Ved St?le Brandshaug og Agnes Brudvik Engeset. Foredraget var en del av konferansesporet "Kunnskap og nettverk" under konferansen "Fjord 2.0: Tematurisme for fremtiden" som ble holdt i Bergen 24. - 25. november 2010.
Rizana Nafeek, a 17-year-old Sri Lankan girl, was sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for allegedly murdering the infant son of her employers within a month of arriving in the country to work as a housemaid. There were numerous issues with her trial: she did not have a proper translator and signed a confession without understanding; she was not provided legal representation; and no forensic evidence was presented to prove the cause of death of the infant. Despite retracting her confession after gaining access to a lawyer, Rizana was sentenced to death solely based on the confession. Her case highlights serious concerns around the lack of fair trial protections and rights for migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
This chapter introduces systems analysis and design. It defines systems analysis as the process of implementing and operating an information system, which requires knowledge of an organization's objectives, structure, and processes. It describes the basic components of a system, including boundaries, inputs, outputs, and interrelationships. The chapter also outlines different types of systems like transaction processing systems, management information systems, and decision support systems. It discusses the role of the systems analyst and the evolution of systems development methodologies.
El documento lista los comandos b¨¢sicos de DOS para manejar archivos, directorios, discos y configurar la consola. Incluye comandos como COPY, MD, TYPE, SYS, DIR, REN, CD, RD, DEL, FORMAT, DISCKCOPY, VOL, LABEL, CHKDSK, CLS, DATE, PROMPT, TIME, HELP, VER y UNIDAD.
This document discusses how to use Pinterest as a planning toolkit. It describes the different "faces" of Pinterest, including the Want face for collecting items, the Idea face for getting inspiration, the Hack face for learning from others, the Plan face for organizing events, and the Tool face for archiving sources. It then provides steps for setting up a Pinterest profile and board structure for planning purposes, including getting a bookmark, using hashtags, and collaborating with other planners.
This document provides a personality profile and career matching for Obioma Ekeogu, a part time student at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. The profile indicates that Obioma values caring for others and prefers careers helping people. Several careers are listed that would be a good match, such as healthcare, counseling, teaching, and some business fields. Over 200 specific career options are then listed with details on salary and outlook.
Mother Knows Best: Gender Roles in the Trial of Molly Midyettedarkwing_duff
The presentation argues that gender stereotypes may have contributed to Molly Midyette's harsh conviction for the death of her son. Specifically, the prosecution argued that: 1) Molly did not properly "nest" by decorating the nursery, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to prepare a home for their child. 2) Molly returned to work while her husband stayed home with the child, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to stay home. And 3) as the mother, she should have "known best" about her child's health and known he was being abused, playing into the stereotype that mothers have intuitive knowledge of their children's well-being. However, these gender role assumptions ignore outside
Complete Aquatics offer a fantastic range of aquariums and cabinets at cost effective prices. We also offer aquarium products and accessories such as lighting, pumps, decoration and filters.
We also offer pond and reptile related products.
Mother Knows Best: Gender Roles in the Trial of Molly Midyettedarkwing_duff
The presentation argues that gender stereotypes may have contributed to Molly Midyette's harsh conviction for the death of her son. Specifically, the prosecution argued that: 1) Molly did not properly "nest" by decorating the nursery, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to prepare a home for their child. 2) Molly returned to work while her husband stayed home with the child, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to stay home. And 3) as the mother, Molly should have "known best" about her child's health and known he was being abused, playing into the stereotype that mothers have intuitive knowledge of their children's well-being. However, these gender-based arguments
Dokumen membahas tentang pelajaran PKn kelas 1 semester 1, yang mencakup pengenalan perbedaan jenis kelamin, agama, dan suku bangsa. Siswa diajak untuk mengenali bahwa setiap orang berbeda dan harus dihargai.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1, khususnya tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Siswa diajak untuk membilang anggota tubuh, menjawab pertanyaan tentang gambar, serta membaca dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai lambang bilangan.
This document discusses Girlguiding's reputation issues and plans to address them. Specifically, it mentions an outdated public image, a lack of volunteers that led to girls being waitlisted, and lost membership fees. It then outlines a communications strategy to reposition Girlguiding through members, media, influencers and potential volunteers. The strategy involves partnership programs with corporations to modernize their image, boost volunteers and membership, and generate corporate support. It provides timelines and budgets for the recruitment campaign and partnership programs.
1) The document contains a 20 question model question paper for general sciences. The questions cover topics like profit growth rates, geometry, biology, chemistry, physics and more.
