The document discusses microservice architecture and provides advice before adopting this approach. It cautions that microservices means increased latency and failure points. Rather than rushing into microservices, it recommends first understanding how to build better monolithic systems by studying an application's behavior and true interaction patterns. The document emphasizes that loose coupling and tight cohesion are most important in application design, and advises learning from past distributed system failures before distributing a system.
Jorge Enrique Adoum fue un escritor ecuatoriano nacido en 1926 en Ambato y fallecido en 2009 en Quito. Estudi坦 derecho y filosof鱈a en la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Fue escritor, pol鱈tico, ensayista, traductor y diplom叩tico. Ocup坦 varios cargos culturales como director nacional de cultura y fue funcionario de la ONU. Recibi坦 varios premios literarios como el Eugenio Espejo. Adoum desarroll坦 su obra literaria en el contexto de la revoluci坦n juliana de 1925 que derroc
For more information about
Embassy Boulevard, Yelahanka, Bangalore. Visit:
El D鱈a de Australia se celebra el 26 de enero para conmemorar la llegada de Arthur Phillip con la Primera Flota a S鱈dney Cove en 1788, un evento clave en el establecimiento del primer asentamiento europeo permanente en Australia.
Kumamoto is known for its hot springs called onsen, especially Kurokawa onsen which has many spas. Many people visit the spas in Kurokawa onsen every year. Visitors can purchase an onsen tegata for about 1000 yen to gain entry to some of the spas in the area, and the document recommends buying one.
Ibiza is the third largest of the Balearic Islands located off the coast of Spain. It has a long history dating back to when it gained self-governing status in the late 1970s as part of the Balearic Islands. Today, Ibiza is known for its many bars and clubs, including popular spots like Space, Pacha, Privilege, Amnesia, Dc10, and Caf辿 del Mar, that cater to visitors of all ages.
Entornos colaborativos, claves y tendencias, CompetenciasDolors Reig
Jornada sobre Tend竪ncies i Innovaci坦
en la Societat del Coneixement a la nostra seu central a Tibidabo:
The document discusses continuous integration and feature branches. It describes how one company, Henry, manages merging feature branches from multiple scrum teams into a trunk. Henry faces challenges with the manual and late merging process. The document suggests automating merging more frequently to apply agile principles and reduce integration problems. This would give Henry more time to focus on other important tasks.
This document discusses how open government data can be used to drive high growth in less digital sectors of the economy. It provides examples of startups created using open data in areas like energy efficiency, transportation, public safety, and more. The document advocates for creating a data incubator that brings together civil society, government, and businesses to support startup creation through access to open data, funding, mentorship and other resources. It outlines the benefits for startups, industries, investors and society, and references other successful models of open data incubators.
Jorge Enrique Adoum fue un escritor ecuatoriano influyente que naci坦 en 1926 y falleci坦 en 2009. Fue poeta, dramaturgo, ensayista y novelista. Adquiri坦 reconocimiento por su poes鱈a vanguardista y por obras como "Ecuador amargo" y "Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda". Recibi坦 varios premios literarios como el Premio Casa de las Am辿ricas y el Premio Xavier Villaurrutia. Adoum es considerado una de las figuras m叩s importantes de la literatura ecuatoriana del siglo XX.
Fernando de Rojas naci坦 en 1470 en Toledo y escribi坦 la 炭nica obra que se le conoce, La Celestina, publicada por primera vez en 1499. La Celestina es una tragicomedia innovadora que narra la historia de amor entre Calisto y Melibea y explora temas como la psicolog鱈a humana, el lenguaje y la sociedad de la 辿poca a trav辿s de personajes complejos. La obra tuvo un gran 辿xito y popularidad desde su primera publicaci坦n.
Este documento presenta fotos y breves descripciones de varias caracter鱈sticas del Palacio de La Magdalena en Santander, incluyendo vistas de la ciudad y el palacio, interiores, estatuas, galeones, la Universidad Men辿ndez Pelayo, un peque単o zool坦gico y un sal坦n. El autor espera que a los lectores les guste y que tengan la oportunidad de visitar el palacio.
El documento habla sobre la drogadicci坦n en adolescentes. Explica que las drogas son sustancias qu鱈micas da単inas que producen sensaciones placenteras pero tambi辿n depresi坦n. Los adolescentes a veces las usan para evadirse. Las causas incluyen curiosidad, ignorancia, soledad y presi坦n de amigos. Las consecuencias son da単os f鱈sicos y psicol坦gicos graves, marginaci坦n, p辿rdida de autocontrol y adicci坦n e incluso la muerte. La prevenci坦n es importante a trav辿s de la educaci坦n y alertando a los j坦venes sobre los
El texto expositivo tiene como objetivo informar de forma objetiva, clara y bien argumentada sobre un tema. Presenta informaci坦n objetiva y utiliza un estilo claro y sencillo con oraciones breves y vocabulario preciso. Su estructura incluye una introducci坦n sobre el tema, el desarrollo de las ideas principales y una conclusi坦n que resume las caracter鱈sticas del texto.
Jorge Luis Borges naci坦 en 1899 en Buenos Aires y mostr坦 inter辿s en la escritura desde una edad temprana. A lo largo de su vida, viaj坦 por Europa y Latinoam辿rica y particip坦 en varios movimientos literarios como el ultra鱈smo. Sin embargo, se hizo famoso principalmente por sus cuentos cortos de ficci坦n que exploraban temas filos坦ficos y metaf鱈sicos. Algunas de sus obras m叩s conocidas incluyen Ficciones y El Aleph. Borges recibi坦 numerosos premios y reconocimientos por su
Este documento presenta informaci坦n biogr叩fica sobre dos importantes escritores ecuatorianos del siglo XIX: Juan Montalvo y Miguel Riofr鱈o. Juan Montalvo fue un ensayista y novelista que luch坦 contra las tiran鱈as y el clericalismo durante un per鱈odo de inestabilidad pol鱈tica en Ecuador. Escribi坦 obras como Las Catilinarias y Siete tratados donde defendi坦 la libertad de prensa. Miguel Riofr鱈o fue el autor de la primera novela ecuatoriana llamada La Emancipada y se destac坦 tambi辿n como pol鱈tico y educ
GENIVI Development Platform, la plataforma para desarrolladores de software l...Agustin Benito Bethencourt
際際滷s from my talk about GENIVI and GDP ar Open Expo 2016, In Madrid June 2nd. 際際滷s are in English but the talk was given in Spanish.
GENIVI Alliance and GDP overview. Focus on what the new version, GDP-ivi9 is about and the work on GDP 10 being planned. Main focus on how to contribute.
To download the slides, please go to GDO Out There wiki page:
Este documento proporciona una gu鱈a para el an叩lisis literario. Explica que el an叩lisis consiste en separar las partes de una obra para comprender las relaciones entre ellas y reconstruir el todo. Se単ala que los aspectos a considerar son el fondo (contenido) y la forma (estructura). Luego, enumera y describe 11 elementos clave para el an叩lisis literario como la biograf鱈a del autor, el contexto hist坦rico, la cronolog鱈a, la sinopsis, el argumento, los personajes, los temas, el tiempo, el esp
Embitel has expertise in developing Android Infotainment Projects, embedded software/hardware developers and infotainment testing. As your infotainment solution partner, we provide end-to-end support throughout your product development roadmap technology strategy, UX design, infotainment software and hardware development and support.
Jeremy Chapman - Australia - Tuesday 29 - Who Guiding Principles and quest fo...incucai_isodp
The document discusses Australia seeking national self-sufficiency in organ transplantation through various achievements and responsibilities. It outlines capacities needed including legislation, healthcare facilities, human resources, and regional cooperation. It also discusses opportunities for care like education, screening, and prevention for conditions requiring organ transplantation. Charts show the numbers of patients with kidney disease on dialysis, listed for transplant, receiving deceased donor organs, and being transplanted.
Jeremy Chapman - Australia - Tuesday 29 - Hematopoietic Stem Cellsincucai_isodp
This document summarizes research on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It finds that only a small percentage of minority patients receive bone marrow transplants due to a lack of compatible donors. Outcomes depend on disease stage and HLA matching, with lower risk disease having better outcomes with a single HLA mismatch. Cord blood transplants show promise as an alternative to bone marrow, especially for children, though cell dose and HLA matching impact outcomes. Larger studies are needed to better understand long-term effects.
Chunhee Bok - Korea - Wednesday 30 - Oral Presentations Misc. Dincucai_isodp
The document contains several charts and graphs showing trends in acceptance of brain death and organ donation in Korea over time. The charts show acceptance has increased from the 1990s to 2010 according to several studies. Additional charts and graphs show regional differences in organ procurement coordinator staffing and the number of education visits to hospitals over time. Final charts examine attitudes toward organ donation among medical professionals, finding neurosurgeons have more positive views while ICU nurses have more negative or unsure views.
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Entornos colaborativos, claves y tendencias, CompetenciasDolors Reig
Jornada sobre Tend竪ncies i Innovaci坦
en la Societat del Coneixement a la nostra seu central a Tibidabo:
The document discusses continuous integration and feature branches. It describes how one company, Henry, manages merging feature branches from multiple scrum teams into a trunk. Henry faces challenges with the manual and late merging process. The document suggests automating merging more frequently to apply agile principles and reduce integration problems. This would give Henry more time to focus on other important tasks.
This document discusses how open government data can be used to drive high growth in less digital sectors of the economy. It provides examples of startups created using open data in areas like energy efficiency, transportation, public safety, and more. The document advocates for creating a data incubator that brings together civil society, government, and businesses to support startup creation through access to open data, funding, mentorship and other resources. It outlines the benefits for startups, industries, investors and society, and references other successful models of open data incubators.
Jorge Enrique Adoum fue un escritor ecuatoriano influyente que naci坦 en 1926 y falleci坦 en 2009. Fue poeta, dramaturgo, ensayista y novelista. Adquiri坦 reconocimiento por su poes鱈a vanguardista y por obras como "Ecuador amargo" y "Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda". Recibi坦 varios premios literarios como el Premio Casa de las Am辿ricas y el Premio Xavier Villaurrutia. Adoum es considerado una de las figuras m叩s importantes de la literatura ecuatoriana del siglo XX.
Fernando de Rojas naci坦 en 1470 en Toledo y escribi坦 la 炭nica obra que se le conoce, La Celestina, publicada por primera vez en 1499. La Celestina es una tragicomedia innovadora que narra la historia de amor entre Calisto y Melibea y explora temas como la psicolog鱈a humana, el lenguaje y la sociedad de la 辿poca a trav辿s de personajes complejos. La obra tuvo un gran 辿xito y popularidad desde su primera publicaci坦n.
Este documento presenta fotos y breves descripciones de varias caracter鱈sticas del Palacio de La Magdalena en Santander, incluyendo vistas de la ciudad y el palacio, interiores, estatuas, galeones, la Universidad Men辿ndez Pelayo, un peque単o zool坦gico y un sal坦n. El autor espera que a los lectores les guste y que tengan la oportunidad de visitar el palacio.
El documento habla sobre la drogadicci坦n en adolescentes. Explica que las drogas son sustancias qu鱈micas da単inas que producen sensaciones placenteras pero tambi辿n depresi坦n. Los adolescentes a veces las usan para evadirse. Las causas incluyen curiosidad, ignorancia, soledad y presi坦n de amigos. Las consecuencias son da単os f鱈sicos y psicol坦gicos graves, marginaci坦n, p辿rdida de autocontrol y adicci坦n e incluso la muerte. La prevenci坦n es importante a trav辿s de la educaci坦n y alertando a los j坦venes sobre los
El texto expositivo tiene como objetivo informar de forma objetiva, clara y bien argumentada sobre un tema. Presenta informaci坦n objetiva y utiliza un estilo claro y sencillo con oraciones breves y vocabulario preciso. Su estructura incluye una introducci坦n sobre el tema, el desarrollo de las ideas principales y una conclusi坦n que resume las caracter鱈sticas del texto.
Jorge Luis Borges naci坦 en 1899 en Buenos Aires y mostr坦 inter辿s en la escritura desde una edad temprana. A lo largo de su vida, viaj坦 por Europa y Latinoam辿rica y particip坦 en varios movimientos literarios como el ultra鱈smo. Sin embargo, se hizo famoso principalmente por sus cuentos cortos de ficci坦n que exploraban temas filos坦ficos y metaf鱈sicos. Algunas de sus obras m叩s conocidas incluyen Ficciones y El Aleph. Borges recibi坦 numerosos premios y reconocimientos por su
Este documento presenta informaci坦n biogr叩fica sobre dos importantes escritores ecuatorianos del siglo XIX: Juan Montalvo y Miguel Riofr鱈o. Juan Montalvo fue un ensayista y novelista que luch坦 contra las tiran鱈as y el clericalismo durante un per鱈odo de inestabilidad pol鱈tica en Ecuador. Escribi坦 obras como Las Catilinarias y Siete tratados donde defendi坦 la libertad de prensa. Miguel Riofr鱈o fue el autor de la primera novela ecuatoriana llamada La Emancipada y se destac坦 tambi辿n como pol鱈tico y educ
GENIVI Development Platform, la plataforma para desarrolladores de software l...Agustin Benito Bethencourt
際際滷s from my talk about GENIVI and GDP ar Open Expo 2016, In Madrid June 2nd. 際際滷s are in English but the talk was given in Spanish.
GENIVI Alliance and GDP overview. Focus on what the new version, GDP-ivi9 is about and the work on GDP 10 being planned. Main focus on how to contribute.
To download the slides, please go to GDO Out There wiki page:
Este documento proporciona una gu鱈a para el an叩lisis literario. Explica que el an叩lisis consiste en separar las partes de una obra para comprender las relaciones entre ellas y reconstruir el todo. Se単ala que los aspectos a considerar son el fondo (contenido) y la forma (estructura). Luego, enumera y describe 11 elementos clave para el an叩lisis literario como la biograf鱈a del autor, el contexto hist坦rico, la cronolog鱈a, la sinopsis, el argumento, los personajes, los temas, el tiempo, el esp
Embitel has expertise in developing Android Infotainment Projects, embedded software/hardware developers and infotainment testing. As your infotainment solution partner, we provide end-to-end support throughout your product development roadmap technology strategy, UX design, infotainment software and hardware development and support.
Entornos colaborativos, claves y tendencias, CompetenciasDolors Reig
Jeremy Chapman - Australia - Tuesday 29 - Who Guiding Principles and quest fo...incucai_isodp
The document discusses Australia seeking national self-sufficiency in organ transplantation through various achievements and responsibilities. It outlines capacities needed including legislation, healthcare facilities, human resources, and regional cooperation. It also discusses opportunities for care like education, screening, and prevention for conditions requiring organ transplantation. Charts show the numbers of patients with kidney disease on dialysis, listed for transplant, receiving deceased donor organs, and being transplanted.
Jeremy Chapman - Australia - Tuesday 29 - Hematopoietic Stem Cellsincucai_isodp
This document summarizes research on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It finds that only a small percentage of minority patients receive bone marrow transplants due to a lack of compatible donors. Outcomes depend on disease stage and HLA matching, with lower risk disease having better outcomes with a single HLA mismatch. Cord blood transplants show promise as an alternative to bone marrow, especially for children, though cell dose and HLA matching impact outcomes. Larger studies are needed to better understand long-term effects.
