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Mobile Apps for Scientists  Bioconference Live October  2011 息Axiope
Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
What is a mobile app? 息Axiope  A software application running on a tablet or smartphone
What different kinds of apps are there? 息Axiope Dedicated mobile apps iOS (Apple)  Android  Windows (coming with Windows 8)  Web apps on mobile devices
Where to find mobile apps 息Axiope iTunes AppStore Android Market and alternatives Google Specialized websites http://homepage.mac.com/swain/Macinchem/iPhone/mobile_apps.html http://www.scimobileapps.com/
How much do they cost? 息Axiope 0 - $20
Key variables 息Axiope Reading Input Consumption Production Extended activity Focussed activity Education Research
Tablets versus phones 息Axiope Production/Input Consumption/Reading Its the screensize, stupid!
Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
Types of apps Molecular design/manipulation Interaction with databases Calculations Tools 息Axiope
Molecular design/manipulation JS Draw Javascript chemical structure drawing tool iMolBuilder (3D) View, edit and draw molecules iMolDraw (2D) 息Axiope
Molecular design/manipulation Mobile molecular datasheet View, edit and organise chemical structures 息Axiope
Interaction with databases Chemspider mobile Mobile search client for the ChemSpider online database MObile reagents Access to  6 million molecules and 11 million product variations from more than 50 laboratory chemical suppliers 息Axiope
Interaction with databases iProtein Survey TIP database by Sequence, Structure/Model, Site, Protein Family, and by co-complexed ligand 息Axiope
Calculations ChemCal Chemistry concentration (molarity, moles per liter) and dilutions calculator Molweight Calculation of the molecular weight and other key properties of peptides and oligonucleotides油 息Axiope
Tools Primer   Jot A molecular biology application for keeping track of oligos Florescence Spectraviewer Plot and compare spectra for fluorophores from  Invitrogen 息Axiope
Tools eCAT electronic notebook/sample management 息Axiope
Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
Whats coming next? 息Axiope Platforms with more capabilities Easier data entry Higher resolution cameras Apps supporting complex actions Cross-platform apps  More apps!
What does this mean? 息Axiope PC/Mac activity    mobile devices Consumption    production Mobile devices performing hybrid  functions Mobile, app-centric orientation
Example problem Calf embryo biopsy sample workflow Take a sample from a cow, in a barn; no wifi Place sample in container, e.g. test tube Later, put the container in a freezer Track sample, and its aliquots, and document things that happen to them 息Axiope
Todays solution Unstructured paper notes about sample Reenter sample details in spreadsheet back at the lab Manually enter freezer location details Separately put notes about sample in a paper lab book Keep updating notebook and spreadsheet Later, place the container in a freezer Track sample, and its aliquots, and document things that happen to them 息Axiope
Result Time consuming and messy! 息Axiope
Tomorrows solution: data collection and barcoding app Enter sample data in configurable form on any mobile device Using keyboard, stylus or voice Barcoding support Works online and offline The form syncs with eCAT Back in the lab Enter freezer location information and sample activity  in the original form Sample data links to experiment record in notebook Track samples, and document things that happen to them, on the form, through mobile devices, pc or mac iOS and Android Tablets and phones 息Axiope
Result: Integrated solution Takes advantage of new mobile platform capabilities Lets you work with the devices  you  want Automatically syncs between devices  Starts with existing workflow Saves time by  Simplifying data entry at each step Integrating unconnected actions into a single process  息Axiope
A solution with broad application Vetmed, but also . . . Horticulture/plant science Forestry Geology Space Clinical (home sample collection), and . . . Freezers with no wifi! 息Axiope
Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
息Axiope www.axiope.com [email_address] http://twitter.com/rory_macneil

