This document provides an introduction to big data, including defining big data, discussing its history, importance, types, characteristics, how it works, challenges, technologies, and architecture. Big data is defined as extremely large and complex datasets that cannot be processed using traditional tools. It has existed for thousands of years but grew substantially in the 20th century. Companies use big data to improve operations and increase profits. The types include structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Big data works through data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and visualization. The challenges include rapid data growth, storage needs, unreliable data, and security issues. Technologies include those for operations and analytics. The architecture includes ingestion, batch processing, analytical storage
This document provides an overview of key concepts related to data and big data. It defines data, digital data, and the different types of digital data including unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. Big data is introduced as the collection of large and complex data sets that are difficult to process using traditional tools. The importance of big data is discussed along with common sources of data and characteristics. Popular tools and technologies for storing, analyzing, and visualizing big data are also outlined.
The document discusses data engineering and provides definitions. It describes data engineering as involving collecting data from various sources, processing the data by cleaning, transforming and preparing it, storing the data, and making it available securely to users. Key aspects of data engineering include developing tools and workflows to acquire data, designing scalable data architecture for storage, implementing data processing pipelines, and ensuring data quality, privacy and regulatory compliance. Data engineering aims to make quality data accessible for analysis and decision making through technologies, systems and processes that handle the mechanics of data flow.
DA DS traning.pptx. Data Science is marking its graph on a high note by expan...sureshchandran711
Data Science is marking its graph on a high note by expanding its width in creating great career opportunities currently. It is one of the most happening fields in business today.
Big data analytics (BDA) involves examining large, diverse datasets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, trends, and insights. BDA helps organizations gain a competitive advantage by extracting insights from data to make faster, more informed decisions. It supports a 360-degree view of customers by analyzing both structured and unstructured data sources like clickstream data. Businesses can leverage techniques like machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing on existing and new data sources. BDA requires close collaboration between IT, business users, and data scientists to process and analyze large datasets beyond typical storage and processing capabilities.
This document discusses web data extraction and analysis using Hadoop. It begins by explaining that web data extraction involves collecting data from websites using tools like web scrapers or crawlers. Next, it describes that the data extracted is often large in volume and requires processing tools like Hadoop for analysis. The document then provides details about using MapReduce on Hadoop to analyze web data in a parallel and distributed manner by breaking the analysis into mapping and reducing phases.
Today, data science is enabling companies, governments, research centres and other organisations to turn their volumes of big data into valuable and actionable insights. It is important to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful business information. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the U.S. alone could face a shortage of about 190,000 data scientists and 1.5 million managers and analysts who can understand and make decisions using big data by 2018. In coming years, data scientists will be vital to all sectors —from law and medicine to media and nonprofits. Has the African continent planned to train the next generation of data scientists required on the continent?
This document provides a syllabus for a course on big data. The course introduces students to big data concepts like characteristics of data, structured and unstructured data sources, and big data platforms and tools. Students will learn data analysis using R software, big data technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce, mining techniques for frequent patterns and clustering, and analytical frameworks and visualization tools. The goal is for students to be able to identify domains suitable for big data analytics, perform data analysis in R, use Hadoop and MapReduce, apply big data to problems, and suggest ways to use big data to increase business outcomes.
The document discusses the syllabus for a course on Big Data Analytics. The syllabus covers four units: (1) an introduction to big data concepts like distributed file systems, Hadoop, and MapReduce; (2) Hadoop architecture including HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN; (3) Hadoop ecosystem components like Hive, Pig, HBase, and Spark; and (4) new features of Hadoop 2.0 like high availability for NameNode and HDFS federation. The course aims to provide students with foundational knowledge of big data technologies and tools for processing and analyzing large datasets.
