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Blitz, My Other
Best Friend
By Amie Hoover
It Was Love at First

A side-by-side memoir told from my
point-of-view and Blitz¡¯ point of
It was Superbowl Sunday,
2011. JB and I sat browsing
puppy pictures online while
waiting for the big game to
begin. We had no real plans to
get a dog, but sat trying to fill
our free time and thinking
about the ¡°what ifs.¡± As we
continued to look, we found a
few that caught our attention.
We hopped in the car and
made a spontaneous trip to
the Humane Society of

It was a chilly day outside. I¡¯m
not sure what day or month it
was. I woke up and went
outside to the 4 foot by 6 foot
outdoor cage I was sharing with
two other dogs. I had to step
over the piles of pee and poo
that had yet to be cleaned up
and would probably remain for
the rest of the day or longer. I
made my way to the end of the
cage and lay down in the warm
We entered the building and were
greeted by an employee. ¡°Welcome
to the Humane Society. Do you
have anything in particular you are
looking for?¡± she asked. We told
her we were just browsing and she
showed us to the outdoor kennels.
We began walking past each cage,
reading the names, descriptions,
and color codes of the dogs inside.
¡°This one doesn¡¯t get along with
other dogs,¡± JB whispered to me.
¡°This one is very friendly and
loving,¡± I said back.

That day felt different. I was
hopeful. I had been waiting for
someone to take me away
from this place for a couple
weeks. I had been in a foster
home for the first few weeks of
my life, and I was anxious to
have my own house and a
family again. A few people
walked by today. Some stopped
to read about me and then
continued on. Maybe today
wouldn¡¯t be different. It was
getting late in the afternoon,
and no one seemed to be
interested in me.
We continued browsing the kennels,
each dog silently begging for us to
take it home, and then stopped at
Kennel 6. ALPENA: Male, German
Shepherd, Well socialized, Lots of
energy. We called him out and he
came up to the end of the kennel,
sticking his nose through the little
holes. JB, disregarding the sign that
clearly said, ¡°DO NOT PET OR TOUCH
his hand through the holes and
petted his back. ¡°He is so adorable,¡± I
said to JB. ¡°I want him. Go find
someone and figure out what we
need to do.¡± I stayed by the kennel,
making sure no one else came near (I
was ready to defend and attack if
they tried to come near him).

Then, a man and a woman
stopped at my cage. ¡°Oh
please oh please like me
enough to play with me for a
little while,¡± I thought. They
called my name and I went
up to the end of the kennel. I
stuck my nose through the
cold metal and gave them
my best puppy dog eyes and
a little whimper. The man
stuck his hand through the
fence and I let him pet me. It
felt good to have someone
rub my back again. But then
the man left. Did he not like
me? Maybe I didn¡¯t whimper
enough this time.
JB returned with an employee
who stated that she was going
to take him to the fenced in
play area so we could play
with him and get to know him
a little better. We walked into
the fenced area and the lady
gave us a tennis ball. We
tossed it to the other side and
Alpena ran after it, then
brought it back and dropped it
at our feet after tossing it
around a few times. He rolled
over onto his back and let us
rub his belly. Then he pranced
up again and started playing.
He was full of energy and
everything I ever wanted in a
puppy. I knew he had to be

The man returned with one of the
workers who tried to take care of
us all. She came around to the
inside, put me on a leash, and
walked me to the play area.
Finally, the play area! I was free
from the little kennel to run
around! The man and the woman
came in and tossed a tennis ball to
the other side. I ran after it and
started tossing it around and
brought it back to the man and
woman to throw again. I wanted
to show them I was a smart boy.
Then I rolled over for a belly rub. I
love having my belly rubbed! I
kept playing with these new
people, hoping they would fall in
love with me. I liked them already.
I wanted a family to look after.
We finished up and then went
inside to ask about adoption. The
employee told us to ¡°fill out an
application¡± and they would call
us in a couple days if he was still
available and if no one had
already requested him. Her reply
left me disheartened. I knew he
was the one for us. What if
someone else thinks he is the one
for them? What if someone else
already fell in love with him and is
waiting on him too? I started to
lose all hope and excitement.
After turning in the application,
we left and drove back home,
waiting for further news and
hoping he would be ours soon.

