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Audio Check
1. Wait for the support person to call your name
2. Say Hello. To talk, either:
 Click the TALK button on the screen, OR
 Press CTRL+F2 (COMMAND+F2 for MAC)
 Click TALK or press the keys again when done speaking
3. Click the check button on
the top of the screen to
put up a green check.
Welcome to Blackboard Collaborate!
In this orientation session you will learn:
 How to install and enter Blackboard Collaborate (BbC)
 Basic features of the BbC Interface
 Communicating in class
 Getting Help
Student Orientation updated 3/2/15
Entering from Blackboard
 Make sure to read all of the material on the Blackboard
Collaborate Wiki (the Student Page) to make the most of
your online sessions. Access by clicking on Read this
 Click on the room associated with your course.
Install Blackboard Collaborate
 If this is the first time you are running Blackboard Collaborate (BbC),
click Download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher.
 You will find the file in your Downloads Directory.
 Double-Click the file to install Blackboard Collaborate.
Join Room
 Click Join Room
 A meeting.collab file will be downloaded to your Downloads
directory. Double-click it to launch BbC. Be patient, this may take a
 You need to download a new file every time you want to enter a new
BbC session.
 Make sure to use the most recent file with the highest humber (e.g.
 Below Join Room button, click 2nd tab  Recordings
 Find the recording by date/time; click the purple button.
 A play.collab (or play-3, etc.) file will be downloaded to your
Downloads directory. Double-click it to launch the archive.
Classroom Overview
Audio Setup Wizard
 Upon entering the BbC room, always run the Audio Setup Wizard to
see that your microphone and speakers (or headset) are functioning
Participants Panel
1  Status Options
2  Away
3  Hand Raise (with number)
4  Yes/No
Text Chat
Type message in white bar, then press enter/return to send it
Public Message
Private Message
To initiate a private chat:
A tab will then appear for that user at the
bottom of the Chat area
 Click the Talk button with your mouse to enable the
microphone when it is your turn to speak.
 Click it again when you are done speaking.
 You can also press CTRL-F2 to turn mic on and off.
 Do not leave your Talk button down
when you are done speaking.
 Use the sliders to adjust volume
level for both mic and speakers
Audio Problems?
 If you find you cannot hear (or speak) during your session, it is
possible to connect via telephone.
 Click Tools, Telephony, Use Telephone for Audio
 Once youve connected to the teleconference, click OK.
 Arrive 10-15 minutes before class
 Do audio mic check before going away
 Connect wired instead of wireless
 Master basic troubleshooting
 Try to exit and re-enter the room
 Try a different browser (have 2 or 3 installed)
 Call in for audio if having problems (dont wait)
 Check for current version of Java, clear Java cache
 Basic etiquette
 Talking  dont leave TALK pressed when youre not speaking
 Status  clear status of checks, hands, etc. promptly
 Phoning  wait until called on, mute phone if not talking
Support Resources
Email Web Conferencing Support Staff:
UMass Boston Blackboard Collaborate Wiki:
Blackboard Collaborate Support Portal

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  • 1. Audio Check 1. Wait for the support person to call your name 2. Say Hello. To talk, either: Click the TALK button on the screen, OR Press CTRL+F2 (COMMAND+F2 for MAC) Click TALK or press the keys again when done speaking 3. Click the check button on the top of the screen to put up a green check.
  • 2. Welcome to Blackboard Collaborate! In this orientation session you will learn: How to install and enter Blackboard Collaborate (BbC) Basic features of the BbC Interface Communicating in class Getting Help Student Orientation updated 3/2/15
  • 3. Entering from Blackboard Make sure to read all of the material on the Blackboard Collaborate Wiki (the Student Page) to make the most of your online sessions. Access by clicking on Read this First. Click on the room associated with your course.
  • 4. Install Blackboard Collaborate If this is the first time you are running Blackboard Collaborate (BbC), click Download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher. You will find the file in your Downloads Directory. Double-Click the file to install Blackboard Collaborate.
  • 5. Join Room Click Join Room A meeting.collab file will be downloaded to your Downloads directory. Double-click it to launch BbC. Be patient, this may take a minute. You need to download a new file every time you want to enter a new BbC session. Make sure to use the most recent file with the highest humber (e.g. meeting-6.collab).
  • 6. Recordings Below Join Room button, click 2nd tab Recordings Find the recording by date/time; click the purple button. A play.collab (or play-3, etc.) file will be downloaded to your Downloads directory. Double-click it to launch the archive.
  • 8. Audio Setup Wizard Upon entering the BbC room, always run the Audio Setup Wizard to see that your microphone and speakers (or headset) are functioning properly.
  • 9. Participants Panel 1 Status Options 2 Away 3 Hand Raise (with number) 4 Yes/No
  • 10. Text Chat Type message in white bar, then press enter/return to send it Public Message Private Message To initiate a private chat: A tab will then appear for that user at the bottom of the Chat area
  • 11. Talking Click the Talk button with your mouse to enable the microphone when it is your turn to speak. Click it again when you are done speaking. You can also press CTRL-F2 to turn mic on and off. Do not leave your Talk button down when you are done speaking. Use the sliders to adjust volume level for both mic and speakers
  • 12. Audio Problems? If you find you cannot hear (or speak) during your session, it is possible to connect via telephone. Click Tools, Telephony, Use Telephone for Audio Once youve connected to the teleconference, click OK.
  • 13. Recommendations Arrive 10-15 minutes before class Do audio mic check before going away Connect wired instead of wireless Master basic troubleshooting Try to exit and re-enter the room Try a different browser (have 2 or 3 installed) Call in for audio if having problems (dont wait) Check for current version of Java, clear Java cache Basic etiquette Talking dont leave TALK pressed when youre not speaking Status clear status of checks, hands, etc. promptly Phoning wait until called on, mute phone if not talking
  • 14. Support Resources Email Web Conferencing Support Staff: umb.connect@umb.edu UMass Boston Blackboard Collaborate Wiki: http://bbc.wikispaces.umb.edu Blackboard Collaborate Support Portal http://support.blackboardcollaborate.com/ics/support/default.asp ?deptID=8336