This resume is for K.M. Shaheen Siddique, who has a Masters in Social Work from the University of Rajshahi. He has relevant research and internship experience and lists his educational qualifications which include a B.S.S from the University of Rajshahi. He provides details on his computer skills, languages, hobbies, strengths and social/cultural activities. References are also included.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang benih unggul padi sawah, termasuk pengertian dan aspek terkaitnya. Benih bermutu tinggi memiliki ciri-ciri seperti varietas asli, seragam, bersih, daya berkecambah tinggi, sehat, dan berlabel sertifikasi. Menggunakan benih bermutu akan menghasilkan panen yang lebih tinggi karena pertumbuhan yang cepat dan seragam.
This document discusses three group techniques for reaching consensus: brainstorming, the Delphi technique, and the nominal group technique. Brainstorming focuses on generating many ideas without evaluation. The Delphi technique uses anonymous questionnaires and feedback to gather ideas from experts. The nominal group technique has each member state an idea in turn, then secretly rank all ideas. The document compares the techniques and notes leaders should consider their advantages and disadvantages to select what best suits their specific organization.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang kerja sama antara koperasi dan pengusaha di Jombang. Ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi koperasi seperti regulasi, tata kelola, sumber daya manusia, dan permodalan. Upaya yang dibahas adalah membentuk koperasi saudagar di tingkat kabupaten yang dapat bekerja sama dengan koperasi saudagar nasional untuk memperluas jejaring usaha dan mendapatkan pendanaan. Koperasi saudagar diharapkan dap
This document summarizes online searching tips presented by Mindy McAdams from the University of Florida. It discusses advanced search options on Google, evaluating the trustworthiness of websites, investigating website sources, top-level domains, open directories, the Wayback Machine, health information resources, blog searching, and using critical thinking to evaluate online information.
The document provides information about searching an online school media center catalog from different locations including the media center itself, computer lab, home, or any computer with internet access. It gives step-by-step instructions on how to access the catalog from the school website and media center pages. It also includes several examples of multiple choice questions about searching for books by title, author, subject, or call number and provides feedback to help understand the different search strategies.
PT. People Search Indonesia is an executive search firm that has been operating in Indonesia since 2002. It recruits candidates for top positions in various industries such as fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, banking, and information technology. People Search Indonesia is a member of the National Personnel Associates, a worldwide network of recruitment firms. It has a standardized recruitment process that involves screening candidates, interviewing suitable applicants, presenting recommendations to clients, and assisting with the hiring process. For inquiries about services or potential job opportunities, contact details are provided.
The document provides guidance on writing personal narratives and strengthening personal stories. It discusses focusing stories on what is important and showing rather than just telling. Writers are advised to choose a specific moment from their life to describe, such as a time they were happy, rather than trying to tell their whole life story. The document uses examples like a trip to Disneyland to illustrate how choosing one memorable moment can make a personal narrative more engaging.
This document discusses how search engines work and provides tips for improving searches on Google. It explains that search engines are websites designed to help users find information stored on other sites. It also outlines some advanced search techniques for Google, such as using lowercase letters for searches, limiting searches to 32 words or less, and using quotation marks to search for phrases exactly as written.
This document provides instructions for using descriptive statistics, filtering, advanced filtering, pivot tables, and other data analysis tools in Excel. It explains how to compute descriptive statistics using functions or the Data Analysis ToolPak. It also demonstrates how to filter datasets, use advanced filtering to extract subsets of records, create and format pivot tables to summarize data, add and modify fields, and link pivot table cells to external formulas.
1) The document discusses various advanced search strategies that can be used within Google including using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, limiting searches to words in the title using intitle or allintitle, excluding commercial sites using -com, limiting to educational sites using .edu, and searching within a specific site.
2) It provides examples of searches using these strategies such as searching for "halifax explosion of 1917" with and without quotes or searching "storm warning" and "storm warning".edu.
3) The document also discusses searching for specific file types like .pdf, .ppt, or .doc by adding the file extension like fractions.ppt.
Kiat masuk jurnal internasional berindex scopus Yeffry Handoko
The document discusses the life cycle of international journals, including the publication, citation, and evaluation processes. It describes how journals are published online and indexed. It also explains several metrics used to evaluate journals, such as the H-index, i10-index, impact factor, SJR, and SNIP. These metrics are calculated using citation data from databases like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar to measure a journal's influence and quality.
Android is an open source mobile operating system developed by Google. It was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and the first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in 2008. Major versions include Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat and later versions, each named in alphabetical order after desserts and confectionery. The document provides details on the origin of Android and outlines the key features and changes introduced in each major version.
This document outlines a course on knowledge acquisition in decision making, including the course objectives of introducing data mining techniques and enhancing skills in applying tools like SAS Enterprise Miner and WEKA to solve problems. The course content is described, covering topics like the knowledge discovery process, predictive and descriptive modeling, and a project presentation. Evaluation includes assignments, case studies, and a final exam.
Google provides a powerful search engine that indexes web pages. It allows for various search techniques like phrase searches using quotes, Boolean searches using AND, OR and parentheses, negation using dashes, and including synonyms using tildes. Google ignores common words by default but they can be explicitly included using plus signs. Other special syntax includes using site: to limit to a domain, inurl: to search URLs, link: to find pages that link to a URL, and cache: to find cached pages. Filetype, related, phonebook, define, movie and music can target specific content types.
The document provides tips and techniques for enhancing Google searches, including using quotation marks, operators, and advanced search options. It also discusses Google Scholar for searching academic citations and articles, and alternatives to Google like other search engines and desktop search programs. The final section reminds users to evaluate resources and consider term reusability, popularity, and archives when searching.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara menulis daftar pustaka yang benar, mulai dari penjelasan apa itu daftar pustaka dan pentingnya daftar pustaka, sampai contoh-contoh penulisan daftar pustaka dari berbagai sumber referensi seperti buku, internet, dan tulisan dengan lebih dari satu pengarang. Dokumen ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memahami standar penulisan daftar pustaka.
This document outlines the objectives, content, evaluation, and prerequisites for a course on Knowledge Acquisition in Decision Making, which introduces students to data mining techniques and how to apply them to solve business problems using SAS Enterprise Miner and WEKA. The course covers topics such as data preprocessing, predictive modeling with decision trees and neural networks, descriptive modeling with clustering and association rules, and a project presentation. Students will be evaluated based on assignments, case studies, a project, quizzes, class participation, and a final exam.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan penulisan daftar pustaka yang baik dengan menjelaskan urutan penulisan nama pengarang, judul, tahun terbit, dan penerbit. Juga dijelaskan cara penulisan daftar pustaka dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, internet, jurnal, koran, dan majalah.
Dokumen ini memberikan informasi mengenai Pusat Kokurikulum sebuah sekolah. Ia menyenaraikan struktur organisasi pusat tersebut yang terdiri daripada bahagian pentadbiran, akademik, dan aktiviti. Dokumen ini juga menyenaraikan statistik pelajar yang terlibat dalam aktiviti kokurikulum dan unit-unit kokurikulum yang ditawarkan.
This document provides an overview of Google Search tips and tricks to refine search techniques. It discusses using special characters and operators like the minus sign, asterisk, double quotes, brackets and OR to narrow searches. It also explains how to search for images, videos, maps, news, definitions and do calculations. Additional Google products covered include Drive, Calendar, Translate and tools for flights, weather, currency conversion and unit conversion.
This document provides an overview of Mendeley, a free reference manager and academic social network. It discusses how Mendeley can be used to organize references, collaborate with other researchers, import citations from various sources, and read papers on mobile devices. It also covers citing references in papers, changing citation styles, searching the library of references, and sharing documents with other researchers through groups.
Panduan Akses E-Resources Kemenristekdikti Tahun 2017Dripa Sjabana
Dokumen tersebut merupakan pedoman penggunaan akses basis data e-journal yang dilanggan oleh Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi untuk perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian di Indonesia. Pedoman ini menjelaskan basis data apa saja yang dilanggan, cara mengakses basis data tersebut, dan strategi optimal dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya elektronik tersebut untuk penelitian.
Publishing in e journals by Dripa 2014 at Bandung 23rd Oct Surabaya 14th NovDripa Sjabana
This document discusses publishing in e-journals. It provides information on Dripa Sjabana's background and experience in academia and publishing. Key advantages of publishing in e-journals include faster publication times, global access online, and metrics like impact factors that provide measures of influence. E-journals also allow features like embedded multimedia and linking between articles.
The document provides guidance on writing personal narratives and strengthening personal stories. It discusses focusing stories on what is important and showing rather than just telling. Writers are advised to choose a specific moment from their life to describe, such as a time they were happy, rather than trying to tell their whole life story. The document uses examples like a trip to Disneyland to illustrate how choosing one memorable moment can make a personal narrative more engaging.
