The document is a copyright notice for photographs taken at the Purpose Driver Education Center in Kitale, Kenya in 2007 and 2008. It provides information about the school head master, Rev. Margaret Njeri Wairimu, and reminds that images and the book are not for commercial use without permission, though sharing unedited with others for free is encouraged. It also lists various websites related to the education center and author Richard Close.
Este documento describe brevemente qu辿 son los virus inform叩ticos, qui辿nes los crean y qu辿 da単os pueden causar. Luego presenta dos ejemplos de c坦digo de virus sencillos, uno en una l鱈nea de comandos DOS y otro m叩s complejo escrito en C++, que se auto replica e infecta otros archivos y sistemas.
The document discusses the importance of Christianity and what it means to have a relationship with God. It explores how God is love, how all people have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, and how Jesus died for our sins. It notes that salvation is a free gift through God's grace, and asks what this means for the reader personally. It suggests opening the door to have a relationship with God and receiving eternal life through believing in Jesus.
A great experience you've made with my colleague Ashraf, we have taken the design of a map using satellite imagery by Google Earth, the design was by ArcGIS software, in addition to other programs.
Objective To develop maps designed using different programs that allow for the manufacture of a new and modern designs
The document discusses potential artwork ideas for a public space involving text, symbols, and shapes generated from public conversations. The text and symbols could be worked into paving materials like Yorkstone or granite slabs in a way that connects them. Additional ideas involve concrete poetry or resting spaces integrated with protective bollards and continuing artwork onto their surfaces.
The document discusses the effectiveness of cinema advertising, noting that it has high recall rates among moviegoers even weeks and months after viewing. It provides statistics showing that cinema advertising has a large potential audience, as billions of people go to movies each year, many of whom are in key demographics. The document also outlines the various ways brands can advertise in theaters, such as slide programs, digital spots, concessions, signage, audio spots, and online banner ads.
Presentation tips and tricks for Ignite presenters.
This link and PPT should NOT be shared with the general Ignite audience, in order to maintain a bit of mystery. We don't want them knowing all our secrets.....
Blogues Educativos: estado da cuesti坦n (revisi坦n)Rom叩n Land鱈n
Presentaci坦n elaborada para o Encontro de Formaci坦n de Lectores/as de Lingua Galega, Secretar鱈a Xeral de Pol鱈tica Ling端鱈stica da Xunta de Galiza, decembro 2008. Breve repaso das funcionalidades dos Edublogues, ligaz坦ns a exemplos. Eduredes.
The document discusses the effectiveness of cinema advertising, noting that it has high recall rates among moviegoers even weeks and months after viewing. It provides statistics showing that cinema advertising has a large potential audience, as billions of people go to movies each year, many of whom are in key demographics. The document also outlines the various ways brands can advertise in theaters, such as slide programs, digital spots, concessions, signage, audio spots, and online banner ads.
Presentation tips and tricks for Ignite presenters.
This link and PPT should NOT be shared with the general Ignite audience, in order to maintain a bit of mystery. We don't want them knowing all our secrets.....
Blogues Educativos: estado da cuesti坦n (revisi坦n)Rom叩n Land鱈n
Presentaci坦n elaborada para o Encontro de Formaci坦n de Lectores/as de Lingua Galega, Secretar鱈a Xeral de Pol鱈tica Ling端鱈stica da Xunta de Galiza, decembro 2008. Breve repaso das funcionalidades dos Edublogues, ligaz坦ns a exemplos. Eduredes.
Emprego significativo de TIC para a produci坦n, tratamento e conversi坦n da informaci坦n en co単ecemento.
Marcelino Jos辿 Veiguela Fuentes. Asesor cient鱈fico-tecnol坦xico do CFR de Vigo.
El documento habla sobre el 辿xito del ciclo "M炭sica no Cami単o" organizado por Turismo de Galicia en colaboraci坦n con la Federaci坦n Gallega de Bandas de M炭sica Populares. El ciclo ofrece conciertos gratuitos los domingos en Santiago de Compostela para agradecer a los peregrinos que llegan a la ciudad. En total habr叩 32 conciertos hasta noviembre, interpretados por diversas bandas de m炭sica de Galicia. La federaci坦n agrupa a 88 bandas populares y m叩s de 5800 m炭sicos.
I Jornadas gastron坦micas en el Camino Fisterra - Mux鱈amarketingabertal
I Jornadas gastron坦micas en el Camino Fisterra - Mux鱈a.
Mes de las setas: del 14 al 16 y del 28 al 30 de noviembre.
Mes de los grelos: mes de diciembre
Datos de la importacia de las Tic para el Turismo y 20 palabros imprescindibles para dar el paso a la comercializacion tur鱈stica on-line. por Manuel L. Pan de Abertal (octubre 2010). Esta es la primeir aparte de un producto formativo que puedes ver en
Daniel Cerqueiro de Galinus y Manuel L. Pan de Abertal dan una Masterclass sobre turismo y tic de casi tres horas, seguida con gran inter辿s por los profesionales del sectro del turismo.
Este documento presenta a Promotur Costa da Morte, una asociaci坦n de m叩s de 70 empresas tur鱈sticas de la regi坦n de Costa da Morte en Galicia, Espa単a. La asociaci坦n ofrece una variedad de paquetes tur鱈sticos en la regi坦n, incluyendo experiencias relacionadas con la naturaleza, setas, el Camino de Santiago y el turismo rural. Los paquetes pueden comprarse a trav辿s de su plataforma de comercializaci坦n gestionada por la agencia Viajes Vitoria.
2. De que vamos a falar Obxectivo Xeral: Analizar o uso dos Blogs coma un recurso de ensinanza e aprendizaxe, que pode ser aproveitado por docentes e estudiantes nos seus centros educativos.
3. Obxectivos Espec鱈ficos: - Ofrecer a os estudiantes e docentes informaci坦n sobre os elementos, creaci坦n e publicaci坦n dos blogs. - Propo単er algunhas aplicaci坦ns dos blogs nos procesos de ensinanza e aprendizaxe. - Presentar algunhas experiencias no uso educativo dos blogs. - Motivar a creaci坦n e uso educativo dos blogs entre os estudiantes e docentes en exercicio. De que vamos a falar
4. O bo 辿 que soe ser gratis e sinxelo no seu manexo T辿cnicamente 辿 un sistema de novas.
7. PARTES DUN BLOG : Cabeceira Quen son? Categorias Recomendados Buscador Hist坦rico Artigos Comentarios Data
8. PARA QUE SE EST USANDO Blogs na aula Blog do alumnado Obradoiro interactivo Xesti坦n de proxectos de grupo Publicaci坦n electr坦nica Gu鱈a de navegaci坦n
9. ROLES O centro Decide O profesor Act炭a O estudante Son protagonistas
34. E n坦s que? WHY? Ti単amos posibilidade. Non hab鱈a nada en galego. So da perdas econ坦micas. Pero da outras satisfacci坦ns. Queremos seguir, melloralo e dar un mellor servizo. Cando poidamos ;-) moi sinxelo, pero xa os hai mellores