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makeITreal project
1st implementation
school year: 2016-2017
56th Junior High School of Athens
Tassos Karampinis
Computer Science and ICT teacher, MSc, MEd.
Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens)
School is situated ~3,5 km from Athens centre.
Students: 239
Teachers: 21
Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens)
It has 3 buildings. One, the older, was built in the '30s. The other two were built in the '80s.
One elementary school and two kindergartens share the same schoolyard for recess, gym
classes and games. One
Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens)
For more info, you can visit our site
Ages  Framework  Selection
(4 makeITreal after school hours project)
- Age of our students is between 12-15
but we have pupils older than 15
because they failed to pass the class
(low performance in lessons,
absences etc)
Students chosen between those
who wanted to take part to the
Project implementation and
methodology Process / Methodology
 Ages  Attendances
Ages  Attendances
1st implementations
Hours (sum) ~8
Hours Per Day ~2
Dates Of Implementation 2nd semester of 2016-17
Students 6
Class 1st (4), 2nd (1) & 3rd (1)
Groups No
Ages Of Students 14-16
Attendances (1st implementation)
Number of students (sum=6) Number of attendances
6 4+
Project implementation and methodology
Project activities
School Year: 2016-2017
 Geometrical solids
 Designing in FreeCAD & Printing in 3D Anima printer the programs scenario+
(6 students/
3 scenarios
lots of artifacts)
Project implementation and methodology
Project activities
School Year: 2016-2017
 Let's improvise
 Designing in FreeCAD & Printing in 3D Anima printer the programs scenario+
(6 students/
3 scenarios
lots of artifacts)
Active participation of our students
Making their 3D designs
Printing their 3D designs producing physical objects from computer files
Active participation of our students
Making and printing their own designs
It is amazing to see students in a Junior High School design and print in 3D!
Active participation of our students
Presenting their work in school
Presenting their work in festivals
Program elements!
 Interesting scenarios that engage students actively in
designing and printing their work
 deal with something modern,
 learn by doing things,
 take pride in the competence they have demonstrated,
 gain a vision of how things happening in this program can be
relevant to their life,
 understand that ability and competence grow with effort,
 spend more hours than what was scheduled in the original
 wanted to do more designing & printing activities.
E-learning for support
Remarks/ Questions
The 6 students worked alone because we started the program during the 2nd
semester and students had already enrolled in other programs and/or had arranged
their after school time.
After the first two printings three students came asking to participate in the
program (they completed the Geometrical solids and the keychain scenarios)
This school year more than 80 students want to take part in the project. We intend
to limit the number in 26 students (23 from our 1st grade and 3 students who had
already participated during the previous school year), two in each of 13 pc we have
in our Computer Science and Robotics Laboratory.
How to maximize the potential of 3D technology in the classrooms?
Photos from our project
Computer Science and Robotics Laboratory /Athens Science Festival 2017
Drawing and Printing activities in
interdisciplinary projects
(as part of their school task, not as an add-on or sth extra)
 discuss and draw in a paint program what they
have to do (for sth difficult the drawings is given
to them e.x. floor plan of o block of flats)
 construct the physical model (using recycled
paper, wood, plastic caps)
 design in a software program and print their
work in a 3D printer
in order to make comparisons
but also combinations
Following not only the principle of recycling
everything but also trying new technologies
 waiting the ... baking of our house,
after we have designed it in detail on a PC
Rooms, balconies, stairs, terraces, etc.
Characteristic details that make ... the difference
Indoor and outdoor staircases and furniture
Photos / Comparisons
Let's make a total comparison
Photos / Comparisons
Classic technology ... VS ... Electronic technology
Photos / Comparisons
more Classic technology ... VS ... Special Electronic technology
Photos / Comparisons
Electronic technology ... VS ... Recycle technology
 3D drawing and printing activities can
potentially change students attitude to
 Activities, more flexible in time, help students
keep pace with the more experienced
Thanks a lot for
your attention 
A video about our 1st implementation in the makeITreal framework is coming 

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Makeitreal at 56th

  • 1. makeITreal project 1st implementation school year: 2016-2017 56th Junior High School of Athens Tassos Karampinis Computer Science and ICT teacher, MSc, MEd.
  • 2. Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens) School is situated ~3,5 km from Athens centre. Students: 239 Teachers: 21
  • 3. Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens) It has 3 buildings. One, the older, was built in the '30s. The other two were built in the '80s. One elementary school and two kindergartens share the same schoolyard for recess, gym classes and games. One elementa ryschool andtwo kindergar tens
  • 4. Our School (56th Junior High School of Athens) For more info, you can visit our site http://56gym-athin.att.sch.gr/
  • 5. Ages Framework Selection (4 makeITreal after school hours project) - Age of our students is between 12-15 but we have pupils older than 15 because they failed to pass the class (low performance in lessons, absences etc) Students chosen between those who wanted to take part to the project
  • 6. Project implementation and methodology Process / Methodology Ages Attendances Ages Attendances 1st implementations Hours (sum) ~8 Hours Per Day ~2 Dates Of Implementation 2nd semester of 2016-17 Students 6 Class 1st (4), 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Groups No Ages Of Students 14-16 Attendances (1st implementation) Number of students (sum=6) Number of attendances 6 4+
  • 7. Project implementation and methodology Project activities School Year: 2016-2017 Geometrical solids Keychain Designing in FreeCAD & Printing in 3D Anima printer the programs scenario+ (6 students/ 3 scenarios +improvisations/ lots of artifacts)
  • 8. Project implementation and methodology Project activities School Year: 2016-2017 Penguin Let's improvise Designing in FreeCAD & Printing in 3D Anima printer the programs scenario+ (6 students/ 3 scenarios +improvisations/ lots of artifacts)
  • 9. Observations Active participation of our students Making their 3D designs Printing their 3D designs producing physical objects from computer files
  • 10. Observations Active participation of our students Making and printing their own designs It is amazing to see students in a Junior High School design and print in 3D!
  • 11. Observations Active participation of our students Presenting their work in school Presenting their work in festivals
  • 12. Program elements! Interesting scenarios that engage students actively in designing and printing their work Students deal with something modern, learn by doing things, take pride in the competence they have demonstrated, gain a vision of how things happening in this program can be relevant to their life, understand that ability and competence grow with effort, spend more hours than what was scheduled in the original plan, wanted to do more designing & printing activities.
  • 14. Remarks/ Questions Remarks: The 6 students worked alone because we started the program during the 2nd semester and students had already enrolled in other programs and/or had arranged their after school time. After the first two printings three students came asking to participate in the program (they completed the Geometrical solids and the keychain scenarios) This school year more than 80 students want to take part in the project. We intend to limit the number in 26 students (23 from our 1st grade and 3 students who had already participated during the previous school year), two in each of 13 pc we have in our Computer Science and Robotics Laboratory. Questions: How to maximize the potential of 3D technology in the classrooms?
  • 15. Photos from our project Computer Science and Robotics Laboratory /Athens Science Festival 2017
  • 16. Drawing and Printing activities in interdisciplinary projects (as part of their school task, not as an add-on or sth extra) Students: discuss and draw in a paint program what they have to do (for sth difficult the drawings is given to them e.x. floor plan of o block of flats) construct the physical model (using recycled paper, wood, plastic caps) design in a software program and print their work in a 3D printer
  • 17. Photos in order to make comparisons
  • 19. Photos Following not only the principle of recycling everything but also trying new technologies
  • 20. Photos waiting the ... baking of our house, after we have designed it in detail on a PC
  • 22. Photos Characteristic details that make ... the difference Indoor and outdoor staircases and furniture
  • 23. Photos / Comparisons Let's make a total comparison
  • 24. Photos / Comparisons Classic technology ... VS ... Electronic technology
  • 25. Photos / Comparisons more Classic technology ... VS ... Special Electronic technology
  • 26. Photos / Comparisons Electronic technology ... VS ... Recycle technology
  • 27. Conclusions 3D drawing and printing activities can potentially change students attitude to learning Activities, more flexible in time, help students keep pace with the more experienced classmates
  • 28. Thanks a lot for your attention A video about our 1st implementation in the makeITreal framework is coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP43XlW0N60&feature=youtu.be