This document provides five rules for happiness: free your heart from hatred, free your mind from worries, live simply, give more, and expect less. It also offers advice about life's events teaching you how to laugh or cry, not being able to make someone love you but only being lovable, and perfecting the love you give rather than finding faults in others or searching for the perfect person. The document ends by valuing old friends that can't be replaced like aging wine.
The document discusses addiction to another person and the difficulty of letting go of a relationship even when it is necessary. It explores why people have trouble moving on from past partners and continuing bonds even after separation. Suggestions are provided for how to cope with an unwanted addiction to someone, including finding a new romantic interest, cutting off all contact, and remembering motivational sayings about why the relationship cannot or should not continue. The author encourages those struggling with this issue to try these strategies and report back on whether they are effective.
5 tips to make any man attracted to youWhistlejacket
This document provides 5 secret tips to attract any man, according to the author. Tip 1 involves using the phrase "He was nice but I noticed something weird about him" to trigger curiosity. Tip 2 recommends showing interest in things he values to make him feel important. Tip 3 advocates using "obsession phrases" to create positive drama through adrenaline spikes. Tip 4 is to show one's vibrant, passionate side. Tip 5 stresses believing in one's own self-worth as the greatest secret of attraction. The conclusion discusses additional effective phrases from Kelsey Diamond's research that can help a man see one's wonderful qualities.
There is a war going on inside your head between good and evil, light and dark. The person holding you back is you. You say you want to make changes like losing weight or starting a business, but then quit after a short time. You deserve the life you get if you can't commit to something for 5 days. The comfort zone is dangerous. You should never feel satisfied and always push yourself further to become better. Develop determination and willpower by doing things when you don't feel like it. Be your best self when least motivated and stop letting feelings control your life.
This document provides advice and words of wisdom about finding happiness and cultivating meaningful relationships. It suggests letting go of hatred and worries, living simply, giving more than expecting, and moving past disappointments. The document emphasizes accepting others' faults, perfecting the love you give, and maintaining old friendships over time. Overall, it encourages readers to focus on inner peace, generosity, and cherishing relationships rather than dwelling on troubles or searching for perfection.
This document provides advice and words of encouragement about life and relationships. It suggests letting go of hatred and worries, living simply, giving more than expecting, and remembering that strength will be provided for each day's challenges. While the past cannot be changed, the future remains unwritten. True caring means overlooking faults and accepting people as they are. Friendships should be valued and not easily abandoned, as old friends are irreplaceable.
This document provides advice and words of wisdom about finding happiness and maintaining meaningful relationships. It suggests letting go of hatred and worries, living simply, giving more than expecting, and not dwelling on disappointments or the past. The document emphasizes accepting people as they are, perfecting the love you give, and maintaining old friendships over time rather than searching for faults in others or a perfect partner.
The document discusses the many dimensions of love and explores how love can sink into a "deepening quicksand" that people accept rather than pursuing freedom. It suggests that those in "suffering love" should skillfully seek freedom through compassion. Love is about freedom, and sometimes that means "letting go" of past issues that keep one stuck. People are often unwilling to make the effort to move out of "misery loves company" for something better. The document encourages pulling oneself out of quicksand inch by inch through meditation, awareness, and non-reaction to find freedom and love.
The document outlines five tools for having the relationship you want: 1) The Rori Raye Mantra of trusting boundaries, following feelings, choosing words, and being surprised. 2) Translating "control speak" to "surrender speak" by focusing on your own feelings. 3) Stopping overfunctioning in the relationship and letting your partner take the lead. 4) Appreciating your partner for who they are. 5) Appreciating yourself by trusting your feelings, speaking from the heart, and believing you deserve love. The overall message is that focusing on yourself and your feelings rather than trying to control your partner is key to having the relationship you want.
What Men Secretly Want Review The Respect PrincipleTammi Glasman
One of most common questions we women ask ourselves regarding men is what man secretly want? It is probably similar to their question what do we want, but are answers to these dilemmas similar? You probably already heard that philosophy of our differences, we are from two different planets, Mars and Venus. If that is the truth, how can we ever comprehend what do they really want? So, lets think about that for instance. Are they really some strange creatures? If so, and they really think like they are not from this planet, what men secretly want? I do not think it is quite like that. After all, we are all humans, and it should not be some science to figure them out.
This document provides advice for both men and women on dating and relationships. It discusses biological differences between men and women such as body shape that evolved from hunter-gatherer roles. Culturally, it notes that traditionally men display power and women use appearance to seduce, but modern women are independent. Relationship tips include making a woman feel comfortable by listening and not focusing on appearance, and advice for women to be confident and give a man time and space. Overall, the document encourages openly communicating love and finding compatibility instead of making excuses to avoid relationships.
This document outlines an 8-step process for asking forgiveness: 1) Ask what exactly bothered the other person, 2) Make an empathy statement, 3) State the error, 4) Address conflict resolution, 5) Specifically ask for forgiveness, 6) State how you will act differently moving forward, 7) Make an offering to the other person, and 8) Use embedded commands to reinforce forgiveness and moving forward in a positive way. The steps emphasize understanding the other perspective, taking responsibility for one's actions, resolving issues respectfully, and committing to positive change.
The document contains a series of prompts asking the reader to list 5 adjectives or emotions for different topics. These include describing a best friend, emotions experienced yesterday, parents, regular emotions, describing oneself, and emotions one would like to experience more. Each prompt is followed by a list of 5 blank lines to write responses.