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Mobile apps for scientists

  • 1. Mobile Apps for Scientists Bioconference Live October 2011 息Axiope
  • 2. Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
  • 3. What is a mobile app? 息Axiope A software application running on a tablet or smartphone
  • 4. What different kinds of apps are there? 息Axiope Dedicated mobile apps iOS (Apple) Android Windows (coming with Windows 8) Web apps on mobile devices
  • 5. Where to find mobile apps 息Axiope iTunes AppStore Android Market and alternatives Google Specialized websites http://homepage.mac.com/swain/Macinchem/iPhone/mobile_apps.html http://www.scimobileapps.com/
  • 6. How much do they cost? 息Axiope 0 - $20
  • 7. Key variables 息Axiope Reading Input Consumption Production Extended activity Focussed activity Education Research
  • 8. Tablets versus phones 息Axiope Production/Input Consumption/Reading Its the screensize, stupid!
  • 9. Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
  • 10. Types of apps Molecular design/manipulation Interaction with databases Calculations Tools 息Axiope
  • 11. Molecular design/manipulation JS Draw Javascript chemical structure drawing tool iMolBuilder (3D) View, edit and draw molecules iMolDraw (2D) 息Axiope
  • 12. Molecular design/manipulation Mobile molecular datasheet View, edit and organise chemical structures 息Axiope
  • 13. Interaction with databases Chemspider mobile Mobile search client for the ChemSpider online database MObile reagents Access to 6 million molecules and 11 million product variations from more than 50 laboratory chemical suppliers 息Axiope
  • 14. Interaction with databases iProtein Survey TIP database by Sequence, Structure/Model, Site, Protein Family, and by co-complexed ligand 息Axiope
  • 15. Calculations ChemCal Chemistry concentration (molarity, moles per liter) and dilutions calculator Molweight Calculation of the molecular weight and other key properties of peptides and oligonucleotides油 息Axiope
  • 16. Tools Primer Jot A molecular biology application for keeping track of oligos Florescence Spectraviewer Plot and compare spectra for fluorophores from Invitrogen 息Axiope
  • 17. Tools eCAT electronic notebook/sample management 息Axiope
  • 18. Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
  • 19. Whats coming next? 息Axiope Platforms with more capabilities Easier data entry Higher resolution cameras Apps supporting complex actions Cross-platform apps More apps!
  • 20. What does this mean? 息Axiope PC/Mac activity mobile devices Consumption production Mobile devices performing hybrid functions Mobile, app-centric orientation
  • 21. Example problem Calf embryo biopsy sample workflow Take a sample from a cow, in a barn; no wifi Place sample in container, e.g. test tube Later, put the container in a freezer Track sample, and its aliquots, and document things that happen to them 息Axiope
  • 22. Todays solution Unstructured paper notes about sample Reenter sample details in spreadsheet back at the lab Manually enter freezer location details Separately put notes about sample in a paper lab book Keep updating notebook and spreadsheet Later, place the container in a freezer Track sample, and its aliquots, and document things that happen to them 息Axiope
  • 23. Result Time consuming and messy! 息Axiope
  • 24. Tomorrows solution: data collection and barcoding app Enter sample data in configurable form on any mobile device Using keyboard, stylus or voice Barcoding support Works online and offline The form syncs with eCAT Back in the lab Enter freezer location information and sample activity in the original form Sample data links to experiment record in notebook Track samples, and document things that happen to them, on the form, through mobile devices, pc or mac iOS and Android Tablets and phones 息Axiope
  • 25. Result: Integrated solution Takes advantage of new mobile platform capabilities Lets you work with the devices you want Automatically syncs between devices Starts with existing workflow Saves time by Simplifying data entry at each step Integrating unconnected actions into a single process 息Axiope
  • 26. A solution with broad application Vetmed, but also . . . Horticulture/plant science Forestry Geology Space Clinical (home sample collection), and . . . Freezers with no wifi! 息Axiope
  • 27. Overview Setting the scene Apps by discipline and function A peak at whats coming Q&A 息Axiope
  • 28. 息Axiope www.axiope.com [email_address] http://twitter.com/rory_macneil

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Hi everyone, and welcome to this Bioconference Live presentation on mobile apps for scientists. Today I am going to be talking about apps for scientists that can be used on mobile devices . . . like this one. My name is Rory Macneil, and Im from Axiope. We provide an electronic lab notebook that includes a sample management capability, and you can use it on an iPad. Its called eCAT. As part of the presentation Im going to show you eCAT on the iPad in action, and how its useful in the lab. Let me get started by setting the scene with an overview of what well be covering today. Please fire away with questions at any time during the presentation. I may respond to a question as it comes in, or if it looks as if its going to interrupt the flow I will hold off and answer the question in the Q&A session at the end. Also please feel free to identify yourself and let me know what your particular interest in the presentation is. Ill try to cover things in a way that makes the presentation relevant to your interest.
  • #3: So, heres a quick overview of what were going to cover today.
  • #6: 油 3油Categories Biology Chemistry Electronics Geology Journals Mathematics Medicine Nature Physics Reference Management Scientific collaboration tools Multidisciplinary Mobile Developers Tools 5油Publications and Presentations 6油App of the Month 7油What Apps are Missing?
  • #13: Molecular Materials Informatics Alan Clark Mobile molecular datasheet is flagship Others, e.g. Reaction101 , which allows editing of a chemical reaction, consisting of reactants, products and reagents, which are defined by structures, names and stoichiometry.
  • #27: So thats an example of the kind of application thats coming soon. It takes advantage of the development of mobile platforms to enable much richer use of mobile devices encompassing a broader range of research activities.
  • #29: Thanks for listening. Now Id like to turn to questions. Ill start with ones that have already come in, but feel free to ask more as we get into the Q&A.