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RoboESL activities at
56th Junior High School of Athens
Activities and experiences from our
Tassos Karampinis
Computer Science and ICT teacher at 56th Junior High School of Athens, MSc, Med.
19 September 2017 Genova, Italy
 Project description
General Impressions
 Project Implementation and Methodology
 Key Findings / Results
Project description: Objective
 develop extra-curricular constructivist learning activities in
schools that will encourage the children at risk of failure or
Early School Leaving (ESL) to remain at school.
 Make interventions based on the scenarios developed and
discussed with the committee that support us in order to
achieve the programs goals.
 introduce robotic lessons in our school as:
 computer science lessons
 interdisciplinary technology-computer science projects,
 use our new tools efficiently for all our students
Project description: General Impressions
 General Impressions
 Communication, cooperation and collaboration skills
gradually grew among students through the activities
 The active participation/ involvement of students (most of
 (in some cases some students didnt seem to get involved but we
couldnt say if it was due to the specific activities or to different
personal reasons)
 The girls (2nd implementation) found it difficult to grasp
concepts of practical areas but they managed to complete
their tasks
 We dont know how and whether participating in this project
will improve their attitude towards school, but they definitely
liked it and spent more hours than what was scheduled in the
original plan
Project implementation and methodology
 Prepared the implementations
 Checked and arranged the Mindstorms core sets
 Made the necessary class arrangements
 Decided about/ calibrated:
 the time we would spend
 the path and the steps of our implementation
 the activities of scenarios we would use
 the theories and the learning model that would support
our efforts
 the locations and the resources available in order to
achieve our goals
Project implementation and methodology
Prepared the implementations (Set up the physical environment, familiarization)
 Made the necessary class arrangements
(to create a warm environment where students would be
comfortable to work in)
 Checked and arranged the Mindstorms core sets+
(made sure all the participant students get to know the lego
parts, to reduce the cognitive load of their work)
Project implementation and methodology
Decided about the activities and the ways they would be introduced
 e.g. Ways to understand the problems (mock ups,
drawings, helping questions, embodied experiences...)
Project implementation and methodology
Process / Methodology
 Ages  Attendances
Ages  Attendances
1st implementations 2nd implementations
Hours (sum) 12 Hours (sum) 14
Hours Per Day 4 Hours Per Day 5. 5. 2. 2
Dates Of Implementation 5, 6, 7/04/2016 Dates Of Implementation 4,11/11/2016 & 12,17/01/2017
Students 10 Students 11
Class 2nd Class 3rd
Groups 3 Groups 4
Ages Of Students 14-16 Ages Of Students 15-16
Attendances (1st implementation) Attendances (1st implementation)
Number of students (sum=10) Number of attendances Number of students (sum=11) Number of attendances
9 3 11 11
1 2
Project implementation and methodology
Process / Methodology
School Year: 2015-2016
Students (10 boys) chosen
between those who:
 met the program
 wanted to take part in
the project
School Year: 2016-2017
Students(11 students) chosen
between those who:
 wanted to take part in the
 met the program conditions (8
- One team was made up of 3
girls, very good students but not
very comfortable with technology.
 Framework  Selection
Project implementation and methodology
Project activities
School Year: 2015-2016
 Follow the black line
 The RoboRail
 Go to park
(parking program)
 The desert scout
 Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed
(3 teams/
3 scenarios/
7 programs)
Project implementation and methodology
Project activities
School Year: 2016-2017
 Follow the black line
 Lets play and dance
 The sunflower
 Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed
Follow the black line (mock ups and testing)
Lets play and dance (short
mock up for our scenario)
Programs using light
Programs using ultrasonic
(4 teams/
2 scenarios/
10 programs)
Project implementation and methodology
Computer Science  Technology lessons. Interdisciplinary activities about the sunflower effect
School Year: 2016-2017 (The sunflower)
 Program in Scratch/BYOB about the heliotropism
 Plant sunflowers seed
 Create a 3D flower bed in sketch up program
 Make presentation and videos about the heliotropism
 Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed
Project implementation and methodology
Constructivist pedagogy - Activities
 Zone of approximate development
 Creative thinking and involvement through the
transparent construction of their tangible model
(robot/ vehicle EV3)
 Our interventions tried to follow the methodology
and both constructivist and constructionist
approaches proposed in our courses in Athens and
Project implementation and methodology
Problem Based Model*
 Identify the problem (understand, motivate)
 Represent the problem (drawing, diagram)
 Selecting a strategy (choose the appropriate strategy for
the problem)
 Carry out the strategy (try out the quality of their thinking)
 Evaluating results (judge the validity of the solutions)
 Analyzing Problem Solving (most important in long-terms
*Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (2001). Strategies for teachers: teaching content and thinking skills. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon
Key Findings / Results
quality results / cases
He was always kept to himself. During breaks he was standing alone against a
wall looking at the others in the schoolyard. In class he was passive.
