Sjajna prezentacija o uticaju droga na psihofiziko zdravlje oveka sa aspekta funkcionisanja nervnog sistema i sinaptikih veza. Biolo邸ka strana dejstva droge
Nervni sistem - Vladan Kruni - Jasmina Miljkovi鰻温邸温一看鉛温.鰻艶岳
Takmienje na portalu
"biramo najbolju lekciju"
februar 2012. godine,
Nervni sistem,
Vladan Kruni, III-4
Jasmina Miljkov.
Prva ni邸ka gimnazija "Stevan Sremac"
Nervni sistem - Vladan Kruni - Jasmina Miljkovi鰻温邸温一看鉛温.鰻艶岳
Takmienje na portalu
"biramo najbolju lekciju"
februar 2012. godine,
Nervni sistem,
Vladan Kruni, III-4
Jasmina Miljkov.
Prva ni邸ka gimnazija "Stevan Sremac"
The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of gray matter covering the cerebral hemispheres. It accommodates an enormous number of neurons through its large surface area, gyri and sulci, and laminar organization. The cortex can be divided into allocortex, archicortex, paleocortex, and isocortex. Isocortex has the typical six-layered structure and includes primary sensory, motor, and association areas. The cortex receives inputs from the thalamus and other subcortical structures and projects outputs to various targets. It plays a key role in various functions such as sensory processing, motor control, language, and higher cognition.