Trainingguest03b3743The document contains descriptions of various training programs and topics related to career development, personal growth, and education. The programs address subjects like communication, motivation, stress management, relationships, empowerment, and mindfulness. The goal of the programs seems to be helping people improve their skills, attitudes, and overall well-being in both their professional and personal lives.
Taking Your Brand to Social SpacesArlington Mill GroupIn this time of change, companies are questioning almost everything about how they find and reach customers. As they shift their marketing plan, budget, and priorities towards social media, however, they often overlook the most critical element of all: the brand itself.
Why are so few companies and brands remarkable? What does it mean to have a truly social brand?
Netiquitte ݺߣshowalaginessThis document provides guidelines for clear and appropriate online communication. Some key points include: being clear with subject lines and titles; using appropriate, non-emotional language; keeping messages brief; making a good impression by editing words and images; being selective about shared information given its public nature; obeying copyright and citing others' work properly; and avoiding spam, chain letters, and responding to personal attacks. The overall aim is for courteous and respectful online interactions.
Update Rop Situation In LaMarco RiveraThe document discusses the status of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening and treatment programs in Latin America. It finds that while many countries have national plans and guidelines in place, there is wide variation in implementation and coverage of programs. Barriers include a lack of equipment, trained healthcare workers, standardized screening criteria, and adequate neonatal care. The document calls for strengthening multidisciplinary collaboration and improving education to help expand effective ROP prevention efforts across the region.
Social Media in Government - Human Resources and EEOGovLoopPresentation given by Steve Ressler of GovLoop. Given at Federal Dispute Resolution keynote - Social Media in Government - Human Resources and EEO
Business in SEE by N.Diamantopoulos published in Ethnos newspaperCoffee IslandEconomic & Business in SouthEast Europe-SEE, published in Ethnos, quality daily Athens news paper, in annual edition, Business & Investment in Greece and SEE December 09. by Nikos Diamantopoulos
CPAP estrategias de usoMarco RiveraEste documento proporciona estrategias para el manejo de la presión positiva continua en la vía aérea (CPAP) en recién nacidos. Describe los esquemas de aplicación profiláctica, temprana, pre-extubación y post-extubación del CPAP. También detalla cómo monitorear a los pacientes, mantener el equipo y evaluar la respuesta al tratamiento. El objetivo del CPAP es mejorar la oxigenación, estabilizar la presión parcial de dióxido de carbono y el pH, y reducir el trabajo
Leap Not Creep Participant Guide Pre-Course Through Week 3 - 20140722GovLoop Here are the key definitions of innovation discussed:
- A new method, idea, or product: This is a common definition but it's broad and doesn't capture the essence of innovation - that it creates value.
- A change that creates a new definition of performance: This definition gets closer to capturing that innovation is about creating value. It's not just coming up with something new, but improving performance in a meaningful way.
The second definition - a change that creates a new definition of performance - is likely the most accurate one for understanding innovation in the context of this course. The goal is to implement innovations that make meaningful improvements, not just introduce changes for the sake of being different.
Cpap dispositivos aplicacionMarco RiveraLa CPAP implica la aplicación de presión positiva continua a la vía aérea de un paciente que respira espontáneamente para prevenir el colapso y daño pulmonar. Se puede aplicar mediante varios dispositivos como cánulas nasales, mascarillas faciales o tubos endotraqueales. Requiere un flujo de oxígeno de 5-10 LPM, humidificación y calentamiento del gas, y la generación de una presión de 5 cm H2O a través de un respirador de burbuja, válvula de resorte o vent
What If You Let Citizens Build Your Website?GovLoopAndrew Krzmarzick is an educator turned community manager who works for GovLoop, a knowledge network for 60,000 government innovators. He is traveling from Chicago to Raleigh to share ideas about CityCamps, hackathons, using social media in emergencies, and the LocalWiki project. At each stop, he facilitates discussions to help communities replicate leading practices and harness the power of citizens who want to make things better.
Sustainable Communities Through Intelligent Information: Harnessing the Power...GovLoopThis document summarizes a webinar about using road data to create sustainable communities. The webinar discussed how real-time and historical traffic data from TomTom can be integrated with ESRI ArcGIS software to help governments and organizations address issues like traffic congestion, public safety, and environmental sustainability when planning transportation systems and infrastructure projects. Real-time incident data and road speed information, as well as historical analytics of traffic patterns, were presented as useful sources of data for applications like navigation routing, traffic monitoring, and transportation planning.
Find Your Social BrandArlington Mill GroupThese are the slides I presented to the Silicon Valley Intl. Association of Business Communicators. Please share you comments or feedback... Thank you!
Manejo del recien nacido en la sala de partosMarco RiveraEste documento describe los componentes y procesos fisiológicos clave de la transición neonatal normal desde el útero al mundo exterior. Explica cómo los pulmones, el corazón y otros órganos deben adaptarse rápidamente para permitir la respiración y circulación extrauterina. También cubre posibles complicaciones y la importancia de facilitar una transición suave a través de prácticas como retrasar el pinzamiento del cordón umbilical y el contacto piel con piel.
Social Media GovernanceArlington Mill GroupThe document discusses social media governance in enterprises. It describes how social media can add value across the customer experience from product development to fulfillment. However, organizations need governance structures to coordinate cross-functional efforts and maximize business value from social media. The key components of social media governance include principles, processes, governance structures, responsibility matrices, and metrics. These help answer questions from different departments and support internal champions of social media initiatives.
Hijo de Madre DiabéticaMarco RiveraEste documento describe los riesgos que enfrentan los recién nacidos hijos de madres diabéticas, incluyendo un mayor riesgo de malformaciones congénitas, alteraciones en el crecimiento y desarrollo, y complicaciones metabólicas como la hipoglucemia. Recomienda un cuidadoso monitoreo y tratamiento de estos recién nacidos para identificar y tratar cualquier problema de salud potencial.
Displasia broncopulmonarMarco RiveraDefiniciones, fisiopatología y propuestas de manejo para esta entidad crónica que afecta mayoritariamente RN prematuros
Crisis convulsiva neonatalMarco RiveraEste documento resume la crisis convulsiva neonatal, definiéndola como convulsiones que ocurren entre el nacimiento y las 44 semanas de edad concepcional. Explica que las convulsiones neonatales son comunes y pueden tener varias causas. Describe los síntomas, el diagnóstico, y el tratamiento con fármacos antiepilépticos como el fenobarbital. El objetivo del tratamiento es controlar las convulsiones y prevenir daños cerebrales a largo plazo.
Trainingguest03b3743The document contains descriptions of various training programs and topics related to career development, personal growth, and education. The programs address subjects like communication, motivation, stress management, relationships, empowerment, and mindfulness. The goal of the programs seems to be helping people improve their skills, attitudes, and overall well-being in both their professional and personal lives.
Taking Your Brand to Social SpacesArlington Mill GroupIn this time of change, companies are questioning almost everything about how they find and reach customers. As they shift their marketing plan, budget, and priorities towards social media, however, they often overlook the most critical element of all: the brand itself.
Why are so few companies and brands remarkable? What does it mean to have a truly social brand?
Netiquitte ݺߣshowalaginessThis document provides guidelines for clear and appropriate online communication. Some key points include: being clear with subject lines and titles; using appropriate, non-emotional language; keeping messages brief; making a good impression by editing words and images; being selective about shared information given its public nature; obeying copyright and citing others' work properly; and avoiding spam, chain letters, and responding to personal attacks. The overall aim is for courteous and respectful online interactions.
Update Rop Situation In LaMarco RiveraThe document discusses the status of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening and treatment programs in Latin America. It finds that while many countries have national plans and guidelines in place, there is wide variation in implementation and coverage of programs. Barriers include a lack of equipment, trained healthcare workers, standardized screening criteria, and adequate neonatal care. The document calls for strengthening multidisciplinary collaboration and improving education to help expand effective ROP prevention efforts across the region.
Social Media in Government - Human Resources and EEOGovLoopPresentation given by Steve Ressler of GovLoop. Given at Federal Dispute Resolution keynote - Social Media in Government - Human Resources and EEO
Business in SEE by N.Diamantopoulos published in Ethnos newspaperCoffee IslandEconomic & Business in SouthEast Europe-SEE, published in Ethnos, quality daily Athens news paper, in annual edition, Business & Investment in Greece and SEE December 09. by Nikos Diamantopoulos
CPAP estrategias de usoMarco RiveraEste documento proporciona estrategias para el manejo de la presión positiva continua en la vía aérea (CPAP) en recién nacidos. Describe los esquemas de aplicación profiláctica, temprana, pre-extubación y post-extubación del CPAP. También detalla cómo monitorear a los pacientes, mantener el equipo y evaluar la respuesta al tratamiento. El objetivo del CPAP es mejorar la oxigenación, estabilizar la presión parcial de dióxido de carbono y el pH, y reducir el trabajo
Leap Not Creep Participant Guide Pre-Course Through Week 3 - 20140722GovLoop Here are the key definitions of innovation discussed:
- A new method, idea, or product: This is a common definition but it's broad and doesn't capture the essence of innovation - that it creates value.
- A change that creates a new definition of performance: This definition gets closer to capturing that innovation is about creating value. It's not just coming up with something new, but improving performance in a meaningful way.
The second definition - a change that creates a new definition of performance - is likely the most accurate one for understanding innovation in the context of this course. The goal is to implement innovations that make meaningful improvements, not just introduce changes for the sake of being different.
Cpap dispositivos aplicacionMarco RiveraLa CPAP implica la aplicación de presión positiva continua a la vía aérea de un paciente que respira espontáneamente para prevenir el colapso y daño pulmonar. Se puede aplicar mediante varios dispositivos como cánulas nasales, mascarillas faciales o tubos endotraqueales. Requiere un flujo de oxígeno de 5-10 LPM, humidificación y calentamiento del gas, y la generación de una presión de 5 cm H2O a través de un respirador de burbuja, válvula de resorte o vent
What If You Let Citizens Build Your Website?GovLoopAndrew Krzmarzick is an educator turned community manager who works for GovLoop, a knowledge network for 60,000 government innovators. He is traveling from Chicago to Raleigh to share ideas about CityCamps, hackathons, using social media in emergencies, and the LocalWiki project. At each stop, he facilitates discussions to help communities replicate leading practices and harness the power of citizens who want to make things better.
Sustainable Communities Through Intelligent Information: Harnessing the Power...GovLoopThis document summarizes a webinar about using road data to create sustainable communities. The webinar discussed how real-time and historical traffic data from TomTom can be integrated with ESRI ArcGIS software to help governments and organizations address issues like traffic congestion, public safety, and environmental sustainability when planning transportation systems and infrastructure projects. Real-time incident data and road speed information, as well as historical analytics of traffic patterns, were presented as useful sources of data for applications like navigation routing, traffic monitoring, and transportation planning.
Find Your Social BrandArlington Mill GroupThese are the slides I presented to the Silicon Valley Intl. Association of Business Communicators. Please share you comments or feedback... Thank you!
Manejo del recien nacido en la sala de partosMarco RiveraEste documento describe los componentes y procesos fisiológicos clave de la transición neonatal normal desde el útero al mundo exterior. Explica cómo los pulmones, el corazón y otros órganos deben adaptarse rápidamente para permitir la respiración y circulación extrauterina. También cubre posibles complicaciones y la importancia de facilitar una transición suave a través de prácticas como retrasar el pinzamiento del cordón umbilical y el contacto piel con piel.
Social Media GovernanceArlington Mill GroupThe document discusses social media governance in enterprises. It describes how social media can add value across the customer experience from product development to fulfillment. However, organizations need governance structures to coordinate cross-functional efforts and maximize business value from social media. The key components of social media governance include principles, processes, governance structures, responsibility matrices, and metrics. These help answer questions from different departments and support internal champions of social media initiatives.
Hijo de Madre DiabéticaMarco RiveraEste documento describe los riesgos que enfrentan los recién nacidos hijos de madres diabéticas, incluyendo un mayor riesgo de malformaciones congénitas, alteraciones en el crecimiento y desarrollo, y complicaciones metabólicas como la hipoglucemia. Recomienda un cuidadoso monitoreo y tratamiento de estos recién nacidos para identificar y tratar cualquier problema de salud potencial.
Displasia broncopulmonarMarco RiveraDefiniciones, fisiopatología y propuestas de manejo para esta entidad crónica que afecta mayoritariamente RN prematuros
Crisis convulsiva neonatalMarco RiveraEste documento resume la crisis convulsiva neonatal, definiéndola como convulsiones que ocurren entre el nacimiento y las 44 semanas de edad concepcional. Explica que las convulsiones neonatales son comunes y pueden tener varias causas. Describe los síntomas, el diagnóstico, y el tratamiento con fármacos antiepilépticos como el fenobarbital. El objetivo del tratamiento es controlar las convulsiones y prevenir daños cerebrales a largo plazo.
2. Var ska vi idrotta?
Roland Berndt från idrottsförvaltningen, berättar om an-
läggningar och utveckling i Älvsjö.
Medverkar gör också Anders Hamrén, Älvsjö AIK FF och
Mathias Mellgren(C) idrottsnämnden
Måndagen den 4 april kl 19.00
Var: Hembygdsgården Lerkrogen, Götalandsvägen 224,
Älvsjö Centrum.
Välkommen att prata idrott med oss över en kopp kaffe.
3. Var är bilden tagen?
Lär känna din skog!
Nu är äntligen Älvsjöskogen ett naturreservat. Välkomna
till en dag då vi får veta vad skogen har att erbjuda och
vad skillnaden blir för oss som besökare.
Kom lördagen den 28 maj kl 13
Anders Tranberg, Stockholms Naturskyddsförening, berät-
tar om skogens natur, djur och kultur.
Ca 14 guidar han en vandring i skogen.
Utställning med klipp och bilder, tipspromenad och kaffe-
servering finns på plats i Älvsjö AIK:s klubbstuga vid Älv-
sjö gamla IP.
Var är bilden tagen?? Skicka svaret till evy.kjellberg@cen- Vinnaren dras innan vandringen.
4. Vill du veta mer gå in på
Området Älvsjö - Örby
Anlägg en park närmast kyrkan på Sjöängen. Med
vattenspegel, rekreationsytor och odlingslotter. Om-
rådet närmast kyrkan måste värnas.
Med vår lilla stadsodling på ängen vill vi visa hur Sjö-
ängen kan bli en grön oas för alla. Vi vill att fler ska
få möjlighet att ha en odling där.
Vi tittar på och diskuterar de planer som finns för Älv-
sjö- och Örbyområdet. Bostäder, kommunikationer,
vägar, idrottsanläggningar och grönområden.
Vill du bli medlem eller har frågor. Kontakta gärna
Evy Kjellberg, ordf i Brännkyrkacentern, 070 340 47
63. Vi finns också på Facebook och vår hemsida