9. Utility of Basilic Vein Transposition for Dialysis Access,
Hosam F. El Sayed, Vascular. 2005;13(5):268-274
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA
46. A. The transposition procedure may create
significant arm swelling and patient pain.
B. They have a higher incidence of steal and
arm swelling than other fistula types.
Selection of Permanent Vascular Access and Order
of Preference for Placement of AV Fistulae
47. 10 劉侶 留僚留隆凌亮旅虜流 亮竜了劉侶
28 patients with critical hand ischaemia following
access and surgical repair. ccess that resulted in
the limb-threatening 'steal'
10 autologous brachiocephalic arteriovenous (AV)
fistulae and 18 AV bridge grafts
Onset of arterial 'steal' following proximal angioaccess: immediate and
delayed types.
Lazarides MK, Staramos DN: Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2003 18:2387-90.