Presentasjon som tar for seg utfordringer, trender og nye løsninger rundt eID og eSignatur gitt av Atle Riksfjord på frokostseminar i regi Reaktor og BBS.
This document lists Jordan Braylee's favorite people as mom, dad, family, and best friend, their favorite sports as football, ballet, cheer, volleyball, and basketball, and their favorite places as the beach, their house, and West Stokes games. It also lists their favorite foods as pizza, spaghetti, and M&Ms.
Esta apresentação foi realizada tomando como base o artigo apresentado academicamente onde este vem analisar o perfil dos usuários de redes sociais de Aracaju (SE) relacionados ao marketing realizado neste ambiente.
Esta apresentação foi realizada tomando como base o artigo apresentado academicamente onde este vem analisar utilização das redes sociais como ferramenta de relacionamento com o cliente e sua aplicabilidade relacionada à SAC 2.0, levando em consideração o uso destas plataformas de interação social para aproximar ainda mais o cliente à empresa.
This document lists Jordan Braylee's favorite people as mom, dad, family, and best friend, their favorite sports as football, ballet, cheer, volleyball, and basketball, and their favorite places as the beach, their house, and West Stokes games. It also lists their favorite foods as pizza, spaghetti, and M&Ms.
This deck provides a consolidated view of the latest twitter cards and how they can be leveraged for different marketing purposes. The deck highlights the following Twitter Card types: Summary, Summary with Large Image, Photo Card, Gallery Card, App Card, Player Card, Product Card as well as a brief overview of the new analytics options.
Facebook Strategy Shift to Reach & FrequencyTom Edwards
Facebook is shifting its strategic focus from an engagement-driven model to a reach and frequency model based on paid media. This will significantly reduce organic reach for brands to 1-2% of followers. It means brands must now pay to reach audiences on Facebook. The document provides recommendations on creative, frequency, personalization, and optimization strategies given this change. It also discusses considerations around paid media, earned media, communities and defining the best path forward for each brand.
Where should marketers and brands place bets over the next five years? What is hype over substance? Taking all of this into consideration, I interviewed my strategy teams in Los Angeles, New York, and Dallas to map the state of digital marketing in the year 2020.
We had fun with discussions of drones, crypto currency, the internet of people, and more. While the team agreed fundamentally about certain platforms making an impact, there were pros and cons to impact and feasibility. The following presentation is the consolidated and highly visual vision of the future of advertisting in the year 2020.
We will take a look back at transformational media moments that give clues to the future state of advertising. We will then look at the role of integrated mobile, converged media, connected life and the digital ecosystem of the future.
Presentation Cameos by Drones, Terminators, the Jetson's, Marty McFly, Grumpy Cat and more!!!
This technical report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration examines pedestrian and bicyclist crash rates involving hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles using state crash data from 2000-2007. The report finds that HEVs have higher crash rates than ICE vehicles in certain scenarios, particularly when vehicles are slowing, stopping, backing up or entering/leaving parking spaces. It also finds higher bicyclist crash rates for HEVs at intersections. However, most crashes for both HEVs and ICE vehicles occurred on roadways with speed limits of 35 mph or less, during daylight in clear weather. The small sample size is a limitation, and future analysis with more data could provide more detailed results
3 New Facebook Promotional Engagement ModelsTom Edwards
The white paper outlines three new promotional engagement models that Facebook now supports based on recent changes to the promotional guidelines. It can be used as a resource when mapping client objectives to the ideal promotional engagement model, including making the call between an app vs. responsive News feed strategy or how hashtag promotions differ on Facebook vs. other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Vine.
Twitter Moments Launch & What it Means for Brand MarketersTom Edwards
Twitter launched Moments on October 6th, 2015 as curated collections of content from across Twitter on various topics. Moments allow for multiple content types and the ability to sequentially tell stories. While similar to Snapchat stories, Moments are less location-based and more focused on conversations. Twitter plans to roll out brand tools to allow 100% curated Moments, and see potential for advertising integration in the future to promote Moments and sponsor events.
How we consume information is constantly changing. With the shift towards highly visual storytelling and the decrease in organic reach by many social platforms it is even more important that your content tells a story and ultimately gets a users thumb to stop on your content and take notice.
This deck highlights best in class examples of visual storytelling, atomized content, thematics & real-time examples that are creative and drove engagement.
Many examples were featured by Facebook & Twitter teams as best in class.
16 Digital Trends for 2016 explores macro digital shifts that will impact digital marketing in the next year. The focus is to identify trends that can enhance campaigns in 2016 as well as provide a look into the near future through emerging technology that brand marketers will begin experimenting with in 2016. From the impact of Ad-Blocking to Holographic Computing, the deck will provide an overview and key takeaways for consideration.
Follow Tom Edwards @BlackFin360
Facebook held its annual F8 developer conference where it outlined its 10-year roadmap. Key announcements included the launch of the Messenger chat bot beta, which allows third-party developers to create chat bots for Messenger. Facebook also showcased early concepts for social virtual reality experiences. The document discusses trends from F8 including the rise of chat bots and conversational commerce on Messenger, as well as immersive experiences through virtual and augmented reality. It provides analysis of Facebook's strategies with Messenger, video, connectivity, artificial intelligence, and its approach to hardware and open platforms.
I recently attended the 2016 Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain. With over 100,000 attendees and 2,200 participating companies there was a lot of breaking news and tech on display that has the potential to reshape industries.
With mobile representing a primary access point for consumers this event is becoming increasingly important for brand marketers.
This document covers:
• Key industry topics discussed at MWC
• Overviews of technology that will empower
• The latest technology focused on creating
immersive experiences
• How connected cars are evolving to become
mobile platforms.
Tom Edwards
Chief Digital Officer, Agency
Below is my recap for CES 2016. I distilled the event into 6 strategic territories:
1) The New Reality - This section outlines the various virtual reality offerings presented
2) 3D Everything - A look at the advancements in 3D printing & scanning
3) Beyond Screens - This is a comprehensive look at new forms of computing and ways to connect with consumers with light
4) Accessories that Empower - A key factor in digital growth has been the creation of systems that empower consumers to create, be it images, videos, etc... This section focuses on the next evolution of accessories that will empower the creation of immersive experiences.
5) Smarter Home - There is an arms race to be the primary hub for the smart home. This section provides examples from Lowe's, LG and others who are working to connect IoT systems and the profitable ecosystem of sensors that accompany it
6) Intelligent Robotics - Emotive robotics and artificial intelligence will fundamentally change consumer behavior. This is a recap of intelligent robotic systems that were on display at CES 2016.
The line between social & native advertising continues to blur. With that in mind this deck provides an overview, examples and best practices for both open & closed native platforms.
This presentation focuses on the 6 broad native advertising product types such as in-feed, search, promoted listings, recommended content, custom content as well as native in traditional advertising.
Next the presentation outlines the differences between open & closed platforms as well as an ecosystem recap that outlines the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Taboola, Outbrain, etc...
Finally the presentation outlines some of the key elements that should be considered when creating native advertising creative.
The document discusses various colors like red, blue and green as well as the topic of art. However, most of the text is garbled words that do not form meaningful sentences.
xID fra BankID Norge, Digitroll presenterer en en helt ny måte å logge seg på...Digitroll
Si farvel til brukernavn og passord!
BankID Norge lanserer nå xID. Med xID er kundene dine pålogget en Digitroll nettbutikk med ett eller null klikk. Kundene dine må i dag huske brukernavn og passord til din og alle andre nettløsninger de bruker. Avhengig av hvor motivert kunden er så kan passordmarerittet være en hindring for salg i din nettbutikk.
Med xID så slipper kunden å huske på brukernavn og passord, og din nettbutikk fremstår som sikrere i bruk enn konkurrentenes.
Digitroll er BankID partner og har levert flere nettløsninger som bruker BankID som autentisering og signering.
Kontakt gjerne utviklingsleder Einar Godø eller Patrick Dahl hos Digitroll på tlf. 900 78 050 for mer informasjon om xID og nettløsning med BankID.
Se også eget webinar om xID her
BankID kontraktsløsning for offentlige virksomheterDigitroll
Fylkeskommuner benytter i dag en BankID- basert kontraktsløsning som lar foresatte signere på vegne av sitt barn. BankID i nettløsningen fungerer som både identifisering (pålogging) og signering (kontrakt). Det autogenereres standard kontrakter eller det kan opprettes unike. Løsningen er kombinert med sikker betalingsløsning fra Netaxept.
Alle kontrakter blir automatisk lagret digitalt og innbetalinger av egenandeler skjer digitalt uten kostbare administrative prosesser.
En webløsning som benytter elektronisk signering ved hjelp av BankID kan brukes av alle som skal ha signert enten standard kontrakter (f.eks. husleie) og/eller unike kontrakter. Du slipper å sende kontrakter via epost eller sneglepost, fysisk signere, scanne for å returnere osv.
This deck provides a consolidated view of the latest twitter cards and how they can be leveraged for different marketing purposes. The deck highlights the following Twitter Card types: Summary, Summary with Large Image, Photo Card, Gallery Card, App Card, Player Card, Product Card as well as a brief overview of the new analytics options.
Facebook Strategy Shift to Reach & FrequencyTom Edwards
Facebook is shifting its strategic focus from an engagement-driven model to a reach and frequency model based on paid media. This will significantly reduce organic reach for brands to 1-2% of followers. It means brands must now pay to reach audiences on Facebook. The document provides recommendations on creative, frequency, personalization, and optimization strategies given this change. It also discusses considerations around paid media, earned media, communities and defining the best path forward for each brand.
Where should marketers and brands place bets over the next five years? What is hype over substance? Taking all of this into consideration, I interviewed my strategy teams in Los Angeles, New York, and Dallas to map the state of digital marketing in the year 2020.
We had fun with discussions of drones, crypto currency, the internet of people, and more. While the team agreed fundamentally about certain platforms making an impact, there were pros and cons to impact and feasibility. The following presentation is the consolidated and highly visual vision of the future of advertisting in the year 2020.
We will take a look back at transformational media moments that give clues to the future state of advertising. We will then look at the role of integrated mobile, converged media, connected life and the digital ecosystem of the future.
Presentation Cameos by Drones, Terminators, the Jetson's, Marty McFly, Grumpy Cat and more!!!
This technical report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration examines pedestrian and bicyclist crash rates involving hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles using state crash data from 2000-2007. The report finds that HEVs have higher crash rates than ICE vehicles in certain scenarios, particularly when vehicles are slowing, stopping, backing up or entering/leaving parking spaces. It also finds higher bicyclist crash rates for HEVs at intersections. However, most crashes for both HEVs and ICE vehicles occurred on roadways with speed limits of 35 mph or less, during daylight in clear weather. The small sample size is a limitation, and future analysis with more data could provide more detailed results
3 New Facebook Promotional Engagement ModelsTom Edwards
The white paper outlines three new promotional engagement models that Facebook now supports based on recent changes to the promotional guidelines. It can be used as a resource when mapping client objectives to the ideal promotional engagement model, including making the call between an app vs. responsive News feed strategy or how hashtag promotions differ on Facebook vs. other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Vine.
Twitter Moments Launch & What it Means for Brand MarketersTom Edwards
Twitter launched Moments on October 6th, 2015 as curated collections of content from across Twitter on various topics. Moments allow for multiple content types and the ability to sequentially tell stories. While similar to Snapchat stories, Moments are less location-based and more focused on conversations. Twitter plans to roll out brand tools to allow 100% curated Moments, and see potential for advertising integration in the future to promote Moments and sponsor events.
How we consume information is constantly changing. With the shift towards highly visual storytelling and the decrease in organic reach by many social platforms it is even more important that your content tells a story and ultimately gets a users thumb to stop on your content and take notice.
This deck highlights best in class examples of visual storytelling, atomized content, thematics & real-time examples that are creative and drove engagement.
Many examples were featured by Facebook & Twitter teams as best in class.
16 Digital Trends for 2016 explores macro digital shifts that will impact digital marketing in the next year. The focus is to identify trends that can enhance campaigns in 2016 as well as provide a look into the near future through emerging technology that brand marketers will begin experimenting with in 2016. From the impact of Ad-Blocking to Holographic Computing, the deck will provide an overview and key takeaways for consideration.
Follow Tom Edwards @BlackFin360
Facebook held its annual F8 developer conference where it outlined its 10-year roadmap. Key announcements included the launch of the Messenger chat bot beta, which allows third-party developers to create chat bots for Messenger. Facebook also showcased early concepts for social virtual reality experiences. The document discusses trends from F8 including the rise of chat bots and conversational commerce on Messenger, as well as immersive experiences through virtual and augmented reality. It provides analysis of Facebook's strategies with Messenger, video, connectivity, artificial intelligence, and its approach to hardware and open platforms.
I recently attended the 2016 Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain. With over 100,000 attendees and 2,200 participating companies there was a lot of breaking news and tech on display that has the potential to reshape industries.
With mobile representing a primary access point for consumers this event is becoming increasingly important for brand marketers.
This document covers:
• Key industry topics discussed at MWC
• Overviews of technology that will empower
• The latest technology focused on creating
immersive experiences
• How connected cars are evolving to become
mobile platforms.
Tom Edwards
Chief Digital Officer, Agency
Below is my recap for CES 2016. I distilled the event into 6 strategic territories:
1) The New Reality - This section outlines the various virtual reality offerings presented
2) 3D Everything - A look at the advancements in 3D printing & scanning
3) Beyond Screens - This is a comprehensive look at new forms of computing and ways to connect with consumers with light
4) Accessories that Empower - A key factor in digital growth has been the creation of systems that empower consumers to create, be it images, videos, etc... This section focuses on the next evolution of accessories that will empower the creation of immersive experiences.
5) Smarter Home - There is an arms race to be the primary hub for the smart home. This section provides examples from Lowe's, LG and others who are working to connect IoT systems and the profitable ecosystem of sensors that accompany it
6) Intelligent Robotics - Emotive robotics and artificial intelligence will fundamentally change consumer behavior. This is a recap of intelligent robotic systems that were on display at CES 2016.
The line between social & native advertising continues to blur. With that in mind this deck provides an overview, examples and best practices for both open & closed native platforms.
This presentation focuses on the 6 broad native advertising product types such as in-feed, search, promoted listings, recommended content, custom content as well as native in traditional advertising.
Next the presentation outlines the differences between open & closed platforms as well as an ecosystem recap that outlines the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Taboola, Outbrain, etc...
Finally the presentation outlines some of the key elements that should be considered when creating native advertising creative.
The document discusses various colors like red, blue and green as well as the topic of art. However, most of the text is garbled words that do not form meaningful sentences.
xID fra BankID Norge, Digitroll presenterer en en helt ny måte å logge seg på...Digitroll
Si farvel til brukernavn og passord!
BankID Norge lanserer nå xID. Med xID er kundene dine pålogget en Digitroll nettbutikk med ett eller null klikk. Kundene dine må i dag huske brukernavn og passord til din og alle andre nettløsninger de bruker. Avhengig av hvor motivert kunden er så kan passordmarerittet være en hindring for salg i din nettbutikk.
Med xID så slipper kunden å huske på brukernavn og passord, og din nettbutikk fremstår som sikrere i bruk enn konkurrentenes.
Digitroll er BankID partner og har levert flere nettløsninger som bruker BankID som autentisering og signering.
Kontakt gjerne utviklingsleder Einar Godø eller Patrick Dahl hos Digitroll på tlf. 900 78 050 for mer informasjon om xID og nettløsning med BankID.
Se også eget webinar om xID her
BankID kontraktsløsning for offentlige virksomheterDigitroll
Fylkeskommuner benytter i dag en BankID- basert kontraktsløsning som lar foresatte signere på vegne av sitt barn. BankID i nettløsningen fungerer som både identifisering (pålogging) og signering (kontrakt). Det autogenereres standard kontrakter eller det kan opprettes unike. Løsningen er kombinert med sikker betalingsløsning fra Netaxept.
Alle kontrakter blir automatisk lagret digitalt og innbetalinger av egenandeler skjer digitalt uten kostbare administrative prosesser.
En webløsning som benytter elektronisk signering ved hjelp av BankID kan brukes av alle som skal ha signert enten standard kontrakter (f.eks. husleie) og/eller unike kontrakter. Du slipper å sende kontrakter via epost eller sneglepost, fysisk signere, scanne for å returnere osv.
3. Fakta om Internett og nettbank
• 3,3 millioner bruker internett
• 3,1 millioner nettbankbrukere (81% av den voksne
• 93% av de i alderen 25-40 år bruker nettbank
• Bruk av nettbank blant de over 66 år økte med 17%
fra i fjor
• Antall BankIDer er p.t på ca. 2,5 millioner
4. MÃ¥nedlige transaksjoner noen store bank
100 000 000
90 000 000
80 000 000
70 000 000
60 000 000
50 000 000
40 000 000
30 000 000
20 000 000
10 000 000
Januar Februar Mars April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober
BankID BankAxept eFaktura B2C AvtaleGiro
15. Hvordan komme i gang?
• Identifiser aktuelle forretningsprosesser der eID kan benyttes
• Prioriter det som gir størst gevinst og bygg deretter på med nye tjenester
• Gjør avtale med BBS og aktuelle ID leverandører
• Test miljø hos BBS opprettes
• Utvikling og test
• Produksjon
16. Kontakt:
Lars Mikkelsen
997 20112