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Blogs and Microblogs
Presented by Don Baraka
Introduction and Definition
 Before the onset of mass computerisation, most people used notes and
private journals to record their thoughts, feelings and ideas.
 However, the onset of the digital revolution has largely phased out these
rudimentary methods, and brought about, among other things, the
blogging frenzy.
 The word Blog, came to the lime light in the late 1990s when there was a
great realization that websites ,without good content were nothing more
than empty shells.
 This prompted a good number of web developers to concentrate more on
creating content for their websites.
 This started as logging or documenting daily activities or particular topics
and ideas. Posting this logs on web pages exposed them to a global
audience, and thus the name Blog was born, coined as a shortened term
for web logs.
Importance and Development
 As expected, bloggers and blogging communities started cropping up from
all corners of the globe, and as the internets mighty reach grew, so did the
number of these communities.
 The logic became simple, if we write it, they will read it. For some, it even
became a full time job since good content drove traffic, and this traffic could
be monetized.

Great content

Happy users

Avid Blogger
More web traffic
Blogs vs. Microblogs
 Eventually, a demarcation emerged and this was based on the type and
quantity of content that a blogger was to post.
 It was possible to do a one paragraph blog, or a one page or as many
pages as were desired, coupled with loads of graphics, multimedia and
images. These kinds of posts, were officially known as blogs
 Microblogs on the other hand, involved far less content, usually a
sentence or two, and most platforms for this even have a limit on how
many characters you can type.
 Mainstream blogging platforms include Facebook and Google+ while a
perfect micro blog example is twitter.

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Blogs and microblogs

  • 2. Introduction and Definition Before the onset of mass computerisation, most people used notes and private journals to record their thoughts, feelings and ideas. However, the onset of the digital revolution has largely phased out these rudimentary methods, and brought about, among other things, the blogging frenzy. The word Blog, came to the lime light in the late 1990s when there was a great realization that websites ,without good content were nothing more than empty shells. This prompted a good number of web developers to concentrate more on creating content for their websites. This started as logging or documenting daily activities or particular topics and ideas. Posting this logs on web pages exposed them to a global audience, and thus the name Blog was born, coined as a shortened term for web logs.
  • 3. Importance and Development As expected, bloggers and blogging communities started cropping up from all corners of the globe, and as the internets mighty reach grew, so did the number of these communities. The logic became simple, if we write it, they will read it. For some, it even became a full time job since good content drove traffic, and this traffic could be monetized. Great content Happy users Avid Blogger More web traffic
  • 4. Blogs vs. Microblogs Eventually, a demarcation emerged and this was based on the type and quantity of content that a blogger was to post. It was possible to do a one paragraph blog, or a one page or as many pages as were desired, coupled with loads of graphics, multimedia and images. These kinds of posts, were officially known as blogs Microblogs on the other hand, involved far less content, usually a sentence or two, and most platforms for this even have a limit on how many characters you can type. Mainstream blogging platforms include Facebook and Google+ while a perfect micro blog example is twitter.