Dr. Chan Hellman's Keynote Address from the 2016 Science of HOPE conference.
Positive psychology is an emerging field focused on the scientific study of human strengths and the capacity for individuals, groups, and communities to thrive. Within this field, Hope has emerged as one of the top strengths contributing to well-being. This seminar will present the science of Hope as a meaningful resource in our ability to cope with traumatic experiences and flourish toward future goals, and will also present hands-on tools to assess hope and develop strategies to attain established desirable goals. Finally, this seminar will present scientific studies conducted by the University of Oklahomas Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations that demonstrate the power of hope among children and adults who have experienced trauma.
El documento analiza la evoluci坦n de la tecnolog鱈a y su impacto en la forma de vida humana y el desarrollo de la sociedad y la cultura a lo largo de la historia. Explica c坦mo en sus or鱈genes los humanos se dedicaban a la recolecci坦n y caza para alimentarse, pero luego descubrieron la agricultura y la ganader鱈a, lo que les permiti坦 asentarse y tener alimentos m叩s cerca. Posteriormente desarrollaron la navegaci坦n para transportarse a otros lugares, usando balsas de troncos, y la fundici坦n de
The document provides a resume for Jakub B. Goralski, an architectural designer with over 7 years of experience. It lists his education as a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University of Gdanski in Poland. It then details Goralski's work experience on several hotel, airport, library and hospital projects in various design and architectural roles.
This document provides a detailed summary and analysis of the graphic novel Ms. Marvel: No Normal. It discusses how the main character Kamala Khan struggles with her identity as a Muslim Pakistani-American teenage girl. Kamala feels caught between her religious identity and American peers. She secretly wishes to fit into mainstream American culture. The analysis examines how Kamala navigates cultural expectations from her family and community while developing her new superpowers and superhero identity as Ms. Marvel.
This document provides information about Opuntia Garden, a business that aims to incentivize people to buy cacti native to the Andean dry forest to use in their home gardens or decorations by making these low maintenance plants easily accessible. It seeks to help everyone find the cactus best suited to their needs and is located in Hacienda Verde, Puellaro.
Chris Soderquist presentation at the 2016 Science of HOPE
This session will introduce participants to a powerful approach to orchestrating useful learning across difficult boundaries using system dynamics. Through real world examples and interactive exercises, participants will learn how system dynamics can help them gain far more useful leverage when addressing complex, adaptive challenges. Participants will also see how this approach was used in a project funded by the Foundation for Healthy Generations to guide strategic decisions in Washington (and other states) for building community capacity and resilience.
Microsoft Access es un sistema de gesti坦n de bases de datos creado por Microsoft para uso personal o de peque単as organizaciones. Forma parte de Microsoft Office y permite crear, modificar y relacionar tablas de datos, realizar consultas e informes, e incluso desarrollar aplicaciones completas con formularios y c坦digo Visual Basic.
El documento define el cambio clim叩tico como un cambio en los patrones meteorol坦gicos a largo plazo, causado principalmente por el aumento de gases de efecto invernadero como el CO2 debido a la quema de combustibles f坦siles. Explica algunos factores clave que afectan el clima como la latitud, altitud, proximidad al mar y corrientes marinas. Finalmente, se単ala que la temperatura de la Tierra depende de la radiaci坦n solar recibida y que las variaciones en esta radiaci坦n han causado cambios clim叩ticos en
Samsung was founded in 1938 as a trading company in Korea and has since become a leading electronics company through strategic investments in research and development, branding, and marketing. It has numerous subsidiaries across various industries. Samsung's growth strategy has focused on high volume and market dominance over profitability through regular product innovation. It also spends heavily on research and development and uses successful marketing strategies like Olympic sponsorships and CSR activities to build its global brand equity and stay ahead of competitors in the electronics industry.
Umme Salma Akhtar has over 10 years of experience in air quality monitoring, modelling, and policy studies. She has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and background in Environmental Engineering. Her experience includes field work, research projects, and developing health and safety policies. Currently she is a project manager studying occupational exposures for firefighters to improve safety policies.
Casey Gelin has over 5 years of experience in customer service roles, including as a call center representative, cashier, host, and administrative assistant. She has strong skills in training, customer service, communication, and adapting to diverse environments. Gelin has a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University and has worked in several departments and organizations at OSU, demonstrating experience in both the private and higher education sectors. Her resume highlights a diverse work history with responsibilities such as greeting customers, cash handling, office administration, and providing support to faculty and staff.
The shooting plan outlines the details for filming on October 8th, including the start time of 2pm, locations, and people involved. Six actors and actresses will be present, along with the director and cinematographer. Equipment like a Canon 70d camera, batteries, tripod, and Go-Pro will be used. The process will begin with picking up equipment, charging batteries, and meeting the cast. The first scene to be filmed is an exterior scene in the park involving all characters. A shot list and spare scripts will be used to ensure everyone knows their roles.
The document provides tips for designing different areas of a commercial office space, including meeting rooms, employee lounges, reception desks, waiting areas, and workstations. Some key suggestions are to use plants and motivational quotes to enhance spaces, include comfortable seating, optimize lighting, and choose colors and furniture that create a productive but relaxing environment for employees and guests.
Este documento describe los elementos internos clave de un computador, incluyendo la CPU, memoria, dispositivos de entrada y salida. Explica que la computadora puede realizar diversas tareas cargando diferentes programas en la memoria para ser ejecutados por el procesador. Tambi辿n describe las funciones b叩sicas de entrada, procesamiento, almacenamiento y salida de datos, as鱈 como los componentes de hardware clave como la fuente de poder y la placa madre.
Microsoft Access es un sistema de gesti坦n de bases de datos creado por Microsoft para uso personal o de peque単as organizaciones. Forma parte de Microsoft Office y permite crear, modificar y relacionar tablas de datos, realizar consultas e informes, e incluso desarrollar aplicaciones completas con formularios y c坦digo Visual Basic.
El documento define el cambio clim叩tico como un cambio en los patrones meteorol坦gicos a largo plazo, causado principalmente por el aumento de gases de efecto invernadero como el CO2 debido a la quema de combustibles f坦siles. Explica algunos factores clave que afectan el clima como la latitud, altitud, proximidad al mar y corrientes marinas. Finalmente, se単ala que la temperatura de la Tierra depende de la radiaci坦n solar recibida y que las variaciones en esta radiaci坦n han causado cambios clim叩ticos en
Samsung was founded in 1938 as a trading company in Korea and has since become a leading electronics company through strategic investments in research and development, branding, and marketing. It has numerous subsidiaries across various industries. Samsung's growth strategy has focused on high volume and market dominance over profitability through regular product innovation. It also spends heavily on research and development and uses successful marketing strategies like Olympic sponsorships and CSR activities to build its global brand equity and stay ahead of competitors in the electronics industry.
Umme Salma Akhtar has over 10 years of experience in air quality monitoring, modelling, and policy studies. She has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and background in Environmental Engineering. Her experience includes field work, research projects, and developing health and safety policies. Currently she is a project manager studying occupational exposures for firefighters to improve safety policies.
Casey Gelin has over 5 years of experience in customer service roles, including as a call center representative, cashier, host, and administrative assistant. She has strong skills in training, customer service, communication, and adapting to diverse environments. Gelin has a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University and has worked in several departments and organizations at OSU, demonstrating experience in both the private and higher education sectors. Her resume highlights a diverse work history with responsibilities such as greeting customers, cash handling, office administration, and providing support to faculty and staff.
The shooting plan outlines the details for filming on October 8th, including the start time of 2pm, locations, and people involved. Six actors and actresses will be present, along with the director and cinematographer. Equipment like a Canon 70d camera, batteries, tripod, and Go-Pro will be used. The process will begin with picking up equipment, charging batteries, and meeting the cast. The first scene to be filmed is an exterior scene in the park involving all characters. A shot list and spare scripts will be used to ensure everyone knows their roles.
The document provides tips for designing different areas of a commercial office space, including meeting rooms, employee lounges, reception desks, waiting areas, and workstations. Some key suggestions are to use plants and motivational quotes to enhance spaces, include comfortable seating, optimize lighting, and choose colors and furniture that create a productive but relaxing environment for employees and guests.