2) It provides multiple choice options for each question to test understanding of concepts from different science disciplines.
3) The questions are designed to evaluate knowledge of topics like plant physiology, chemical equations, mathematical relationships, properties of materials and scientific processes.
This chapter introduces systems analysis and design. It defines systems analysis as the process of implementing and operating an information system, which requires knowledge of an organization's objectives, structure, and processes. It describes the basic components of a system, including boundaries, inputs, outputs, and interrelationships. The chapter also outlines different types of systems like transaction processing systems, management information systems, and decision support systems. It discusses the role of the systems analyst and the evolution of systems development methodologies.
El documento lista los comandos b¨¢sicos de DOS para manejar archivos, directorios, discos y configurar la consola. Incluye comandos como COPY, MD, TYPE, SYS, DIR, REN, CD, RD, DEL, FORMAT, DISCKCOPY, VOL, LABEL, CHKDSK, CLS, DATE, PROMPT, TIME, HELP, VER y UNIDAD.
This document discusses how to use Pinterest as a planning toolkit. It describes the different "faces" of Pinterest, including the Want face for collecting items, the Idea face for getting inspiration, the Hack face for learning from others, the Plan face for organizing events, and the Tool face for archiving sources. It then provides steps for setting up a Pinterest profile and board structure for planning purposes, including getting a bookmark, using hashtags, and collaborating with other planners.
This document provides a personality profile and career matching for Obioma Ekeogu, a part time student at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. The profile indicates that Obioma values caring for others and prefers careers helping people. Several careers are listed that would be a good match, such as healthcare, counseling, teaching, and some business fields. Over 200 specific career options are then listed with details on salary and outlook.
Mother Knows Best: Gender Roles in the Trial of Molly Midyettedarkwing_duff
The presentation argues that gender stereotypes may have contributed to Molly Midyette's harsh conviction for the death of her son. Specifically, the prosecution argued that: 1) Molly did not properly "nest" by decorating the nursery, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to prepare a home for their child. 2) Molly returned to work while her husband stayed home with the child, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to stay home. And 3) as the mother, she should have "known best" about her child's health and known he was being abused, playing into the stereotype that mothers have intuitive knowledge of their children's well-being. However, these gender role assumptions ignore outside
Complete Aquatics offer a fantastic range of aquariums and cabinets at cost effective prices. We also offer aquarium products and accessories such as lighting, pumps, decoration and filters.
We also offer pond and reptile related products.
Mother Knows Best: Gender Roles in the Trial of Molly Midyettedarkwing_duff
The presentation argues that gender stereotypes may have contributed to Molly Midyette's harsh conviction for the death of her son. Specifically, the prosecution argued that: 1) Molly did not properly "nest" by decorating the nursery, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to prepare a home for their child. 2) Molly returned to work while her husband stayed home with the child, violating the stereotype that mothers should want to stay home. And 3) as the mother, Molly should have "known best" about her child's health and known he was being abused, playing into the stereotype that mothers have intuitive knowledge of their children's well-being. However, these gender-based arguments
Dokumen membahas tentang pelajaran PKn kelas 1 semester 1, yang mencakup pengenalan perbedaan jenis kelamin, agama, dan suku bangsa. Siswa diajak untuk mengenali bahwa setiap orang berbeda dan harus dihargai.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1, khususnya tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Siswa diajak untuk membilang anggota tubuh, menjawab pertanyaan tentang gambar, serta membaca dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai lambang bilangan.
This document discusses Girlguiding's reputation issues and plans to address them. Specifically, it mentions an outdated public image, a lack of volunteers that led to girls being waitlisted, and lost membership fees. It then outlines a communications strategy to reposition Girlguiding through members, media, influencers and potential volunteers. The strategy involves partnership programs with corporations to modernize their image, boost volunteers and membership, and generate corporate support. It provides timelines and budgets for the recruitment campaign and partnership programs.
1) The document contains a 20 question model question paper for general sciences. The questions cover topics like profit growth rates, geometry, biology, chemistry, physics and more.
2) It provides multiple choice options for each question to test understanding of concepts from different science disciplines.
3) The questions are designed to evaluate knowledge of topics like plant physiology, chemical equations, mathematical relationships, properties of materials and scientific processes.
Brands can live without advertising but not without marketing. The key is to think less like an advertiser and more like a publisher by creating and distributing inspiring content across many online channels. A properly implemented ongoing content marketing strategy will grow the brand, increase sales, allow for more innovation, drive traffic to assets, enhance productivity, lower advertising costs, and inspire people to share brand experiences.