When we finished playing,
the man and woman left
and the worker put me
back in my dirty kennel.
Did they not like me? Am I
not what they are looking
for? I was sad that they
had left me. Would they be
back for me? I returned to
my sunny spot to catch the
last few rays of sun before
it got dark out. I was
lonely again. I thought
that day was going to be
different, but so far it was
just the same. I was stuck
there with nobody to love
and nobody to love me.
To our surprise, we
received a call the next
day saying Alpena was
ours and was ready to be
picked up. JB went to
pick him up while I was
at work, and brought him
home to get acclimated.
We renamed him Blitz,
because we thought it
was more fitting than
Alpena. He was now a
part of our family. I knew
it was love at first sight.

The next morning, another worker lady
came and got me out of the kennel.
She gave me a bath and cleaned me
up. ¡°Why am I getting a bath?¡± I
wondered. Then I saw the man from
yesterday. He was back! They took me
to him and put me in his arms. Finally
a daddy! My new daddy put me in the
front seat of his truck. I wondered
where we were going. I was so happy
to be out of that place. We made it to
his house and it was everything I ever
wanted. Finally, I had a house of my
own and a new family! I knew it was
love at first sight.
When You Were a Little
A No Time Narrative
You¡¯re coming up on three years old and the
time has passed quickly. I remember the days
when you were just a little puppy and all the joy
and laughter you brought to our new family of
three. When you were a little puppy, we found
you in the animal shelter, waiting for someone
to love you as much as we do.
When you were a little puppy, we took you on long hikes in the
mountains to be surrounded by the peaceful serene of nature. You
were fearless and would jump off the sides of the steep riverbank
into the rushing creek water. You loved to feel the cool water around
you after a tiring hike. You learned to get a little ways ahead of us on
the trail to ¡°check for danger¡± and then you would stop and wait for
us to catch up.
When you were a little
puppy, you used to fit perfectly
cuddled up in our laps, with your
wet nose pressed to our bodies.
You would nip at our hands if we
stopped petting you, even for a
few seconds. You loved to use
our legs or bellies as a pillow.
You would sit still in mine or
daddy¡¯s lap while we watched TV
or a movie. You were happy as
long as you were with us.
Blitz Multi-Genre Project
When you were a little puppy, you were eager to learn
and to be challenged. You were house trained in a couple of
days. We bought a bell to hang on the back door knob and
taught you to paw at it when you needed to go out. You
learned SIT and SHAKE in minutes. You learned not to get on
the couch, unless we gave you permission and how to STAY if
we didn¡¯t want you to follow. You learned to GO SIT and wait if
you got a special treat in your food bowl.
When you were a
little puppy, you would ride in
the front seat of daddy¡¯s
white Ford pick-up truck,
eager to see where the road
took you. You would whimper
for us to roll the window
down, then peak your head
out into the open air. The
wind would push your lips
back into a wide-grinned
smile. Nothing else mattered
at that moment. You were
content that you were with
your family.
When you were a little puppy, we took you to Myrtle
Beach. We took you down to the ocean front to walk and
play. You tried to gobble up all the bubbles created by the
incoming salt water and chased the waves as they came in.
Little did we know then, that it is not good for dogs to drink
the salt water or eat the bubbles. They gave you an upset
tummy for the rest of the night.
When you were a little puppy, you brought
joy and laughter to each of our days and continue
to do so today. Little did we know then, how much
love a dog could bring to our family.
October 22nd, 2013

Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. Thank
you for taking such good care of me. I love you so much that I
want to cuddle you all night long in the bed. I know how much
you both love to cuddle with me.
I know I¡¯m not supposed to sleep in the bed. I think
because I shed everywhere. But you could brush me first, and
then I wouldn¡¯t get as much hair on the bed. And you could wash
the sheets every night. If I slept in the bed with you, I would
keep you warm all night. If you have nightmares, I will be there
for you to cuddle and make your nightmares go away. If anyone
tries to come in the room, I will be in the bed ready to protect
you. I get much better sleep in the big comfy bed than I do
sleeping in my little bed on the floor. Don¡¯t you want me to get
good sleep too? I need plenty of rest to be able to chase
squirrels in the backyard tomorrow. Can I please sleep in the
bed so I can show you how much I love you?
German Shepherds as Family Dogs:
Smart, Loyal, Protective, Energetic
Click here for an informational article:
Ask Amie
Q. I am planning on having children in the future and would like some advice on
how to make sure my dog Blitz, a German Shepherd, gets along with a newborn
baby and any problems that might arise. Any tips?
Future Mom, North Carolina
This is a common question and fear of pet owners. Make sure you keep the needs of the dog in mind,
along with the needs of a child. Your dog may have a hard time adjusting to someone new getting the
attention, but keep these tips in mind. First of all, try to start changing his routine months before the
arrival of a baby. Change his feeding schedule, exercise schedule, and the amount of attention he gets
based on what you think it will be like once a baby arrives. You can practice with a baby doll around the
dog so that he gets used to it. Reward him with praise and treats when he does well around the doll and
around the baby. If you have friends or family with babies, bring them around so that he can get used to
it. Introduce your dog to the baby¡¯s scent by giving him a shirt or baby blanket from the hospital or
place of delivery. Exercise your dog before introducing him to the new baby and keep him on a leash at
first. Try to give your dog as much attention as you can when the baby is around. Try to include your dog
and baby in the same activities, like going for walks or going to a park. Never leave your baby or a
toddler alone with a dog. I hope these tips help!
Based on information from The American Kennel Club, Inc.
Why I Keep the Doors Closed
I came home from work one day
And much to my dismay,
Upstairs there were toilet paper shreds
All over the floor and under the beds!
Blitz had dragged the roll from the bathroom shelf
He shredded it to hundreds of pieces, all by himself.
It looked like snow covering the floor.
¡°BLITZ!¡± I yelled, sticking my head out the door.
He ran up the stairs to the craft room where I stood
¡°I thought I told you this morning to be good!¡±
He hung his head low, knowing I was mad.
He was just bored, I thought, not trying to be bad.
I picked up the pieces and put them in the trash,
Then changed the location of the toilet paper stash.
So now I close all the bedroom doors,
I just hope he doesn¡¯t learn how to open the drawers!
Life Lessons Learned from My Dog Blitz
1. Love unconditionally. Blitz shows his love and affection no matter what. He
shows his excitement when we get home and showers us with kisses and cuddles
at all times of the day. He is loving, no matter what. I need to remember to show
my love for others.
2. Get outside and enjoy nature. Blitz loves to go for walks, hikes, go swimming,
and run around in the backyard. He reminds me that our world is a beautiful place
and I need to take the time to enjoy it, instead of being stuck inside all day.
3. Get plenty of exercise. Blitz needs exercise to stay healthy and to improve his
mood and behavior. I need to remember that exercise is important and a big stress
4. Take the time to nap and relax. Although Blitz loves to exercise, he can also be
very lazy. He spends many hours napping in his bed or secretly on the couch. I¡¯ve
learned that in our busy world, I need to take the time to slow down and just relax.
5. Surround yourself with loving family. Blitz is happiest when he is with his family.
I need to make more time for my family, because they are the ones that are going
to be there for me, not my job.
6. Some people will not like you, simply because they do not know you or
understand you. Some people see Blitz and immediately are afraid or do not like
him because of what breed of dog he is and his threatening bark. However, if they
got to know him they would know he is actually very kind and loving, just protective.
There are going to be people that don¡¯t like me just because, and its okay to not
please everyone. All I can do is show them who I really am and let them make their
own decisions. I also need to remember to get to know other people as well.
7. Everybody makes mistakes. Learn from them. Blitz is not perfect. He has
shredded paper products all over the house, had accidents inside, and ran away
through the neighborhood. However, I still love him very much. I need to remember
that I don¡¯t have to be perfect and that it¡¯s okay to make mistakes. The people that
really care about me and my well being will forgive me and move on.
8. Focus on the present, instead of spending all of your energy worrying about
the past or the future. Blitz, like all dogs, only focus on the present. They don¡¯t
connect things they do in the past. That¡¯s why they say when training your dog to
focus on what they are doing now, not what they already did, because dogs can¡¯t
relate things to the past. I need to remember to focus on the present, instead of
worrying about things that have already happened and spending so much energy
worrying about how things will turn out in the future. I need to make the best of now.
Meet the Author

My name is Amie Hoover and I am 25 years old. I live, and have lived my entire life, in North Carolina. I
originally attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but transferred after my freshman year to the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where I graduated with a Bachelor¡¯s Degree in Elementary Education.
I teach third grade and am currently working on my Masters of Education in Reading Education. I have a
wonderful husband, JB, and of course my loving dog Blitz. I have always had a dog growing up and they have
always been an important part of our family. This led to my inspiration for this book. I wanted to show how
important dogs can be and how special they are in our lives. I wrote this book for my husband and future

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Blitz Multi-Genre Project

  • 1. Blitz, My Other Best Friend By Amie Hoover
  • 2. It Was Love at First Sight A side-by-side memoir told from my point-of-view and Blitz¡¯ point of
  • 3. It was Superbowl Sunday, 2011. JB and I sat browsing puppy pictures online while waiting for the big game to begin. We had no real plans to get a dog, but sat trying to fill our free time and thinking about the ¡°what ifs.¡± As we continued to look, we found a few that caught our attention. We hopped in the car and made a spontaneous trip to the Humane Society of Charlotte. It was a chilly day outside. I¡¯m not sure what day or month it was. I woke up and went outside to the 4 foot by 6 foot outdoor cage I was sharing with two other dogs. I had to step over the piles of pee and poo that had yet to be cleaned up and would probably remain for the rest of the day or longer. I made my way to the end of the cage and lay down in the warm sunshine.
  • 4. We entered the building and were greeted by an employee. ¡°Welcome to the Humane Society. Do you have anything in particular you are looking for?¡± she asked. We told her we were just browsing and she showed us to the outdoor kennels. We began walking past each cage, reading the names, descriptions, and color codes of the dogs inside. ¡°This one doesn¡¯t get along with other dogs,¡± JB whispered to me. ¡°This one is very friendly and loving,¡± I said back. That day felt different. I was hopeful. I had been waiting for someone to take me away from this place for a couple weeks. I had been in a foster home for the first few weeks of my life, and I was anxious to have my own house and a family again. A few people walked by today. Some stopped to read about me and then continued on. Maybe today wouldn¡¯t be different. It was getting late in the afternoon, and no one seemed to be interested in me.
  • 5. We continued browsing the kennels, each dog silently begging for us to take it home, and then stopped at Kennel 6. ALPENA: Male, German Shepherd, Well socialized, Lots of energy. We called him out and he came up to the end of the kennel, sticking his nose through the little holes. JB, disregarding the sign that clearly said, ¡°DO NOT PET OR TOUCH THE DOGS IN THE KENNELS,¡± stuck his hand through the holes and petted his back. ¡°He is so adorable,¡± I said to JB. ¡°I want him. Go find someone and figure out what we need to do.¡± I stayed by the kennel, making sure no one else came near (I was ready to defend and attack if they tried to come near him). Then, a man and a woman stopped at my cage. ¡°Oh please oh please like me enough to play with me for a little while,¡± I thought. They called my name and I went up to the end of the kennel. I stuck my nose through the cold metal and gave them my best puppy dog eyes and a little whimper. The man stuck his hand through the fence and I let him pet me. It felt good to have someone rub my back again. But then the man left. Did he not like me? Maybe I didn¡¯t whimper enough this time.
  • 6. JB returned with an employee who stated that she was going to take him to the fenced in play area so we could play with him and get to know him a little better. We walked into the fenced area and the lady gave us a tennis ball. We tossed it to the other side and Alpena ran after it, then brought it back and dropped it at our feet after tossing it around a few times. He rolled over onto his back and let us rub his belly. Then he pranced up again and started playing. He was full of energy and everything I ever wanted in a puppy. I knew he had to be ours. The man returned with one of the workers who tried to take care of us all. She came around to the inside, put me on a leash, and walked me to the play area. Finally, the play area! I was free from the little kennel to run around! The man and the woman came in and tossed a tennis ball to the other side. I ran after it and started tossing it around and brought it back to the man and woman to throw again. I wanted to show them I was a smart boy. Then I rolled over for a belly rub. I love having my belly rubbed! I kept playing with these new people, hoping they would fall in love with me. I liked them already. I wanted a family to look after.
  • 7. We finished up and then went inside to ask about adoption. The employee told us to ¡°fill out an application¡± and they would call us in a couple days if he was still available and if no one had already requested him. Her reply left me disheartened. I knew he was the one for us. What if someone else thinks he is the one for them? What if someone else already fell in love with him and is waiting on him too? I started to lose all hope and excitement. After turning in the application, we left and drove back home, waiting for further news and hoping he would be ours soon. When we finished playing, the man and woman left and the worker put me back in my dirty kennel. Did they not like me? Am I not what they are looking for? I was sad that they had left me. Would they be back for me? I returned to my sunny spot to catch the last few rays of sun before it got dark out. I was lonely again. I thought that day was going to be different, but so far it was just the same. I was stuck there with nobody to love and nobody to love me.
