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Broomball League
Captains Presentation
Thank You!
Thank you for registering! We
hope you have any enjoyable
experience in our program. If you
ever have any questions or
concerns, please contact us.
Best of luck this season!
Who To Contact:
 Matt Nuesell, AD
607-753-5704, matthew.nuesell
 Luke Zuber, GA
607-753-5489, luke.zuber
 Adam Troelstra, GA
607-753-4558, adam.troelstra
Where to Find Us:
 Room 1201, Student Life
General League Info
 Games will begin on Monday, 2/4
 The first schedule will be posted by Friday, 2/1
 Each week, new schedules are posted on Friday afternoons by 2pm. It is the
captains responsibility to know when the team is scheduled to play. Set a
reminder to check the schedule each week on Friday afternoon!
 Each schedule includes games from the following Mon through Sun
 All games are played in the Alumni Ice Arena in Park Center.
 A typical game should include 6 players (3M/3F or vice-versa). However, a
minimum of 5 (3M/2F or vice-versa) players are required to avoid a forfeit for
each game  each team has a max of 12 available roster spots
 All registration, roster
management, communication,
etc. will be done using IM
 Accessed through Intramural
Sports website:
 Teammates must create an IM
Leagues account before they
can be added to your team!
 Download and use the app, but
use the website to access all IM
Leagues features. Some
features are NOT available on
the app.
Level of Competition
 All-School: our highest level of
competition. Register for this
league if your team is talented
and wants top-notch
 Recreational: Register for this
league if your team isnt an All-
School caliber team. Most
teams in our leagues fall into
this category.
 Divisions may be combined in
regular season depending on
 Please play to your level of
competition! We may move you
up or down for playoffs at our
Roster Management
 Drop/Add deadline: Monday, 2/25. No roster changes after this date!
 Players must be listed on your active roster before they can play. Captains
should check player status and roster before 1st game.
 Eligibility Details: certain restrictions apply to members of the mens and
womens varsity and club ice hockey teams, varsity and club field hockey teams,
and the roller hockey club.
 Broomball teams may have no more than four students who are listed members of
the aforementioned teams.
 Those individuals may be in any combination regardless of gender (i.e., 4 males, 2
males/2 females, etc.) or team (3 ice hockey club members and 1 roller hockey club
member, etc.).
 Teams that have at least two of these individuals in any combination are required to
play in the All-School division. Teams that only have one of these individuals will not
be required to play in the All-School division, but may choose to do so.
One-Night Waivers
 Captains can add any eligible
SUNY Cortland member to the
team on-site even if they play
for another team
 Waiver form available from
scorekeeper  person still needs
Cortland ID
 Only one non-roster add per
night  eligible for all games
your team is scheduled for that
 Only used during drop/add
 Does not affect roster  official
adds/drops can only be done
through IM Leagues
 Wherever they are at end of
drop/add, that is where they are
ROSTERED for the rest of the
Free Agents & Team Availability
Free Agents
 If you need extra people, you can leave your team open to free agents
 You can control whether free agents can add themselves to your team
with or without your approval
Team Availability
 Must leave at least 10/18 open time slots
 Can be adjusted any time through IM Leagues. You CANNOT adjust
availability on the app!
 Keep your team availability up to date! You have until Wednesday at
midnight to adjust availability for each weeks schedule.
 Changes made after that will take effect with the following weeks
 Based on the times you tell us youre free, so please keep your
availability up to date.
 Because of unavoidable conflicts that may arise as teams advance in
the playoffs, we may or may not be able to accommodate your
availability when we get to playoffs.
 Each person on the team is responsible for setting up their own
game reminder notifications on IM Leagues. You will NOT receive
any reminders from Rec Sports!
 Captains, you should still remind your players of upcoming games!
Assigned Games
 Everyone should expect 1 scheduled game/week, except during playoffs
when there may be more.
 Expect 5-6 scheduled games before playoffs; your team must play minimum
of 3 to qualify for post-season!