This document discusses how search engines work and provides tips for improving searches on Google. It explains that search engines are websites designed to help users find information stored on other sites. It also outlines some advanced search techniques for Google, such as using lowercase letters for searches, limiting searches to 32 words or less, and using quotation marks to search for phrases exactly as written.
This document provides instructions for using descriptive statistics, filtering, advanced filtering, pivot tables, and other data analysis tools in Excel. It explains how to compute descriptive statistics using functions or the Data Analysis ToolPak. It also demonstrates how to filter datasets, use advanced filtering to extract subsets of records, create and format pivot tables to summarize data, add and modify fields, and link pivot table cells to external formulas.
1) The document discusses various advanced search strategies that can be used within Google including using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, limiting searches to words in the title using intitle or allintitle, excluding commercial sites using -com, limiting to educational sites using .edu, and searching within a specific site.
2) It provides examples of searches using these strategies such as searching for "halifax explosion of 1917" with and without quotes or searching "storm warning" and "storm warning".edu.
3) The document also discusses searching for specific file types like .pdf, .ppt, or .doc by adding the file extension like fractions.ppt.
Kiat masuk jurnal internasional berindex scopus Yeffry Handoko
The document discusses the life cycle of international journals, including the publication, citation, and evaluation processes. It describes how journals are published online and indexed. It also explains several metrics used to evaluate journals, such as the H-index, i10-index, impact factor, SJR, and SNIP. These metrics are calculated using citation data from databases like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar to measure a journal's influence and quality.
Android is an open source mobile operating system developed by Google. It was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and the first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in 2008. Major versions include Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat and later versions, each named in alphabetical order after desserts and confectionery. The document provides details on the origin of Android and outlines the key features and changes introduced in each major version.
This document outlines a course on knowledge acquisition in decision making, including the course objectives of introducing data mining techniques and enhancing skills in applying tools like SAS Enterprise Miner and WEKA to solve problems. The course content is described, covering topics like the knowledge discovery process, predictive and descriptive modeling, and a project presentation. Evaluation includes assignments, case studies, and a final exam.
Google provides a powerful search engine that indexes web pages. It allows for various search techniques like phrase searches using quotes, Boolean searches using AND, OR and parentheses, negation using dashes, and including synonyms using tildes. Google ignores common words by default but they can be explicitly included using plus signs. Other special syntax includes using site: to limit to a domain, inurl: to search URLs, link: to find pages that link to a URL, and cache: to find cached pages. Filetype, related, phonebook, define, movie and music can target specific content types.
The document provides tips and techniques for enhancing Google searches, including using quotation marks, operators, and advanced search options. It also discusses Google Scholar for searching academic citations and articles, and alternatives to Google like other search engines and desktop search programs. The final section reminds users to evaluate resources and consider term reusability, popularity, and archives when searching.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara menulis daftar pustaka yang benar, mulai dari penjelasan apa itu daftar pustaka dan pentingnya daftar pustaka, sampai contoh-contoh penulisan daftar pustaka dari berbagai sumber referensi seperti buku, internet, dan tulisan dengan lebih dari satu pengarang. Dokumen ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memahami standar penulisan daftar pustaka.
This document outlines the objectives, content, evaluation, and prerequisites for a course on Knowledge Acquisition in Decision Making, which introduces students to data mining techniques and how to apply them to solve business problems using SAS Enterprise Miner and WEKA. The course covers topics such as data preprocessing, predictive modeling with decision trees and neural networks, descriptive modeling with clustering and association rules, and a project presentation. Students will be evaluated based on assignments, case studies, a project, quizzes, class participation, and a final exam.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan penulisan daftar pustaka yang baik dengan menjelaskan urutan penulisan nama pengarang, judul, tahun terbit, dan penerbit. Juga dijelaskan cara penulisan daftar pustaka dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, internet, jurnal, koran, dan majalah.
Dokumen ini memberikan informasi mengenai Pusat Kokurikulum sebuah sekolah. Ia menyenaraikan struktur organisasi pusat tersebut yang terdiri daripada bahagian pentadbiran, akademik, dan aktiviti. Dokumen ini juga menyenaraikan statistik pelajar yang terlibat dalam aktiviti kokurikulum dan unit-unit kokurikulum yang ditawarkan.
This document provides an overview of Google Search tips and tricks to refine search techniques. It discusses using special characters and operators like the minus sign, asterisk, double quotes, brackets and OR to narrow searches. It also explains how to search for images, videos, maps, news, definitions and do calculations. Additional Google products covered include Drive, Calendar, Translate and tools for flights, weather, currency conversion and unit conversion.
