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Innoversant Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Trusted advisors & consultants to companies, governments, and institutions around the world

Innoversant Solutions Pvt Ltd (ISPL) is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm focused on
assisting international and domestic organizations achieve sustainable success.

We combine deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in providing Consulting
services to Businesses, Organisations, Institutes, Governments and Economic
Development Agencies.

The company provides strategic and operative support in marketing and business
development to Investment Promotion institutions.

We offer services for the following:

        Business                       Investment                   Trade
       Consultancy                      Attraction                Promotion
What we do
                        We provide specialized consulting services and business solutions to
                        global companies and small & mid-size businesses.

                        Our combination of research and consulting services provide our
                        clients with a unique support for their strategic and operative decisions
                        in existing and new markets.

        Market Entry Strategies                          Sourcing, Partners and Vendor Search

        Market Research                                  Incorporation and Regulatory affairs

        Business Development & Marketing                 Administration of Liaison/Branch office

       Marketing Representation                          Staffing and Infrastructure set up

        Events and Business Networking                   Alliances & Channels Development

        PR and Branding                                  Tenders & Liaison support
Investment Attraction
                         Your partners in promotion and economic development of your region

                         We leverage our strong experience of serving International and Indian
                         clients across diverse Industry verticals to provide result-oriented
                         investment promotion solutions.

                         Investment Promotion Agencies can benefit from our comprehensive
Investment               resources which they can selectively utilize based on their specific
 Attraction              demand and the collaborative strategy developed.

         Custom strategies to attract and retain foreign     Support Delegations and Missions: inward and
        investments in increasingly global and competitive   outward
        economic environment
                                                              Liaison with stakeholders: Government and
         Integrated marketing, ranging in intensity from    Industry
        mass measures to in-depth, individual key-
        account-approaches                                    In-person meetings with decision makers and
         Lead generation
                                                              Facilitating Executive visits
         Business Networking with various intermediaries
                                                              Information dissemination through traditional
         Events and programs: trade fairs, conferences,     and new-age media
        exhibitions, seminars, others
                                                              PR and Brand building
Trade Promotion
                        Innoversant offers you a combination of expertise in management
                        consulting as well as in trade promotion and regional development  a
                        key advantage for your organisation to provide professional support
                        towards developing trade. Our services help your region's companies
                        to accelerate their growth with foreign trade.

  Trade                 Our trade promotion services are often provided in a combination with
Promotion               investment promotion services.

       Focused market studies                             Business Networking

       Market Entry strategies                            Support Delegations and Missions: inward and
       Market entry support to individual companies
                                                           Liaison with stakeholders: Government and
       Partner search, due diligence, negotiations and   Industry
      assistance with agreements
                                                           Information dissemination through traditional
       Trade promotion activities: Organizing and        and new-age media
      participating in trade fairs, exhibitions, buyer-
      seller meetings and reverse trade missions
Why Innoversant?

Our Guiding Principles
  Put the Clients interests ahead of our own
  Strive to deliver more than is expected
  Work with absolute integrity and trust
  Maintain highest standards of Professionalism,
   Ethics and Quality

Our Strengths
                                       Strong Industry
                                          network &       Strategic contacts
                                         Professional      in Govt. and PSUs

                         Qualified &
                                                                               working style

      Successful track
     record of working
       with Indian &

Vast experience
   of different
industry verticals

                                             PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
Our Network

             Govt bodies

 Business                                                    Professional
 Services                                                   Organizations


Regulatory                                                  Management
  bodies                                                     Consultants

             Tax and Audit                    Financial
             Advisory firms                   Services

                               Law firms
Industry Expertise
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)

Bio-tech, Life-sciences, Pharmaceuticals

Hi Technology and Advanced Engineering

Energy, Water, Oil and Gas

Electronics & Instrumentation

Infrastructure, Urban Development & Municipalities

Industrial products and services

Law Enforcement, Defense, Aerospace & Homeland
Professional Memberships
 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
 The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE)
 Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC)
 National Association of Software & Services Companies
 Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce (BCIC)
 All India Management Association (AIMA)
Our Value Addition
We bring a number of important advantages to client engagements.

   Specialized industry and functional expertise. From senior management to junior
    consulting staff, our experts are dedicated to specific industries and functional areas. We
    ensure we know your business and tailor our approach and solutions accordingly.

   Excellent Networking and relationship building skills. We not only leverage our existing
    relationships in the industries and governments, but we also continually work hard at
    developing new ones.

   Rigorous, proven methodologies. Our strategy and operational methodologies deliver
    outstanding results. We have a robust framework for business development, management
    and client relationship management in the industry. And through a blend of management and
    behavioral approaches, we give clients a proven interface to transform organizational

   Collaborative working style. We deliver results, not just reports. To that end, we work side
    by side with clients to create and implement practical solutions. We have always taken our
    clients along in conceptualizing, forming an idea, selling the idea to the target audience and in
    implementing the solutions.

   Big-ticket Consulting. Our teams leverage the experience of dealing with Sr. Govt.
    Officers/Ministries/ Owners/CEOs/Decision makers which have been honed over 3 decades.
Our Value Addition

   Entrepreneurial Approach. We bring an entrepreneurs drive and zeal to business of our

   Our professionals challenge conventional thinking. We continually invest in enhancing the
    skills of our professionals to ensure they are at the fore front of innovative solutions,
    processes and methodology.

   Can quickly expand/scale up: Entrepreneurial experience of handling start-up operations
    and setting up from scratch. Can quickly expand resources and teams, if necessary.

   Patience, doggedness, can do attitude. Our organizational environment has high levels
    of enthusiasm, competitiveness and motivation. All our professionals have a fierce
    determination to succeed.

   Experience of professional relationships. We have a rich history of closely working with top
    MNCs and Indian Companies like Philips, Tata Telecom, Telstra, Wipro, Tata Consultancy
    Services, Tata Unisys, Rolta, Reliance etc.

   Memberships to Industry Associations. Being active members of prestigious industry and
    business associations like CII, IACC, TiE, BMA and others, we are in a position to quickly
    further business interests of our clients.

   Revenue Generation. We have a proven track record of finding new clients and generating
    new business for our clients.

                                        IT, Telecom,                   Business Strategy &
    Adv Engineering &
                                       Electronics &                       Investment
                                     Instrumentation                        Attraction
   Electrosteel/ Lanco Group      Philips Holland                    Fairfax County Economic
   Whitford Pte Ltd.              Philips India                       Development Authority,
   Best & Crompton Engg           Tata Telecom                        USA
   Dura-Line                      Wipro                              InvestHK, Govt of Hong
   Enfield India                  Telstra
                                                                       Invitalia, Italian Govt
   Texmo Industries               Reliance
                                                                        Investment Attraction
   Om Metals & Minerals           L&T                                 Agency
                                   Rolta India                        Primera Networks, UK

                                     PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
                                                              * Partial list of clients handled by Innoversant Solutions group of firms
Fundamentals for Success

       We assist clients with their biggest challenges and most
        promising opportunities
       We are motivated by being a positive force for success
       We succeed by working as partners with our clients to share
        our knowledge, insights, and experience
       We put our clients interests first
For further information, please contact:

Innoversant Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
#62, 1st Cross, 2nd Main, Dollars layout
J.P. Nagar 4th Phase, Bangalore 560078
Karnataka, INDIA

Phone:      +91 80 6451 6669
Fax:        +91 80 2649 1996
E-mail:     info@innoversant.com
Website:    http://www.innoversant.com