 Interested in playing more? 2 Options:
 Pick up an open games  link to all Open Games available in the description box
on IM Leagues
 Opt-in Emails  every Tuesday, captains will receive an email asking if your team
wants to be scheduled for 2 games in the next schedule. Requesting 2 games one
week does NOT mean that youll get 2 games every week.
 Captains are only ones who can request extra games; we assign games as
early as possible
Uniform Requirements
 Must have a number on FRONT & BACK - cannot be taped/drawn on!
 Uniforms must match in color for this league EXCEPT for the goalie, who is
required to wear a different color shirt.
 Want to rent pinnies? Equipment Checkout in the SLC rents them for
$1.00/pinnie/day; No refunds, limited availability  get there early!
 Allow time (15-20 minutes is recommended) to rent and get to the site of
your game. It can be busy in the evenings!
Uniform/Equipment Requirements
 Must have a number on FRONT &
BACK - cannot be taped/drawn on!
 Want to rent pinnies? Equipment
Checkout in the SLC rents them for
$1.00/pinnie/day; No refunds, limited
availability  get there early!
 Allow time (15-20 minutes is
recommended) to rent and get to the
site of your game. It can be busy in
the evenings!
 Long pants required
 Knee/elbow pads recommended
 Goalie chest protector required,
throat guard recommended
 Personal helmets ok  must
have chin strap/full face mask
 Baseball/softball gloves ok, not
 Roller hockey/street hockey
blockers/gloves ok, provided
Rules Overview
 Full rules packet is available on the league page on IM Leagues.
 No off-side rule  players can be anywhere at any time
 Face-offs will begin w/ dropped ball. All players must be even with or behind the
person on their team who is taking the face off
 Goalie can clear the ball overhanded OR underhanded, but if it is thrown, it
must hit the ice before center line
 High sticks  lift stick above waist on backswing or follow through ONLY when
w/in 1 stick length of opponent. When possible, please keep all sticks below the
 Players must be on 2 feet to play ball and may not intentionally leave their fee
to block shots or interfere with players on the court
Sportsmanship Ratings
 Captains will be asked to sign score sheets at end of each game
 Your team is issued a SR Rating between 0-4
 Every team starts the game with a 3 and raises/lowers/stays the same from
there depending on behavior during the game
 Your team must maintain 2.5 average to qualify for playoffs and keep it
at/above 2.5 to continue advancing in playoffs.
 Can view your teams rating average on IM Leagues
 Treat our staff with respect and well do the same for you!
 If your team forfeits, a mandatory fine is assessed to the captain
 Captains placed on the stop list on the day after the forfeit  can be
paid in the Rec Sports office with cash, check, credit card
 Fine amounts are equal to lost wages for staff
 This league: $28.00
 When we lose money, you lose money  USE YOUR RESOURCES!
What You Need to Know
 Forfeits and cancellations are
considered events
 Any combo of 2 events = removal
from league
 When fee is paid, the captain given
option to continue or drop out
 If you choose to continue, be aware
that you risk a 2nd fine
 You can notify us at any time if you
want to drop out of league  no
penalty unless you actually forfeit
 Captains responsibility to collect $
from teammates to offset burden
of fine
 During playoffs, no fines if:
 Team is scheduled against
 Advancing in bracket leads to game
scheduled against availability
 One cancellation w/o penalty
per team, per season. Must give
24 hours business notice (i.e.,
by 5pm Mon-Fri, not just 24
hours before your game).
 Second cancellation would avoid
fine, but would also mean your
teams removal from the league.
 Cancellations can be requested
through IM Leagues
 We do not reschedule games for
any reason whatsoever.
Manage Your Availability!
 You can use IM Leagues to keep
your availability up to date,
including requesting specific
days off, even well in advance.
Last Things!
 We use spray chalk to mark the goalie creases. Its an orange, water
based marking chalk and washes out of clothes, but it could
potentially stain. Let your goalies know, especially, and dont wear
your best cloths!
 A copy of this PP is available on IM Leagues
 If you have questions about any general intramural rules or policies,
please consult the Participants Handbook, available on IM Leagues
 A passing grade on the quiz is required to finalize registration.
Thank you!
Enjoy the league!

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Broomball cm quiz version

  • 2. Thank You! Thank you for registering! We hope you have any enjoyable experience in our program. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Best of luck this season! Who To Contact: Matt Nuesell, AD 607-753-5704, matthew.nuesell Luke Zuber, GA 607-753-5489, luke.zuber Adam Troelstra, GA 607-753-4558, adam.troelstra Where to Find Us: Room 1201, Student Life Center
  • 3. General League Info Games will begin on Monday, 2/4 The first schedule will be posted by Friday, 2/1 Each week, new schedules are posted on Friday afternoons by 2pm. It is the captains responsibility to know when the team is scheduled to play. Set a reminder to check the schedule each week on Friday afternoon! Each schedule includes games from the following Mon through Sun All games are played in the Alumni Ice Arena in Park Center. A typical game should include 6 players (3M/3F or vice-versa). However, a minimum of 5 (3M/2F or vice-versa) players are required to avoid a forfeit for each game each team has a max of 12 available roster spots
  • 4. All registration, roster management, communication, etc. will be done using IM Leagues Accessed through Intramural Sports website: www.cortland.edu/IM Teammates must create an IM Leagues account before they can be added to your team! Download and use the app, but use the website to access all IM Leagues features. Some features are NOT available on the app.
  • 5. Level of Competition All-School: our highest level of competition. Register for this league if your team is talented and wants top-notch competition. Recreational: Register for this league if your team isnt an All- School caliber team. Most teams in our leagues fall into this category. Divisions may be combined in regular season depending on registration Please play to your level of competition! We may move you up or down for playoffs at our discretion!
  • 6. Roster Management Drop/Add deadline: Monday, 2/25. No roster changes after this date! Players must be listed on your active roster before they can play. Captains should check player status and roster before 1st game. Eligibility Details: certain restrictions apply to members of the mens and womens varsity and club ice hockey teams, varsity and club field hockey teams, and the roller hockey club. Broomball teams may have no more than four students who are listed members of the aforementioned teams. Those individuals may be in any combination regardless of gender (i.e., 4 males, 2 males/2 females, etc.) or team (3 ice hockey club members and 1 roller hockey club member, etc.). Teams that have at least two of these individuals in any combination are required to play in the All-School division. Teams that only have one of these individuals will not be required to play in the All-School division, but may choose to do so.
  • 7. One-Night Waivers Captains can add any eligible SUNY Cortland member to the team on-site even if they play for another team Waiver form available from scorekeeper person still needs Cortland ID Only one non-roster add per night eligible for all games your team is scheduled for that evening. Only used during drop/add period Does not affect roster official adds/drops can only be done through IM Leagues Wherever they are at end of drop/add, that is where they are ROSTERED for the rest of the season.
  • 8. Free Agents & Team Availability Free Agents If you need extra people, you can leave your team open to free agents You can control whether free agents can add themselves to your team with or without your approval Team Availability Must leave at least 10/18 open time slots Can be adjusted any time through IM Leagues. You CANNOT adjust availability on the app! Keep your team availability up to date! You have until Wednesday at midnight to adjust availability for each weeks schedule. Changes made after that will take effect with the following weeks schedule
  • 9. Scheduling Based on the times you tell us youre free, so please keep your availability up to date. Because of unavoidable conflicts that may arise as teams advance in the playoffs, we may or may not be able to accommodate your availability when we get to playoffs. Each person on the team is responsible for setting up their own game reminder notifications on IM Leagues. You will NOT receive any reminders from Rec Sports! Captains, you should still remind your players of upcoming games!
  • 10. Assigned Games Everyone should expect 1 scheduled game/week, except during playoffs when there may be more. Expect 5-6 scheduled games before playoffs; your team must play minimum of 3 to qualify for post-season! Interested in playing more? 2 Options: Pick up an open games link to all Open Games available in the description box on IM Leagues Opt-in Emails every Tuesday, captains will receive an email asking if your team wants to be scheduled for 2 games in the next schedule. Requesting 2 games one week does NOT mean that youll get 2 games every week. Captains are only ones who can request extra games; we assign games as early as possible
  • 11. Uniform Requirements Must have a number on FRONT & BACK - cannot be taped/drawn on! Uniforms must match in color for this league EXCEPT for the goalie, who is required to wear a different color shirt. CLEATS WITH METAL STUDS ARE PROHIBITED! Expect a pre-game cleat check. SHIN GUARDS ARE NOT REQUIRED, BUT ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Want to rent pinnies? Equipment Checkout in the SLC rents them for $1.00/pinnie/day; No refunds, limited availability get there early! Allow time (15-20 minutes is recommended) to rent and get to the site of your game. It can be busy in the evenings!
  • 12. Uniform/Equipment Requirements Uniforms Must have a number on FRONT & BACK - cannot be taped/drawn on! Want to rent pinnies? Equipment Checkout in the SLC rents them for $1.00/pinnie/day; No refunds, limited availability get there early! Allow time (15-20 minutes is recommended) to rent and get to the site of your game. It can be busy in the evenings! Long pants required Equipment Knee/elbow pads recommended Goalie chest protector required, throat guard recommended Personal helmets ok must have chin strap/full face mask Baseball/softball gloves ok, not provided Roller hockey/street hockey blockers/gloves ok, provided
  • 13. Rules Overview Full rules packet is available on the league page on IM Leagues. No off-side rule players can be anywhere at any time Face-offs will begin w/ dropped ball. All players must be even with or behind the person on their team who is taking the face off Goalie can clear the ball overhanded OR underhanded, but if it is thrown, it must hit the ice before center line High sticks lift stick above waist on backswing or follow through ONLY when w/in 1 stick length of opponent. When possible, please keep all sticks below the waist! Players must be on 2 feet to play ball and may not intentionally leave their fee to block shots or interfere with players on the court
  • 14. Sportsmanship Ratings Captains will be asked to sign score sheets at end of each game Your team is issued a SR Rating between 0-4 Every team starts the game with a 3 and raises/lowers/stays the same from there depending on behavior during the game Your team must maintain 2.5 average to qualify for playoffs and keep it at/above 2.5 to continue advancing in playoffs. Can view your teams rating average on IM Leagues Treat our staff with respect and well do the same for you!
  • 15. Forfeits/Cancellations If your team forfeits, a mandatory fine is assessed to the captain Captains placed on the stop list on the day after the forfeit can be paid in the Rec Sports office with cash, check, credit card Fine amounts are equal to lost wages for staff This league: $28.00 When we lose money, you lose money USE YOUR RESOURCES! DONT FORFEIT!
  • 16. What You Need to Know Forfeits and cancellations are considered events Any combo of 2 events = removal from league When fee is paid, the captain given option to continue or drop out If you choose to continue, be aware that you risk a 2nd fine You can notify us at any time if you want to drop out of league no penalty unless you actually forfeit Captains responsibility to collect $ from teammates to offset burden of fine During playoffs, no fines if: Team is scheduled against availability Advancing in bracket leads to game scheduled against availability YOU STILL MUST NOTIFY US DURING BUSINESS HOURS TO AVOID A FINE!
  • 17. Cancellations Cancellations One cancellation w/o penalty per team, per season. Must give 24 hours business notice (i.e., by 5pm Mon-Fri, not just 24 hours before your game). Second cancellation would avoid fine, but would also mean your teams removal from the league. Cancellations can be requested through IM Leagues Rescheduling We do not reschedule games for any reason whatsoever. Manage Your Availability! You can use IM Leagues to keep your availability up to date, including requesting specific days off, even well in advance.
  • 18. Last Things! We use spray chalk to mark the goalie creases. Its an orange, water based marking chalk and washes out of clothes, but it could potentially stain. Let your goalies know, especially, and dont wear your best cloths! A copy of this PP is available on IM Leagues If you have questions about any general intramural rules or policies, please consult the Participants Handbook, available on IM Leagues A passing grade on the quiz is required to finalize registration.