Chunhee Bok - Korea - Wednesday 30 - Oral Presentations Misc. Dincucai_isodp
The document contains several charts and graphs showing trends in acceptance of brain death and organ donation in Korea over time. The charts show acceptance has increased from the 1990s to 2010 according to several studies. Additional charts and graphs show regional differences in organ procurement coordinator staffing and the number of education visits to hospitals over time. Final charts examine attitudes toward organ donation among medical professionals, finding neurosurgeons have more positive views while ICU nurses have more negative or unsure views.
Jongwon Ha - Korea - Wednesday 30 - Oral Presentations Misc. Cincucai_isodp
The document discusses the establishment of the Korea Organ Donation Agency (KODA) as the national organ procurement organization in Korea. KODA was established in 2009 to help improve organ donation rates by taking over responsibilities for organ procurement from hospitals and establishing a dedicated network of organ procurement coordinators. Since its founding, KODA has increased education for donation professionals, improved donor identification and management processes, and seen a significant rise in annual organ donors in Korea. However, the document also notes there are still some conflicts around incentives and referral processes that need further improvement.
The document discusses organ donation rates in the Madeira Archipelago from 1995 to 2010. It describes an EU-funded training program implemented from 2007 to 2009 that included seminars on organ donation basics for healthcare professionals. After the training, the number of organ donors increased from 6 in 2009 to 9 by 2010, and the donation rate rose from 12 donors per million people to 36 donors per million people. The training program was effective at increasing organ donation in the region.
This document discusses how an organ procurement organization (OPO) implemented an effective donation after cardiac death (DCD) program, which increased organ donation and transplantation rates. Key aspects of the program included educating hospital staff on DCD policies and procedures, establishing clear donation pathways and communication processes, and responding rapidly to potential DCD cases. As a result of this program, DCD donors increased from 1% of total donors in 1995 to 22% in 2010, demonstrating the positive impact an effective DCD program can have.
This document summarizes the results of a survey of 40 religious officials in Istanbul on their views of organ donation and transplantation. The survey found that the officials had varying levels of knowledge on the topics, with most knowledge coming from television, radio, or publications from the Directorate of Religious Affairs. While 80% said they would not consider organ donation, the majority believed it was acceptable according to Islam. Officials proposed that religious leaders should educate the public and set an example to increase interest in donation. The conclusion calls for more cooperation between health, legal, and religious groups to address religious concerns and increase donations.
1. The document discusses a qualitative study conducted in Rotterdam, Netherlands to investigate views on living kidney donation and transplantation among ethnic minority groups.
2. Focus group discussions and interviews were held with 50 participants from various ethnic backgrounds. Religion was not seen as an obstacle to donation by participants but lack of awareness in their communities was an issue.
3. The study results informed the development of a home-based educational intervention program currently being evaluated in a randomized controlled trial to increase living kidney donation and transplantation among ethnic minorities.
The document analyzes and compares the legal frameworks governing organ and tissue transplantation in Latin American countries. Most countries have laws addressing consent to donation, determining death, living donation, and foreign patients. Consent policies range from familial consent to presumed consent. Death determination policies specify medical diagnostic criteria or rely on medical protocols. Living donation policies allow related or unrelated donors, with some establishing donor preferences. Ecuador uniquely mandates inclusion of foreign patients on waiting lists. Harmonization efforts aim to develop coherent legal frameworks and cooperation agreements across countries.
This document discusses issues with the current informed consent paradigm for organ donation. It summarizes research showing that many organ donors experience post-donation regret, lower social regard, violation of law, and an outcome inconsistent with their original values and expectations. It argues that the informed consent process needs to consider outcomes, not just inputs, to truly protect vulnerable donors from exploitation in contexts involving organ trafficking.