  • 8. To our surprise, we received a call the next day saying Alpena was ours and was ready to be picked up. JB went to pick him up while I was at work, and brought him home to get acclimated. We renamed him Blitz, because we thought it was more fitting than Alpena. He was now a part of our family. I knew it was love at first sight. The next morning, another worker lady came and got me out of the kennel. She gave me a bath and cleaned me up. ¡°Why am I getting a bath?¡± I wondered. Then I saw the man from yesterday. He was back! They took me to him and put me in his arms. Finally a daddy! My new daddy put me in the front seat of his truck. I wondered where we were going. I was so happy to be out of that place. We made it to his house and it was everything I ever wanted. Finally, I had a house of my own and a new family! I knew it was love at first sight.
  • 9. When You Were a Little Puppy A No Time Narrative
  • 10. You¡¯re coming up on three years old and the time has passed quickly. I remember the days when you were just a little puppy and all the joy and laughter you brought to our new family of three. When you were a little puppy, we found you in the animal shelter, waiting for someone to love you as much as we do.
  • 11. When you were a little puppy, we took you on long hikes in the mountains to be surrounded by the peaceful serene of nature. You were fearless and would jump off the sides of the steep riverbank into the rushing creek water. You loved to feel the cool water around you after a tiring hike. You learned to get a little ways ahead of us on the trail to ¡°check for danger¡± and then you would stop and wait for us to catch up.
  • 12. When you were a little puppy, you used to fit perfectly cuddled up in our laps, with your wet nose pressed to our bodies. You would nip at our hands if we stopped petting you, even for a few seconds. You loved to use our legs or bellies as a pillow. You would sit still in mine or daddy¡¯s lap while we watched TV or a movie. You were happy as long as you were with us.
  • 14. When you were a little puppy, you were eager to learn and to be challenged. You were house trained in a couple of days. We bought a bell to hang on the back door knob and taught you to paw at it when you needed to go out. You learned SIT and SHAKE in minutes. You learned not to get on the couch, unless we gave you permission and how to STAY if we didn¡¯t want you to follow. You learned to GO SIT and wait if you got a special treat in your food bowl.
  • 15. When you were a little puppy, you would ride in the front seat of daddy¡¯s white Ford pick-up truck, eager to see where the road took you. You would whimper for us to roll the window down, then peak your head out into the open air. The wind would push your lips back into a wide-grinned smile. Nothing else mattered at that moment. You were content that you were with your family.
  • 16. When you were a little puppy, we took you to Myrtle Beach. We took you down to the ocean front to walk and play. You tried to gobble up all the bubbles created by the incoming salt water and chased the waves as they came in. Little did we know then, that it is not good for dogs to drink the salt water or eat the bubbles. They gave you an upset tummy for the rest of the night.
  • 17. When you were a little puppy, you brought joy and laughter to each of our days and continue to do so today. Little did we know then, how much love a dog could bring to our family.
  • 18. October 22nd, 2013 Dear Mommy and Daddy, I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. Thank you for taking such good care of me. I love you so much that I want to cuddle you all night long in the bed. I know how much you both love to cuddle with me. I know I¡¯m not supposed to sleep in the bed. I think because I shed everywhere. But you could brush me first, and then I wouldn¡¯t get as much hair on the bed. And you could wash the sheets every night. If I slept in the bed with you, I would keep you warm all night. If you have nightmares, I will be there for you to cuddle and make your nightmares go away. If anyone tries to come in the room, I will be in the bed ready to protect you. I get much better sleep in the big comfy bed than I do sleeping in my little bed on the floor. Don¡¯t you want me to get good sleep too? I need plenty of rest to be able to chase squirrels in the backyard tomorrow. Can I please sleep in the bed so I can show you how much I love you? Love,
  • 19. German Shepherds as Family Dogs: Smart, Loyal, Protective, Energetic Click here for an informational article:
  • 20. Ask Amie Q. I am planning on having children in the future and would like some advice on how to make sure my dog Blitz, a German Shepherd, gets along with a newborn baby and any problems that might arise. Any tips? Future Mom, North Carolina This is a common question and fear of pet owners. Make sure you keep the needs of the dog in mind, along with the needs of a child. Your dog may have a hard time adjusting to someone new getting the attention, but keep these tips in mind. First of all, try to start changing his routine months before the arrival of a baby. Change his feeding schedule, exercise schedule, and the amount of attention he gets based on what you think it will be like once a baby arrives. You can practice with a baby doll around the dog so that he gets used to it. Reward him with praise and treats when he does well around the doll and around the baby. If you have friends or family with babies, bring them around so that he can get used to it. Introduce your dog to the baby¡¯s scent by giving him a shirt or baby blanket from the hospital or place of delivery. Exercise your dog before introducing him to the new baby and keep him on a leash at first. Try to give your dog as much attention as you can when the baby is around. Try to include your dog and baby in the same activities, like going for walks or going to a park. Never leave your baby or a toddler alone with a dog. I hope these tips help! -Amie Based on information from The American Kennel Club, Inc.
  • 21. Why I Keep the Doors Closed I came home from work one day And much to my dismay, Upstairs there were toilet paper shreds All over the floor and under the beds! Blitz had dragged the roll from the bathroom shelf He shredded it to hundreds of pieces, all by himself. It looked like snow covering the floor. ¡°BLITZ!¡± I yelled, sticking my head out the door. He ran up the stairs to the craft room where I stood ¡°I thought I told you this morning to be good!¡± He hung his head low, knowing I was mad. He was just bored, I thought, not trying to be bad. I picked up the pieces and put them in the trash, Then changed the location of the toilet paper stash. So now I close all the bedroom doors, I just hope he doesn¡¯t learn how to open the drawers!
  • 22. Life Lessons Learned from My Dog Blitz 1. Love unconditionally. Blitz shows his love and affection no matter what. He shows his excitement when we get home and showers us with kisses and cuddles at all times of the day. He is loving, no matter what. I need to remember to show my love for others. 2. Get outside and enjoy nature. Blitz loves to go for walks, hikes, go swimming, and run around in the backyard. He reminds me that our world is a beautiful place and I need to take the time to enjoy it, instead of being stuck inside all day. 3. Get plenty of exercise. Blitz needs exercise to stay healthy and to improve his mood and behavior. I need to remember that exercise is important and a big stress reliever. 4. Take the time to nap and relax. Although Blitz loves to exercise, he can also be very lazy. He spends many hours napping in his bed or secretly on the couch. I¡¯ve learned that in our busy world, I need to take the time to slow down and just relax. 5. Surround yourself with loving family. Blitz is happiest when he is with his family. I need to make more time for my family, because they are the ones that are going to be there for me, not my job.
  • 23. 6. Some people will not like you, simply because they do not know you or understand you. Some people see Blitz and immediately are afraid or do not like him because of what breed of dog he is and his threatening bark. However, if they got to know him they would know he is actually very kind and loving, just protective. There are going to be people that don¡¯t like me just because, and its okay to not please everyone. All I can do is show them who I really am and let them make their own decisions. I also need to remember to get to know other people as well. 7. Everybody makes mistakes. Learn from them. Blitz is not perfect. He has shredded paper products all over the house, had accidents inside, and ran away through the neighborhood. However, I still love him very much. I need to remember that I don¡¯t have to be perfect and that it¡¯s okay to make mistakes. The people that really care about me and my well being will forgive me and move on. 8. Focus on the present, instead of spending all of your energy worrying about the past or the future. Blitz, like all dogs, only focus on the present. They don¡¯t connect things they do in the past. That¡¯s why they say when training your dog to focus on what they are doing now, not what they already did, because dogs can¡¯t relate things to the past. I need to remember to focus on the present, instead of worrying about things that have already happened and spending so much energy worrying about how things will turn out in the future. I need to make the best of now.
  • 24. Meet the Author My name is Amie Hoover and I am 25 years old. I live, and have lived my entire life, in North Carolina. I originally attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but transferred after my freshman year to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where I graduated with a Bachelor¡¯s Degree in Elementary Education. I teach third grade and am currently working on my Masters of Education in Reading Education. I have a wonderful husband, JB, and of course my loving dog Blitz. I have always had a dog growing up and they have always been an important part of our family. This led to my inspiration for this book. I wanted to show how important dogs can be and how special they are in our lives. I wrote this book for my husband and future children.