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For the Teacher:
To accomplish a simple webquest such as the example below the only tools necessary are for the
students to have a barcode scanner on their device. One free example is i-nigma

The teacher can create QR codes to direct the students to the appropriate websites through free-to-use
tools such as

Getting Started the QRC way
QR Codes can embed more than a link to a website:
Youtube videos

Google Maps



App Store Download
Plain Text
SMS Message
Contact details
Wifi Login


iTunes link


Telephone Number
Email address

Skype Call

Email Message

Digital business card


Paypal Buy Now Link
At www.qrstuff.com you can change the color of the QR Code, preview the code, and then either
download, print, or email your QR Codes.

Take 5-10 minutes and create the following QR Codes (be sure to test them in the QR Code Preview to
make sure they work):
1. Google map location for the school (401 S Davis Drive; in case you need it)
2. Plain text that states creating QR Codes is easy!
3. A link to the schools Facebook page
4. Your school e-mail address
5. Schools telephone number (478-929-7877; in case you need it)

What did you notice when you scanned the different types of QR Codes?

Use the QR Codes below to solve this geometry problem:
Solve for x.
3x + 15
6x + 45


BYOD makes differentiation easy and non-threatening:
Use this figure and answer the questions on your QR Code:






One Example of how to use a QR Code:

Salem Witch Trials ThingLink

African History and Culture Webquest

Using the QR codes at the bottom of the page answer the following questions:
1. Who are griots, and what was their role in West African society
2. Describe the housing and daily life in Timbuktu at the end of this time period. Mention at least three
of Leo Africanus observations.
3. Describe at least two traditional religious practices from West Africa.
4. Who was Mansa Musa? What role did he play in shaping the culture and religion of
5. How was Islam received by people who practiced traditional African religions?
Using the QR code at the bottom of the page go to the website and examine the art works from the
following geographic areas:
Western and Central Sudan (1400-1600)
Guinea Coast (1400-1600) and (1800-1900)
Answer the following questions:
Western and Central Sudan (1400-1600): Find the sculpture of the Seated Couple. Read the
description and briefly summarize in your own words. Include a picture.

Choose TWO works from the Guinea coast, ONE from 1400-1600 and ONE 1800-1900. Then
answer the following: a.) What is similar about the two works and b.) What is different about the two
works? Include pictures on your word document.
Socrative/Space Race
Questions/Main Ideas:

Essential ?How can teachers integrate technology EASILY into
their classrooms?


Teacher will divide classroom into a
maximum of 10 teams. The students

QR code


will answer a series of multiple choice
review questions dealing with the
current unit of study. I use cartoon
grouping for randomness or number
grouping for ability.
Each team will be assigned a particular
color of ship by the website. For every
question they answer correctly, their
corresponding ship will move across the
screen. The further the ship gets the
more questions they answered
correctly. Following the game, the
teacher will download the results from
the website and discuss the FMQ
(frequently missed questions) using the
results with the students.

Students can use the QR code for
Socrative (posted in the room) or they
can go directly to the website.

The quiz we are using today has fun
questions so that you can see how
socrative works. It took me about 20
minutes to create my first quiz. I have
created 5 quizzes now. The 5th one
took about 5 minutes.
Directions for
the teacher:

Directions for
the student:



Go to socrative.com Sign up for
the free service. The website will
keep your quizzes that you make.
2. Click the box that says, Im a
teacher. This will take you to the
3. Click the box that says manage
quizzes and then create a quiz.
Follow the directions to type in
multiple choice, true/false, or short
answer questions.
4. Once the quiz is completed, click
the button that says save & exit.
5. Now click Space Race. Select
your quiz and the number of teams.
Dont forget to start the activity.
6. Look below for the student
1. Using your QR reader, go to the
socrative.com website. Click Im a
2. Join the room using the room
number  look on the smartboard for the
room number
3. Enter your name.
4. Note the color of your space ship
and begin the quiz.
Byod Updated
How can I modify existing lesson plans?
Lesson  A Modernist Subject in Love
Introducing Modern Poetry through The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Standards Covered:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining
where the text leaves matters uncertain.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to
develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is
ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and
update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new
arguments or information.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 1112
topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and
Lesson Activities
1. Begin the lesson by asking students to define the term, modern. Discuss the students
Technology Option: Ask this question using the PollEverywhere app. Students can text
message or tweet their responses. The question can also be revised as a multiple choice
question if most students in the class have older cell phones.
2. Show a picture of Marcel DuChamps Nude Descending a Staircase. Ask students to
answer the following questions:
-Can you identify the subject of Duchamps painting? Do you have problems identifying the
subject? Why or why not?
-What adjectives can be used to describe the subject of the painting?
-How are time, space, and movement depicted in this painting?
Technology Option: Call on students in the class randomly using the PickAStudent app.
Hook your iPad up to a document camera so students can see their names being chosen.
Allow the students selected to respond and comment on one anothers responses.

3. Refine your definition of modern using this picture. Redirect the class as necessary until
they understand the basic characteristics of the time period and how it is different from the
romantic period.
4. Before analyzing The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, revisit a love poem by another
American poet (try Wild Nights, Wild Nights by Emily Dickinson). Ask the students,
Why is this poem a love poem?

5. Now ask students if this poem is a modern poem. Ask them for specific reasons why it is
not, reminding them of the time period when Emily Dickinson wrote as a reason.

6. Point out to students that the poetic term stanza also means a room or habitation.
Before reading Prufrock, tell students they should spend some time in each room to gain
their footing before attempting to analyze the poem at large.

7. Pass out the Prufrock Analysis Worksheet, and read Prufrock with the class. Ask students
to answer the questions, either individually or in groups.
Technology Option: Use PoppletLite to rework the worksheet into a graphic organizer that
students can complete on their smart phones.
8. Lead a full class discussion on the poem, using guiding questions on the qorksheet to walk
through each stanza of the poem.
Technology Option: Rather than discussing in class, post a prompt to your classes
Edmodo page. Ask students to respond to one another online.
9. After closely reading the poem as a class, ask students a few wrap-up questions:
9.1. How are the subject of Duchamps painting and Prufrock similar? Consider the adjectives
you used to describe the subject of Duchamps painting. In other words, how is your
experience viewing the painting (and others from the Armory Show) similar to your
experience reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock). How can you account for these
similarities (e.g., sometimes you may not know exactly what you are viewing/reading)?
9.2. Ask students to compare Dickinsons love poem to Eliots love poem. Now ask students
the following questions: Is Prufrock really a love poem? What elements get in the way of
Prufrocks love? Students might suggest any of the following: his digressions, his fear of
socializing, his bitterness toward the social world, his linguistic impotence, his selfquestioning, his repetition, his social paralysis, his fear of aging, his self-doubt, his fear of
women, and so forth.
Technology Option: Use ShowMe Interactive in order to record the entire lesson and post
to your class website for any students who were absent or may need a review.

1. Collect each students copy of the completed reading analysis worksheet for The Love Song
of J. Alfred Prufrock.
2. Ask students to write a typed, one-page personal ad that describes J. Alfred Prufrock as an
individual seeking love. The ad should be rooted in the poem itself, and you should use
descriptive adjectives.
3. Ask students to write a character sketch of J. Alfred Prufrock. How do they picture him, and
why? How would they describe his relationships with other people?
4. Write a typed, three-page paper on the following topic, Describe modernist poetry as you
understand it, using concrete examples from T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred

Technology Option: Make any of these assessments mobile friendly by creating them on the
30Hands app.
More Options!
Dropbox (or Dropittome)

Check out blogs:

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Byod Updated

  • 1. For the Teacher: To accomplish a simple webquest such as the example below the only tools necessary are for the students to have a barcode scanner on their device. One free example is i-nigma http://www.i-nigma.com/downloadi-nigmareader.html The teacher can create QR codes to direct the students to the appropriate websites through free-to-use tools such as
  • 2. http://www.qrstuff.com/ Getting Started the QRC way QR Codes can embed more than a link to a website: Youtube videos Facebook Google Maps Twitter LinkedIn App Store Download Plain Text SMS Message Contact details Wifi Login FourSquare iTunes link Dropbox Telephone Number Email address Skype Call Email Message Digital business card Event Paypal Buy Now Link
  • 3. At www.qrstuff.com you can change the color of the QR Code, preview the code, and then either download, print, or email your QR Codes. Take 5-10 minutes and create the following QR Codes (be sure to test them in the QR Code Preview to make sure they work): 1. Google map location for the school (401 S Davis Drive; in case you need it) 2. Plain text that states creating QR Codes is easy! 3. A link to the schools Facebook page 4. Your school e-mail address 5. Schools telephone number (478-929-7877; in case you need it) What did you notice when you scanned the different types of QR Codes? Use the QR Codes below to solve this geometry problem: Solve for x. 3x + 15 x 6x + 45 STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL VIDEO
  • 4. BYOD makes differentiation easy and non-threatening: Use this figure and answer the questions on your QR Code: x z n y EASY HARD
  • 5. One Example of how to use a QR Code: Salem Witch Trials ThingLink African History and Culture Webquest Using the QR codes at the bottom of the page answer the following questions: 1. Who are griots, and what was their role in West African society 2. Describe the housing and daily life in Timbuktu at the end of this time period. Mention at least three of Leo Africanus observations. 3. Describe at least two traditional religious practices from West Africa. 4. Who was Mansa Musa? What role did he play in shaping the culture and religion of Mali? 5. How was Islam received by people who practiced traditional African religions?
  • 6. Using the QR code at the bottom of the page go to the website and examine the art works from the following geographic areas: Western and Central Sudan (1400-1600) Guinea Coast (1400-1600) and (1800-1900) Answer the following questions: 1. Western and Central Sudan (1400-1600): Find the sculpture of the Seated Couple. Read the description and briefly summarize in your own words. Include a picture. 2. Choose TWO works from the Guinea coast, ONE from 1400-1600 and ONE 1800-1900. Then answer the following: a.) What is similar about the two works and b.) What is different about the two works? Include pictures on your word document.
  • 7. Topic: Socrative/Space Race Questions/Main Ideas: Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Essential ?How can teachers integrate technology EASILY into their classrooms? Notes: Grouping Teacher will divide classroom into a maximum of 10 teams. The students
  • 8. Description QR code Qrstuff.com Note will answer a series of multiple choice review questions dealing with the current unit of study. I use cartoon grouping for randomness or number grouping for ability. Each team will be assigned a particular color of ship by the website. For every question they answer correctly, their corresponding ship will move across the screen. The further the ship gets the more questions they answered correctly. Following the game, the teacher will download the results from the website and discuss the FMQ (frequently missed questions) using the results with the students. Students can use the QR code for Socrative (posted in the room) or they can go directly to the website. The quiz we are using today has fun questions so that you can see how socrative works. It took me about 20 minutes to create my first quiz. I have created 5 quizzes now. The 5th one
  • 9. took about 5 minutes.
  • 10. Directions for the teacher: Directions for the student: Summary/Notes: 1. Go to socrative.com Sign up for the free service. The website will keep your quizzes that you make. 2. Click the box that says, Im a teacher. This will take you to the dashboard 3. Click the box that says manage quizzes and then create a quiz. Follow the directions to type in multiple choice, true/false, or short answer questions. 4. Once the quiz is completed, click the button that says save & exit. 5. Now click Space Race. Select your quiz and the number of teams. Dont forget to start the activity. 6. Look below for the student directions. 1. Using your QR reader, go to the socrative.com website. Click Im a student 2. Join the room using the room number look on the smartboard for the room number 3. Enter your name. 4. Note the color of your space ship and begin the quiz.
  • 12. How can I modify existing lesson plans? Lesson A Modernist Subject in Love Introducing Modern Poetry through The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Standards Covered: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 1112 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
  • 13. Lesson Activities 1. Begin the lesson by asking students to define the term, modern. Discuss the students responses. Technology Option: Ask this question using the PollEverywhere app. Students can text message or tweet their responses. The question can also be revised as a multiple choice question if most students in the class have older cell phones. 2. Show a picture of Marcel DuChamps Nude Descending a Staircase. Ask students to answer the following questions: -Can you identify the subject of Duchamps painting? Do you have problems identifying the subject? Why or why not? -What adjectives can be used to describe the subject of the painting? -How are time, space, and movement depicted in this painting? Technology Option: Call on students in the class randomly using the PickAStudent app. Hook your iPad up to a document camera so students can see their names being chosen. Allow the students selected to respond and comment on one anothers responses. 3. Refine your definition of modern using this picture. Redirect the class as necessary until they understand the basic characteristics of the time period and how it is different from the romantic period. 4. Before analyzing The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, revisit a love poem by another American poet (try Wild Nights, Wild Nights by Emily Dickinson). Ask the students, Why is this poem a love poem? 5. Now ask students if this poem is a modern poem. Ask them for specific reasons why it is not, reminding them of the time period when Emily Dickinson wrote as a reason. 6. Point out to students that the poetic term stanza also means a room or habitation. Before reading Prufrock, tell students they should spend some time in each room to gain their footing before attempting to analyze the poem at large. 7. Pass out the Prufrock Analysis Worksheet, and read Prufrock with the class. Ask students to answer the questions, either individually or in groups.
  • 14. Technology Option: Use PoppletLite to rework the worksheet into a graphic organizer that students can complete on their smart phones. 8. Lead a full class discussion on the poem, using guiding questions on the qorksheet to walk through each stanza of the poem. Technology Option: Rather than discussing in class, post a prompt to your classes Edmodo page. Ask students to respond to one another online. 9. After closely reading the poem as a class, ask students a few wrap-up questions: 9.1. How are the subject of Duchamps painting and Prufrock similar? Consider the adjectives you used to describe the subject of Duchamps painting. In other words, how is your experience viewing the painting (and others from the Armory Show) similar to your experience reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock). How can you account for these similarities (e.g., sometimes you may not know exactly what you are viewing/reading)? 9.2. Ask students to compare Dickinsons love poem to Eliots love poem. Now ask students the following questions: Is Prufrock really a love poem? What elements get in the way of Prufrocks love? Students might suggest any of the following: his digressions, his fear of socializing, his bitterness toward the social world, his linguistic impotence, his selfquestioning, his repetition, his social paralysis, his fear of aging, his self-doubt, his fear of women, and so forth. Technology Option: Use ShowMe Interactive in order to record the entire lesson and post to your class website for any students who were absent or may need a review. Assessment 1. Collect each students copy of the completed reading analysis worksheet for The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. 2. Ask students to write a typed, one-page personal ad that describes J. Alfred Prufrock as an individual seeking love. The ad should be rooted in the poem itself, and you should use descriptive adjectives. 3. Ask students to write a character sketch of J. Alfred Prufrock. How do they picture him, and why? How would they describe his relationships with other people? 4. Write a typed, three-page paper on the following topic, Describe modernist poetry as you understand it, using concrete examples from T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Technology Option: Make any of these assessments mobile friendly by creating them on the 30Hands app.
  • 15. More Options! Padlet Dropbox (or Dropittome) Kidblog Livebinders Weebly Check out blogs: http://www.teachthought.com/apps-2/the-55-best-best-free-education-apps-for-ipad/ http://adifference.blogspot.com/2011/07/how-would-i-prepare-to-teach-byod-class.html http://www.internet4classrooms.com/