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What is love?
Loveisa veryspecial and
meaningful wordto each human
being. Each human beinghashis
orherown thoughtsabout love
to guide himself orherselfto land
safelyandsmoothly intothe
kingdom ofLove.Withoutthisproper idea oflove,people would be
actinglike a blindperson searchingforthe lightwith thousandsof
obstaclesin front ofhim. Whatis Love?Iknow thisquestion existsin
each human being's mind including myself. If notit isstillwaitingto be
discovered deeply. Loveisa beautifulthing.It makes people happy. It
can change aperson, andshow someone thingsthattheyneverknew
about themselves.Itliftsoneup, knowingthereis alwayssomeone
who willstandby theirside through anything. It brings people
together,andmakes theworld a betterplace. Some people may
disagree;theymight thinkloveisjusta fantasy. Eitherway, itis a
fantasythateveryonedeservesto dream of andexperience in allits
glory, whetherstraight,lesbian, gay, bisexual, ortransgender.
However,not allpeople are so accepting of lovewhen itisnot in the
form thattheyare familiarwith,orisnot demonstrated inways that
12 Characteristics Of True Love And How You Can Be Sure
You've Found It
1. Effortless and EternalAttraction
When we are truly in love with someone, we
discover moments of love and affection in the most
normal of situations. We never have to "try" to
spice things up. Everything seems fun and effortless
just the way it is.
2. MutualRespect
Respect for each other is the most important factor to sustain true love. It comes
from giving each other enough space for personal growth and never crossing the
line, no matter what.
3. Acceptance
When we are in true love, we naturally accept the person for his or her positives,
as well as for negatives. It opens up our perspectives, and we see and learn things
we wouldnt have otherwise experienced
4. Selflessness
We experience true love only when we have something to give. To receive love, we
must give love. It's not about fulfilling our own selfish desires, but about working
on a common goal. It's about being selfless and caring about our partners needs as
much as caring about our own.
5. Trust
Needless to say, trustis the mostbasic foundation of true love. While it is crucial
to trust the person with whomwe are in love, it is equally important to trust
ourselves. Truelove makes us feel vulnerable without being fearful or defensive.
6. Healing
Love heals and ousts fear. It makes us feel safe and protected. We feel at
peace and we feel at home with our loved ones, wherever we are. True love
never hurts because there is no ego involved. True love only heals pain from
the past and gives us the strength to love again.
7. Growth
True love always favors personal and spiritual growth. It's a natural process
that is essential for our happiness and freedom. Everything needs to grow to
survive: plants, animals and all living cells on this planet.
True love promotes natural growth that not only fills life with happiness and
freedom, but also helps with professional success. True love is playful and grows
together without resistance or fear.
8. Companionship
As human beings, we seek companionship from other human beings. When it comes
to love, we look for someone who will be by our side through thick and thin, through
our entire lives. We need someone with whom we can experience the wonders of
Someone with whom we can travel, share our secrets, discuss world events, fool
around and grow old. True love means paying attention to the one you love. True
love is there to celebrate in good times and to cry in bad times.
9. Communication
Many people say that they struggle to express their feelings to their loved ones;
the only thing that stops them is their egos. Ego is not necessarily arrogance, but
also a lack of trust in yourself and how you feel. When words havemeaning and
are said with a good intentions, it's never difficult to let them out.
Making yourself understood and understanding your partner is the foundation of
true love. When we speak our hearts and are open and truthful about our feelings,
it shows courage and generosity. A true love will always recognize that and respect
you for letting him or her inside your secret, sacred space.
10. Teamwork
True love is teamwork. Knowing when to step up and take control and when to back
off and trust your partner to take over is teamwork. When two people are
together in love, they combine their strengths and work like a team.
They know when to shut up and when to say the things that need to be said.
Together, they create something so special that it is unique and indestructible.
They share a common life objective and work together to achieve their goals.
11. Fearlessness
Where there is true love, there is no fear: fear of commitment, fear of making
mistakes or fear of hurting someone. Fear makes love hopeless and complicated.
When we are in true love, we know what to do.
12. Sacred
True love is sacred. It removes ego, brings joy and brings us closer to our real
selves. True love frees us of fear and attachment. True love is freedom. True love
is forgiveness. When we are in true love, we are closer to God.
