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Brand & Theme
What can be achieved with complete customisation?
Branding helps you create a personality that aligns with
your core purpose, helping those unaccustomed with your
school to build trust in it. After all, parents will most likely
choose a school that reflects their values and can cater to
their children's needs.
Why Brand?
Most schools are already branding without even realising it.
Your logo, your open evenings, your school uniforms, all
contribute towards a school brand.
Your school brand is the image that you portray of yourselves
to your students, their parents / carers, and the wider
A customised student planner is a great way to promote
your school brand.
 The front cover is the perfect way to start branding your student
planners. But you dont have to feature your school logo on it in
order to brand it to your school (though most of our customers do).
 The content is just as important, the messages you are relaying to
your students and their parents through your planner all contribute
to your school brand.
 If you are a creative school, your planner is a great way to express
your creativity. If you specialise in technology, or design, you can
express this through your planners.
Only with complete customisation are you able to theme
your entire student planners.
Theming your planner involves featuring a central idea or
design through the whole of the planner. This can have a
significant effect on the overall look of the planner, and
students tend to value planners more if they are themed.
With complete customisation, you can theme your planner
around any topic or idea.
Adding a Theme
Why not add a theme to your planners? This works best if you design
different editions of your student planner for each year group (which we
allow our customers to do for no extra cost).
The theme could be based on topics that you teach, or could tell the
story of the history of your school. If your school is sporty you could
feature a sports theme throughout the planner, or a music theme
should you have a great school band or choir.
We think that including images of your students art throughout the
planner looks amazing.
Why Theme?
 Adding a theme can really improve the overall look of
your planner
 Personalising a theme to your school can result in a
more valued resource.
 Including students work in your planner as a part of the
theme can inspire your students to produce great work,
worthy of being featured in next years planner.
Customised Planers
Partly Customised
Generic Planners
The ability to use your
planner to extend your
school brand.
The option to add a
theme (or themes)
through your entire
student planner
* Whilst you can use a partly customised planner to help promote your school brand, they still include
generic sections as standard, which is likely to be counterproductive in promoting your brand.
Do you have any better ideas?
These are just a few of our ideas on what you could do with
your student planners.
If you have any other ideas that you think are better, we
would love to hear them. Find us on Facebook or Tweet us
@SchoolPlannerCO to let us know.

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Brand & theme

  • 1. Brand & Theme What can be achieved with complete customisation?
  • 2. Branding Branding helps you create a personality that aligns with your core purpose, helping those unaccustomed with your school to build trust in it. After all, parents will most likely choose a school that reflects their values and can cater to their children's needs.
  • 3. Why Brand? Most schools are already branding without even realising it. Your logo, your open evenings, your school uniforms, all contribute towards a school brand. Your school brand is the image that you portray of yourselves to your students, their parents / carers, and the wider community. A customised student planner is a great way to promote your school brand.
  • 4. Brand The front cover is the perfect way to start branding your student planners. But you dont have to feature your school logo on it in order to brand it to your school (though most of our customers do). The content is just as important, the messages you are relaying to your students and their parents through your planner all contribute to your school brand. If you are a creative school, your planner is a great way to express your creativity. If you specialise in technology, or design, you can express this through your planners.
  • 5. Theme Only with complete customisation are you able to theme your entire student planners. Theming your planner involves featuring a central idea or design through the whole of the planner. This can have a significant effect on the overall look of the planner, and students tend to value planners more if they are themed. With complete customisation, you can theme your planner around any topic or idea.
  • 6. Adding a Theme Why not add a theme to your planners? This works best if you design different editions of your student planner for each year group (which we allow our customers to do for no extra cost). The theme could be based on topics that you teach, or could tell the story of the history of your school. If your school is sporty you could feature a sports theme throughout the planner, or a music theme should you have a great school band or choir. We think that including images of your students art throughout the planner looks amazing.
  • 7. Why Theme? Adding a theme can really improve the overall look of your planner Personalising a theme to your school can result in a more valued resource. Including students work in your planner as a part of the theme can inspire your students to produce great work, worthy of being featured in next years planner.
  • 8. Comparison Completely Customised Planers Partly Customised Planners Generic Planners The ability to use your planner to extend your school brand. The option to add a theme (or themes) through your entire student planner * * Whilst you can use a partly customised planner to help promote your school brand, they still include generic sections as standard, which is likely to be counterproductive in promoting your brand.
  • 9. Do you have any better ideas? These are just a few of our ideas on what you could do with your student planners. If you have any other ideas that you think are better, we would love to hear them. Find us on Facebook or Tweet us @SchoolPlannerCO to let us know.