This document provides an overview of Mendeley, a free reference manager and academic social network. It discusses how Mendeley can be used to organize references, collaborate with other researchers, import citations from various sources, and read papers on mobile devices. It also covers citing references in papers, changing citation styles, searching the library of references, and sharing documents with other researchers through groups.
Panduan Akses E-Resources Kemenristekdikti Tahun 2017Dripa Sjabana
Dokumen tersebut merupakan pedoman penggunaan akses basis data e-journal yang dilanggan oleh Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi untuk perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian di Indonesia. Pedoman ini menjelaskan basis data apa saja yang dilanggan, cara mengakses basis data tersebut, dan strategi optimal dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya elektronik tersebut untuk penelitian.
Publishing in e journals by Dripa 2014 at Bandung 23rd Oct Surabaya 14th NovDripa Sjabana
This document discusses publishing in e-journals. It provides information on Dripa Sjabana's background and experience in academia and publishing. Key advantages of publishing in e-journals include faster publication times, global access online, and metrics like impact factors that provide measures of influence. E-journals also allow features like embedded multimedia and linking between articles.
This 3 sentence summary provides an overview of the key points about smart browsing from the document:
The document discusses smart browsing which involves using Google Scholar and other research databases like PubMed, EBSCO, and ProQuest to search for and refine academic articles and sources on various topics and fields of study. It also explains how to set preferences for smart browsing like language selection, citation style, email alerts, and saving and sharing sources. Instructions for using the smart browsing tools are available in a training manual PDF link provided.
Manual ini memberikan panduan tentang cara mengakses dan menggunakan database elektronik jurnal yang disediakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Manual ini menjelaskan cara mendapatkan akses melalui IP address untuk akses dalam kampus dan melalui username dan password untuk akses di luar kampus. Manual ini juga menjelaskan fitur-fitur pencarian yang tersedia pada database elektronik jurnal seperti ProQuest.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pesan untuk menghargai apa yang kita miliki dan bersyukur atas keberuntungan kita. Dokumen tersebut mengingatkan pembaca untuk tidak terlalu banyak mengeluh dengan membandingkan kondisi pembaca dengan orang-orang yang lebih kurang beruntung. Dokumen tersebut mengajak pembaca untuk berbagi keberuntungan dengan orang lain.
Peran E Journal Dalam Internasionalisasi Publikasi Ilmiah Dripa 25 Februari ...Dripa Sjabana
Dripa Sjabana presented on the importance of electronic journals and how to develop them. Some key points include:
- Electronic journals have advantages over print journals like faster publication and review times, inclusion of multimedia, and improved citation tracking.
- Major e-journal providers include Nature and Science, which are among the most highly cited journals. Bibliometric data on citations and impact factors can be found on databases like Web of Science.
- Developing an institutional e-journal portal provides benefits like increased visibility, promotion of faculty work, and improved national competitiveness. The Garuda portal aggregates Indonesian scholarly works.
- Future developments may include advanced e-journal management systems and meta-
Australia's energy policy for heavy industries such as steel production are based on storing renewable energy as green hydrogen. However, steel production is energy intensive and green hydrogen is proving to be difficult to commercialise, let alone produce, store, and transport. The renewable energy link to Indonesia and Singapore, based on the plan for the Australian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara, has been replaced by the idea that green hydrogen can be converted to green ammonia for transportation, and converted back to hydrogen on the other side. Again, the process is energy intensive. Add to the energy demands that will be created by data centres and artificial intelligence, the scaling up of energy production is unlikely to be met without nuclear. The green energy dream is unlikely to materialise and is proving unworkable.
KCS Whitepaper - A Blockchain-Based Value Self-Circulation EcosystemKuCoin - Exchange
A whitepaper is a document detailing a crypto project's concept, technical information, roadmap, and tokenomics.
KCS holders also form the core user group responsible for the growth of KuCoin.
At the same time, the development and growth of KuCoin provides KCS ecosystem.
