W33August2014Ferhat UnlukalSamsung acquired home automation startup SmartThings for $200 million. The Mexico government will hold a bid to procure 13.7 million LCD TVs over three years for low-income families. The curved TV market was valued at $0.14 billion in 2013 and is expected to reach $8.4 billion by 2019, growing at a CAGR of 96.7%. Cisco will cut 6,000 jobs and incur $700 million in restructuring charges. The AllSeen Alliance added four new members to advance the AllJoyn open source project for device interoperability. The tablet market is maturing and Apple and Samsung's share declined from 42% to 29% as their shipments fell 34% in the first
La tecnología en la educacionLuis ReyesLa tecnología puede influir positivamente en la educación al apoyar cuatro conceptos claves: participación activa del estudiante, interacción frecuente entre maestro y estudiante, participación colaborativa en grupo, y conexión con el mundo real. Sin embargo, también puede acentuar desigualdades sociales y volver a los estudiantes dependientes de la tecnología si no se integra de manera eficaz. El documento describe un programa piloto de la UVM campus Querétaro que integró iPads en la enseñanza y obtu
Altimis Consulting - Change DynamicsRaphael PrezerowitzThis brochure presents Altimis Consulting, a company created in 2002 and dedicated to helping companies to succeed in their business transformation. Our moto is "CHANGE DYNAMICS" as we help to create the dynamics within the organization that will help key projects to overcome numerous roadblocks and take off the ground in no time and with the greatest impact along the way. Business transformation is an "end-to-end" process, starting with an inspiring vision and a clear strategic direction, followed by a professional execution, to end with a deep and solid anchoring of the transformed business model into daily operations and employees activities. At Altimis, we are passionate about accompanying large and medium organization at every step of this transformation process.
Project Management (Business case) asta powerproject 12Jeffrey QuevedoThe document discusses a business case for upgrading to Asta Powerproject 12 software. It provides background on Asta and its project management software. It then analyzes options for licensing including standalone, concurrent, and multi-user licenses. Finally, it presents a preliminary budget estimate of $90,000 for the project and financial analysis projecting a 200% return on investment.
A Legal Approach To Workplace BullyingJuliane SopranoWorkplace bullying is a universal epidemic affecting an estimated 1/3 of American workers at some point in their working lives.
Havant civic society july 2014 v2nettyharleyThe Spring Arts & Heritage Centre in Havant, Hampshire aims to improve the local community through vibrant arts events and activities that celebrate the local heritage. The Centre provides live events, participatory activities, heritage exhibitions and cultural support services. It recently saw increases in visitor numbers and engagement with its heritage collection. Upcoming projects include a textile book of remembrance, open days, and First World War commemorations.
Уровень жизни по регионам России 2014ометрВизуализация на карте России различий в МРОТ, прожиточном минимуме, средней зарплате и уровне жизни населения
El cid campeadorDaniel Parra RuizEl Cid Campeador fue un guerrero español que luchó junto a Don Sancho desde su juventud. Más tarde, fue desterrado del reino de Castilla por una disputa, pero consiguió el perdón al conquistar territorios musulmanes. Finalmente, se convirtió en un héroe de la Reconquista al conquistar Valencia y liderar ejércitos a lomos de su caballo Babieca con sus espadas Tizona y Colada.
Guía de-apoyo-para-profesores-unicef Fabián CuevasEste documento presenta un resumen de un estudio realizado por UNICEF y el Ministerio de Educación de Chile sobre escuelas efectivas en sectores de pobreza. El estudio analizó escuelas que lograron resultados académicos superiores educando a estudiantes de bajos recursos. Las escuelas estudiadas comparten características como altos porcentajes de alumnos pobres y buenos resultados sostenidos en evaluaciones. El documento describe la metodología del estudio y resume sus principales hallazgos sobre las prácticas pedagó
Componentes en un proyecto urbanoSamir Eduardo Chadid SantamariaEl PUI es un modelo de intervención inédito en procesos de transformación urbana que inició su implementación en la Zona Nororiental de la ciudad. A partir de esta premisa se estableció la continuidad del PUI Comuna 13 y la ejecución de los PUI Centroriental y PUI Noroccidental, cubriendo de esta manera todas las zonas más vulnerables de la ciudad de Medellín, de acuerdo con los estudios de Índice de Desarrollo Humano.
La expresión proyecto urbano no es nueva. De hecho, ya fue utilizada para referirse a aquellos proyectos unitarios de arquitectura, de dimensión apreciable, que pretendan representar, a pesar de los propios límites físicos, la forma ejemplar de la ciudad moderna. Pienso que esta visión, que aparece en los años 60 con el Tema X y las intervenciones propuestas entonces cuya nueva dimensión demostrara claramente el rechazo, entre los ms conocidos arquitectos, al urbanismo ambicioso aunque gris de los estados asistenciales de la segunda posguerra. Al mismo tiempo, esta visión daba a entender la imposibilidad de extender una lógica de arquitectura de autor a todos los frentes de transformación de las ciudades europeas
What You Need to Know About Immigration in 2014 WorkshopBadmus & Associates2014 Annual Workshop - What You Need to Know about Immigration in 2014 - held at Richland College, Dallas, Texas on August 9, 2014. This Citizenship and Immigration Workshop provides the latest information, rules and tips about immigration and citizenship for you, your family, friends, or colleagues. You will learn:
How to Help Family Members Legally Immigrate to the U.S.
Updates to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) applicants
How to Qualify for Citizenship
Work visa options for F-1 College Students
Tips to Avoid Dangerous Mistakes with Your Immigration Applications
What's Happening Now with Immigration Reform and Legalization
Diseño curricular dr saiedPelochoEl documento describe las fases del diseño curricular, incluyendo la fundamentación, elaboración del perfil profesional, organización y evaluación. Explica que la fase de análisis es donde se define el perfil profesional investigando los conocimientos, técnicas y procedimientos de la disciplina. También presenta las tareas del diseño curricular seleccionado para la carrera de Técnico en Urgencias Médicas, que incluyen diagnosticar problemas, construir el currículo, estructurarlo, organizarlo y diseñar su evaluación.
Politics of LebanonHistoryExpert006The document provides background information on the politics of Lebanon. It summarizes that Lebanon has a parliamentary democratic republic system with power shared among religious groups. Elections are held every four years for parliament and every six years for president. The prime minister is chosen by the president and parliament. Major political figures currently include Tammam Salam as acting president and prime minister. Nabih Berri has served as speaker of parliament since 1992. The judicial branch consists of courts and a constitutional council. Lebanon is divided into six governorates for administration.
EO San Antonio August 2014simonmundellThe document is from an organization called The Business Execution Experts that helps businesses transform their potential into extraordinary results through business execution. It repeats this message throughout and discusses the importance of being responsive to change, having a vision and strategy, engaging employees, ensuring accountability, and maintaining cadence in executing the business plan. It references the work of Stephen Covey and Bob Whitman in establishing the five pillars of execution.
Ellendale elementary school board presentation 2014JessicaMays1Ellendale Elementary School is preparing for the upcoming year with an increased enrollment of 325 students across 16 classrooms, including two transition classes for first and third grades and one self-contained special education classroom. New initiatives include updated curriculum materials, an improved safety and communication plan using staff radios, rewriting the school improvement plan, tiered instruction through flexible groups, and an RTI/behavior support team. The school will also explore beginning Spanish instruction, implement a research block using computers, and continue using iPads to integrate technology into lessons. Additionally, the school will focus on positive behavior strategies through their PBIS program and anti-bullying campaign using the book "How Full Is Your Bucket?".
Apresentacao do Conselho Fiscal aos aprovados no Primeiro Processo Seletivo M...Jarson BrennerApresentacao do Conselho Fiscal aos aprovados no Primeiro Processo Seletivo Misto da Fundação Casa do Estudante Universitário do Paraná
You belong to mejordangibson123890This video tells the story of an artist singing to the boy next door that she desires. The analysis summarizes key shots in the video. Shots at the beginning establish the two houses as being separate and the artist as modest. Subsequent shots show the artist dancing and singing in her room to express herself and show her fun personality. Later shots depict barriers like windows separating the artist and boy, showing their distance. The final shot features the artist in a white dress, now being presented as an image in addition to her music, bringing the story to a close.
The Tipping Point LensfocusThere is no tipping point. CO2 was present in much larger concentrations in the past and we are still here. This creates a disconnect between theory and reality that eliminates CO2 as the driver of modern climate change.
W33August2014Ferhat UnlukalSamsung acquired home automation startup SmartThings for $200 million. The Mexico government will hold a bid to procure 13.7 million LCD TVs over three years for low-income families. The curved TV market was valued at $0.14 billion in 2013 and is expected to reach $8.4 billion by 2019, growing at a CAGR of 96.7%. Cisco will cut 6,000 jobs and incur $700 million in restructuring charges. The AllSeen Alliance added four new members to advance the AllJoyn open source project for device interoperability. The tablet market is maturing and Apple and Samsung's share declined from 42% to 29% as their shipments fell 34% in the first
La tecnología en la educacionLuis ReyesLa tecnología puede influir positivamente en la educación al apoyar cuatro conceptos claves: participación activa del estudiante, interacción frecuente entre maestro y estudiante, participación colaborativa en grupo, y conexión con el mundo real. Sin embargo, también puede acentuar desigualdades sociales y volver a los estudiantes dependientes de la tecnología si no se integra de manera eficaz. El documento describe un programa piloto de la UVM campus Querétaro que integró iPads en la enseñanza y obtu
Altimis Consulting - Change DynamicsRaphael PrezerowitzThis brochure presents Altimis Consulting, a company created in 2002 and dedicated to helping companies to succeed in their business transformation. Our moto is "CHANGE DYNAMICS" as we help to create the dynamics within the organization that will help key projects to overcome numerous roadblocks and take off the ground in no time and with the greatest impact along the way. Business transformation is an "end-to-end" process, starting with an inspiring vision and a clear strategic direction, followed by a professional execution, to end with a deep and solid anchoring of the transformed business model into daily operations and employees activities. At Altimis, we are passionate about accompanying large and medium organization at every step of this transformation process.
Project Management (Business case) asta powerproject 12Jeffrey QuevedoThe document discusses a business case for upgrading to Asta Powerproject 12 software. It provides background on Asta and its project management software. It then analyzes options for licensing including standalone, concurrent, and multi-user licenses. Finally, it presents a preliminary budget estimate of $90,000 for the project and financial analysis projecting a 200% return on investment.
A Legal Approach To Workplace BullyingJuliane SopranoWorkplace bullying is a universal epidemic affecting an estimated 1/3 of American workers at some point in their working lives.
Havant civic society july 2014 v2nettyharleyThe Spring Arts & Heritage Centre in Havant, Hampshire aims to improve the local community through vibrant arts events and activities that celebrate the local heritage. The Centre provides live events, participatory activities, heritage exhibitions and cultural support services. It recently saw increases in visitor numbers and engagement with its heritage collection. Upcoming projects include a textile book of remembrance, open days, and First World War commemorations.
Уровень жизни по регионам России 2014ометрВизуализация на карте России различий в МРОТ, прожиточном минимуме, средней зарплате и уровне жизни населения
El cid campeadorDaniel Parra RuizEl Cid Campeador fue un guerrero español que luchó junto a Don Sancho desde su juventud. Más tarde, fue desterrado del reino de Castilla por una disputa, pero consiguió el perdón al conquistar territorios musulmanes. Finalmente, se convirtió en un héroe de la Reconquista al conquistar Valencia y liderar ejércitos a lomos de su caballo Babieca con sus espadas Tizona y Colada.
Guía de-apoyo-para-profesores-unicef Fabián CuevasEste documento presenta un resumen de un estudio realizado por UNICEF y el Ministerio de Educación de Chile sobre escuelas efectivas en sectores de pobreza. El estudio analizó escuelas que lograron resultados académicos superiores educando a estudiantes de bajos recursos. Las escuelas estudiadas comparten características como altos porcentajes de alumnos pobres y buenos resultados sostenidos en evaluaciones. El documento describe la metodología del estudio y resume sus principales hallazgos sobre las prácticas pedagó
Componentes en un proyecto urbanoSamir Eduardo Chadid SantamariaEl PUI es un modelo de intervención inédito en procesos de transformación urbana que inició su implementación en la Zona Nororiental de la ciudad. A partir de esta premisa se estableció la continuidad del PUI Comuna 13 y la ejecución de los PUI Centroriental y PUI Noroccidental, cubriendo de esta manera todas las zonas más vulnerables de la ciudad de Medellín, de acuerdo con los estudios de Índice de Desarrollo Humano.
La expresión proyecto urbano no es nueva. De hecho, ya fue utilizada para referirse a aquellos proyectos unitarios de arquitectura, de dimensión apreciable, que pretendan representar, a pesar de los propios límites físicos, la forma ejemplar de la ciudad moderna. Pienso que esta visión, que aparece en los años 60 con el Tema X y las intervenciones propuestas entonces cuya nueva dimensión demostrara claramente el rechazo, entre los ms conocidos arquitectos, al urbanismo ambicioso aunque gris de los estados asistenciales de la segunda posguerra. Al mismo tiempo, esta visión daba a entender la imposibilidad de extender una lógica de arquitectura de autor a todos los frentes de transformación de las ciudades europeas
What You Need to Know About Immigration in 2014 WorkshopBadmus & Associates2014 Annual Workshop - What You Need to Know about Immigration in 2014 - held at Richland College, Dallas, Texas on August 9, 2014. This Citizenship and Immigration Workshop provides the latest information, rules and tips about immigration and citizenship for you, your family, friends, or colleagues. You will learn:
How to Help Family Members Legally Immigrate to the U.S.
Updates to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) applicants
How to Qualify for Citizenship
Work visa options for F-1 College Students
Tips to Avoid Dangerous Mistakes with Your Immigration Applications
What's Happening Now with Immigration Reform and Legalization
Diseño curricular dr saiedPelochoEl documento describe las fases del diseño curricular, incluyendo la fundamentación, elaboración del perfil profesional, organización y evaluación. Explica que la fase de análisis es donde se define el perfil profesional investigando los conocimientos, técnicas y procedimientos de la disciplina. También presenta las tareas del diseño curricular seleccionado para la carrera de Técnico en Urgencias Médicas, que incluyen diagnosticar problemas, construir el currículo, estructurarlo, organizarlo y diseñar su evaluación.
Politics of LebanonHistoryExpert006The document provides background information on the politics of Lebanon. It summarizes that Lebanon has a parliamentary democratic republic system with power shared among religious groups. Elections are held every four years for parliament and every six years for president. The prime minister is chosen by the president and parliament. Major political figures currently include Tammam Salam as acting president and prime minister. Nabih Berri has served as speaker of parliament since 1992. The judicial branch consists of courts and a constitutional council. Lebanon is divided into six governorates for administration.
EO San Antonio August 2014simonmundellThe document is from an organization called The Business Execution Experts that helps businesses transform their potential into extraordinary results through business execution. It repeats this message throughout and discusses the importance of being responsive to change, having a vision and strategy, engaging employees, ensuring accountability, and maintaining cadence in executing the business plan. It references the work of Stephen Covey and Bob Whitman in establishing the five pillars of execution.
Ellendale elementary school board presentation 2014JessicaMays1Ellendale Elementary School is preparing for the upcoming year with an increased enrollment of 325 students across 16 classrooms, including two transition classes for first and third grades and one self-contained special education classroom. New initiatives include updated curriculum materials, an improved safety and communication plan using staff radios, rewriting the school improvement plan, tiered instruction through flexible groups, and an RTI/behavior support team. The school will also explore beginning Spanish instruction, implement a research block using computers, and continue using iPads to integrate technology into lessons. Additionally, the school will focus on positive behavior strategies through their PBIS program and anti-bullying campaign using the book "How Full Is Your Bucket?".
Apresentacao do Conselho Fiscal aos aprovados no Primeiro Processo Seletivo M...Jarson BrennerApresentacao do Conselho Fiscal aos aprovados no Primeiro Processo Seletivo Misto da Fundação Casa do Estudante Universitário do Paraná
You belong to mejordangibson123890This video tells the story of an artist singing to the boy next door that she desires. The analysis summarizes key shots in the video. Shots at the beginning establish the two houses as being separate and the artist as modest. Subsequent shots show the artist dancing and singing in her room to express herself and show her fun personality. Later shots depict barriers like windows separating the artist and boy, showing their distance. The final shot features the artist in a white dress, now being presented as an image in addition to her music, bringing the story to a close.
The Tipping Point LensfocusThere is no tipping point. CO2 was present in much larger concentrations in the past and we are still here. This creates a disconnect between theory and reality that eliminates CO2 as the driver of modern climate change.
Vivallakullen3Björn SundinSatsningen på Vivallakullen är både omfattande i investeringskostnad och i omsorg och förberedelse. I detta dokument beskrivs en del av processen, en del av idéerna och det sammanhang arbetet pågått i (den första av tre delar).
Hagaparkshallen kfum centralPia RosinKFUM Centrals förslag till idrottshall vid Hagaparken i Stockholm. Anläggningen som här presenteras fyller behovet
av idrottshallar som finns i området samtidigt som den fungerar som en mötesplats på väg ut i parken.
130417 västerortsmoderaterna sten nordinAleks SakalaKlicka här för att se videon:
Informationsmöte om Hagastaden på restaurang Station 20171109Hagastaden StockholmInformationsmöte, projekt Hagastaden, Stockholms stad.
18.30 Inledning
18.35Om projektet och visionen
Eleonor Eklind Forslin, projektchef
18.55Pågående byggnationer
Ebrahim Ilya, byggledare
19.15Trafiken idag – och hur den ska bli
Gunilla Brogren, trafikplanerare
19.35 Arbetet med östra Hagastaden vid Norrtull
Karl-Johan Dufmats, projektledare och David Nee, projektingenjör
19.55-20.00 Avslutning på seminariet
20.00-20.30 Mingel/frågor
Övriga parter som medverkar vid mötet
Solna stad
Stockholms läns landsting (fastigheter Solnasidan)
Stockholm Vatten och Avfall
Norrmalm stadsdelsförvaltning
1. Vill du veta mer gå in på centerpartiet.se/brannkyrka
För ett grönare,
skönare Söderort
Gröna transporter
på både spår och väg
• Bygg ut tunnelbana mellan Hagsätra och Älvsjö.
• Bygg Spårväg Syd. Prioritera sträckan från Hagsätra, Älvsjö, Fruängen
och Skärholmen till Kungens Kurva.
• Anlägg bullerplank och tyst asfalt längst Älvsjövägen. På sikt bör vägen
läggas i tunnel.
• Fortsatt utbyggnad av cykelvägar och cykelstråk. Förbättrat underhåll för
att öka framkomligheten, inte minst under vintern.
• Gör Älvsjö resecentrum tryggare och mer funktionellt med staket, signal-
ljus, belysta övergångsställen och rulltrappa i båda riktningarna. Fler par-
keringsplatser för cyklar och bilar.
Brännkyrkacentern - för ett grönare, skönare Söderort
2. Värna och utveckla
våra grönområden
• Älvsjöskogen blir naturreservat. Det är en seger för Evy Kjellberg och Center-
partiet. Förbind grönområdena på båda sidor om järnvägen.
• Anlägg en park på Sjöängen närmast Brännkyrka kyrka, gärna med vattenspe-
gel/fontän, boulebana, rekreationsyta och odlingslotter. Området kring kyrkan
måste värnas.
• Fortsatt rening av Långsjön. Bygg lekvänligt konstverk vid badplatsen.
Med vår stadsodling visar vi hur Sjöängen kan utvecklas till en grön oas för alla. Upplåt området
för odling i avvaktan på beslut om Sjöängens framtid.
Använd taken för odlingar, solceller och servering. Så ger vi Söderort ett grönt lyft!
Bygg tätare och grönare
i Älvsjö och Fruängens C
• Älvsjös nya stadsdel ska bli ett miljövänligt och barnvänligt bostadsområde.
Solceller på taken, laddstationer, cykelstråk till City, samt gröna tak med od-
ling och bikupor är några av våra förslag.
• Bygg på Fruängens centrum på höjden med både bostäder och kontor.Taken
bör användas för bland annat odling och caféverksamhet.
• Anlägg solceller på taken på Stockholmsmässan, Brännkyrka kyrka och för-
samlingshem, samt Fruängens Centrum.
Centerpartiet gör Stockholm grönare
• Fler naturreservat inrättas, bland annat Älvsjöskogen.
• Utbyggda cykelvägar och bättre underhåll med "cykelmiljarden".
• Storsatsning på matavfallsinsamling, biogas och solceller som gör att staden
når sina miljömål i förtid.