Data science involves extracting knowledge and insights from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data using scientific processes. It encompasses more than just data analysis. The data value chain describes the process of acquiring data and transforming it into useful information and insights. It involves data acquisition, analysis, curation, storage, and usage. There are three main types of data: structured data that follows a predefined model like databases, semi-structured data with some organization like JSON, and unstructured data like text without a clear model. Metadata provides additional context about data to help with analysis. Big data is characterized by its large volume, velocity, and variety that makes it difficult to process with traditional tools.
Data Science ppt for the asjdbhsadbmsnc.pptxsa3302
Data science is a multidisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. It involves combining tools, methods and technology to derive meaning from vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. Data science is important for decision making, strategic planning, and predicting future outcomes for organizations.
This document provides an overview of big data analytics. It defines big data as large, complex datasets that require new techniques and tools to analyze. The key characteristics of big data are described as the 5 V's: volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value. Hadoop is introduced as an open-source framework for distributed processing of large datasets across clusters of computers using MapReduce. The document also outlines different types of big data analytics including descriptive, predictive, supervised, and unsupervised analytics. It concludes with an overview of the analytics life cycle and some common analytics tools.
- Big data refers to large volumes of data from various sources that is analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations.
- The evolution of big data has seen it grow from just volume, velocity, and variety to also include veracity, variability, visualization, and value.
- Analyzing big data can provide hidden insights and competitive advantages for businesses by finding trends and patterns in large amounts of structured and unstructured data from multiple sources.
Introduction to Data Analytics: Sources and nature
of data, classification of data (structured, semistructured,
unstructured), characteristics of data,
introduction to Big Data platform, need of data
analytics, evolution of analytic scalability, analytic
process and tools, analysis vs reporting, modern
data analytic tools, applications of data analytics.
Data Analytics Lifecycle: Need, key roles for
successful analytic projects, various phases of data
analytics lifecycle – discovery, data preparation,
model planning, model building, communicating
results, operationalization.
Introducition to Data scinece compiled by huwekineheshete
This document provides an overview of data science and its key components. It discusses that data science uses scientific methods and algorithms to extract knowledge from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sources. It also notes that data science involves organizing data, packaging it through visualization and statistics, and delivering insights. The document further outlines the data science lifecycle and workflow, covering understanding the problem, exploring and preprocessing data, developing models, and evaluating results.
This document provides an introduction to big data analytics. It discusses what big data is, key concepts and terminology, the characteristics of big data including the five Vs, different types of data, and case study background. It also covers big data drivers like marketplace dynamics, business architecture, and information and communications technology. The slides include information on data analytics categories, business intelligence, key performance indicators, and how big data relates to business layers and the feedback loop.
This document provides an overview of the key concepts in the syllabus for a course on data science and big data. It covers 5 units: 1) an introduction to data science and big data, 2) descriptive analytics using statistics, 3) predictive modeling and machine learning, 4) data analytical frameworks, and 5) data science using Python. Key topics include data types, analytics classifications, statistical analysis techniques, predictive models, Hadoop, NoSQL databases, and Python packages for data science. The goal is to equip students with the skills to work with large and diverse datasets using various data science tools and techniques.
Big data analytics tools from vendors like IBM, Tableau, and SAS can help organizations process and analyze big data. For smaller organizations, Excel is often used, while larger organizations employ data mining, predictive analytics, and dashboards. Business intelligence applications include OLAP, data mining, and decision support systems. Big data comes from many sources like web logs, sensors, social networks, and scientific research. It is defined by the volume, variety, velocity, veracity, variability, and value of the data. Hadoop and MapReduce are common technologies for storing and analyzing big data across clusters of machines. Stream analytics is useful for real-time analysis of data like sensor data.
This document provides an overview of data science tools, techniques, and applications. It begins by defining data science and explaining why it is an important and in-demand field. Examples of applications in healthcare, marketing, and logistics are given. Common computational tools for data science like RapidMiner, WEKA, R, Python, and Rattle are described. Techniques like regression, classification, clustering, recommendation, association rules, outlier detection, and prediction are explained along with examples of how they are used. The advantages of using computational tools to analyze data are highlighted.