During the implementation:
He started discussing with others. He explained his views and was an active
member of the team
He wanted to participate in videos we made about the program (although he
was a bit anxious), he wrote the text he communicated in English, he
participated as a member of the team in RoboESL exhibitions, in the Athens
Science Fair too and taught robotic activities to younger students (from our
school (1st grade), children in the fair and pupils from the neighboring
elementary school) helping in the dissemination of the program!
Key Findings / Results
quality results / cases
He failed passing classes twice. Before beginning robotic classes he had
just exceeded the number of absences. He had to repeat the class..
During the implementation:
He came to robotic lessons and stayed in school all day during the days
of our implementation, although he had failed to pass the class due to
his absences
He came several times to the lab to work with other team members
improving their programs.
Key Findings / Results
quality results / cases
During the first hours of the implementation:
She encountered lots of problems constructing the tribot. Consequently
she didnt participate much in the construction and disputed with the
other team members.
After the familiarization:
She reconstructed the tribot, she participated in stories made for our
tribots (the beauty and the beast, the princess and the lover etc) and
made some other small constructions using lego parts. She even asked
to construct from scratch a tribot and made the programs we had
done during our 1st implementation
 Robotics activities can potentially change students
attitude to learning
 Activities, more flexible in time, help students keep
pace with the more experienced classmates
 The studies have not concluded whether robotic
activities has good or bad effects on the process of
learning and students attitude toward learning, so
each of us has to reach his or her own conclusion -of
course there are, always, lots of parameters to be
Photos from dissemination of the project
Athens Science Festivals 2016 and 2017 / Conference & Exhibition RoboESL / Workshops in our lab
Future plans at
 3rd implementation at school (2nd semester of 2017-
2018 school year)
 Integration (computer science, projects )
 Cooperation with other teachers (maths, music )
 Workshops (pupils from elementary school, scouts )
Thanks a lot for
your attention

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  • 1. RoboESL activities at 56th Junior High School of Athens Activities and experiences from our implementations Tassos Karampinis Computer Science and ICT teacher at 56th Junior High School of Athens, MSc, Med. 19 September 2017 Genova, Italy
  • 2. Overview Project description Objective General Impressions Project Implementation and Methodology Key Findings / Results Conclusion
  • 3. Project description: Objective Objective develop extra-curricular constructivist learning activities in schools that will encourage the children at risk of failure or Early School Leaving (ESL) to remain at school. Make interventions based on the scenarios developed and discussed with the committee that support us in order to achieve the programs goals. introduce robotic lessons in our school as: computer science lessons interdisciplinary technology-computer science projects, use our new tools efficiently for all our students
  • 4. Project description: General Impressions General Impressions Communication, cooperation and collaboration skills gradually grew among students through the activities The active participation/ involvement of students (most of them) (in some cases some students didnt seem to get involved but we couldnt say if it was due to the specific activities or to different personal reasons) The girls (2nd implementation) found it difficult to grasp concepts of practical areas but they managed to complete their tasks We dont know how and whether participating in this project will improve their attitude towards school, but they definitely liked it and spent more hours than what was scheduled in the original plan
  • 6. Project implementation and methodology Prepared the implementations Checked and arranged the Mindstorms core sets Made the necessary class arrangements Decided about/ calibrated: the time we would spend the path and the steps of our implementation the activities of scenarios we would use the theories and the learning model that would support our efforts the locations and the resources available in order to achieve our goals
  • 7. Project implementation and methodology Prepared the implementations (Set up the physical environment, familiarization) Made the necessary class arrangements (to create a warm environment where students would be comfortable to work in) Checked and arranged the Mindstorms core sets+ (made sure all the participant students get to know the lego parts, to reduce the cognitive load of their work)
  • 8. Project implementation and methodology Decided about the activities and the ways they would be introduced e.g. Ways to understand the problems (mock ups, drawings, helping questions, embodied experiences...)
  • 9. Project implementation and methodology Process / Methodology Ages Attendances Ages Attendances 1st implementations 2nd implementations Hours (sum) 12 Hours (sum) 14 Hours Per Day 4 Hours Per Day 5. 5. 2. 2 Dates Of Implementation 5, 6, 7/04/2016 Dates Of Implementation 4,11/11/2016 & 12,17/01/2017 Students 10 Students 11 Class 2nd Class 3rd Groups 3 Groups 4 Ages Of Students 14-16 Ages Of Students 15-16 Attendances (1st implementation) Attendances (1st implementation) Number of students (sum=10) Number of attendances Number of students (sum=11) Number of attendances 9 3 11 11 1 2
  • 10. Project implementation and methodology Process / Methodology School Year: 2015-2016 Students (10 boys) chosen between those who: met the program conditions wanted to take part in the project School Year: 2016-2017 Students(11 students) chosen between those who: wanted to take part in the project met the program conditions (8 boys) - One team was made up of 3 girls, very good students but not very comfortable with technology. Framework Selection
  • 11. Project implementation and methodology Project activities School Year: 2015-2016 Follow the black line The RoboRail Go to park (parking program) The desert scout (hexagon) Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed (3 teams/ 3 scenarios/ 7 programs)
  • 12. Project implementation and methodology Project activities School Year: 2016-2017 Follow the black line Lets play and dance The sunflower Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed Follow the black line (mock ups and testing) Lets play and dance (short mock up for our scenario) Programs using light sensors Programs using ultrasonic sensors (4 teams/ 2 scenarios/ 10 programs)
  • 13. Project implementation and methodology Computer Science Technology lessons. Interdisciplinary activities about the sunflower effect School Year: 2016-2017 (The sunflower) Program in Scratch/BYOB about the heliotropism Plant sunflowers seed Create a 3D flower bed in sketch up program Make presentation and videos about the heliotropism effect Construction of their tribots and scenarios discussed
  • 14. Project implementation and methodology Constructivist pedagogy - Activities Scaffolding Zone of approximate development Creative thinking and involvement through the transparent construction of their tangible model (robot/ vehicle EV3) Our interventions tried to follow the methodology and both constructivist and constructionist approaches proposed in our courses in Athens and Riga 14
  • 15. Project implementation and methodology Problem Based Model* Identify the problem (understand, motivate) Represent the problem (drawing, diagram) Selecting a strategy (choose the appropriate strategy for the problem) Carry out the strategy (try out the quality of their thinking) Evaluating results (judge the validity of the solutions) Analyzing Problem Solving (most important in long-terms goals) *Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (2001). Strategies for teachers: teaching content and thinking skills. Boston: Allyn and Bacon 15
  • 16. Key Findings / Results quality results / cases Case1: Before: He was always kept to himself. During breaks he was standing alone against a wall looking at the others in the schoolyard. In class he was passive. During the implementation: He started discussing with others. He explained his views and was an active member of the team After: He wanted to participate in videos we made about the program (although he was a bit anxious), he wrote the text he communicated in English, he participated as a member of the team in RoboESL exhibitions, in the Athens Science Fair too and taught robotic activities to younger students (from our school (1st grade), children in the fair and pupils from the neighboring elementary school) helping in the dissemination of the program!
  • 17. Key Findings / Results quality results / cases Case2: Before: He failed passing classes twice. Before beginning robotic classes he had just exceeded the number of absences. He had to repeat the class.. During the implementation: He came to robotic lessons and stayed in school all day during the days of our implementation, although he had failed to pass the class due to his absences After: He came several times to the lab to work with other team members improving their programs.
  • 18. Key Findings / Results quality results / cases Case3: During the first hours of the implementation: She encountered lots of problems constructing the tribot. Consequently she didnt participate much in the construction and disputed with the other team members. After the familiarization: She reconstructed the tribot, she participated in stories made for our tribots (the beauty and the beast, the princess and the lover etc) and made some other small constructions using lego parts. She even asked to construct from scratch a tribot and made the programs we had done during our 1st implementation
  • 19. Conclusions Robotics activities can potentially change students attitude to learning Activities, more flexible in time, help students keep pace with the more experienced classmates The studies have not concluded whether robotic activities has good or bad effects on the process of learning and students attitude toward learning, so each of us has to reach his or her own conclusion -of course there are, always, lots of parameters to be discussed.
  • 20. Photos from dissemination of the project Athens Science Festivals 2016 and 2017 / Conference & Exhibition RoboESL / Workshops in our lab
  • 21. Future plans at 3rd implementation at school (2nd semester of 2017- 2018 school year) Integration (computer science, projects ) Cooperation with other teachers (maths, music ) Workshops (pupils from elementary school, scouts )
  • 22. Thanks a lot for your attention