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Curriculum Vitae
#160 Blk. 5 Sta. Ma. Village Subd. Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, PHILIPPINES
Cell: +639151702556
Email: coolbans_jayRbanco@yahoo.com
 Teach a range of subjects within a prescribed curriculum to primary school students and promote
students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.
 Accomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Academic Coordinator and Primary
Teacher and higher education levels. Outstanding track record in assuring student success.
 Presenting prescribed curriculum using a range of teaching techniques and materials, maintaining
discipline in classrooms and other school areas.
 Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as
the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results.
 Developing students' interests, abilities and coordination by way of creative activities, guiding
discussions and supervising work in class, preparing, administering and marking tests, projects and
assignments to evaluate students' progress and recording the results.
 Doctor of Philosophyin Education 2013
Divine Word College of Calapan
Major: Management
 Masterof Arts in Education 2009
Divine Word College of Calapan
Major: Science
 Tertiary 2001-2005 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
Divine Word College of Calapan
Major: Science and Health
 Secondary 1997-2001 LEMNAHIS, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
 Primary 1991-1997, P. Tolentino Elementary School, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
 Professional / Licensed Teacher
 August 2005 (Teachers Licensure Examination) PASSED
 Representative of Divine Word College of Calapan Basic Education Department (DWCC)
Seminar in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2008 (The Role of the Environmentalist Towards the
Preservation and Conservation of Natural Resources)
 Representative of DWCC Basic Education Department ( Faculty Club) 2011  2013
 Board of Director, Alumni DWCC
 Seminar in Canyon Woods, Philippines, Tagaytay, Manila, Palawan
 Calapan City Government Scholar
 P.R.O. Scientia Club 2004 - 2005
 SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS  Trainor / Coach (2006  2016)
 PAFTE Member- Philippine Association for Teacher Education
 The Mathematics Teachers Association of The Philippines, INC. & The Department of Education
(MTAP2006- 2016)
 PRIMARY TEACHER (2006  2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC)
 Subject Taught: English, Science, Mathematics,Computer (Grade 4,5 & 6)
 ACADEMIC COORDINATOR (2013  2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC)
 Primary responsibilities included student discipline, attendance, instructional supervision,
and staff evaluation.
 Managed program development and evaluation, curriculum and instruction, teacher training,
and district responsibilities. Served as Special Education.
 PART  TIME COLLEGE PROFESSOR (2008  2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC)
 Teaching Science Subjects (BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, GEOGRAPHY)
 ICT  Teacher / Computer Teacher (2006  2016) Divine Word College of Calapan(DWCC)
 Teaching Computer subject (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint,
 Trainer / Coach (2006  2016) Divine Word College of Calapan(DWCC)
 Mathematics and Science Quiz  Elementary Level (Division, Regional & National Competition)
 2015 National Science Olympiad Eliminations September 15, 2015
 Education as Mission Dialogue May 27, 2014
 Teacher Empowerment Program September 7, 2007
 National School Press Conference April 11-12, 2015
 Seminar on The Role ofthe Environmentalist November 27, 2008
Towards the Preservation and Conservation ofNatural resources
Ho Chi Minh University of Technology in Vietnam
 Enhancing the Research/Thesis Writing December 11  12, 2015
 Innovative Camp for Teachers November 21, 2015
 Philippine National Nephrology Healthy Kidneys for All March 14, 2015
 Training K -12 Basic Education program August 6-7, 2015
 Seminar on TEACHER EDUCATIONwith the theme October 20  23, 2015
Education & the Global Challenges
Dr. Fedeliza A. Nambatac
Principal, DWCC Basic Education
Contact No. (043) 288  1998
Rev. Fr. Bernhard Abrazado, SVD
Director, Basic Education Department DWCC
Contact No. (043) 288  1998
Age & Gender : 31 years old / Male Religion : Roman Catholic
Date of Birth : February 20, 1985 Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino Language: : English
Dr. Corazon Morilla
Dean of Grauate School DWCC
Contact No. : (043) 288 - 8686
Dr. Rosvilenda Dequiroz
Dean Education Dept. DWCC
Contact No. : (043) 288  8686

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae JAY R D. BANCO, Ph.D #160 Blk. 5 Sta. Ma. Village Subd. Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, PHILIPPINES Cell: +639151702556 Email: coolbans_jayRbanco@yahoo.com PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Teach a range of subjects within a prescribed curriculum to primary school students and promote students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Accomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Academic Coordinator and Primary Teacher and higher education levels. Outstanding track record in assuring student success. Presenting prescribed curriculum using a range of teaching techniques and materials, maintaining discipline in classrooms and other school areas. Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results. Developing students' interests, abilities and coordination by way of creative activities, guiding discussions and supervising work in class, preparing, administering and marking tests, projects and assignments to evaluate students' progress and recording the results. EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophyin Education 2013 Divine Word College of Calapan Major: Management Masterof Arts in Education 2009 Divine Word College of Calapan Major: Science Tertiary 2001-2005 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) Divine Word College of Calapan Major: Science and Health Secondary 1997-2001 LEMNAHIS, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro Primary 1991-1997, P. Tolentino Elementary School, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro ECCOMPLISHMENTS / ACHIEVEMENTS Professional / Licensed Teacher August 2005 (Teachers Licensure Examination) PASSED Representative of Divine Word College of Calapan Basic Education Department (DWCC) Seminar in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2008 (The Role of the Environmentalist Towards the Preservation and Conservation of Natural Resources) Representative of DWCC Basic Education Department ( Faculty Club) 2011 2013 Board of Director, Alumni DWCC Seminar in Canyon Woods, Philippines, Tagaytay, Manila, Palawan Calapan City Government Scholar P.R.O. Scientia Club 2004 - 2005 SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS Trainor / Coach (2006 2016) PAFTE Member- Philippine Association for Teacher Education The Mathematics Teachers Association of The Philippines, INC. & The Department of Education (MTAP2006- 2016)
  • 2. ACADEMIC /TEACHING EXPERIENCE PRIMARY TEACHER (2006 2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC) Subject Taught: English, Science, Mathematics,Computer (Grade 4,5 & 6) ACADEMIC COORDINATOR (2013 2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC) Primary responsibilities included student discipline, attendance, instructional supervision, and staff evaluation. Managed program development and evaluation, curriculum and instruction, teacher training, and district responsibilities. Served as Special Education. PART TIME COLLEGE PROFESSOR (2008 2016) Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC) Teaching Science Subjects (BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, GEOGRAPHY) ICT Teacher / Computer Teacher (2006 2016) Divine Word College of Calapan(DWCC) Teaching Computer subject (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Publisher) Trainer / Coach (2006 2016) Divine Word College of Calapan(DWCC) Mathematics and Science Quiz Elementary Level (Division, Regional & National Competition) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Certifications 2015 National Science Olympiad Eliminations September 15, 2015 Education as Mission Dialogue May 27, 2014 Teacher Empowerment Program September 7, 2007 Conferences National School Press Conference April 11-12, 2015 Seminar on The Role ofthe Environmentalist November 27, 2008 Towards the Preservation and Conservation ofNatural resources Ho Chi Minh University of Technology in Vietnam Workshops Enhancing the Research/Thesis Writing December 11 12, 2015 Innovative Camp for Teachers November 21, 2015 Philippine National Nephrology Healthy Kidneys for All March 14, 2015 Trainings Training K -12 Basic Education program August 6-7, 2015 Seminar on TEACHER EDUCATIONwith the theme October 20 23, 2015 Education & the Global Challenges REFERENCES Dr. Fedeliza A. Nambatac Principal, DWCC Basic Education Contact No. (043) 288 1998 Rev. Fr. Bernhard Abrazado, SVD Director, Basic Education Department DWCC Contact No. (043) 288 1998 PERSONAL BACKGROUND Age & Gender : 31 years old / Male Religion : Roman Catholic Date of Birth : February 20, 1985 Civil Status : Single Citizenship : Filipino Language: : English Dr. Corazon Morilla Dean of Grauate School DWCC Contact No. : (043) 288 - 8686 Dr. Rosvilenda Dequiroz Dean Education Dept. DWCC Contact No. : (043) 288 8686