The document summarizes the results of an audience feedback questionnaire about a documentary on tanning. Respondents generally rated the information, entertainment value, production quality, sound, editing and continuity of the documentary positively. Most said they would continue watching after 5 minutes and liked the documentary. Suggested areas for improvement included longer cutaways, improved sound balancing, and representing both benefits and negatives of tanning. Feedback on radio spots, print ads and how well the promotional elements worked together to promote the documentary was also positive overall.
Supertech is developing Supernova, a mixed-use project in Noida sector 94 covering 5 million square feet. It will include luxury residences, retail, serviced apartments, offices, and hotels. As one of the tallest towers in India at 300 meters, it will offer views of the Noida Bird Sanctuary. The development will be well connected to roads and have amenities like security, a clubhouse, gym, pool, and playground. Supertech is an established real estate developer known for quality projects delivered on time.
Este documento anuncia la pr坦xima Liga Fant叩stica con los siguientes equipos participantes: Riotorto, C.F. S.D. Guitiriz S.D. Guitiriz Juvenil, S.D. Mom叩n, S.D. Muimenta, U.D. Pastoricense y U.D. Folgueiro. M叩s detalles sobre la liga estar叩n disponibles en
- DragonForce is a British heavy metal band formed in 1999 known for long guitar solos and fantasy-based lyrics. Their most famous song, "Through the Fire and Flames", was featured in the popular video game series Guitar Hero, greatly increasing their popularity.
- The Killers are an American rock band formed in 2001. Their debut album Hot Fuss from 2004 was a commercial and critical success, selling over 7 million copies worldwide. Their first single "Mr. Brightside" remains one of their most popular songs and helped establish their sound combining new wave and post-punk influences.
- Both bands maintain websites and produce albums, singles, music videos, and tours that maintain a consistent style and message appealing to rock
This document contains examples of different types of marketing emails including a newsletter email, upsell email, and welcome email.
The newsletter email example discusses building trust with Google and provides tips for making a website more trustworthy. The upsell email example pitches a subscription service to an existing customer and offers a discount. The welcome email example provides on-page SEO optimization tips and a bonus tip for new customers.
Este documento presenta los cuidados de enfermer鱈a en la administraci坦n de medicamentos. Fue escrito por Carol Solange Rodr鱈guez P辿rez para su curso de tercer a単o de enfermer鱈a en la Universidad T辿cnica de Ambato en Ecuador y fue supervisado por el Dr. Freddy Iza.
This document summarizes a study examining the relationship between trade openness and city sizes using the New Economic Geography framework. The study finds that as trade openness increases, the size of main cities declines while the size of secondary cities increases. Similar results are seen for cities with over 1 million people. However, cities that make up a large share of the urban population do not see the same relationship with trade openness. The implications are that investment in infrastructure should target secondary cities during trade liberalization, especially port cities.
An electrical short likely sparked a fire at a psychiatric hospital near Moscow on April 26, 2013, that killed 38 people, including two doctors, as the fire spread from a wooden annex to the main brick building, where 29 people were burned alive, though 3 people survived; the fire was serious enough to claim 38 lives but did not spread beyond the hospital buildings.
The document discusses strengthening institutional capacity for gender balance. It emphasizes establishing policies and procedures that promote gender equality and non-discrimination. This includes policies on equal employment opportunities, recruitment that encourages applications from women and disabled people, career development without discrimination, and anti-harassment protections. The goal is to have policies and systems that guide institutions to achieve gender balance in decision-making positions and throughout operations.
The document lists and repeats the various types of design services offered by Mayuri Kolas's company Go Artistic, including corporate identity design, label designing, posters, banners, brochures, prospectuses, menus, press ads, flyers, calendars, digital designs like t-shirt and baby book designs, web design, slam books, and hand work including Warli paintings, Kalamkari paintings, and oil/charcoal paintings.
The document discusses six types of internet access referred to as "webs":
1) The Near Web accessed via personal computers
2) The Here Web accessed via mobile devices
3) The Far Web accessed via high-definition screens and online games
4) The Weird Web accessed via voice recognition
5) Business to Business interactions between systems without humans
6) Device to Device interactions via sensor data
It notes that new technologies are expanding what businesses can do to reach customers without a physical presence, and that both new and existing businesses should embrace these changes.
El documento ofrece 5 consejos para ser feliz: 1) dejar de culpar a otros y aprender de los propios errores, 2) no preocuparse por las impresiones de los dem叩s y aceptarse a uno mismo, y 3) tomar el control de la vida en lugar de versere como una v鱈ctima y aprender de los errores.
Este documento presenta una traducci坦n de 50 palabras del ingl辿s al espa単ol realizada por un estudiante de la Universidad Tecnol坦gica de Torre坦n para su clase de Procesos Industriales. La traducci坦n incluye palabras como "autocumplida", "rico", "suficiente", "trampas", "incauto", "evitar", "comienzo", "logrado", "r叩pidamente", "aprendido", "cualquier cosa", "analizar", y "se" entre otras.
Facebook Inc is a social networking company that provides development tools and APIs to enable developers to integrate with Facebook. The report rates Facebook Inc a Buy due to robust revenue growth, a strong financial position with low debt, good cash flow, growing earnings per share, and expanding profit margins. Peer companies are analyzed based on revenue growth, EBITDA margins, earnings yield, and other financial metrics. The internet software and services industry is highly competitive with consolidation and pressure on margins.
chi ph鱈 th畛c t畉 m c叩c du h畛c sinh ph畉i b畛 ra khi du h畛c nh畉t b畉n . V狸 nhi畛u l鱈 do m c叩c trung t但m t畛 ch畛c du h畛c k cho c叩c h畛c sinh bi畉t 動畛c con s畛 th畛c t畉
This document summarizes a study examining the relationship between trade openness and city sizes using the New Economic Geography framework. The study finds that as trade openness increases, the size of main cities declines while the size of secondary cities increases. Similar results are seen for cities with over 1 million people. However, cities that make up a large share of the urban population do not see the same relationship with trade openness. The implications are that investment in infrastructure should target secondary cities during trade liberalization, especially port cities.
An electrical short likely sparked a fire at a psychiatric hospital near Moscow on April 26, 2013, that killed 38 people, including two doctors, as the fire spread from a wooden annex to the main brick building, where 29 people were burned alive, though 3 people survived; the fire was serious enough to claim 38 lives but did not spread beyond the hospital buildings.
The document discusses strengthening institutional capacity for gender balance. It emphasizes establishing policies and procedures that promote gender equality and non-discrimination. This includes policies on equal employment opportunities, recruitment that encourages applications from women and disabled people, career development without discrimination, and anti-harassment protections. The goal is to have policies and systems that guide institutions to achieve gender balance in decision-making positions and throughout operations.
The document lists and repeats the various types of design services offered by Mayuri Kolas's company Go Artistic, including corporate identity design, label designing, posters, banners, brochures, prospectuses, menus, press ads, flyers, calendars, digital designs like t-shirt and baby book designs, web design, slam books, and hand work including Warli paintings, Kalamkari paintings, and oil/charcoal paintings.
The document discusses six types of internet access referred to as "webs":
1) The Near Web accessed via personal computers
2) The Here Web accessed via mobile devices
3) The Far Web accessed via high-definition screens and online games
4) The Weird Web accessed via voice recognition
5) Business to Business interactions between systems without humans
6) Device to Device interactions via sensor data
It notes that new technologies are expanding what businesses can do to reach customers without a physical presence, and that both new and existing businesses should embrace these changes.
El documento ofrece 5 consejos para ser feliz: 1) dejar de culpar a otros y aprender de los propios errores, 2) no preocuparse por las impresiones de los dem叩s y aceptarse a uno mismo, y 3) tomar el control de la vida en lugar de versere como una v鱈ctima y aprender de los errores.
Este documento presenta una traducci坦n de 50 palabras del ingl辿s al espa単ol realizada por un estudiante de la Universidad Tecnol坦gica de Torre坦n para su clase de Procesos Industriales. La traducci坦n incluye palabras como "autocumplida", "rico", "suficiente", "trampas", "incauto", "evitar", "comienzo", "logrado", "r叩pidamente", "aprendido", "cualquier cosa", "analizar", y "se" entre otras.
Facebook Inc is a social networking company that provides development tools and APIs to enable developers to integrate with Facebook. The report rates Facebook Inc a Buy due to robust revenue growth, a strong financial position with low debt, good cash flow, growing earnings per share, and expanding profit margins. Peer companies are analyzed based on revenue growth, EBITDA margins, earnings yield, and other financial metrics. The internet software and services industry is highly competitive with consolidation and pressure on margins.
chi ph鱈 th畛c t畉 m c叩c du h畛c sinh ph畉i b畛 ra khi du h畛c nh畉t b畉n . V狸 nhi畛u l鱈 do m c叩c trung t但m t畛 ch畛c du h畛c k cho c叩c h畛c sinh bi畉t 動畛c con s畛 th畛c t畉
Muqaddimah ANGGARAN DASAR Muhammadiyah .pptxsuwaibahkapa2
惡愕 悋 悋惘忰 悋惘忰
(5) 悋忰惆 惘惡 悋惺悋 (1) 悋惘忰 悋惘忰 (2) 悋惆 (3) 悒悋 惺惡惆 悒悋 愕惠惺 (4) 悋惆悋 悋惶惘悋愀 悋愕惠
(6) 惶惘悋愀 悋悵 悖惺惠 惺 愃惘 悋愃惷惡 惺 悋 悋惷悛
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang. Segala puji bagi Allah yang mengasuh semua alam, yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang, Yang memegang pengadilan pada hari kemudian. Hanya kepada Engkau hamba menyembah, dan hanya kepada Engkau, kami mohon pertolongan. Berilah petunjuk kepada hamba akan jalan yang lempang, jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri kenikmatan, yang tidak dimurkai dan tidak tersesat. (QS Al-Fatihah 1-6)
惘惷惠 惡悋 惘惡悋 惡悋悒愕悋 惆悋 惡忰惆 惶 悋 惺 愕 惡悋 惘愕悋
Saya ridla: Ber-Tuhan kepada ALLAH, ber-Agama kepada ISLAM dan ber-Nabi kepada MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH Shalallahu alaihi wassalam.
AMMA BADU, bahwa sesungguhnya ke-Tuhanan itu adalah hak Allah semata-mata. Ber-Tuhan dan beribadah serta tunduk dan thaat kepada Allah adalah satu-satunya ketentuan yang wajib atas tiap-tiap makhluk, terutama manusia.
Hidup bermasyarakat itu adalah sunnah (hukum qudrat iradat) Allah atas kehidupan manusia di dunia ini.
Masyarakat yang sejahtera, aman damai, makmur dan bahagia hanyalah dapat diwujudkan di atas keadilan, kejujuran, persaudaraan dan gotong-royong, bertolong-tolongan dengan bersendikan hukum Allah yang sebenar-benarnya, lepas dari pengaruh syaitan dan hawa nafsu.
Agama Allah yang dibawa dan diajarkan oleh sekalian Nabi yang bijaksana dan berjiwa suci, adalah satu-satunya pokok hukum dalam masyarakat yang utama dan sebaik-baiknya.
Menjunjung tinggi hukum Allah lebih daripada hukum yang manapun juga, adalah kewajiban mutlak bagi tiap-tiap orang yang mengaku ber-Tuhan kepada Allah.
Agama Islam adalah Agama Allah yang dibawa oleh sekalian Nabi,sejak Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad saw, dan diajarkan kepada umatnya masing-masing untuk mendapatkan hidup bahagia Dunia dan Akhirat.
Syahdan, untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang bahagia dan sentausa sebagai yang tersebut di atas itu, tiap-tiap orang, terutama umat Islam, umat yang percaya akan Allah dan Hari Kemudian, wajiblah mengikuti jejak sekalian Nabi yang suci: beribadah kepada Allah dan berusaha segiat-giatnya mengumpulkan segala kekuatan dan menggunakannya untuk menjelmakan masyarakat itu di Dunia ini, dengan niat yang murni-tulus dan ikhlas karena Allah semata-mata dan hanya mengharapkan karunia Allah dan ridha-Nya belaka, serta mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab di hadirat Allah atas segala perbuatannya, lagi pula harus sabar dan tawakal bertabah hati menghadapi segala kesukaran atau kesulitan yang menimpa dirinya, atau rintangan yang menghalangi pekerjaannya, dengan penuh pengharapan perlindungan dan pertolongan Allah Yang Maha Kuasa.