3. Green Travel - forenkler budskapet
ISO 14001
ISO 14001
Bl?tt Flagg
5. N? er merket for destinasjoner lansert!
? Lansert av N?rings- og handelsdepartementet 20.mars 2013
? De 4 pilotdestinasjonene R?ros, Vega, L?rdal og Trysil fikk tildelt merket
av Trond Giske under lanseringen
? Ordningen har allerede gitt internasjonal oppmerksomhet
? F?rst i verden med en nasjonal merkeordning for reisem?l
6. Hvorfor kvalifisere for merket?
? ?ker verdien av merkevaren
? skaper troverdighet i markedet
? f?r anerkjennelse for ? ta ansvar
? Skaper engasjement og samarbeid i n?ringen
? gir god drahjelp til gjennomf?ring
? involverer b?de lokalmilj?et, ansatte og gjestene
? ?ker kvaliteten av enkeltprodukter og
? Synliggj?r den globale betydningen av lokale tiltak
? Samler og synliggj?r gode tiltak som er satt i verk
? er et godt verkt?y for markedsf?ring av b?rekrafttiltakene
7. B?rekraft p? destinasjon krever helhet
Mye felles oppgaver;
?Utvikling og gjennomf?ring av tiltak
?Oversikt og kontroll
?Synliggj?ring og markedsf?ring
B?rekraftig reiseliv dreier seg
om helhet;
?redusere/fjerne negative fotavtrykk
?fremme kvaliteter i natur og milj?
?skape levende og levedyktige
?utvikle ?konomisk levedyktige og sunne
8. Hva er merket?
? Nytt kvalitetsmerke for reisem?l i
? Bygger p? en standard som setter krav
til reisem?lets evne til styring i en mer
b?rekraftig retning
? I tr?d med de 10 prinsippene for et
b?rekraftig reiseliv
? Forutsetter kontinuerlig utvikling
? Ikke et engangstiltak
? Fornye merket hvert 3. ?r
13. Leveranse
? Mandatet for utvikling av standarden - Regjeringens reiselivsstrategi 2012
? Innovasjon Norge har levert 1.0 versjonen av B?rekraftig Reisem?l
? Prosjektst?tte
? Referansegruppe
14. Nye destinasjoner
? Nye destinasjoner ?nsker ? g? i gang
? Destinasjonene tilbys
? erfaringer fra de merkede destinasjonene
? kompetente prosessveiledere
? kurs og kompetanseheving
? testede verkt?y, metoder og beskrivelser
? databasel?sning
? uavhengig kontroll/revisjon
? synliggj?ring gjennom visitnorway og andre fora
? nettverk
15. Finn ut mer under
Synliggj?ring under
Hva trengs for ? g? i gang:
1.Motivasjon og ?nske om gjennomf?ring
2.Enkeltbedrifter og kommune(r) som engasjerer seg
3.En felles organisering og prosjektledelse (dest.selskap)
5.Lykke til!
16. 10 prinsipper, 5 omr?der i standarden
Forankring politisk
levedyktighet og lokal
Styrking av
sosiale verdier
Bevaring av natur, kultur
og milj?
Forankring i reiselivet
Oppleve tradisjoner og nasjonale
Oppleve lokal kultur og levem?te
Oppleve lokal historie og legender
G? p? teater, ballett eller opera
G? p? restaurant
Lokal mat og drikkevarer
Bes?ke historiske bygninger/steder
Bes?ke kunstutstillinger/museer
Andre kulturopplevelser
Hva vil gjestene ha?
G? p? konserter/festivaler
Oppleve nattelivet
Oppleve fjordene
Oppleve fjellene
Oppleve naturen
Bes?ke nasjonalparker
Padle kajakk/kano
Sportsaktiviteter (klatre, kite,
paragliding, etc.)