Este documento describe los elementos internos clave de un computador, incluyendo la CPU, memoria, dispositivos de entrada y salida. Explica que la computadora puede realizar diversas tareas cargando diferentes programas en la memoria para ser ejecutados por el procesador. Tambi辿n describe las funciones b叩sicas de entrada, procesamiento, almacenamiento y salida de datos, as鱈 como los componentes de hardware clave como la fuente de poder y la placa madre.
1. Skru op for musikken & optimer produktionen!
N奪r sj脱len er fyldt op, begynder vi at synge, siger et gammelt gr淡nlandsk ordsprog. Og
det er sandt - for i en verden, hvor vi bruger s奪 meget energi p奪 at holde os i form og spise
sundt, glemmer vi den 奪ndelige dimension, kunsten giver.
Vi lever i en tid hvor vi bliver bombarderet
med d奪rlig samvittighed i forhold til at f奪
dyrket motion, spise sundt, v脱re m奪lrettede
og strukturerede.
Der er meget fokus p奪 individet og de indivi-
duelle m奪ls脱tninger mens vi oftest glemmer
at motoren alts奪 k淡rer bedst n奪r den er dre-
vet af lyst, af et f脱llesskab, samh淡righed og
af at g淡re en forskel for andre.
Musikken og kulturen er noget vi har og del-
er sammen; noget der 奪bner for nye poten-
tialer og inspirerer til at ville lytte, fordybe sig,
opleve og dyrke mere af det hele.
I dag bruger du m奪ske en coach, n奪r du skal
inspirere og omstrukturere. Men du kunne
i stedet bruge mig og min violin som en
sj脱lelig og inspirerende vitaminindspr淡jtning
f. eks. p奪 en kursusdag med mange indl脱g
eller som et selvst脱ndigt opl脱g med fokus
p奪 passion, kreativitet, improvisation og
Jeg har i mange 奪r undervist i komposition
og improvisation p奪 flere musikkonservato-
rier. Jeg bruger min viden herfra til at s脱tte
fokus p奪 synergi, kreativitet, det at kunne
lytte og m脱rke impulser, og hvordan man
oms脱tter disse inputs til reel handling.
I highly recommend his business talk/solo concert for conferences, meetings, team-
building etc. - Nikolaj J淡rgensen Manager Finance PRJ Novo Nordisk A/S
Violinist 揃 Komponist & Foredragsholder
Bjarke Falgren
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b奪de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s脱rlige 淡nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | bjarke@falgren.dk | www.falgren.com
2. Violinist, komponist og virtuos formidler
M淡d Bjarke Falgren, 4 dobbelt grammy vinder og en af Danmarks bedste og mest an-
erkendte violinvirtuoser. Siden 7 奪rs alderen har Bjarke passioneret dedikeret sig selv til at
mestre sit instrument og den musik, der str淡mmer igennem hans n脱sten 300 奪r gamle
Bjarke turnerer verden over og har udgivet 8
cder. Desuden skriver og producerer Bjarke
film og teatermusik, underviser p奪 to musik-
konservatorier og har arbejdet med nogle af
de st淡rste artister i ind og udland som f.eks.
Mike Sheridan,油Mads Langer, Melanie
C.(Spice Girls),油Outlandish,油Fallulah,油Smok-
ie,油Sir Cliff Richard,油Rasmus Seebach, Cut-
father, Chief 1,油Chris Normann,油Rugsted/
Kreutzfeldt,油Soluna Samay,油L.I.G.A.,油Burhan
G.,油Sanne,油Bo Evers,油Martin Brygman,油Joey
Moe,油Johnny Madsen,油Basim,油
Jens Lysdal,油Gabriellas,油Emilie Esther,油Fi-
lur,油Salem,油Br淡drene Olsen,油Kaya Br端el, Big
Fat Snake,油Anne Dorte Michelsen,油TV2,油Chris-
toffer Hoyer,油The Dreams,油Billy Cross, Paolo
Russo, Nico Gori, Drengene fra Ango-
ra,油Anette Bjergfeldt,油Hilde Louise Asbj淡rn-
sen,油Christian Br淡ns,油Big Fat Snake,油Poul
Krebs,油Billie Koppel,油Catbird,油Wonder-
brazz,油Aske Jacoby,油Svend Skipper,油Bryan
Rice,油Afenginn,油Henrik Strube,油Marie Car-
men Koppel,油Susi Hyldgaard,油Peter Lund
Madsen,油Nikolaj Busk,油Odense Symphony
Orchestra og mange andre.
Bjarke Falgren er i s脱rklasse en fabelagtig violinist, og jeg betragter ham som min
arvtager - Svend Asmussen
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b奪de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s脱rlige 淡nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | bjarke@falgren.dk | www.falgren.com
3. Du mestrer at skabe opm脱rksomhed og god stemning
fra f淡rste minut. Deltagerne n淡d musikken og var meget
imponerede af dine talenter, og du vandt deres hjerter
ved dine 脱rlige og hjertevarme fort脱llinger om passion
og kunsten at f奪 rum til kreativitet.
- Lone Warburg, Forstander, kursuscenter Sm奪landshavet
Du illustrerede via musikken effekten af godt samarbej-
de, tillid, hvordan man bliver god til at lytte til hinanden,
at turde pr淡ve nyt, g奪 p奪 tynd is og v脱re kreativ. Alt det
som er vigtigt for at skabe samarbejdsrelationer, sparing,
erfaringsudveksling og l脱ring p奪 tv脱rs. Dit indslag vil
v脱re en gevinst p奪 enhver personaledag, hvor samar-
bejde er i fokus.. Din historie om passion, bliver ALDRIG
- Randi Bjerre, HR-Advisor, R淡de kors
I have used Bjarke for inspiration as part of a teambuild-
ing event for a newly established management team.
Bjarke was excellent at taking examples from music and
putting them into a business perspective. Further, Bja-
rkes talent within music is fascinating and a refreshing
add-on to a business discussion to allow for reflection
while Bjarke is playing. I highly recommend his business
talk/solo concert for conferences, meetings, teambuild-
ing etc.
- Nikolaj J淡rgensen Manager Finance PRJ Novo Nordisk A/S
En seance med Bjarke Falgren inkluderer b奪de foredrag, koncert og dialog. Er der s脱rlige 淡nsker, taler vi om det
Falgren Strings Production | 26 71 79 54 | bjarke@falgren.dk | www.falgren.com
Bjarke Falgren har flere gange optr奪dt ved kongelige sel-
skaber p奪 Fredensborg og Christiansborg Slot med stor
succes. Hans dygtige violinspil har gl脱det de mange
- Christian Eugen Olsen, kgl. ceremonimester
Fremragende musik og underholdning i absolut
verdensklasse, vores varmeste anbefalinger.
- Direkt淡r Bjarne Elmelund Nielsen
Som arrang淡r f奪r du altid mere end du regner med, n奪r
du booker Bjarke Falgren. Mere varme, mere dialog,
mere humor, mere overskud, mere leg. Og s奪 denne
helt enorme og hjertelige gl脱de ved at v脱re musiker
og formidler af et metier, der med Bjarke Falgrens talent
r脱kker langt, langt videre end titlen kunstner.
- Sofie Rask Andersen, Dramaturg KGL+
Bjarke took us on a very inspiring journey at our BCG
leadership conference - bringing new perspectives
through a well-known vintage instrument and proving
that creativity plays a critical role in our jobs. This fan-
tastic session had an excellent improvisation element,
involving the participants and generating insightful, re-
flective messages. Bjarke caught the audience with
his authentic thoughts and amazing way of playing his
instruments. This session made a big difference to the en-
ergy and excitement around our event.
- Judith Weberhofer-Larsen, Manager, BCG
Vores medarbejdere var tryllebundet efter 3 minutter.
Det, de fik med, var en opl淡ftende, positiv oplevelse,
der satte resten af dagen i et dejligt lys og s奪 fik de
gode pointer om teamarbejde med. Kort sagt, det var
alle pengene og tiden v脱rd!
- Claus H淡jte, direkt淡r, Lejernes LO, hovedstaden