Untuk melaksanakan terwujudnya masyarakat yang demikian itu, maka dengan berkat dan rahmat Allah didorong oleh firman Allah dalam Al-Quran:
ル曄惠ル 曄 悖ル悸朏 リ曄惺 悒ル 抉曄悽ル曄惘 ルリ曄莧 惡抉曄リ鉱『悦
Restrukturisasi dan Redistribusi Ekonomi melalui Danantara: Pesimis atau Opti...Dadang Solihin
Dari perspektif optimis, Danantara dapat menjadi pilar utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Dengan manajemen profesional dan tata kelola yang transparan, lembaga ini berpotensi mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan aset negara secara lebih produktif.
Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa Applied Artificial Intelligence in Information SystemsAinul Yaqin
File ini adalah lembar kerja mahasiswa untuk mata kuliah Applied Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems. Tujuan pembelajarannya mencakup pemahaman tentang Decision Support Systems (DSS), Business Intelligence (BI), proses pengambilan keputusan, analisis bisnis, manajemen kinerja bisnis, kolaborasi, manajemen pengetahuan, serta teknologi canggih dan tren terkini dalam sistem informasi.
Lembar kerja ini terdiri dari 14 bab yang mencakup berbagai topik, yaitu:
Decision Support and Business Intelligence
Decision Making, Systems, Modeling, and Support
Decision Support Systems Concepts, Methodologies, and Technologies
Modeling and Analysis
Data Mining for Business Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks for Data Mining
Text and Web Mining
Data Warehousing
Business Performance Management
Collaborative Computer-Supported Technologies and Group Support Systems
Knowledge Management
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Advanced Intelligent Systems
Management Support Systems Emerging Trends and Impacts
Setiap babnya memiliki format yang sama, yaitu tujuan pembelajaran, pengantar materi, kegiatan belajar (pemahaman konsep, tugas, diskusi kelompok), penilaian, dan refleksi. Kegiatan belajar sangat bervariasi, mulai dari menjawab pertanyaan, menggambar diagram, analisis kasus, melakukan eksperimen menggunakan tools tertentu, hingga diskusi kelompok dan presentasi.
Referensi utama yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah buku Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems oleh Turban, E., Sharda, R., & Delen, D.
Lembar kerja ini memberikan kerangka kerja yang komprehensif bagi mahasiswa untuk memahami dan menerapkan konsep-konsep penting dalam kecerdasan buatan terapan pada sistem informasi, melalui kombinasi pembelajaran teoretis dan tugas-tugas praktis.
3. Tele ; Tampak
Vision ; Jauh .
Jauh dan Tampak
TV merupakan suatu alat untuk
melihat dari jarak jauh.
Tele ; Tampak
Vision ; Jauh .
Jauh dan Tampak
TV merupakan suatu alat untuk
melihat dari jarak jauh.
Pengertian Televisi
4. Sinetron dan FTV Infotaiment
Acara Musik Komedi
Kuis dan Game Show Olahraga
News Talk Show
Talent Show Cartoon
5. 0 5 10
Anak Jalanan
Tukang bubur
Preman Pensiun
Adit, Sopo & Jarwo
Kau Seputih Melati
Series 1
Series 1
10 Rating Tertinggi
8. Fungsi Televisi Sebagai
Media Massa
Fungsi Informasi
(The Information Function)
Fungsi Pendidikan
(The Education Function)
Fungsi Hiburan
(The Entartaint Function)
10. Tayangan Program Berita
Tayangan Program Motivasi
Tayangan Program Petualangan
Tayangan Religi
Tayangan Olahraga
13. Perhatikan Simbol
Informatif dan Edukatif
Acara Motifasi
Pembawa Acara
Atur Waktu
14. Mengambil amanat dan hikmah
dalam cerita
Menebak alur cerita
Sebagai sarana penghibur diri
Jadikan sebagai media belajar