G? toppturer
G? lange turer
Fiske i saltvann
Fiske i ferskvann
Note: Grupperingen er foretatt vha. faktoranalyse
Kilde: Turistunders?kelsen 2012 Epinion /Ipsos
39%39% 77%77% 55%55%
34%34% 42%42% 24
51%51% 9%9%
Editor's Notes
#3: La meg raskt minne dere p? at dette er ikke det eneste vi gj?r innen b?rekraftig reiseliv Det hele har v?rt en reise ¨C en lang reise. Det begynte med at vi startet med sektorperspektivet og samlet de ulike sektorene i reiselivet: hvordan kan overnattingssektoren, transportsektoren osv for ? se p? hvordan de best kan jobbe for ?kt b?rekraft innen sin sektor. Her fikk vi mange gode innspill som vi har jobbet med! S? tok vi bedriftsperspektivet ved Green Travel og den ber?mte ¡±Gresstusten¡± og samlet alle de fem store milj?merkene i Norge under tust ¨C istedenfor ? finne opp noe nytt. De reiselivsbedrifter i Norge som er milj?sertifiserte ble positivt diskriminert p? Visitnorway, p? Apps osv. S? har vi kurset norsk reiselivsn?ring i b?rekraftig utvikling ¨C ikke bare enda et kurs hvor du blir mer forvirret p? et h?yere niv? etter at du har gjennomf?rt det, men et kurs som faktisk f?rte til at bedriftene gjennomf?rte en av de milj?sertifiseringene i etterkant. F?r vi n? sammen med fire modige, engasjerte og arbeidsvillige destinasjoner: Vega, L?rdal, R?ros og Trysil. Pilotene jobber med utviklingen av et mer b?rekraftig reiseliv p? destinasjonsniv?. Hensikten er ? vinne erfaringer som skal komme hele norsk reiseliv til gode.
#10: Standarden bygger p? 45 kriterier med til sammen 85 indikatorer innen fem omr?der: Forankring og implementering p? politisk plan i kommunen Forankring og implementering i reiselivet Bevaring av natur, kultur og milj? Bevaring av sosiale forhold ?konomisk levedyktighet De to f?rste: forankring og implementering p? politisk plan og i reiselivet m? gjennomf?res f?r man g?r videre. De tre siste omr?dene er viktige faktorer for en langsiktig prosess for b?rekraft i reiselivet. Reiselivet m? ha en sunn ?konomi og skape verdier for at man skal kunne eksistere, samtidig er milj?- og klimatiltak sentrale elementer og man m? ha fokus p? lokalsamfunnet for ? skape gode opplevelser.
#13: S? er det to ting som er viktig for oss ? understreke: For det f?rste s? bygger hele ordningen p? rammeverket til UNTWO, det samme som EU legger til grunn for sin reiselivssatsing. For det andre er det viktig ? understreke at denne sertifiseringsordningen ikke er ¡±funnet¡± opp av oss byr?krater i Akersgata, heller ikke forskningsmilj?er eller forvaltere, men er utviklet til nytte for reiselivsn?ringen selv. Den har sitt utspring fra reiselivsn?ringen. Jeg vil rette en stor takk til v?re fire piloter: Trysil, L?rdal, R?ros og Vega¨C dere har v?rt f?rst ute, modige, pr?vd og feilet ¨C og v?rt krevende kunder for oss. Tusen takk! Dere har gjort en stor jobb for norsk reiselivsn?ring! Igjen: gratulerer med dagen!
#18: Aktivitetene kan grupperes i seks overordnede grupper. Boksene til h?yre viser de seks grupperingene samt aktivitetene som inng?r i de forskjellige grupperingene. Utenlandske turister er gitt en bl? farge, mens innenlands turister har f?tt gult. Foilen viser enkelt forklart at av ulike aktiviteter velger utenlandske turister kultur som prefererte aktivitet, mens natur scorer ogs? h?yt, likes? at de ?nsker noe som er autentisk. Blant nordmenn er aktive ferier det som h?ster flest stemmer, mens kultur og det autentiske ligger rett bak. Vi har ogs? kommunikasjonsm?linger p? v?re kampanjer og annonser som viser at uansett hva innholdet har v?rt scorer vi h?yt p? at det kommuniserer en ?wide range of sustainable offers?. Dette betyr at vi har et sterkt omd?mme p? b?rekraft, dette g?r p? tvers av markeder. Dette kan i mange tilfeller v?re sv?rt ufortjent, og vi ser mange land som n? gj?r virkelig solide innsatser for ? minimere sine negative fotavtrykk. Og de er samtidig gode p? ? kommunisere det. For Norge betyr dette at fallh?yden er stor dersom den enkelte gjest ikke oppn?r at forventningen om et sv?rt milj?vennlig og autentisk reisem?l ikke oppfylles. Og her m? vi med skam melde at nordmenn flest ikke er den mest bevisste gjesten, ei heller er vi de mest avanserte p? dagligdagse og innovative klima- og milj?tiltak. Men potensialet er stort! Det er dette vi inviterer gjester p? og det er dette vi m? vise at vi ivaretar p? en god m?te.