The document discusses three case studies that exemplify postmodern characteristics: Lady Gaga's music video for "Paparazzi", the British TV show "The Mighty Boosh" episode "The Legend of Old Gregg", and the film "Kick Ass 2". Each case study demonstrates multiple postmodern traits such as intertextuality, self-awareness, genre hybridity, and simulacra. Lady Gaga's video references other works and celebrities and explores fame through dark themes. "The Mighty Boosh" bends time/space, uses references for humor, and is surreal/unpredictable. "Kick Ass 2" merges genres, uses black humor around violence, and copies other superhero works without original
Pinterest has grown tremendously in recent years and established itself as a major player in social marketing. The document discusses how obtaining more Pinterest followers through can help businesses drive traffic and promote their brand or services. It notes that Pinterest allows sharing of photos and other content that can potentially go viral, helping businesses achieve real traffic from interested users.
Lattice Inc. provides technology services to correctional facilities and has experienced 700% revenue growth from 2009 to 2013. It offers a suite of cloud-based services that provide secure communications and information technology to smaller facilities. Some of its products and services include video visitation, email, music downloads, and an integrated jail management software solution. While it faces competition from larger national service providers, Lattice has a technology advantage in serving smaller facilities. It sees opportunities for continued growth in both the US market and expanding internationally.
Business Connectivity Services With Share Point 2010Alexander Meijers
This document provides an overview of Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint 2010. It discusses the BCS architecture and components, including external content types, external lists, and associations. The presentation demonstrates BCS tools in SharePoint Designer 2010 and Visual Studio 2010, and various solution types from simple to advanced. It also covers the different web parts available to display external data and security options in BCS like pass-through authentication and using the Secure Store Service.
This document provides guidance on developing effective search strategies when seeking information. It discusses determining the topic, identifying key concepts, developing keywords, using Boolean search techniques and evaluating search results. Some of the main points covered include breaking topics into two or three main concepts, combining concepts and synonyms with Boolean operators like AND and OR, using truncation and phrase searching, and evaluating sources based on authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and coverage. The document emphasizes planning a thorough search strategy to obtain sufficient high-quality information.
El documento resume una misi¨®n realizada por varias organizaciones para ajustar aspectos log¨ªsticos de un proyecto de reconstrucci¨®n de viviendas en Hait¨ª mediante una cooperativa. La misi¨®n incluy¨® visitas a la comunidad beneficiaria, el terreno de construcci¨®n y otros proyectos similares para obtener informaci¨®n t¨¦cnica. Durante la misi¨®n se elabor¨® un dise?o consensuado del proyecto que ser¨¢ presentado a posibles donantes.
This photo is shared under a Creative Commons license from Flickr. The photo can be found at the URL and is shared for open use, within the terms of the CC license.
Rinkside Tweeting: A Foucauldian Analysis of Changing Power Relations in the ...Naila Jinnah
Paper written for my Social Theory of the Body class, taken as part of the Kinesiology Master's programme in Socio-Cultural Studies of Sport, Health and the Body at Queen's University in Fall 2010.
This document summarizes a research paper on sports journalism presented by Viviana Hern¨¢ndez Monroy for her class on communication strategies and tactics taught by Professor Alfredo Men¨¦ndez at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The research topic is sports journalism on television. Key search terms included journalism, news, and television. The search was conducted in ProQuest and limited to sports magazines from 2004-2012. The search algorithm was "(SU.exact("JOURNALISM") AND SU.exact("TELEVISION NEWS"))". One relevant article found was titled "Investing in Investigative" from the October 2011 issue of Broadcasting & Cable.
McBru Insights: A Study of ChineseTechnology Innovators 2007McClenahan Bruer
The document summarizes key findings from a 2007 survey of 2,071 Chinese electronic engineers. It finds that:
1) Most Chinese EEs work for small-to-medium sized companies, have engineering roles, and obtained higher education in China.
2) Compared to US EEs, Chinese EEs tend to work individually rather than in teams, have less job security and autonomy, and derive less satisfaction from their work.
3) While Chinese EEs are required to take on many responsibilities like keeping skills updated, they often lack clear expectations, respect, freedom and resources to do their jobs.
Indigenous Land Management - David RobertsonTERN Australia
The document discusses improving environmental monitoring on Indigenous lands in Australia. It describes the CyberTracker project which uses icon-based software to better collect biophysical data from Indigenous rangers. CyberTracker applications are being used to track threatened species, weeds, fires and other environmental factors. National data standards could help aggregate this data and enable collaboration. For monitoring to be effective, access to Indigenous lands, community needs, data ownership and continued funding must all be considered.
If you want to get the best valuation for your property then you must be need to hire an expert valuers for it. Melbourne Property Valuers taking all the factors which are important for valuation process to complete it.
The document summarizes the optimization of engine cycles for two different vehicles - a commercial airliner and long-range missile - at various flight conditions. For the airliner, a turbofan design provided the best performance, while a turbojet was best for the missile. The turbofan and turbojet designs were then optimized. For the turbofan, increasing the bypass ratio improved efficiency. For the turbojet, bleed ratio and compressor ratio were optimized to minimize fuel consumption while maintaining required thrust. Ramjet and turbojet performance were also compared, showing ramjets are better at high speeds and turbojets at low speeds.
The document discusses three case studies that exemplify postmodern characteristics: Lady Gaga's music video for "Paparazzi", the British TV show "The Mighty Boosh" episode "The Legend of Old Gregg", and the film "Kick Ass 2". Each case study demonstrates multiple postmodern traits such as intertextuality, self-awareness, genre hybridity, and simulacra. Lady Gaga's video references other works and celebrities and explores fame through dark themes. "The Mighty Boosh" bends time/space, uses references for humor, and is surreal/unpredictable. "Kick Ass 2" merges genres, uses black humor around violence, and copies other superhero works without original
Pinterest has grown tremendously in recent years and established itself as a major player in social marketing. The document discusses how obtaining more Pinterest followers through can help businesses drive traffic and promote their brand or services. It notes that Pinterest allows sharing of photos and other content that can potentially go viral, helping businesses achieve real traffic from interested users.
Lattice Inc. provides technology services to correctional facilities and has experienced 700% revenue growth from 2009 to 2013. It offers a suite of cloud-based services that provide secure communications and information technology to smaller facilities. Some of its products and services include video visitation, email, music downloads, and an integrated jail management software solution. While it faces competition from larger national service providers, Lattice has a technology advantage in serving smaller facilities. It sees opportunities for continued growth in both the US market and expanding internationally.
Business Connectivity Services With Share Point 2010Alexander Meijers
This document provides an overview of Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint 2010. It discusses the BCS architecture and components, including external content types, external lists, and associations. The presentation demonstrates BCS tools in SharePoint Designer 2010 and Visual Studio 2010, and various solution types from simple to advanced. It also covers the different web parts available to display external data and security options in BCS like pass-through authentication and using the Secure Store Service.
This document provides guidance on developing effective search strategies when seeking information. It discusses determining the topic, identifying key concepts, developing keywords, using Boolean search techniques and evaluating search results. Some of the main points covered include breaking topics into two or three main concepts, combining concepts and synonyms with Boolean operators like AND and OR, using truncation and phrase searching, and evaluating sources based on authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and coverage. The document emphasizes planning a thorough search strategy to obtain sufficient high-quality information.
El documento resume una misi¨®n realizada por varias organizaciones para ajustar aspectos log¨ªsticos de un proyecto de reconstrucci¨®n de viviendas en Hait¨ª mediante una cooperativa. La misi¨®n incluy¨® visitas a la comunidad beneficiaria, el terreno de construcci¨®n y otros proyectos similares para obtener informaci¨®n t¨¦cnica. Durante la misi¨®n se elabor¨® un dise?o consensuado del proyecto que ser¨¢ presentado a posibles donantes.
This photo is shared under a Creative Commons license from Flickr. The photo can be found at the URL and is shared for open use, within the terms of the CC license.
Rinkside Tweeting: A Foucauldian Analysis of Changing Power Relations in the ...Naila Jinnah
Paper written for my Social Theory of the Body class, taken as part of the Kinesiology Master's programme in Socio-Cultural Studies of Sport, Health and the Body at Queen's University in Fall 2010.
This document summarizes a research paper on sports journalism presented by Viviana Hern¨¢ndez Monroy for her class on communication strategies and tactics taught by Professor Alfredo Men¨¦ndez at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The research topic is sports journalism on television. Key search terms included journalism, news, and television. The search was conducted in ProQuest and limited to sports magazines from 2004-2012. The search algorithm was "(SU.exact("JOURNALISM") AND SU.exact("TELEVISION NEWS"))". One relevant article found was titled "Investing in Investigative" from the October 2011 issue of Broadcasting & Cable.
McBru Insights: A Study of ChineseTechnology Innovators 2007McClenahan Bruer
The document summarizes key findings from a 2007 survey of 2,071 Chinese electronic engineers. It finds that:
1) Most Chinese EEs work for small-to-medium sized companies, have engineering roles, and obtained higher education in China.
2) Compared to US EEs, Chinese EEs tend to work individually rather than in teams, have less job security and autonomy, and derive less satisfaction from their work.
3) While Chinese EEs are required to take on many responsibilities like keeping skills updated, they often lack clear expectations, respect, freedom and resources to do their jobs.
Indigenous Land Management - David RobertsonTERN Australia
The document discusses improving environmental monitoring on Indigenous lands in Australia. It describes the CyberTracker project which uses icon-based software to better collect biophysical data from Indigenous rangers. CyberTracker applications are being used to track threatened species, weeds, fires and other environmental factors. National data standards could help aggregate this data and enable collaboration. For monitoring to be effective, access to Indigenous lands, community needs, data ownership and continued funding must all be considered.
If you want to get the best valuation for your property then you must be need to hire an expert valuers for it. Melbourne Property Valuers taking all the factors which are important for valuation process to complete it.
The document summarizes the optimization of engine cycles for two different vehicles - a commercial airliner and long-range missile - at various flight conditions. For the airliner, a turbofan design provided the best performance, while a turbojet was best for the missile. The turbofan and turbojet designs were then optimized. For the turbofan, increasing the bypass ratio improved efficiency. For the turbojet, bleed ratio and compressor ratio were optimized to minimize fuel consumption while maintaining required thrust. Ramjet and turbojet performance were also compared, showing ramjets are better at high speeds and turbojets at low speeds.
1. ?lvsj?skogen skyddas
- det m?ste vi fira!
Kom och f ra att ?lvsj?skogen blir naturreservati
efter 40 ?r - en seger f?r alla som k?mpat f?r att
skydda skogen!
Tid: S?ndagen den 24/8 2014, kl 13.00 till 15.00.
Plats: ?lvsj? gamla IP, ?lvsj?skogen (?lvsj? AIK:s
stuga vid d?ligt v?der).
Utst?llning med klipp om kampen f?r ?lvsj?sko-
gen och presentation av f?rslaget till naturreser-
Fika, tipspromenad och lotteri. Grillen st?r redo.
S?ndag 24/8:
13.00: Herr?ngens
brassensemble med
Janne Thylander.
Fanfar f?r ?lvsj?-
13.30: Stadsmilj?-
borgarr?det Per
Vill du veta mer g? in p?
2. ?lvsj?skogen ¨C
Inte l?ngre hotad
Vi som utnyttjar ?lvsj?skogen och gl?ds ?t att den finns har nog m?nga g?nger tagit f?r givet
att den alltid ska finnas d?r.
Under de 50 ?r jag varit bosatt i ?lvsj? har skogen varit hotad vid flera tillf?llen, bl.a. ville
Stockholms kommun bygga 400 l?genheter 1976 och 1986 hade Svenska kyrkan l?ngt fram-
skridna planer p? att bygga 150 sm?hus och 100 l?genheter i sin del av skogen.
Den striden minns jag s?rskilt. F?reningarna i ?lvsj? gick samman och protesterade, bl.a.
genom att ordna ?lvsj?skogens dag. Br?nnkyrkacentern tog initiativet till en namninsamling
och uppvaktning i Stadshuset. Sj?lv ?verklagade jag kyrkans beslut till Kammarr?tten och fick
r?tt. Beslutet upph?vdes och planerna lades p? is. Nya f?rslag p? byggnationer har kommit
med j?mna mellanrum. Men ?lvsj?borna har v?rnat sin skog s? starkt att ingen v?gat r?ra den.
Det ?r mycket gl?djande att kyrkan nu beslutat s?lja sin del av skogen och Alliansen med
stadsmilj?borgarr?det Per Ankersj? (c) i spetsen best?mt att skogen nu ska bli naturreservat.
En seger f?r v?rt lokala arbete i Br?nnkyrka, Centerpartiet och m?nga andra som varit engage-
rade i fr?gan.
F?rslaget till naturreservat av skogen ?r nu ute p? remiss. Kom med f?rslag och synpunkter.
Det finns utst?llt p? medborgarkontoret och Tekniska n?mndhuset Du kan ocks? l?sa det p? Sista dag f?r synpunkter ?r 29:e augusti.
Centerpartiet i Br?nnkyrka anser att ?lvsj?skogen ska kunna anv?ndas i stort s?tt som i dag.
Vi vill ocks? att mitt gamla f?rslag, lagt i kommunfullm?ktige, om en ¡±ekodukt¡±, en bro eller
tunnel som f?rbinder ?lvsj?skogen och Hags?traskogen, ska realiseras.
S?ndagen den 24 augusti kl 13.00 ordnar vi en fest f?r att fira att ?lvsj?skogen blir natur-
reservat. Ta med n?ra och k?ra, v?nner och bekanta och kom. L?s mer p?
Varmt v?lkommen!
Evy Kjellberg
Ordf?rande, Centerpartiet i Br?nnkyrka
Ledamot ?lvsj? stadsdelsn?mnd(c). Kandidat i h?stens val.