官方办理文凭加拿大文凭购买,加拿大文凭定制,加拿大卡尔加里大学文凭补办【q薇1954292140】专业在线定制加拿大大学文凭可查文凭定购,定做加拿大本科文凭,【q薇1954292140】复制加拿大The University of Calgary completion letter。在线快速补办加拿大本科毕业证、硕士文凭证书,购买加拿大学位证、卡尔加里大学Offer,加拿大大学文凭在线购买。高仿真还原加拿大文凭证书和外壳,定制加拿大卡尔加里大学成绩单和信封。学历认证购买UC毕业证【q薇1954292140】办理加拿大卡尔加里大学毕业证(UC毕业证书)【q薇1954292140】毕业证书电子版卡尔加里大学offer/学位证毕业证样本、留信官方学历认证(永久存档真实可查)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作。帮你解决卡尔加里大学学历学位认证难题。
2:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供认证《UC成绩单购买办理卡尔加里大学毕业证书范本》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy The University of Calgary Diploma《正式成绩单论文没过》有文凭却得不到认证。又该怎么办???加拿大毕业证购买,加拿大文凭购买,
帮您解决在加拿大卡尔加里大学未毕业难题(The University of Calgary)文凭购买、毕业证购买、大学文凭购买、大学毕业证购买、买文凭、日韩文凭、英国大学文凭、美国大学文凭、澳洲大学文凭、加拿大大学文凭(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学文凭、新西兰大学文凭、爱尔兰文凭、西班牙文凭、德国文凭、教育部认证,买毕业证,毕业证购买,买大学文凭,购买日韩毕业证、英国大学毕业证、美国大学毕业证、澳洲大学毕业证、加拿大大学毕业证(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学毕业证、新西兰大学毕业证、爱尔兰毕业证、西班牙毕业证、德国毕业证,回国证明,留信网认证,留信认证办理,学历认证。从而完成就业。
1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《UC成绩单工艺详解》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】《Buy The University of Calgary Transcript快速办理卡尔加里大学教育部学历认证书毕业文凭证书》,拿不到官方毕业证;
2、办理UC毕业证,改成绩单《UC毕业证明办理卡尔加里大学留学生学历学位认证书》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy The University of Calgary Certificates《正式成绩单论文没过》,卡尔加里大学Offer、在读证明、学生卡、信封、证明信等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同.
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1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
2. 留信认证对就业的好处
Today, data science is enabling companies, governments, research centres and other organisations to turn their volumes of big data into valuable and actionable insights. It is important to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful business information. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the U.S. alone could face a shortage of about 190,000 data scientists and 1.5 million managers and analysts who can understand and make decisions using big data by 2018. In coming years, data scientists will be vital to all sectors —from law and medicine to media and nonprofits. Has the African continent planned to train the next generation of data scientists required on the continent?
This document provides a syllabus for a course on big data. The course introduces students to big data concepts like characteristics of data, structured and unstructured data sources, and big data platforms and tools. Students will learn data analysis using R software, big data technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce, mining techniques for frequent patterns and clustering, and analytical frameworks and visualization tools. The goal is for students to be able to identify domains suitable for big data analytics, perform data analysis in R, use Hadoop and MapReduce, apply big data to problems, and suggest ways to use big data to increase business outcomes.
The document discusses the syllabus for a course on Big Data Analytics. The syllabus covers four units: (1) an introduction to big data concepts like distributed file systems, Hadoop, and MapReduce; (2) Hadoop architecture including HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN; (3) Hadoop ecosystem components like Hive, Pig, HBase, and Spark; and (4) new features of Hadoop 2.0 like high availability for NameNode and HDFS federation. The course aims to provide students with foundational knowledge of big data technologies and tools for processing and analyzing large datasets.
Data science involves extracting knowledge and insights from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data using scientific processes. It encompasses more than just data analysis. The data value chain describes the process of acquiring data and transforming it into useful information and insights. It involves data acquisition, analysis, curation, storage, and usage. There are three main types of data: structured data that follows a predefined model like databases, semi-structured data with some organization like JSON, and unstructured data like text without a clear model. Metadata provides additional context about data to help with analysis. Big data is characterized by its large volume, velocity, and variety that makes it difficult to process with traditional tools.
Data Science ppt for the asjdbhsadbmsnc.pptxsa3302
Data science is a multidisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. It involves combining tools, methods and technology to derive meaning from vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. Data science is important for decision making, strategic planning, and predicting future outcomes for organizations.
This document provides an overview of big data analytics. It defines big data as large, complex datasets that require new techniques and tools to analyze. The key characteristics of big data are described as the 5 V's: volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value. Hadoop is introduced as an open-source framework for distributed processing of large datasets across clusters of computers using MapReduce. The document also outlines different types of big data analytics including descriptive, predictive, supervised, and unsupervised analytics. It concludes with an overview of the analytics life cycle and some common analytics tools.
- Big data refers to large volumes of data from various sources that is analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations.
- The evolution of big data has seen it grow from just volume, velocity, and variety to also include veracity, variability, visualization, and value.
- Analyzing big data can provide hidden insights and competitive advantages for businesses by finding trends and patterns in large amounts of structured and unstructured data from multiple sources.
Introduction to Data Analytics: Sources and nature
of data, classification of data (structured, semistructured,
unstructured), characteristics of data,
introduction to Big Data platform, need of data
analytics, evolution of analytic scalability, analytic
process and tools, analysis vs reporting, modern
data analytic tools, applications of data analytics.
Data Analytics Lifecycle: Need, key roles for
successful analytic projects, various phases of data
analytics lifecycle – discovery, data preparation,
model planning, model building, communicating
results, operationalization.
Introducition to Data scinece compiled by huwekineheshete
This document provides an overview of data science and its key components. It discusses that data science uses scientific methods and algorithms to extract knowledge from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sources. It also notes that data science involves organizing data, packaging it through visualization and statistics, and delivering insights. The document further outlines the data science lifecycle and workflow, covering understanding the problem, exploring and preprocessing data, developing models, and evaluating results.
This document provides an introduction to big data analytics. It discusses what big data is, key concepts and terminology, the characteristics of big data including the five Vs, different types of data, and case study background. It also covers big data drivers like marketplace dynamics, business architecture, and information and communications technology. The slides include information on data analytics categories, business intelligence, key performance indicators, and how big data relates to business layers and the feedback loop.
This document provides an overview of the key concepts in the syllabus for a course on data science and big data. It covers 5 units: 1) an introduction to data science and big data, 2) descriptive analytics using statistics, 3) predictive modeling and machine learning, 4) data analytical frameworks, and 5) data science using Python. Key topics include data types, analytics classifications, statistical analysis techniques, predictive models, Hadoop, NoSQL databases, and Python packages for data science. The goal is to equip students with the skills to work with large and diverse datasets using various data science tools and techniques.
Big data analytics tools from vendors like IBM, Tableau, and SAS can help organizations process and analyze big data. For smaller organizations, Excel is often used, while larger organizations employ data mining, predictive analytics, and dashboards. Business intelligence applications include OLAP, data mining, and decision support systems. Big data comes from many sources like web logs, sensors, social networks, and scientific research. It is defined by the volume, variety, velocity, veracity, variability, and value of the data. Hadoop and MapReduce are common technologies for storing and analyzing big data across clusters of machines. Stream analytics is useful for real-time analysis of data like sensor data.
This document provides an overview of data science tools, techniques, and applications. It begins by defining data science and explaining why it is an important and in-demand field. Examples of applications in healthcare, marketing, and logistics are given. Common computational tools for data science like RapidMiner, WEKA, R, Python, and Rattle are described. Techniques like regression, classification, clustering, recommendation, association rules, outlier detection, and prediction are explained along with examples of how they are used. The advantages of using computational tools to analyze data are highlighted.
官方办理文凭加拿大文凭购买,加拿大文凭定制,加拿大卡尔加里大学文凭补办【q薇1954292140】专业在线定制加拿大大学文凭可查文凭定购,定做加拿大本科文凭,【q薇1954292140】复制加拿大The University of Calgary completion letter。在线快速补办加拿大本科毕业证、硕士文凭证书,购买加拿大学位证、卡尔加里大学Offer,加拿大大学文凭在线购买。高仿真还原加拿大文凭证书和外壳,定制加拿大卡尔加里大学成绩单和信封。学历认证购买UC毕业证【q薇1954292140】办理加拿大卡尔加里大学毕业证(UC毕业证书)【q薇1954292140】毕业证书电子版卡尔加里大学offer/学位证毕业证样本、留信官方学历认证(永久存档真实可查)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作。帮你解决卡尔加里大学学历学位认证难题。
2:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供认证《UC成绩单购买办理卡尔加里大学毕业证书范本》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy The University of Calgary Diploma《正式成绩单论文没过》有文凭却得不到认证。又该怎么办???加拿大毕业证购买,加拿大文凭购买,
帮您解决在加拿大卡尔加里大学未毕业难题(The University of Calgary)文凭购买、毕业证购买、大学文凭购买、大学毕业证购买、买文凭、日韩文凭、英国大学文凭、美国大学文凭、澳洲大学文凭、加拿大大学文凭(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学文凭、新西兰大学文凭、爱尔兰文凭、西班牙文凭、德国文凭、教育部认证,买毕业证,毕业证购买,买大学文凭,购买日韩毕业证、英国大学毕业证、美国大学毕业证、澳洲大学毕业证、加拿大大学毕业证(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学毕业证、新西兰大学毕业证、爱尔兰毕业证、西班牙毕业证、德国毕业证,回国证明,留信网认证,留信认证办理,学历认证。从而完成就业。
1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《UC成绩单工艺详解》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】《Buy The University of Calgary Transcript快速办理卡尔加里大学教育部学历认证书毕业文凭证书》,拿不到官方毕业证;
2、办理UC毕业证,改成绩单《UC毕业证明办理卡尔加里大学留学生学历学位认证书》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy The University of Calgary Certificates《正式成绩单论文没过》,卡尔加里大学Offer、在读证明、学生卡、信封、证明信等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同.
毕业证办理的详细过程加拿大文凭卡尔加里大学成绩单【q薇1954292140】复刻成绩单加拿大卡尔加里大学毕业证(UC毕业证书)毕业证详解细节 卡尔加里大学毕业证办理,极速办加拿大卡尔加里大学文凭办理,加拿大卡尔加里大学成绩单办理和真实留信认证、留服认证、卡尔加里大学学历认证。学院文凭定制,卡尔加里大学原版文凭补办,扫描件文凭定做,100%文凭复刻。【q薇1954292140】Buy The University of Calgary Diploma购买美国毕业证,购买英国毕业证,购买澳洲毕业证,购买加拿大毕业证,以及德国毕业证,购买法国毕业证(q薇1954292140)购买荷兰毕业证、购买瑞士毕业证、购买日本毕业证、购买韩国毕业证、购买新西兰毕业证、购买新加坡毕业证、购买西班牙毕业证、购买马来西亚毕业证等。包括了本科毕业证,硕士毕业证。
1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
2. 留信认证对就业的好处
RAGing Against the Literature: LLM-Powered Dataset Mention Extraction - prese...suchanadatta3
Dataset Mention Extraction (DME) is a critical task in the field of scientific information extraction, aiming to identify references to datasets within research papers. In this paper, we explore two advanced methods for DME from research papers, utilizing the
capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). The first method employs a language model with a prompt-based framework to extract dataset names from text chunks, utilizing patterns of dataset mentions as guidance. The second method integrates the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, which enhances dataset extraction through a combination of keyword-based filtering, semantic retrieval, and iterative refinement.
AI + Disability. Coded Futures: Better opportunities or biased outcomes?Christine Hemphill
A summary report into attitudes to and implications of AI as it relates to disability. Will AI enabled solutions create greater opportunities or amplify biases in society and datasets? Informed by primary mixed methods research conducted in the UK and globally by Open Inclusion on behalf of the Institute of People Centred AI, Uni of Surrey and Royal Holloway University. Initially presented at Google London in Jan 2025.
If you prefer an audio visual format you can access the full video recorded at Google ADC London where we presented this research in January 2025. It has captioned content and audio described visuals and is available at There is also a short Fireside Chat about the research held at Zero Project Conference March 2025 available at
If 狠狠撸 Share's format is not accessible to you in any way, please contact us at and we can provide you with the underlying document.
Optimizing Common Table Expressions in Apache Hive with CalciteStamatis Zampetakis
In many real-world queries, certain expressions may appear multiple times, requiring repeated computations to construct the final result. These recurring computations, known as common table expressions (CTEs), can be explicitly defined in SQL queries using the WITH clause or implicitly derived through transformation rules. Identifying and leveraging CTEs is essential for reducing the cost of executing complex queries and is a critical component of modern data management systems.
Apache Hive, a SQL-based data management system, provides powerful mechanisms to detect and exploit CTEs through heuristic and cost-based optimization techniques.
This talk delves into the internals of Hive's planner, focusing on its integration with Apache Calcite for CTE optimization. We will begin with a high-level overview of Hive's planner architecture and its reliance on Calcite in various planning phases. The discussion will then shift to the CTE rewriting phase, highlighting key Calcite concepts and demonstrating how they are employed to optimize CTEs effectively.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.
Luis Berrios Nieves, known in the music industry as Nérol El Rey de la Melodia, is an independent composer, songwriter, and producer from Puerto Rico. With extensive experience collaborating with prominent Latin artists, he specializes in reggaeton, salsa, and Latin pop. Nérol’s compositions have been featured in hit songs such as “Porque Les Mientes” by Tito “El Bambino” and Marc Anthony. In this proposal, we will explore why Rimas Music Publishing is the perfect fit for Nérol’s continued success and growth.
CloudMonitor - Architecture Audit Review February 2025.pdfRodney Joyce
CloudMonitor FinOps is now a Microsoft Certified solution in the Azure Marketplace. This little badge means that we passed a 3rd-party Technical Audit as well as met various sales KPIs and milestones over the last 12 months.
We used our existing Architecture docs for CISOs and Cloud Architects to craft an Audit Response - I've shared it below to help others obtain their cert.
Interestingly, 90% of our customers are in the USA, with very few in Australia. This is odd as the first thing I hear in every meetup and conference, from partners, customers and Microsoft, is that they want to optimise their cloud spend! But very few Australian companies are using the FinOps Framework to lower Azure costs.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
2. Data
? Data is a set of values that represent a concept or concepts. It can be raw
information, such as numbers or text, or it can be more complex, such as images,
graphics, or videos.
3. Characteristics of Data
Composition: deals with structure of data, that is, the sources of data, the types, and
the nature of the data as to whether it is static or real-time streaming.
Condition: The condition of data deals with the state of the data that is “can one use
this data as is for analysis?” or “Does it require cleansing for further enhancement and
Context: deals with “Where has this data been generated?”, “Why was this data
generated?” and so on.
In simple terms, characteristics of data includes
? Accuracy
? Completeness
? Consistency
? Timeliness
? Validity
? Uniqueness
5. Evolution of Big Data
? 1970s and before – Mainframe: Basic Data Storage, Data has a structure.
? 1980s and 1990s – Relational Databases: It has a structure and relationship of the
? 2000s and beyond – Structured, Unstructured and Multimedia data in the form of
There are a lot of milestones in the evolution of Big Data which are described below:
Data Warehousing:
In the 1990s, data warehousing emerged as a solution to store and analyze large
volumes of structured data.
Hadoop was introduced in 2006 by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella. Distributed storage
medium and large data processing are provided by Hadoop, and it is an open-source
6. Evolution of Big Data
NoSQL Databases:
In 2009, NoSQL databases were introduced, which provide a flexible way to store and
retrieve unstructured data.
At present, technologies like cloud computing, machine learning are widely used by
companies for reducing the maintenance cost and infrastructure cost and also to get the
proper insights from the big data effectively.
7. Challenges with Big Data
? Data Volume: Managing and Storing Massive Amounts of Data
? Data Variety: Handling Diverse Data Types
? Data Velocity: Processing Data in Real-Time
? Data Veracity: Ensuring Data Quality and Accuracy
? Data Security and Privacy: Protecting Sensitive Information
? Data Integration: Combining Data from Multiple Sources
? Data Analytics: Extracting Valuable Insights
? Data Governance: Establishing Policies and Standards
11. Importance of Big Data
? Enhanced Decision-Making (vast amounts of data, discovering new patterns and
? Understanding Consumer Behavior (for recommendations)
? Competitive Advantage (Competitor analysis, market trends)
? Innovation and New Opportunities (reveals gaps in existing products or services)
? Efficiency and Cost Reduction (optimize processes for reducing waste and improve
resource allocation)
? Improved Risk Management (advanced modelling and simulation)
? Enhanced Public Services (traffic management and disease control)
? Better Workforce Insights (employee engagement, performance, and retention)
? AI and Machine Learning (predict accurately)
? Advancements in Research (academics, healthcare etc.,)
12. Big Data Technologies
Big data technologies can be categorized into four main types:
? Data storage,
? Data mining,
? Data analytics and
? Data visualization.
13. Big Data Technologies
1. Data Storage:
Big data technology that deals with data storage has the capability to fetch, store, and
manage big data. Two commonly used tools are Hadoop and MongoDB.
? It is the most widely used big data tool.
? It is an open-source software platform which allows for faster data processing.
? The framework is designed to reduce bugs or faults and process all data formats.
? It is a NoSQL database that can be used to store large volumes of data using key-value
? It is a most popular big data databases because it can manage and store unstructured
14. Big Data Technologies
2. Data mining
Data mining extracts the useful patterns and trends from the raw data. Big data
technologies such as Rapidminer and Presto can turn unstructured and structured data
into usable information.
? Rapidminer is a data mining tool that can be used to build predictive models.
? It is used for processing and preparing data, and building machine and deep learning
? Presto is an open-source query engine that was originally developed by Facebook to
run analytic queries against their large datasets. Now, it is available widely.
? One query on Presto can combine data from multiple sources within an organization
and perform analytics on them.
15. Big Data Technologies
3. Data analytics
In big data analytics, technologies are used to clean and transform data into information
that can be used to drive business decisions. This next step (after data mining) is where
users perform algorithms, models, and predictive analytics using tools such as Spark and
? Spark is a popular big data tool for data analysis because it is fast and efficient at
running applications.
? Spark supports a wide variety of data analytics tasks and queries.
? Splunk is another popular big data analytics tool for deriving insights from large
datasets. It has the ability to generate graphs, charts, reports, and dashboards.
? Splunk also enables users to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into data outcomes.
16. Big Data Technologies
4. Data visualization
Finally, big data technologies can be used to create good visualizations from the data. In
data-oriented roles, data visualization is a skill that is beneficial for presenting
recommendations to stakeholders for business profitability and operations—to tell an
impactful story with a simple graph.
? Tableau is a very popular tool in data visualization because its drag-and-drop interface
makes it easy to create pie charts, bar charts, box plots, Gantt charts, and more.
? It is a secure platform that allows users to share visualizations and dashboards in real
? Looker is a business intelligence (BI) tool used to make sense of big data analytics and
then share those insights with other teams.
? Charts, graphs, and dashboards can be configured with a query, such as monitoring
weekly brand engagement through social media analytics.
17. What kind of Technologies are we looking
toward to meet the challenges posed by big
1. The first requirement is cheap and abundant storage.
2. Need fast processors for quick processing of big data.
3. Open source.
4. Advanced analysis.
5. Resource allocation arrangements.
18. Data Science
? Data science is the science of extracting knowledge from data.
? It is a science of drawing out hidden patterns amongst data using statistical and
mathematical techniques.
? It is a multidisciplinary approach that combines principles and practices from the fields
of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer engineering to analyze
large amounts of data.
? This analysis helps data scientists to ask and answer questions like what happened,
why it happened, what will happen, and what can be done with the results.
The basic business acumen skills required are
1. Understanding of Domain
2. Business Strategy
3. Problem Solving
4. Communication
19. Responsibilities of Data Scientist
? Prepares and integrates large and varied datasets
? Applies business domain knowledge to provide context
? Models and analyses to comprehend, interpret relationships, patterns and trends
? Communicates / presents the findings and results.
In simple words, the responsibilities of data scientist includes,
? Data Management
? Applying Analytical Techniques
? Communicating with the Stakeholders
21. Soft state Eventual consistency
Soft state refers to a system design principle where the state of a system or its data is
allowed to change over time, even without direct user interaction.
Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in distributed systems where updates
to a data item are propagated asynchronously across nodes.
22. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
The elements of big data ecosystem includes,
1. Sensing
2. Collection
3. Wrangling
4. Analysis
5. Storage
23. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
1. Sensing
Sensing refers to the process of identifying data sources for your project.
This evaluation includes asking such questions as:
? Is the data accurate?
? Is the data recent and up to date?
? Is the data complete? Is the data valid? Can it be trusted?
Key pieces of the data ecosystem leveraged in this stage include:
? Internal data sources: Spreadsheets, and other resources that originate from within
? External data sources: Databases, spreadsheets, websites that originate from outside
your organization.
? Software: Custom software that exists for the sole purpose of data sensing.
? Algorithms: A set of steps or rules that automates the process of evaluating data for
accuracy and completion before it’s used.
24. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
2. Collection
Once a potential data source has been identified, data must be collected. Data collection
can be completed through manual or automated processes.
Key pieces of the data ecosystem leveraged in this stage include:
? Various programming languages: These include R, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.
? Code packages and libraries: Existing code that’s been written and tested and allows
data scientists to generate programs more quickly and efficiently.
? APIs (Application Programming Interface): Software programs designed to interact
with other applications and extract data.
25. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
3. Wrangling
? Data wrangling is a set of processes designed to transform raw data into a more usable
? Depending on the quality of the data in question, it may involve merging multiple
datasets, identifying and filling gaps in data, deleting unnecessary or incorrect data,
and “cleaning” and structuring data for future analysis.
Key pieces of the data ecosystem leveraged in this stage include:
? Algorithms: A series of steps or rules to be followed to solve a problem.
? Various programming languages: These include R, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, and
can be used to write algorithms.
26. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
4. Analysis
? After raw data has been inspected and transformed into a readily usable state, it can
be analyzed. wrangling is a set of processes designed to transform raw data into a
more usable format.
? Depending on the quality of the data in question, it may involve merging multiple
datasets, identifying and filling gaps in data, deleting unnecessary or incorrect data,
and “cleaning” and structuring data for future analysis.
Key pieces of the data ecosystem leveraged in this stage include:
? Algorithms: A series of steps or rules to be followed to solve a problem.
? Various programming languages: These include R, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, and
can be used to write algorithms.
27. Role / Elements of Big Data Ecosystem
5. Storage
? Throughout all of the data life cycle stages, data must be stored in a way that’s both
secure and accessible.
Key pieces of the data ecosystem leveraged in this stage include:
? Cloud-based storage solutions: These allow an organization to store data off-site and
access it remotely.
? On-site servers: These give organizations a greater sense of control over how data is
stored and used.
? Other storage media: These include hard drives, USB devices, CD-ROMs, and floppy