Our family is a circle of strength and
love...Our family with ever birth and
every union the circle grows, our
family is a circle of strength every
crisis faced together makes the circle

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  • 2. What is love? Loveisa veryspecial and meaningful wordto each human being. Each human beinghashis orherown thoughtsabout love to guide himself orherselfto land safelyandsmoothly intothe kingdom ofLove.Withoutthisproper idea oflove,people would be actinglike a blindperson searchingforthe lightwith thousandsof obstaclesin front ofhim. Whatis Love?Iknow thisquestion existsin each human being's mind including myself. If notit isstillwaitingto be discovered deeply. Loveisa beautifulthing.It makes people happy. It can change aperson, andshow someone thingsthattheyneverknew about themselves.Itliftsoneup, knowingthereis alwayssomeone who willstandby theirside through anything. It brings people together,andmakes theworld a betterplace. Some people may disagree;theymight thinkloveisjusta fantasy. Eitherway, itis a fantasythateveryonedeservesto dream of andexperience in allits
  • 3. glory, whetherstraight,lesbian, gay, bisexual, ortransgender. However,not allpeople are so accepting of lovewhen itisnot in the form thattheyare familiarwith,orisnot demonstrated inways that theythinkareproper. 12 Characteristics Of True Love And How You Can Be Sure You've Found It 1. Effortless and EternalAttraction When we are truly in love with someone, we discover moments of love and affection in the most normal of situations. We never have to "try" to spice things up. Everything seems fun and effortless just the way it is. 2. MutualRespect Respect for each other is the most important factor to sustain true love. It comes from giving each other enough space for personal growth and never crossing the line, no matter what. 3. Acceptance When we are in true love, we naturally accept the person for his or her positives, as well as for negatives. It opens up our perspectives, and we see and learn things we wouldnt have otherwise experienced 4. Selflessness We experience true love only when we have something to give. To receive love, we must give love. It's not about fulfilling our own selfish desires, but about working
  • 4. on a common goal. It's about being selfless and caring about our partners needs as much as caring about our own. 5. Trust Needless to say, trustis the mostbasic foundation of true love. While it is crucial to trust the person with whomwe are in love, it is equally important to trust ourselves. Truelove makes us feel vulnerable without being fearful or defensive. 6. Healing Love heals and ousts fear. It makes us feel safe and protected. We feel at peace and we feel at home with our loved ones, wherever we are. True love never hurts because there is no ego involved. True love only heals pain from the past and gives us the strength to love again. 7. Growth True love always favors personal and spiritual growth. It's a natural process that is essential for our happiness and freedom. Everything needs to grow to survive: plants, animals and all living cells on this planet. True love promotes natural growth that not only fills life with happiness and freedom, but also helps with professional success. True love is playful and grows together without resistance or fear. 8. Companionship As human beings, we seek companionship from other human beings. When it comes to love, we look for someone who will be by our side through thick and thin, through our entire lives. We need someone with whom we can experience the wonders of life. Someone with whom we can travel, share our secrets, discuss world events, fool around and grow old. True love means paying attention to the one you love. True love is there to celebrate in good times and to cry in bad times.
  • 5. 9. Communication Many people say that they struggle to express their feelings to their loved ones; the only thing that stops them is their egos. Ego is not necessarily arrogance, but also a lack of trust in yourself and how you feel. When words havemeaning and are said with a good intentions, it's never difficult to let them out. Making yourself understood and understanding your partner is the foundation of true love. When we speak our hearts and are open and truthful about our feelings, it shows courage and generosity. A true love will always recognize that and respect you for letting him or her inside your secret, sacred space. 10. Teamwork True love is teamwork. Knowing when to step up and take control and when to back off and trust your partner to take over is teamwork. When two people are together in love, they combine their strengths and work like a team. They know when to shut up and when to say the things that need to be said. Together, they create something so special that it is unique and indestructible. They share a common life objective and work together to achieve their goals. 11. Fearlessness Where there is true love, there is no fear: fear of commitment, fear of making mistakes or fear of hurting someone. Fear makes love hopeless and complicated. When we are in true love, we know what to do. 12. Sacred
  • 6. True love is sacred. It removes ego, brings joy and brings us closer to our real selves. True love frees us of fear and attachment. True love is freedom. True love is forgiveness. When we are in true love, we are closer to God. Our family is a circle of strength and love...Our family with ever birth and every union the circle grows, our family is a circle of strength every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger.