5 Event Safety Tips - Guardian ParamedicsGuardian Paramedics5 Event Safety Tips compiled by Guardian Paramedics. We are a leading provider and the specialists in providing event medical cover & consulting to events and venues across Ireland.
MetodologiaGiuseppy Rodriguez FiduciaEmpresas Polar es una compañía venezolana que produce alimentos y bebidas. El documento no contiene información adicional sobre el asunto o página, y carece de detalles sobre quién lo hizo, aprobó o supervisó.
Public Intervention on WMD Threats before the European ParliamentBruno Dupr- Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats pose a serious challenge to EU security. While no nation is entirely prepared for CBRN events, the EU is taking steps to improve prevention and response.
- Key risks include climate change, terrorism, energy security, and advanced biotechnologies, which individually and combined could have devastating effects from a CBRN event. International responses to past crises showed populations and infrastructure are often ill-prepared.
- The EU is investing 500 million euros by 2020 to develop expertise through EU Centers of Excellence in 55 countries. It is also strengthening coordination between public and private sectors to improve research.
- While risks are increasing, the EU and its
SYRF MessagesSYRFerJoshThe document provides guidance on crafting effective messages in support of abortion access. Effective messages should be believable, emotional, fact-based, and repeated frequently. When asked challenging questions, the response should bridge back to the key message rather than engaging directly. The document outlines three core messages: that many religious traditions allow for a pro-choice view; laws restricting abortion are based on religion rather than medicine and compromise separation of church and state; and there is agreement that policies like sex education and contraception can reduce unwanted pregnancies.
Portfolio_VictoriaZiemkeVictoria ZiemkeThis document contains summaries of several design projects:
1. A client asked to use the Stahl House as inspiration for their new home, focusing on seamless edges and bringing the outdoors in for a mid-century modern style.
2. A family renovated their garage into student housing that blended old materials with modern styles, drawing on local landmarks from the past and present.
3. A family found more privacy and tranquility through simple divisions of space throughout their home that allowed separate recreational areas.
4. A floating yoga pavilion was proposed for a public space to offer relaxation and exercise for residents and tourists.
Conclución 108unedLa tecnología tiene beneficios pero también problemas en la comunicación verbal y escrita. La comunicación verbal pierde emociones y gestos no verbales, mientras que la escrita sufre por la forma en que los estudiantes escriben mensajes de texto. Los docentes deben usar la tecnología de forma positiva y no dejar que afecte la disciplina de los estudiantes.
Transporte celularAni Rivera Este documento describe dos tipos de transporte celular: el transporte pasivo y el transporte activo. El transporte pasivo permite que moléculas pequeñas pasen a través de la membrana plasmática usando su energía cinética, mientras que el transporte activo requiere energía adicional de la célula para transportar moléculas contra su gradiente de concentración a través de proteínas bomba. El transporte activo incluye procesos como la endocitosis y la exocitosis que usan vesículas para transportar part
AHT - iOS SW Update_For Linkedin PurposesRaphael WilksThis document provides an analytical overview of average handle time (AHT) for software updates at a site. It found that 879 calls were logged for issues, with 479 resolved. The root cause analysis found advisors spent significant time troubleshooting without making progress and engaging in off-topic conversation. Actions taken to address this included positioning call backs and escalating calls when needed. Recommendations included pairing advisors, listening to low AHT calls, designating team champions, and challenging all AHT aspects.
Query processing and Query OptimizationNiraj GandhaThis presentation is made with many efforts and I believe that it will be proven as good presentation to clear the basic of query processing and optimization under the DBMS subject. The topics covered in this presentation are the basic fundamentals of the topic as suggested.
De Vido, a juiciocravanziniEste documento resume un fallo judicial que dispone elevar a juicio a Julio Miguel de Vido y Jorge Gustavo Simeonoff por su presunta responsabilidad en el descarrilamiento de un tren en la estación Once en 2012 que causó 51 muertes y casi 800 heridos. El juez rechaza los planteos de la defensa de De Vido para demorar el juicio, y considera concluida la instrucción para elevar la causa a juicio.
Ativ 3 unidade3-planodeaulajoanavianajjoana061) A aula ensina sobre os pés, a fabricação de sapatos e hábitos de higiene.
