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International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016 Report 1
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2016
Observed by BRAC International
Every year, on 13 October, BRAC International observes the International Day for Disaster Risk
Reduction to raise awareness and signify the importance of the various ways that people and
communities around the world are working to reduce disaster risks.
The 2016 edition marks the launch of the new
"Sendai Seven" campaign centred on the seven
targets of the Sendai Framework. This years target
is reducing mortality;Live to Tell is the slogan for
this years International Day for Disaster Reduction.
To mark this day, Myanmar and Sierra Leone
among BRAC International countries undertook
different programs.
BRAC Myanmar celebrated the IDDR Day in Bago
region in association with other UN organizations,
NGOs and government departments like RRD. The
event started with opening speech from the
honorable Chief Minister. The Director of RRD
delivered a statement from the Secretary General of
United Nations. A video on disaster knowledge and prevention was also shown in the opening
BRAC arranged a booth to inform people about
BRACs initiatives. Here, guests and visitors came
across photos of ERC and microfinance activities,
map of BRAC operational areas and updated
information. BRAC also printed two DRR pamphlets
(flood and cyclone) approved by RRD and
distributed them among the participants. During the
visit, the Chief Minister showed his desire to meet
BRAC again to discuss microfinance activities.
Around 459 people participated in the event.
Participantsgained awareness on disaster
knowledge, observed rescue materials, and
activities of government departments and NGOs.
BRAC is now well-known among the government
departments, local organizations and local people.
BRAC Sierra Leone commemorated this day with the
Disaster Management Department of the Office of
National Security. Four main activities were carried
out, the first one being a text message sent on the
very day to those iusing mobile phones in the country.
The message was:
"Today is International Day for Disaster
Reduction. Preparedness against disaster saves
lives. Protect your home and family. Office of
National Security & BRAC Sierra Leone"
They also arranged live radio and television programs
on the theme "Live To Tell" where the ERC of Sierra
Leone represented BRC in both of the programs. The
last initiative was a sensitization program that was
undertaken by the cross section of BRAC staff and
ONS for one of the disaster prone communities called Kroo Bay.
Photo 1: Chief Minister delivering inaugural speech
Photo 2: Chief Minister and other guests are visiting BRAC
Photo 3: ERC of BRAC with staffs & ONS members

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  • 1. International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016 Report 1 International Day for Disaster Reduction 2016 Observed by BRAC International Every year, on 13 October, BRAC International observes the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction to raise awareness and signify the importance of the various ways that people and communities around the world are working to reduce disaster risks. The 2016 edition marks the launch of the new "Sendai Seven" campaign centred on the seven targets of the Sendai Framework. This years target is reducing mortality;Live to Tell is the slogan for this years International Day for Disaster Reduction. To mark this day, Myanmar and Sierra Leone among BRAC International countries undertook different programs. BRAC Myanmar celebrated the IDDR Day in Bago region in association with other UN organizations, NGOs and government departments like RRD. The event started with opening speech from the honorable Chief Minister. The Director of RRD delivered a statement from the Secretary General of United Nations. A video on disaster knowledge and prevention was also shown in the opening ceremony. BRAC arranged a booth to inform people about BRACs initiatives. Here, guests and visitors came across photos of ERC and microfinance activities, map of BRAC operational areas and updated information. BRAC also printed two DRR pamphlets (flood and cyclone) approved by RRD and distributed them among the participants. During the visit, the Chief Minister showed his desire to meet BRAC again to discuss microfinance activities. Around 459 people participated in the event. Participantsgained awareness on disaster knowledge, observed rescue materials, and activities of government departments and NGOs. BRAC is now well-known among the government departments, local organizations and local people. BRAC Sierra Leone commemorated this day with the Disaster Management Department of the Office of National Security. Four main activities were carried out, the first one being a text message sent on the very day to those iusing mobile phones in the country. The message was: "Today is International Day for Disaster Reduction. Preparedness against disaster saves lives. Protect your home and family. Office of National Security & BRAC Sierra Leone" They also arranged live radio and television programs on the theme "Live To Tell" where the ERC of Sierra Leone represented BRC in both of the programs. The last initiative was a sensitization program that was undertaken by the cross section of BRAC staff and ONS for one of the disaster prone communities called Kroo Bay. Photo 1: Chief Minister delivering inaugural speech Photo 2: Chief Minister and other guests are visiting BRAC booth Photo 3: ERC of BRAC with staffs & ONS members