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KuCoin - Exchange - KuCard - physical Debit Card - International - Crypto
AI Safety in Parliaments: Latest Standards and Compliance ChallengesDr. Fotios Fitsilis
Joint presentation by Fotis Fitsilis and Vasileios Alexiou at the International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Society (IWCS)
5 March 2025
Universit辿 du Qu辿bec en Outaouais, Canada
Profisee - HIMSS workshop - Mar 2025 - final.pptxProfisee
Workshop presentation given at the HIMSS 2025 conference, featuring Martin Boyd from Profisee, Anna Taylor from Multicare, Brigitte Tebow from Azulity, and Camille Whicker from Microsoft
Your paragraph text_20250307_191630_0000.pdfjatv64344
The hospitality industry is deeply influenced by social and cultural factors that shape customer expectations, service delivery, and overall business operations. Hospitality, which encompasses lodging, food and beverage services, travel, and tourism, thrives on human interactions. Understanding the social and cultural dimensions is crucial for businesses to create positive guest experiences, ensure inclusivity, and maintain a competitive edge in a globalized world. This paper explores the social and cultural perspectives in hospitality, focusing on their impact on service quality, customer relations, workforce diversity, and the adaptation of businesses to different cultural settings.
Science Communication beyond Journal Publications WorkshopWAIHIGA K.MUTURI
Science Not Shared is Science Lost: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Impact 鏝
In the heart of Africa, where innovation meets resilience, lies an untapped reservoir of scientific brilliance. Yet, too often, groundbreaking research remains confined within the walls of journals, inaccessible to the communities it seeks to serve. This February, I am thrilled to join the "Science Communication Beyond Journal Publications" workshop at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) as one of the lead trainers. Together, we will unravel the power of storytelling, creative media, and strategic communication to amplify science's voice beyond academia.
Science is not just about discoveryit's about connection. Imagine a researcher in Kampala whose work could transform public health policy but struggles to translate their findings into actionable insights for policymakers. Or a young scientist in Nairobi whose groundbreaking study on climate resilience could inspire farmers but remains buried in technical jargon. These stories matter. They hold the potential to change lives and rewrite Africas narrative on poverty and development.
At this workshop, we will explore how scientists can collaborate with communicators to craft compelling stories that resonate with policymakers, communities, and global audiences alike. From podcasts that bring lab discoveries to life ァ to press releases that spark media attention and digital tools that democratize knowledge we will empower participants to make their research accessible and impactful.
This mission aligns deeply with my belief that Africa MUST change the way it tackles poverty. Science communication is not just about sharing knowledge; it's about driving action. When researchers effectively communicate their work, they empower communities with solutions rooted in evidence. They influence policies that prioritize sustainable development. They inspire innovation that addresses grassroots challenges.
Let us humanize scienceinfuse it with stories of hope, struggle, and triumphand ensure it reaches those who need it most. Because when science connects with people, it transforms lives.
To my fellow scientists and communicators: this is our call to action. Lets bridge the gap between discovery and impact. Lets co-create stories that not only inform but inspire action across Africa and beyond.
Swipe through the carousel to explore them all.
P.S. Need help with SEO or PPC? send me a DM, and I'll be happy to assist you.
Follow Md Emran Hossain for more insightful content like this!
Strategic Excellence: In the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology, and governance, traditional views of capital as a static resource no longer suffice. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must not only accumulate resources but must activate, integrate, and orchestrate them in ways that align with long-term goals. Jarinzo Tanabatas Six Capital Forces offers a rigorous and pragmatic framework for achieving this level of strategic agility. By viewing capital not as a static accumulation but as an interconnected system of forces, Tanabata introduces a model that drives growth, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
In the same tradition as thinkers like Peter Drucker, who emphasized the importance of aligning strategy with organizational capabilities, and Michael Porter, who outlined the critical dynamics of competitive advantage, Tanabata offers a vision of capital that is fluid, responsive, and ever-adapting. His Six Capital Forces Intellectual, Social, Financial, Human, Structural, and Natural must be continuously activated, integrated, and orchestrated to yield real value. This approach aligns with the strategic and operational needs of organizations looking to excel in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Traditionally, capital was seen primarily as a static resource to be accumulated: assets, cash reserves, intellectual property, and human resources. But Tanabata's framework challenges this perspective by viewing capital as a dynamic force, a series of interrelated modalities that must be activated and integrated to drive sustained value creation. The success of modern institutions, corporations, and political bodies does not lie simply in their capital reserves but in their capacity to activate and orchestrate these reserves to deliver tangible, long-term results.
FIFA Friendly Match at Alberni Valley - Strategic Plan.pptxabuhasanjahangir
Let us make this match as the featured International friendly match between Team Canada and a popular World Cup-playing nation in Alberni Valley as part of the lead-up to FIFA 2026. This event will create global attention and drive economic and community benefits.
16. Pemilihan Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia
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