual mass to control module parametrically
 Relationship of curtain system with conceptual mass
 Building curtain panel techniques
 Flexing conceptual mass to flex curtain panel size and number
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
 Making use of the whole curtain wall system to do all casework
 Basic wall as curtain panel
 Curtain wall within curtain wall
 Mullions as counter top and splash
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
 Double Skin Systems
 Corner Panels
 Unitized Panels
 Louver in System
Double Skin Curtain Wall Systems
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Louver System in Curtain Wall Systems
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Spider Clip Curtain Wall System
 Using nested family inside curtain wall panel family.
 Set array value for spider clip as an instant parameter.
 Nest structural column family as another sub-component inside curtain panel family; and set column height as
an instant parameter.
 Create profile family as a silicon gasket
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
Curtain Panel with Nested Spider Clip and Nested Structural Column
Detail View at Silicon Gasket
Profile for Silicon Gasket
Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture
 Concept: Understand what curtain wall tools can do for you
 Planning: Think about repetitive unit / module
 Planning: How individual panel behaves upon stretching length of curtain system
 Construction: Parameters in curtain panel families
 Construction: Profiles for mullion
 Construction: Corner condition
 Unlimited use of curtain wall: be creative and experimental
3D Tile for Interior Wall Finish Won Door

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Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System Au 2010 Ab224 7 C

  • 1. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture Philip Chan, LEED AP Co-presenter: Kelvin Tam, RA, NCARB, LEED AP - NBBJ Class Code: AB224-7C Curtain wall system is not just a tool for curtain wall or storefront. When you think outside-the-box, it can become a powerful design and documentation tool in Revit. We will showcase how to use and customize curtain wall system in Revit to solve some of the common but complex design problems. This class will explore the possibility of creating a family using the characteristics of a curtain wall system for another purpose. We will unfold the secrets of what a curtain wall system can do for you. These skills will not only benefit individual Revit users but also the entire project team. About the Speakers: Philip Chan has worked for a variety of architectural firms for over 10 years. He has been using Autodesk products for 12 years. Philip had been involved in implementing Revit for a number of Architectural firms in the Houston area which included from setting up office standards, creating and maintaining Revit library content , providing training and technical support to users. Philip has been a speaker at the local Revit user group. Philip holds a bachelors degree of Architecture and Environmental Design from University of Houston. He is also an Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture certified professional. Contact: pchan925@yahoo.com Kelvin Tam has been growing in BIM with Autodesk速 since he was a designer at RTKL starting using Revit Building version 8.0. With a passion in BIM, Kelvin has been thinking out of the Revit package box for challenges that the program could hardly do and trying to push Revit Architecture to the very limit to satisfy architects' specific needs for design, documentation and management. He has been working as both a designer and BIM lead on a variety of building types in the nation's leading design firms as RTKL, Rossetti Architects and NBBJ. Currently, Kelvin is a project BIM coordinator at NBBJ and is highly involved in setting up standards and protocols for the firm's BIM implementation. Holding a B.S. in Environmental Design from the College of Architecture at the University of Houston and a B. Arch from SCI-Arc, Kelvin has a very strong design sensibility and is bringing design and technology together in the practice of architecture. Contact: ktam11@hotmail.com
  • 2. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 2 INTRODUCTION Unlike typical walls, a curtain wall is a system that uses a defined set of rules. In this class, we will take this concept to apply on different elements for a building or a site components in a project. Typical Properties Dialog Box of a Curtain Wall System
  • 3. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 3 ALTERNATIVE USE OF CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM Theater Seating Concept: Easy placement. Use it as a linear row of seats other than individual family. Flexibility. Roll of seating can be place as straight line or curve. Ease of schedule; accurately report the total number of seats in schedule.
  • 4. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 4
  • 5. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 5 Parking Space Concept: Similar to theater seating; parking space can be placed as a linear row other than individual family. Can be placed in curve. Ease of schedule; whether it is for 100 spaces or 1,000 spaces. Parking Space Nested in Curtain Panel Family
  • 6. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 6 Trellis Concept: Creating trellis framework as a slope glazing. Make sure in the type properties set curtain panel to empty system panel. Equally and correctly place structural member within the perimeter of the frame. Easy to make adjustment to the shape of the frame.
  • 7. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 7 Space Frame Concepts: Use conceptual mass to control module parametrically Relationship of curtain system with conceptual mass Building curtain panel techniques Flexing conceptual mass to flex curtain panel size and number
  • 8. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 8 Cabinets Concepts: Making use of the whole curtain wall system to do all casework Basic wall as curtain panel Curtain wall within curtain wall Mullions as counter top and splash
  • 9. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 9 ADVANCED CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS Double Skin Systems Corner Panels Unitized Panels Louver in System Double Skin Curtain Wall Systems
  • 10. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 10 Louver System in Curtain Wall Systems
  • 11. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 11 Spider Clip Curtain Wall System Concept: Using nested family inside curtain wall panel family. Set array value for spider clip as an instant parameter. Nest structural column family as another sub-component inside curtain panel family; and set column height as an instant parameter. Create profile family as a silicon gasket
  • 12. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 12 Curtain Panel with Nested Spider Clip and Nested Structural Column Detail View at Silicon Gasket Profile for Silicon Gasket
  • 13. Not Your Everyday Curtain Wall System in Autodesk速 Revit速 Architecture 13 CONCLUSION Concept: Understand what curtain wall tools can do for you Planning: Think about repetitive unit / module Planning: How individual panel behaves upon stretching length of curtain system Construction: Parameters in curtain panel families Construction: Profiles for mullion Construction: Corner condition Unlimited use of curtain wall: be creative and experimental MORE SAMPLES: 3D Tile for Interior Wall Finish Won Door THANK YOU.