Un plan de vida permite a una persona realizar su propio destino con emociones positivas como el amor, el entusiasmo, el optimismo y la alegr鱈a, al tiempo que establece objetivos.
Routes tips 竪 una piattaforma per i viaggiatori, un network di persone che vogliano condividere le loro esperienze e trovare l'inspirazione.
Here is the latest FAQs for the OPM Data Breach, provided by the Department of the Navy. As the OPM Data Breach is under federal investigation, this is an ongoing document that will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. Current questions/answers may be found at www.opm.gov.
Summary - In April 2015, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) became aware of a cybersecurity incident affecting its systems and data that may have compromised the personal information of current and former federal employees. The breach pre-dates OPMs adoption of tougher security controls.
Since the incident was identified, OPM has partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to determine the impact to current and former to Federal personnel.
Between June 8 and June 19, OPM will send notifications to those individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. OPM estimates that up to 4 million individuals may have been impacted.
In the course of the ongoing investigation into the cyber intrusion that compromised personnel records of current and former federal employees (announced June 4), it was discovered that additional OPM systems were compromised. These systems contain information related to background investigations. OPM, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are working as part of an ongoing investigation to determine the number of people affected by this separate intrusion. OPM will notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised as soon as practicable.
OPM will offer impacted individuals 18 months of credit monitoring services and identity theft insurance through CSID速 a company that specializes in identify theft protection and fraud resolution. The 18-month CSID速 membership will be offered to those individuals identified by OPM at no cost.
Since the investigation is on-going, additional exposures may come to light; if this occurs, OPM will conduct additional notifications as necessary.
Don(単a) cede el usufructo vitalicio sobre una propiedad a favor de don(単a) a cambio de una suma de dinero. El documento establece las obligaciones del usufructuario de conservar la propiedad y prohibe arrendarla o ejecutar ciertos actos sin autorizaci坦n. Asimismo, indica que la presentaci坦n del certificado de defunci坦n del usufructuario permitir叩 cancelar la inscripci坦n del usufructo.
Que China superar鱈a a Estados Unidos como primera econom鱈a mundial a mediano o largo plazo era una apuesta casi segura. Pero que pudiera hacerlo tan pronto como este mismo a単o, no lo era tanto. El diario El Pa鱈s, de Espa単a, public坦 que seg炭n los datos recogidos hasta 2011 por el Banco Mundial, el PIB de China es mucho mayor de lo que se hab鱈a calculado antes. A finales del 2011, el PIB chino supon鱈a el 87% del PIB estadounidense. Seis a単os antes se quedaba en el 72%. El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) estima que en estos cuatro a単os China habr叩 acumulado un crecimiento del 24%, frente al 7,6% de EE.UU. Esto, de confirmarse, provocar鱈a que China superar叩 este mismo a単o a EE.UU. como primera econom鱈a del mundo en estos t辿rminos. Con anterioridad, el FMI hab鱈a calculado que el 'sorpasso' se producir鱈a a fines de 2019. EE.UU. es la primera econom鱈a del mundo desde 1872, cuando super坦 a Reino Unido. El Programa de Comparaci坦n Internacional (PCI), que coordina el Banco Mundial, revisa cada cinco o seis a単os sus estimaciones sobre el Producto Interior Bruto en casi todas las econom鱈as del mundo (en esta ocasi坦n fueron 199).
Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por Diario EL COMERCIO en la siguiente direcci坦n:
http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/negocios/china-primera-economia-mundial.html. Si est叩 pensando en hacer uso del mismo, por favor, cite la fuente y haga un enlace hacia la nota original de donde usted ha tomado este contenido. ElComercio.com
The presentation that I gave during the Quantified Self Meetup in Amsterdam on November 19th, 2012. For more info and a detailed transcript, check http://www.okgo.nl
Jap坦n es un pa鱈s insular ubicado en el este de Asia en el oc辿ano Pac鱈fico, limita con China, Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur y Rusia. Tiene una poblaci坦n de 127 millones de personas que es la d辿cima m叩s numerosa del mundo y es conocido como la Tierra del Sol Naciente. Algunas de sus ciudades importantes son Kyoto, Hiroshima y Kamakura.
This document summarizes International Accounting Standard 8 on accounting policies, changes in estimates, and errors. Key points include:
- IAS 8 provides guidance on selecting and applying accounting policies, and accounting for changes in policies, estimates, and prior period errors.
- It defines terms like accounting policies, changes in estimates, materiality, prior period errors, and retrospective application.
- IAS 8 requires accounting policies to be selected from IFRSs and applied consistently, unless impracticable. It outlines sources to consider if no IFRS applies.
- Changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors require retrospective treatment, unless impracticable. Estimates are recognized prospectively.
This document provides information about several desert animals, including the desert scorpion, desert horned lizard, mule deer, fennec fox, and desert tortoise. It describes key features of each animal such as their physical appearance, habitat, diet, and behaviors for surviving in desert environments. For example, it notes that desert scorpions have two body parts and eat insects, desert horned lizards camouflage themselves in sand, and fennec foxes have unusually large ears to dissipate heat. The document aims to educate about the different types of animals that are native to desert regions.
Este manual proporciona las directrices para las buenas pr叩cticas de manufactura para plantas procesadoras, exportadoras y envasadoras de miel de abejas en Guatemala. Describe la caracterizaci坦n de la miel, los requisitos de infraestructura incluyendo la ubicaci坦n, dise単o y construcci坦n de las instalaciones, as鱈 como los procesos, controles de calidad, higiene y otros aspectos importantes para garantizar la inocuidad de la miel. El objetivo es asegurar que la miel cumpla con los est叩ndares de calidad e
Mirasol de los Angeles Becerra Osorio solicit坦 al D辿cimo Juzgado Civil de Santiago que rectifique su partida de nacimiento para reemplazar su primer nombre "Mirasol" por "Marisol", quedando su nombre completo como "Marisol de los Angeles Becerra Osorio".
Scrive, a Swedish cloud e-signing company, has successfully completed a second angel round of funding. Representatives of the new investors have taken board positions. The company develops online e-signing services focused on the fast-moving B2B market. Scrive stands out by building its product using the Haskell programming language to prioritize quality and attract top technical talent globally. Their strategy has paid off, allowing them to recruit experienced developers and grow rapidly despite a tight budget.
The Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals' decision remanding the case of ejectment to the regional trial court. It found that the proper action was accion publiciana instead of unlawful detainer, as the respondent's possession of the land portion in question had lasted more than one year. While the petitioner filed the complaint within one year of demanding possession, the respondent had been in possession since 1985, or for over 15 years prior to the complaint. As such, the case involved determining possession rights over a period longer than one year, making it a case for the regional trial court under accion publiciana instead of the municipal court under unlawful detainer.
Luciano habla sobre su mascota preferida, un perro negro y marr坦n de tama単o mediano que lleg坦 a su casa un d鱈a de verano. El perro tiene el pelaje suave y le gusta jugar durante el d鱈a y salir de noche. Siempre viene cuando Luciano lo llama para estar o jugar con 辿l. Luciano describe a su mascota como alegre y buena.
The document discusses urinary tract infections (UTIs), including:
- Causes of UTIs are usually bacteria like E. coli entering the urethra and multiplying in the bladder or kidneys.
- Symptoms include frequent urination, painful burning during urination, and sometimes fever with kidney infections.
- Treatment involves antibiotics chosen based on urine tests identifying the bacteria and sensitivity tests to select the most effective drug.
For the preliminary task, the student worked individually and focused on camera work and basic editing. For the main task, the student worked in a group to act in and produce idents. Communication, planning, production, and post-production were much improved in the main task compared to the preliminary. The group used a Facebook chat to better organize filming over break. Storyboards were more detailed and helped during shooting. All footage was kept for the main task to aid continuity, whereas unnecessary scenes were deleted for the preliminary. Music choice and editing style, including titles, were more advanced and professional for the main task.
Este documento describe una oportunidad de negocio para abrir un restaurante especializado en sopas y cremas en Lima, Per炭. El restaurante ofrecer鱈a una variedad de sopas y cremas locales e internacionales en un ambiente acogedor. Para operar legalmente, el restaurante necesitar鱈a registrarse, obtener permisos municipales y cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad e higiene. El an叩lisis del mercado muestra crecimiento sostenido en la industria de restaurantes en Per炭 y una oportunidad para este nuevo concepto
1) O documento discute v叩rios t坦picos de forma desconexa, incluindo guardi探es que mudam e evoluem, viagens ao centro de acontecimentos, o valor de desafios, e lembran巽as do passado.
2) Partes do texto sugerem reflex探es sobre tempo perdido, abandono, riscos, cuidados com a sa炭de, anivers叩rios e nomes de pessoas.
3) Muitas frases s達o desconexas e n達o fornecem um contexto claro.
Presentacion Herramientas Gerenciales Equipo 2rreysid
Presentacion Unidad IV - Herramientas Gerenciales - Equipo #2.
Ariana Molleja
Reinaldo Apostol
Erick Rivero
Jonathan Gimenez
Jorge Chakkal
The presentation that I gave during the Quantified Self Meetup in Amsterdam on November 19th, 2012. For more info and a detailed transcript, check http://www.okgo.nl
Jap坦n es un pa鱈s insular ubicado en el este de Asia en el oc辿ano Pac鱈fico, limita con China, Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur y Rusia. Tiene una poblaci坦n de 127 millones de personas que es la d辿cima m叩s numerosa del mundo y es conocido como la Tierra del Sol Naciente. Algunas de sus ciudades importantes son Kyoto, Hiroshima y Kamakura.
This document summarizes International Accounting Standard 8 on accounting policies, changes in estimates, and errors. Key points include:
- IAS 8 provides guidance on selecting and applying accounting policies, and accounting for changes in policies, estimates, and prior period errors.
- It defines terms like accounting policies, changes in estimates, materiality, prior period errors, and retrospective application.
- IAS 8 requires accounting policies to be selected from IFRSs and applied consistently, unless impracticable. It outlines sources to consider if no IFRS applies.
- Changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors require retrospective treatment, unless impracticable. Estimates are recognized prospectively.
This document provides information about several desert animals, including the desert scorpion, desert horned lizard, mule deer, fennec fox, and desert tortoise. It describes key features of each animal such as their physical appearance, habitat, diet, and behaviors for surviving in desert environments. For example, it notes that desert scorpions have two body parts and eat insects, desert horned lizards camouflage themselves in sand, and fennec foxes have unusually large ears to dissipate heat. The document aims to educate about the different types of animals that are native to desert regions.
Este manual proporciona las directrices para las buenas pr叩cticas de manufactura para plantas procesadoras, exportadoras y envasadoras de miel de abejas en Guatemala. Describe la caracterizaci坦n de la miel, los requisitos de infraestructura incluyendo la ubicaci坦n, dise単o y construcci坦n de las instalaciones, as鱈 como los procesos, controles de calidad, higiene y otros aspectos importantes para garantizar la inocuidad de la miel. El objetivo es asegurar que la miel cumpla con los est叩ndares de calidad e
Mirasol de los Angeles Becerra Osorio solicit坦 al D辿cimo Juzgado Civil de Santiago que rectifique su partida de nacimiento para reemplazar su primer nombre "Mirasol" por "Marisol", quedando su nombre completo como "Marisol de los Angeles Becerra Osorio".
Scrive, a Swedish cloud e-signing company, has successfully completed a second angel round of funding. Representatives of the new investors have taken board positions. The company develops online e-signing services focused on the fast-moving B2B market. Scrive stands out by building its product using the Haskell programming language to prioritize quality and attract top technical talent globally. Their strategy has paid off, allowing them to recruit experienced developers and grow rapidly despite a tight budget.
The Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals' decision remanding the case of ejectment to the regional trial court. It found that the proper action was accion publiciana instead of unlawful detainer, as the respondent's possession of the land portion in question had lasted more than one year. While the petitioner filed the complaint within one year of demanding possession, the respondent had been in possession since 1985, or for over 15 years prior to the complaint. As such, the case involved determining possession rights over a period longer than one year, making it a case for the regional trial court under accion publiciana instead of the municipal court under unlawful detainer.
Luciano habla sobre su mascota preferida, un perro negro y marr坦n de tama単o mediano que lleg坦 a su casa un d鱈a de verano. El perro tiene el pelaje suave y le gusta jugar durante el d鱈a y salir de noche. Siempre viene cuando Luciano lo llama para estar o jugar con 辿l. Luciano describe a su mascota como alegre y buena.
The document discusses urinary tract infections (UTIs), including:
- Causes of UTIs are usually bacteria like E. coli entering the urethra and multiplying in the bladder or kidneys.
- Symptoms include frequent urination, painful burning during urination, and sometimes fever with kidney infections.
- Treatment involves antibiotics chosen based on urine tests identifying the bacteria and sensitivity tests to select the most effective drug.
For the preliminary task, the student worked individually and focused on camera work and basic editing. For the main task, the student worked in a group to act in and produce idents. Communication, planning, production, and post-production were much improved in the main task compared to the preliminary. The group used a Facebook chat to better organize filming over break. Storyboards were more detailed and helped during shooting. All footage was kept for the main task to aid continuity, whereas unnecessary scenes were deleted for the preliminary. Music choice and editing style, including titles, were more advanced and professional for the main task.
Este documento describe una oportunidad de negocio para abrir un restaurante especializado en sopas y cremas en Lima, Per炭. El restaurante ofrecer鱈a una variedad de sopas y cremas locales e internacionales en un ambiente acogedor. Para operar legalmente, el restaurante necesitar鱈a registrarse, obtener permisos municipales y cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad e higiene. El an叩lisis del mercado muestra crecimiento sostenido en la industria de restaurantes en Per炭 y una oportunidad para este nuevo concepto
1) O documento discute v叩rios t坦picos de forma desconexa, incluindo guardi探es que mudam e evoluem, viagens ao centro de acontecimentos, o valor de desafios, e lembran巽as do passado.
2) Partes do texto sugerem reflex探es sobre tempo perdido, abandono, riscos, cuidados com a sa炭de, anivers叩rios e nomes de pessoas.
3) Muitas frases s達o desconexas e n達o fornecem um contexto claro.
Presentacion Herramientas Gerenciales Equipo 2rreysid
Presentacion Unidad IV - Herramientas Gerenciales - Equipo #2.
Ariana Molleja
Reinaldo Apostol
Erick Rivero
Jonathan Gimenez
Jorge Chakkal
1. Bruk av resultatene fra kartleggingen i Kahoot
Sp淡rsm奪l og svaralternativer Bruk av resultat
Har elevene dine noen gang l脱rt
Ja, alle
Ja, noen
Vet ikke
For 奪 f奪 fram de som har erfaringer med
Hvor mange av elevens foreldre har
jobber som ikke finnes n奪r elevene
blir voksne?
Mindre enn halvparten
Mer enn halvparten
For 奪 bevisstgj淡re om hvorfor
programmering er viktig i fremtidens
arbeidsmarked der mye gj淡res av
programmerte datamaskiner og roboter
Har du selv noen gang programmert?
Til sammenligning med neste sp淡rsm奪l
Kan du gjette hva denne
programmerings-snutten gj淡r? [kode
som f奪r en katt til 奪 spille trommer]
Sammenlign med svarene fra forrige
sp淡rsm奪l. For 奪 vise hvor intuitivt
blokkprogrammering kan v脱re
Hvilken kode-snutt vil f奪 roboten til
piloten? [bilde fra code.org]
For 奪 vise at det kan v脱re mange riktige
svar i programmering (bade B og C er