2) As crianças assistem a vídeos que explicam como os sapatos são feitos e a importância de lavar os pés.
3) Atividades práticas como comparar tamanhos de pés e carimbar "pegadas" reforçam os conceitos ensinados.
Project on Cable and its classificationSOMNATH DASThis document provides an overview of different types of power cables including their classifications, constructions, essential requirements, and testing procedures. The key types discussed are:
1) Thermoplastic cables like PVC and PE which are inexpensive but have limitations on operating temperature.
2) Thermosetting cables like XLPE and EPR which can operate at higher temperatures but are more expensive.
3) Paper or oil-filled cables which are reliable but heavy, costly, and difficult to repair.
Proper handling, storage, laying, and testing of cables is important to ensure safety and performance.
The role of FDI in food industries, transnational corporations and supermarke...ExternalEventsThe document discusses the role of foreign direct investment and transnational corporations in shifting global diets through modernizing food supply chains. It hypothesizes that modern food systems lower the price of processed foods, increase availability of these foods through year-round supply and sophisticated marketing, and enhance food safety. While diets may become more diverse and micronutrient availability increase, processed foods tend to be more energy dense with high salt, saturated and trans fat. Empirical evidence on impacts of supermarkets on consumption in developing countries shows increased purchases of processed relative to fresh foods and potential for higher calorie intake. However, determining causal effects is difficult and modern systems co-exist with traditional food chains.
Making Sense of AnalyticsDana DiTomasoPresented at Social Media Breakfast Red Deer. Website and social analytics give you lots of data to look at, but what should you do with it? Learn how to make analytics work for you and understand how your various marketing and communication efforts are having an impact.
Institutional Repository (IR) and Open Access in Academic LibrariesHong (Jenny) JingThis document discusses institutional repositories (IRs) and open access in academic libraries. It provides an overview of IR trends, including a move toward collaboration between libraries through consortia to share costs and expertise. The document also describes common IR systems and functions, such as collecting and curating digital scholarly output. Workflow processes for IRs are discussed, as well as metrics for evaluating an IR's success. Best practices from libraries like COPPUL that have developed shared IR tools are also acknowledged.
MakeITReal-WarsawTassos KarampinisMakeITReal-Warsaw
The objectives for the project are to:
Design and model an active, learner-centered teaching approach for engaging underachievers into STEAM related projects through real product design and making practices
Help underachievers in STEM related subjects to improve their performance and develop 21st century skills through their engagement in interdisciplinary projects in three dimensional object design
Plan and enact activities and workshops that promote teacher professional learning and pedagogical change
Create Open Educational Resources (OER) that will support school community members (within and beyond the partnership) to apply the MAKEITREAL learning intervention
Open STEM education though the infusion of arts and the support of product design and making practices moving beyond clichés according to which only STEM-talented students can make it.
Establish synergies among schools, academia and the industry towards creative and meaningful engagement in STEAM education.
Makeitreal at 56thTassos KarampinisThe document describes the first implementation of the makeITreal after-school 3D printing project at the 56th Junior High School of Athens during the 2016-2017 school year. It involved 6 students aged 14-16 who actively participated in designing and printing 3D objects like geometrical solids and keychains using FreeCAD software and a 3D printer. The students presented their work in school and at festivals. The project engaged students in modern technology and they spent more time than planned designing and printing. Over 80 students now want to participate in the expanded project next year.
RoboESL_Project_Genova-v5t_TrainingCourse_170919Tassos KarampinisThe document summarizes robotics activities conducted at the 56th Junior High School of Athens as part of the RoboESL project. It describes the objectives of using robotics to encourage students at risk of early school leaving to remain in school. It details the implementation process over two school years with different groups of students, including preparation, activities, and methodology. Key findings are presented through cases that show ways participation positively impacted students, such as improving social skills and school engagement. The conclusion is that while more research is needed, robotic activities have the potential to change students' attitudes toward learning.
Tropisms2Tassos KarampinisPlant Tropisms / Φυτό τροπισμοί
For our scenario: ¨The sunflower¨ / Για το σενάριο «Το ηλιοτρόπιο»
56th Junior High School of Athens / 56ο Γυμνάσιο Αθήνας
AHT - iOS SW Update_For Linkedin PurposesRaphael WilksThis document provides an analytical overview of average handle time (AHT) for software updates at a site. It found that 879 calls were logged for issues, with 479 resolved. The root cause analysis found advisors spent significant time troubleshooting without making progress and engaging in off-topic conversation. Actions taken to address this included positioning call backs and escalating calls when needed. Recommendations included pairing advisors, listening to low AHT calls, designating team champions, and challenging all AHT aspects.
Query processing and Query OptimizationNiraj GandhaThis presentation is made with many efforts and I believe that it will be proven as good presentation to clear the basic of query processing and optimization under the DBMS subject. The topics covered in this presentation are the basic fundamentals of the topic as suggested.
De Vido, a juiciocravanziniEste documento resume un fallo judicial que dispone elevar a juicio a Julio Miguel de Vido y Jorge Gustavo Simeonoff por su presunta responsabilidad en el descarrilamiento de un tren en la estación Once en 2012 que causó 51 muertes y casi 800 heridos. El juez rechaza los planteos de la defensa de De Vido para demorar el juicio, y considera concluida la instrucción para elevar la causa a juicio.
Ativ 3 unidade3-planodeaulajoanavianajjoana061) A aula ensina sobre os pés, a fabricação de sapatos e hábitos de higiene.
2) As crianças assistem a vídeos que explicam como os sapatos são feitos e a importância de lavar os pés.
3) Atividades práticas como comparar tamanhos de pés e carimbar "pegadas" reforçam os conceitos ensinados.
Project on Cable and its classificationSOMNATH DASThis document provides an overview of different types of power cables including their classifications, constructions, essential requirements, and testing procedures. The key types discussed are:
1) Thermoplastic cables like PVC and PE which are inexpensive but have limitations on operating temperature.
2) Thermosetting cables like XLPE and EPR which can operate at higher temperatures but are more expensive.
3) Paper or oil-filled cables which are reliable but heavy, costly, and difficult to repair.
Proper handling, storage, laying, and testing of cables is important to ensure safety and performance.
The role of FDI in food industries, transnational corporations and supermarke...ExternalEventsThe document discusses the role of foreign direct investment and transnational corporations in shifting global diets through modernizing food supply chains. It hypothesizes that modern food systems lower the price of processed foods, increase availability of these foods through year-round supply and sophisticated marketing, and enhance food safety. While diets may become more diverse and micronutrient availability increase, processed foods tend to be more energy dense with high salt, saturated and trans fat. Empirical evidence on impacts of supermarkets on consumption in developing countries shows increased purchases of processed relative to fresh foods and potential for higher calorie intake. However, determining causal effects is difficult and modern systems co-exist with traditional food chains.
Making Sense of AnalyticsDana DiTomasoPresented at Social Media Breakfast Red Deer. Website and social analytics give you lots of data to look at, but what should you do with it? Learn how to make analytics work for you and understand how your various marketing and communication efforts are having an impact.
Institutional Repository (IR) and Open Access in Academic LibrariesHong (Jenny) JingThis document discusses institutional repositories (IRs) and open access in academic libraries. It provides an overview of IR trends, including a move toward collaboration between libraries through consortia to share costs and expertise. The document also describes common IR systems and functions, such as collecting and curating digital scholarly output. Workflow processes for IRs are discussed, as well as metrics for evaluating an IR's success. Best practices from libraries like COPPUL that have developed shared IR tools are also acknowledged.
MakeITReal-WarsawTassos KarampinisMakeITReal-Warsaw
The objectives for the project are to:
Design and model an active, learner-centered teaching approach for engaging underachievers into STEAM related projects through real product design and making practices
Help underachievers in STEM related subjects to improve their performance and develop 21st century skills through their engagement in interdisciplinary projects in three dimensional object design
Plan and enact activities and workshops that promote teacher professional learning and pedagogical change
Create Open Educational Resources (OER) that will support school community members (within and beyond the partnership) to apply the MAKEITREAL learning intervention
Open STEM education though the infusion of arts and the support of product design and making practices moving beyond clichés according to which only STEM-talented students can make it.
Establish synergies among schools, academia and the industry towards creative and meaningful engagement in STEAM education.
Makeitreal at 56thTassos KarampinisThe document describes the first implementation of the makeITreal after-school 3D printing project at the 56th Junior High School of Athens during the 2016-2017 school year. It involved 6 students aged 14-16 who actively participated in designing and printing 3D objects like geometrical solids and keychains using FreeCAD software and a 3D printer. The students presented their work in school and at festivals. The project engaged students in modern technology and they spent more time than planned designing and printing. Over 80 students now want to participate in the expanded project next year.
RoboESL_Project_Genova-v5t_TrainingCourse_170919Tassos KarampinisThe document summarizes robotics activities conducted at the 56th Junior High School of Athens as part of the RoboESL project. It describes the objectives of using robotics to encourage students at risk of early school leaving to remain in school. It details the implementation process over two school years with different groups of students, including preparation, activities, and methodology. Key findings are presented through cases that show ways participation positively impacted students, such as improving social skills and school engagement. The conclusion is that while more research is needed, robotic activities have the potential to change students' attitudes toward learning.
Tropisms2Tassos KarampinisPlant Tropisms / Φυτό τροπισμοί
For our scenario: ¨The sunflower¨ / Για το σενάριο «Το ηλιοτρόπιο»
56th Junior High School of Athens / 56ο Γυμνάσιο Αθήνας
Roboesl activities01 v3-1-v5Tassos Karampinis1) This document describes two implementations of robotics activities with students at the 56th Junior High School of Athens.
2) In the first implementation, students worked in groups to build Tribots robots from Lego Mindstorms kits and program them to follow black lines, navigate tracks, and perform parking maneuvers. They participated in a science festival to demonstrate their work.
3) The second implementation again had students build robots in groups and program them using EV3 software. Their first scenario tasked them with programming a dance routine for their robots. Students worked through a problem-solving process to design, test, and refine their robot programs.
P 270 jg34-1936_2Tassos Karampinis«Bauten von Architekt Angelo Siagas - Athen», περιοδ. Der Baumeister, Vol. ΧΧΧIV, No. 2, 1936
Κτήρια του αρχιτέκτονα Άγγελου Σιάγα στην Αθήνα, pp. 62-65
Istanbul-56th Junior High School of AthensTassos KarampinisΠαρουσίαση σειράς δράσεων/ προγραμμάτων με θεματική την περιοχή των Αμπελόκηπων Αθήνας και τους κατοίκους της
ApeleutherosiAthinasParousiasiTassos KarampinisΑπελευθέρωση Αθήνας.
Παρουσίαση των δράσεων και της ομάδας που εργάστηκε για τις συνεντεύξεις και την παρουσίαση που έγινε για τη συμμετοχή του 56ου Γυμνασίου Αθήνας στους εορτασμούς για την απελευθέρωση της Αθήνας.(προσχέδιο)
Η Παράδοση της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας- Ιερά Μητρόπολη Κοζάνηςssuser720b85ΟΙ εικόνες, τα ιερά άμφια, τα λειτουργικά κείμενα , στο κειμηλιαρχείο της Ιεράς Μητρόπολης Κοζάνης
ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ εποπτικό υλικό.pdfDimitra MylonakiΟι μαθητές δούλεψαν το σενάριο διδασκαλίας με βασικούς στόχους να κατανοήσουν τους λόγους μετακίνησης των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, τη διαφορά που υπάρχει μεταξύ τους, την πίεση που δέχεται ένας πρόσφυγας κατά τη φυγή του και να αποκτήσουν ενσυναίσθηση.
Τα πάθη και η Ανάσταση του Χριστού μέσα από την τέχνη.docxΔήμητρα ΤζίνουΕργασία του μαθητή της Α' τάξης του 3ου Γυμνασίου Περιστερίου Δημήτρη Αυλωνίτη.
ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ .pdfDimitra MylonakiΟι μαθητές δούλεψαν το σενάριο διδασκαλίας με βασικούς στόχους να κατανοήσουν τους λόγους μετακίνησης των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, τη διαφορά που υπάρχει μεταξύ τους, την πίεση που δέχεται ένας πρόσφυγας κατά τη φυγή του και να αποκτήσουν ενσυναίσθηση.