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Business Consulting India

  • 2. Profile Trusted advisors & consultants to companies, governments, and institutions around the world Innoversant Solutions Pvt Ltd (ISPL) is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm focused on assisting international and domestic organizations achieve sustainable success. We combine deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in providing Consulting services to Businesses, Organisations, Institutes, Governments and Economic Development Agencies. The company provides strategic and operative support in marketing and business development to Investment Promotion institutions. We offer services for the following: Business Investment Trade Consultancy Attraction Promotion
  • 4. Companies We provide specialized consulting services and business solutions to global companies and small & mid-size businesses. Our combination of research and consulting services provide our clients with a unique support for their strategic and operative decisions in existing and new markets. Business Consultancy Market Entry Strategies Sourcing, Partners and Vendor Search Market Research Incorporation and Regulatory affairs Business Development & Marketing Administration of Liaison/Branch office Marketing Representation Staffing and Infrastructure set up Events and Business Networking Alliances & Channels Development PR and Branding Tenders & Liaison support
  • 5. Investment Attraction Your partners in promotion and economic development of your region We leverage our strong experience of serving International and Indian clients across diverse Industry verticals to provide result-oriented investment promotion solutions. Investment Promotion Agencies can benefit from our comprehensive Investment resources which they can selectively utilize based on their specific Attraction demand and the collaborative strategy developed. Custom strategies to attract and retain foreign Support Delegations and Missions: inward and investments in increasingly global and competitive outward economic environment Liaison with stakeholders: Government and Integrated marketing, ranging in intensity from Industry mass measures to in-depth, individual key- account-approaches In-person meetings with decision makers and influencers Lead generation Facilitating Executive visits Business Networking with various intermediaries Information dissemination through traditional Events and programs: trade fairs, conferences, and new-age media exhibitions, seminars, others PR and Brand building
  • 6. Trade Promotion Innoversant offers you a combination of expertise in management consulting as well as in trade promotion and regional development a key advantage for your organisation to provide professional support towards developing trade. Our services help your region's companies to accelerate their growth with foreign trade. Trade Our trade promotion services are often provided in a combination with Promotion investment promotion services. Focused market studies Business Networking Market Entry strategies Support Delegations and Missions: inward and outward Market entry support to individual companies Liaison with stakeholders: Government and Partner search, due diligence, negotiations and Industry assistance with agreements Information dissemination through traditional Trade promotion activities: Organizing and and new-age media participating in trade fairs, exhibitions, buyer- seller meetings and reverse trade missions
  • 7. Why Innoversant? PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
  • 8. Our Guiding Principles Put the Clients interests ahead of our own Strive to deliver more than is expected Work with absolute integrity and trust Maintain highest standards of Professionalism, Ethics and Quality PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
  • 9. Our Strengths Strong Industry network & Strategic contacts Professional in Govt. and PSUs relationships Qualified & Collaborative Dynamic working style Leadership Successful track record of working Entrepreneurial with Indian & zeal International clients Vast experience Out-of-the-box of different thinking industry verticals PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
  • 10. Our Network Corporate contacts Industry Govt bodies Associations Business Professional Services Organizations Innoversant Solutions Regulatory Management bodies Consultants Tax and Audit Financial Advisory firms Services Law firms
  • 11. Industry Expertise Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Bio-tech, Life-sciences, Pharmaceuticals Hi Technology and Advanced Engineering Energy, Water, Oil and Gas Electronics & Instrumentation Infrastructure, Urban Development & Municipalities Industrial products and services Law Enforcement, Defense, Aerospace & Homeland Security
  • 12. Professional Memberships Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) National Association of Software & Services Companies (NASSCOM) Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce (BCIC) All India Management Association (AIMA)
  • 13. Our Value Addition We bring a number of important advantages to client engagements. Specialized industry and functional expertise. From senior management to junior consulting staff, our experts are dedicated to specific industries and functional areas. We ensure we know your business and tailor our approach and solutions accordingly. Excellent Networking and relationship building skills. We not only leverage our existing relationships in the industries and governments, but we also continually work hard at developing new ones. Rigorous, proven methodologies. Our strategy and operational methodologies deliver outstanding results. We have a robust framework for business development, management and client relationship management in the industry. And through a blend of management and behavioral approaches, we give clients a proven interface to transform organizational performance. Collaborative working style. We deliver results, not just reports. To that end, we work side by side with clients to create and implement practical solutions. We have always taken our clients along in conceptualizing, forming an idea, selling the idea to the target audience and in implementing the solutions. Big-ticket Consulting. Our teams leverage the experience of dealing with Sr. Govt. Officers/Ministries/ Owners/CEOs/Decision makers which have been honed over 3 decades.
  • 14. Our Value Addition Contd. Entrepreneurial Approach. We bring an entrepreneurs drive and zeal to business of our clients. Our professionals challenge conventional thinking. We continually invest in enhancing the skills of our professionals to ensure they are at the fore front of innovative solutions, processes and methodology. Can quickly expand/scale up: Entrepreneurial experience of handling start-up operations and setting up from scratch. Can quickly expand resources and teams, if necessary. Patience, doggedness, can do attitude. Our organizational environment has high levels of enthusiasm, competitiveness and motivation. All our professionals have a fierce determination to succeed. Experience of professional relationships. We have a rich history of closely working with top MNCs and Indian Companies like Philips, Tata Telecom, Telstra, Wipro, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Unisys, Rolta, Reliance etc. Memberships to Industry Associations. Being active members of prestigious industry and business associations like CII, IACC, TiE, BMA and others, we are in a position to quickly further business interests of our clients. Revenue Generation. We have a proven track record of finding new clients and generating new business for our clients.
  • 15. Clients IT, Telecom, Business Strategy & Adv Engineering & Electronics & Investment Infrastructure Instrumentation Attraction Electrosteel/ Lanco Group Philips Holland Fairfax County Economic Whitford Pte Ltd. Philips India Development Authority, Best & Crompton Engg Tata Telecom USA Dura-Line Wipro InvestHK, Govt of Hong Kong Enfield India Telstra Invitalia, Italian Govt Texmo Industries Reliance Investment Attraction Om Metals & Minerals L&T Agency Rolta India Primera Networks, UK PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL * Partial list of clients handled by Innoversant Solutions group of firms
  • 16. Fundamentals for Success We assist clients with their biggest challenges and most promising opportunities We are motivated by being a positive force for success We succeed by working as partners with our clients to share our knowledge, insights, and experience We put our clients interests first
  • 17. For further information, please contact: Innoversant Solutions Pvt. Ltd. #62, 1st Cross, 2nd Main, Dollars layout J.P. Nagar 4th Phase, Bangalore 560078 Karnataka, INDIA Phone: +91 80 6451 6669 Fax: +91 80 2649 1996 E-mail: info@innoversant.com Website: http://www.innoversant.com PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL