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Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
This class will focus on the use of traditional Curtain Wall System and Slope Glazing tool in Revit. Since
both of them use the same set of rules to define the system, for modeling wall and roof respectively, the
techniques showcased in this class could be interchangeable in some cases.
Curtain wall accessed from Wall command.
Slope glazing roof accessed from Roof command
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Curtain Wall is a system family that is considered to be a wall in Revit; therefore, it behaves like one.
Under the Curtain Wall properties, there are instance parameters that control physical dimensions as well
as justification of the grids; type parameters that define the overall structure.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
We will first discuss the basic anatomy of the curtain wall system; we will then further discuss how to trick
out those different components to use it on the design.
Typical Curtain Wall structure
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Curtain Wall Sub-elements
Curtain Grids
The curtain grid is used to define the physical divisions of the curtain wall. The vertical and
horizontal gridlines can be placed graphically by the user or set up into predefined spacing
within the type properties.
Mullions can be placed on the gridlines within the curtain wall system. Mullions are made out of
profiles, which can be defined using the OOTB setting in Revit OR created custom by making a
custom mullion profile as a family and assign to the mullion type.
Curtain Panels
Curtain Panels often represent the glazing within the curtain wall by default. Curtain panels can
also be system panels, empty panel, custom curtain panel families and basic walls from the
project. We will further discuss the use of curtain panel as a workaround to meet our design
Curtain Wall Doors and Windows
Curtain Wall Doors and Windows are door and window families that are specifically used within
the curtain wall system. The only way to place them is to select the individual curtain panel and
change it from the type selector from the panels properties.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Different use of curtain wall system
To use the curtain wall differently we break the standard set of definitions and customize it to fit our
need. We will focus on 2 main groups, Curtain Mullions and Curtain Panels.
Curtain Mullions
In order to start planning how to tweak the
mullion for a different purpose, you need to
understand how the mullion works in Revit.
A custom Mullion is created as Profile family
using Profile-Mullion.rft templates; it is
made up of lines in a continuous loop. In the
project environment, the curtain panel will
stop and intercept with the left/right side of
the profile lines.
Curtain Panels
Similarly, custom curtain panels are created
as curtain panel family; you can only use
Curtain Wall Panel.rft (note: this is
different from Curtain Panel Pattern
Based.rtf). Nested families can be used
inside CW panel, but they usually need
some special treatment in order to work
properly with curtain panel. We will discuss
this further in detail later.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Tilt-up wall panel system
Tilt-up wall system using Curtain Wall.
Any basic wall can be used in a curtain wall panel in any Curtain Wall system type. One of the
advantages of using the curtain wall as tilt-up wall panel is you can use any of the typical wall hosted
doors and windows. There is no need to create curtain wall doors and windows.
First, duplicate an existing wall type and
set the new wall as a concrete wall type.
In this case, I set it as 7 1/4 thick for the
tilt-up panel.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Next, create a new profile
mullion family that looks
like this. (See image) Use
it as Vertical Mullions for
Interior Type later
Set (Basic wall: Concrete Tilt-up Panel  7 1/4)
as Curtain Panel. Leave all the Border mullion
type as none. Then set the custom mullion
(Tilt-up Wall Grout  7.25) as Vertical Mullions -
Interior Type
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
A schedule can be used to schedule the size of
each tilt-up panel. To create the schedule, go
to Schedule/Quantities
Choose Curtain Panels under Category, add the
fields per your requirement, Revit will calculate
and generate the schedule for each panel size.
Tilt-up Panel Schedule
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Precast concrete panel wall system
Perot Museum in Dallas, Texas designed by Morphosis using a precast panel system as its building
I got this as an inspiration as I was thinking how I use curtain wall to achieve such a design. My goal here
is not to replicate the exact design but rather to think of the possibilities of using this tool to explore.
The precast concrete curtain panel is
made from 3 to 4 different solids
(swept blend); each swept blend has
2 nested profile families controlling
the dimension, thus, it allows us to
have more flexibility to change its
design in the process.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
These tapered shapes (on
left) are set as profile
families; they are then nested
to the curtain panel to create
the swept blend forms
One can now link the D and
H parameter to the Curtain
panel (Host) so the taper
forms can be driven in the
Nested profile families
Swept blend form using nested profile families
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
A Material Takeoff schedule can be used this
time to generate the quantity of the concrete
needed for the precast concrete.
Similarly, choose Curtain Panels under Category.
Choose the fields under
Material for Area as well
as Volume
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Curtain Mullion as (Corrugated Panel) Design Elements
A curtain mullion in Revit is made from a profile. If
using system profile, the shape is always a
rectangle; however, when making your own custom
mullion, you will be able to do so much more with
this tool.
Custom mullion profile as corrugated panel
At Lake|Flato, we use
corrugated panels often as
a design element. We
often use different profile
shapes and different ratios
of perforation for
screening as well.
Corrugated perforated panel at Arizona State University
(Render Image in Revit速)
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Curtain Wall Properties:
To create a corrugated panel, simply set the custom mullion for interior type under Horizontal
Mullions, set the spacing at 1-0 (or the length of its profile). Make sure to set the Curtain
Panel to Empty System Panel.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Corrugated panel used as screening in private residence
Curtain Mullion as (Corrugated Roof) Design Elements
Much like wall panel system, you can model corrugated roof decking using nothing but Curtain
Mullions, this time the mullions are used in Slope Glazing Roof.
When designing an outdoor porch/roof structure, architectural corrugated panel has become a
popular choice for roof decking to express its simple function and beauty. Since the roof
structure has basically nothing but metal decking, using the OOTB roofing tool is hard to
represent the designers intent. We chose to model the roof using slope glazing tool, and of
course, custom mullion profile is used as mullions. Similar to the setting for modeling
corrugated wall panel, set the custom mullion for interior type under Grid 1 Mullions, set the
spacing and set Curtain Panel to Empty System Panel.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Slope Glazing Type Properties Setting
Open metal structure truly expressed as corrugated roofing
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Standing seam roof created with basic roof and slope glazing tool
Curtain Mullion as vertical seam modeling standing seam roof
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Custom Millwork
When designing kitchen and bathroom millwork layout, it is always a challenge for custom
home design. Using casework family doesnt always allow us to have the freedom to do custom
millwork. For any custom cabinet design, we would need to create new casework family. Even
using in-place family, it is not efficient at all to design and document in Revit
However, we can create
custom Curtain Panel as
a Kit of Parts for Cabinet
modular; they can be used
within the Curtain Wall
System to create kitchen
and bathroom millwork
To create custom millwork, simply draw the Curtain
Wall first, set up the height, then use curtain grid to
draw out the layout the way you desire. Once you
are done, you can pick the default panel and swap
it to whatever cabinet panel family you like.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Kitchen Millwork using Curtain Wall Tool in a private residence project
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Curtain Wall as Wood Slat Screening
Wood Slat Screening, which is made out of nominal wood stud (Typically 1x4, 1x6 or 1x8) to
create an open ventilated screen for open structure, open porch area in many of our projects.
To truly express our design intent not only for document, but also for visualization purpose, we
use custom curtain panel to achieve such a task.
Wood Slat Screen used for enclosure at Motor Court
Custom Wood Slat Panel is
created and use it as nested
curtain panel
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Nested Array Panel is used in Curtain
Panel family so it can self-adjust the
overall size in the project.
Multiple parameters that control the slat size and spacing
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Shower Enclosure - Curtain Wall and Curtain Panel Door
One of the advantages of using curtain wall door is no need for any wall as a host. When
designing bathroom shower, using a curtain wall will allow us to have much more flexibility.
Shower Door as curtain panel door used in residential project.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Nested families are used to create door hardware for the shower door
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Snow and Snowflake Using Nested families
Snow and Snowflake done via Curtain Panel
Greeting card image done in Revit (No Photoshop!)
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Perhaps one will not model snow in their actual Revit project. However, it doesnt mean you
cant do it in Revit. For the past 2 years, I have made greeting card images for Christmas
holiday using nothing but Revit only. I created a scene first but realized I needed something as
a backdrop. I quickly thought of using snow as a background. Instead of placing snow one-by-
one. I thought I could use curtain wall to lay out a wall of snow. The challenge though is how I
could make the snow look natural without the tedious work. Therefore, I came up with a trick to
manipulate the size and the location of the snow and snowflake.
The first step is to create the snow and snowflake as a curtain panel. It depends on the
complexity of what your design is, one can create geometry directly in the curtain panel or you
can use nested family to achieve the result. In the case of making snow, I just create a sphere
inside the curtain panel; for snowflake, I used nested family. They both work very similar.
Inside the Snow curtain panel, I
have a reporting parameter D
that drives everything, from the
radius of the snow ball to
location of the snow related to
the panel, these parameters
allow one to randomly create
the snow scene in the project.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Best practice when using Curtain Wall for different use
Disallow Join
It is always a good idea to have the end point of
the curtain wall set to disallow join to prevent
the wall from connecting/cleaning up to the
adjacent wall. (e.g. cabinet)
Rule of thumb:
When drawing linework for a profile, it has to
be a continuous boundary, no double loop is
Tips: You can always leave a tiny gap in a
double loop in order to comply this rule.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
Room Bounding
Since Revit still treats Curtain Wall as a wall;
the wall will be room bounding by default. It
is best to un-check the box Room
Bounding to avoid inaccurate room area
data in schedule.
Edit Profile
Curtain Wall can be Edit Profile to change its
overall shape. Revit most likely will allow any
custom curtain panel to stay its shape with Edit
Profile as long as the changes are rectangular.
Any curve or diagonal sketch line around the
curtain panel will default it back to system glazed
panel. Recently, Revit made a subtle improvement which allows us to get around this limitation.
We will further discuss this trick toward the end of the class.
Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速
It is important to understand when one decided to use curtain wall system as an alternative
design solution. They need to evaluate the pros and cons of this approach to see if it will fit the
overall project teams goal during the course of the project.
 Understand how the curtain wall system is composed (i.e. what is Curtain Panel vs.
 Is the grid repetitive or manually defined?
 Understand the limitation of Curtain Panel and Mullion and know how to get around it
 Understand how nested families are used when nesting into the Curtain Panel family
Remember: The only limit is your imagination: Be creative and experiment!
Thank you!

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  • 1. Unfo Tool Philip Cha AB200 outside th unfold the how to us showcase Learnin At the en Expla List t Expla Crea About t Philip C is respo adminis in the us under a proficien Philip ho and is a professi been an Email: pc LinkedIn ld the C in Auto an Lake|Fla 6 You ha he box, the curta e tricks of how t se curtain walls e some of the re ng Objectiv nd of this clas ain how to us the pros and c ain how neste ate your own d the Speake Chan currentl onsible for di strates all Re se of Revit. S full-service ncy. olds a Bache a LEED Accr ional. Philip n active spea chan@lakefla : http://www.l Curtain odesk速 ato Architects ave probably us ain wall system to strategically p to generate qu real-world proje ves s, you will be se curtain wal cons of curta ed family wor design eleme er ly is the BIM irecting the u evit template Since 2007, contract; the elor of Archi redited Profe has spoken aker at the lo ato.com inkedin.com/p ! Think 速 Revit速 s sed the curtain m can become y plan and create uantity count sc ect samples of h able to: l as an altern in wall tool rks in curtain w ents M Manager a usage of BIM es and conte Lake|Flato e office supp itecture and essional. He at the Autod ocal Revit us pub/philip-cha k Outsid 速 wall tool the wa your favorite to e your own cus chedules with d how we have u ative solution wall t Lake|Flato M in the offic nts, and con has used Re ports this sin Environmen is also an A desk Univers ser group. an-leed-ap/16 de the C ay it is meant to ool in Autodesk stom families fo different catego used the tool. n Architects i ce. He develo nducts contin evit to docum ngle platform ntal Design f Autodesk Re rsity Virtual s 6/845/640 Curtain o be used. How Revit software or curtain walls. ries of families. in San Anton ops, maintai nued educat ment all proj m to ensure m from Univers evit Architect session in 20 n Wall wever, if you thi e. In this class, w We will show y . We will also nio, Texas. P ins and tion for the s jects execute maximum sta sity of Houst ture certified 010 and has ink we will you Philip staff ed aff ton d s
  • 2. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 2 Introduction This class will focus on the use of traditional Curtain Wall System and Slope Glazing tool in Revit. Since both of them use the same set of rules to define the system, for modeling wall and roof respectively, the techniques showcased in this class could be interchangeable in some cases. Curtain wall accessed from Wall command. Slope glazing roof accessed from Roof command
  • 3. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 3 Curtain Wall is a system family that is considered to be a wall in Revit; therefore, it behaves like one. Under the Curtain Wall properties, there are instance parameters that control physical dimensions as well as justification of the grids; type parameters that define the overall structure.
  • 4. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 4 We will first discuss the basic anatomy of the curtain wall system; we will then further discuss how to trick out those different components to use it on the design. Typical Curtain Wall structure
  • 5. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 5 Curtain Wall Sub-elements Curtain Grids The curtain grid is used to define the physical divisions of the curtain wall. The vertical and horizontal gridlines can be placed graphically by the user or set up into predefined spacing within the type properties. Mullions Mullions can be placed on the gridlines within the curtain wall system. Mullions are made out of profiles, which can be defined using the OOTB setting in Revit OR created custom by making a custom mullion profile as a family and assign to the mullion type. Curtain Panels Curtain Panels often represent the glazing within the curtain wall by default. Curtain panels can also be system panels, empty panel, custom curtain panel families and basic walls from the project. We will further discuss the use of curtain panel as a workaround to meet our design intent. Curtain Wall Doors and Windows Curtain Wall Doors and Windows are door and window families that are specifically used within the curtain wall system. The only way to place them is to select the individual curtain panel and change it from the type selector from the panels properties.
  • 6. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 6 Different use of curtain wall system To use the curtain wall differently we break the standard set of definitions and customize it to fit our need. We will focus on 2 main groups, Curtain Mullions and Curtain Panels. Curtain Mullions In order to start planning how to tweak the mullion for a different purpose, you need to understand how the mullion works in Revit. A custom Mullion is created as Profile family using Profile-Mullion.rft templates; it is made up of lines in a continuous loop. In the project environment, the curtain panel will stop and intercept with the left/right side of the profile lines. Curtain Panels Similarly, custom curtain panels are created as curtain panel family; you can only use Curtain Wall Panel.rft (note: this is different from Curtain Panel Pattern Based.rtf). Nested families can be used inside CW panel, but they usually need some special treatment in order to work properly with curtain panel. We will discuss this further in detail later.
  • 7. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 7 Tilt-up wall panel system Tilt-up wall system using Curtain Wall. Any basic wall can be used in a curtain wall panel in any Curtain Wall system type. One of the advantages of using the curtain wall as tilt-up wall panel is you can use any of the typical wall hosted doors and windows. There is no need to create curtain wall doors and windows. . First, duplicate an existing wall type and set the new wall as a concrete wall type. In this case, I set it as 7 1/4 thick for the tilt-up panel.
  • 8. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 8 Next, create a new profile mullion family that looks like this. (See image) Use it as Vertical Mullions for Interior Type later Set (Basic wall: Concrete Tilt-up Panel 7 1/4) as Curtain Panel. Leave all the Border mullion type as none. Then set the custom mullion (Tilt-up Wall Grout 7.25) as Vertical Mullions - Interior Type
  • 9. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 9 A schedule can be used to schedule the size of each tilt-up panel. To create the schedule, go to Schedule/Quantities Choose Curtain Panels under Category, add the fields per your requirement, Revit will calculate and generate the schedule for each panel size. Tilt-up Panel Schedule
  • 10. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 10 Precast concrete panel wall system Perot Museum in Dallas, Texas designed by Morphosis using a precast panel system as its building envelop. I got this as an inspiration as I was thinking how I use curtain wall to achieve such a design. My goal here is not to replicate the exact design but rather to think of the possibilities of using this tool to explore. The precast concrete curtain panel is made from 3 to 4 different solids (swept blend); each swept blend has 2 nested profile families controlling the dimension, thus, it allows us to have more flexibility to change its design in the process.
  • 11. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 11 These tapered shapes (on left) are set as profile families; they are then nested to the curtain panel to create the swept blend forms One can now link the D and H parameter to the Curtain panel (Host) so the taper forms can be driven in the project. Nested profile families Swept blend form using nested profile families
  • 12. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 12 A Material Takeoff schedule can be used this time to generate the quantity of the concrete needed for the precast concrete. Similarly, choose Curtain Panels under Category. Choose the fields under Material for Area as well as Volume
  • 13. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 13 Curtain Mullion as (Corrugated Panel) Design Elements A curtain mullion in Revit is made from a profile. If using system profile, the shape is always a rectangle; however, when making your own custom mullion, you will be able to do so much more with this tool. Custom mullion profile as corrugated panel At Lake|Flato, we use corrugated panels often as a design element. We often use different profile shapes and different ratios of perforation for screening as well. Corrugated perforated panel at Arizona State University (Render Image in Revit速)
  • 14. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 14 Curtain Wall Properties: To create a corrugated panel, simply set the custom mullion for interior type under Horizontal Mullions, set the spacing at 1-0 (or the length of its profile). Make sure to set the Curtain Panel to Empty System Panel.
  • 15. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 15 Corrugated panel used as screening in private residence Curtain Mullion as (Corrugated Roof) Design Elements Much like wall panel system, you can model corrugated roof decking using nothing but Curtain Mullions, this time the mullions are used in Slope Glazing Roof. When designing an outdoor porch/roof structure, architectural corrugated panel has become a popular choice for roof decking to express its simple function and beauty. Since the roof structure has basically nothing but metal decking, using the OOTB roofing tool is hard to represent the designers intent. We chose to model the roof using slope glazing tool, and of course, custom mullion profile is used as mullions. Similar to the setting for modeling corrugated wall panel, set the custom mullion for interior type under Grid 1 Mullions, set the spacing and set Curtain Panel to Empty System Panel.
  • 16. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 16 Slope Glazing Type Properties Setting Open metal structure truly expressed as corrugated roofing
  • 17. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 17 Standing seam roof created with basic roof and slope glazing tool Curtain Mullion as vertical seam modeling standing seam roof
  • 18. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 18 Custom Millwork When designing kitchen and bathroom millwork layout, it is always a challenge for custom home design. Using casework family doesnt always allow us to have the freedom to do custom millwork. For any custom cabinet design, we would need to create new casework family. Even using in-place family, it is not efficient at all to design and document in Revit However, we can create custom Curtain Panel as a Kit of Parts for Cabinet modular; they can be used within the Curtain Wall System to create kitchen and bathroom millwork To create custom millwork, simply draw the Curtain Wall first, set up the height, then use curtain grid to draw out the layout the way you desire. Once you are done, you can pick the default panel and swap it to whatever cabinet panel family you like.
  • 19. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 19 Kitchen Millwork using Curtain Wall Tool in a private residence project
  • 20. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 20 Curtain Wall as Wood Slat Screening Wood Slat Screening, which is made out of nominal wood stud (Typically 1x4, 1x6 or 1x8) to create an open ventilated screen for open structure, open porch area in many of our projects. To truly express our design intent not only for document, but also for visualization purpose, we use custom curtain panel to achieve such a task. Wood Slat Screen used for enclosure at Motor Court Custom Wood Slat Panel is created and use it as nested curtain panel
  • 21. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 21 Nested Array Panel is used in Curtain Panel family so it can self-adjust the overall size in the project. Multiple parameters that control the slat size and spacing requirement
  • 22. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 22 Shower Enclosure - Curtain Wall and Curtain Panel Door One of the advantages of using curtain wall door is no need for any wall as a host. When designing bathroom shower, using a curtain wall will allow us to have much more flexibility. Shower Door as curtain panel door used in residential project.
  • 23. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 23 Nested families are used to create door hardware for the shower door
  • 24. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 24 Snow and Snowflake Using Nested families Snow and Snowflake done via Curtain Panel Greeting card image done in Revit (No Photoshop!)
  • 25. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 25 Perhaps one will not model snow in their actual Revit project. However, it doesnt mean you cant do it in Revit. For the past 2 years, I have made greeting card images for Christmas holiday using nothing but Revit only. I created a scene first but realized I needed something as a backdrop. I quickly thought of using snow as a background. Instead of placing snow one-by- one. I thought I could use curtain wall to lay out a wall of snow. The challenge though is how I could make the snow look natural without the tedious work. Therefore, I came up with a trick to manipulate the size and the location of the snow and snowflake. The first step is to create the snow and snowflake as a curtain panel. It depends on the complexity of what your design is, one can create geometry directly in the curtain panel or you can use nested family to achieve the result. In the case of making snow, I just create a sphere inside the curtain panel; for snowflake, I used nested family. They both work very similar. Inside the Snow curtain panel, I have a reporting parameter D that drives everything, from the radius of the snow ball to location of the snow related to the panel, these parameters allow one to randomly create the snow scene in the project.
  • 26. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 26
  • 27. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 27 Best practice when using Curtain Wall for different use Disallow Join It is always a good idea to have the end point of the curtain wall set to disallow join to prevent the wall from connecting/cleaning up to the adjacent wall. (e.g. cabinet) Profile Rule of thumb: When drawing linework for a profile, it has to be a continuous boundary, no double loop is allowed. Tips: You can always leave a tiny gap in a double loop in order to comply this rule.
  • 28. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 28 Room Bounding Since Revit still treats Curtain Wall as a wall; the wall will be room bounding by default. It is best to un-check the box Room Bounding to avoid inaccurate room area data in schedule. Edit Profile Curtain Wall can be Edit Profile to change its overall shape. Revit most likely will allow any custom curtain panel to stay its shape with Edit Profile as long as the changes are rectangular. Any curve or diagonal sketch line around the curtain panel will default it back to system glazed panel. Recently, Revit made a subtle improvement which allows us to get around this limitation. We will further discuss this trick toward the end of the class.
  • 29. Unfold the Curtain! Think Outside the Curtain Wall Tool in Autodesk速 Revit速 29 Conclusion It is important to understand when one decided to use curtain wall system as an alternative design solution. They need to evaluate the pros and cons of this approach to see if it will fit the overall project teams goal during the course of the project. Understand how the curtain wall system is composed (i.e. what is Curtain Panel vs. Mullion) Is the grid repetitive or manually defined? Understand the limitation of Curtain Panel and Mullion and know how to get around it Understand how nested families are used when nesting into the Curtain Panel family Remember: The only limit is your imagination: Be creative and experiment! Thank you!