Listening To Your Heart And Following Your Purpose With Ana MarteThink Alpha Project
In this episode, Ana discusses how to change the perception of those around you while also staying true to your inner voice and not allowing your haters to stop you from accomplishing all that you can be. Ana is the perfect reminder that we all can be strong and fearless, and that our background truly has no determination on where we will end up in life.
The document provides seven secrets to being humble and simple: 1) Give room for God in your heart instead of filling it with yourself. 2) Look for the best in people and learn from others. 3) Give sincere compliments to others to see their positive qualities. 4) Be quick to admit your mistakes and avoid repeating them. 5) Be the first to apologize in arguments to kill pride and arguments. 6) Admit your limitations and needs and accept help from others. 7) Serve others through volunteering to gain humility and thanks.
How To Start A Conversation With Any GirlGeorge Hutton
Most guys can approach, but lose their nerve when it comes to talk. here's how to deal with that common problem.
Self-compassion involves creating a caring space within yourself free of judgment for your hurts and failures. Dr. Kristin Neff says self-compassion softens experiences with kindness. The document provides 10 ways to be self-compassionate such as not judging yourself for failures, knowing everyone fails, staying away from destructive emotions during setbacks, and being your own best friend by loving yourself unconditionally.
This document provides instructions for an exercise to help discover one's "Why" by talking to close friends. The exercise involves:
1) Making a list of 3-5 closest friends who will be there unconditionally.
2) Asking those friends "Why are you friends with me?" and listening without interrupting as they struggle to articulate their response.
3) Comparing the responses to identify common themes and key words friends use to describe you, in order to gain insight into one's natural abilities.
Assertiveness is just like a muscle. The more you practice it, the easier it gets. Learn More:
This document discusses acceptance and loving oneself. It talks about supporting each other as sisters and not thinking one is better than the other. Participants are asked to identify emotions they need and how their life would be different without needing certain things. They are guided to turn negative self-talk into positive affirmations and design an acceptance mirror with an empowering message to oneself. The goal is to walk through life with love and pride for oneself.
Sophie struggled with asserting boundaries as a child due to her parents' arguments. As an adult, she had unstable relationships and difficulty making decisions. The document discusses how to set healthy boundaries by determining what behaviors you are comfortable with, communicating limits clearly, and addressing boundary violations calmly while also being honest and consistent. It warns that failing to set boundaries can make people angry, tired, and lead to resentment as their own needs go unmet.
Words That Attract Women: Your Unfair Advantage Over Rich, Good-Looking Guys...jakedennert
[] Words that attract women? As far-fetched as this may sound to you, Im not blowing smoke with that title. When you develop a way with words, you really DO have an amazing upper-hand with women an advantage that all of the rich, good-looking guys wont be able to touch.
The document provides tips for expressing sympathy to someone who has experienced a loss. It advises against saying "I know how you must feel," "Time heals everything," or "They're in a beautiful place now." Instead, one should say "I can't imagine how you must feel," "I'm so sorry," or "Let me know if you want to share." The document also cautions against saying "Everything happens for a reason" and suggests saying "Life can be difficult to understand" instead. It concludes by advising people to conquer their fear of what to say, ask if they are intruding, be a good listener, and keep their sympathy simple.
This document appears to be a summary of chapters from a book about manipulating people and relationships using psychological techniques. It discusses how emotions and feelings drive human behavior, and provides strategies for altering a partner's feelings to obtain forgiveness after cheating, create expectations they will feel compelled to live up to, and other interpersonal influence tactics. While some content focuses on understanding psychology, the overall approach seems to prioritize control and coercion over mutual understanding and consent in relationships.
If you want to resonate with somebody on a deep level, you've got to open up yourself, and you've got to open up them. Both are these are incredibly easy. Learn How:
Here's how to stop obsessing over an ex girlfriend.
These slides reveal 3 keys that eliminate your obsession
with your ex and help put you in the right mind state to
re-attract her back.
You'll also learn a simple re-attraction process that gets
her running back into your arms.
The document contains a collection of inspirational quotes and thoughts about life, relationships, happiness, and gratitude. Some of the key ideas expressed are that meeting the wrong people can help you appreciate the right person; happiness comes from making the most of what you have rather than what you don't; and to live your life in a way that brings joy to others.
The document contains a collection of short quotes and sayings about life, love, happiness, friendship and gratitude. Some of the key ideas expressed are: meeting wrong people before finding the right one helps us appreciate love; we often dwell on closed doors and don't see new opportunities; the best friends are those you feel close to even without words; we don't know what we're missing until it arrives; and we should make the most of what life brings us each day.
The document outlines five tools for having the relationship you want: 1) The Rori Raye Mantra of trusting boundaries, following feelings, choosing words, and being surprised. 2) Translating "control speak" to "surrender speak" by focusing on your own feelings. 3) Stopping overfunctioning in the relationship and letting your partner take the lead. 4) Appreciating your partner for who they are. 5) Appreciating yourself by trusting your feelings, speaking from the heart, and believing you deserve love. The overall message is that focusing on yourself and your feelings rather than trying to control your partner is key to having the relationship you want.
What Men Secretly Want Review The Respect PrincipleTammi Glasman
One of most common questions we women ask ourselves regarding men is what man secretly want? It is probably similar to their question what do we want, but are answers to these dilemmas similar? You probably already heard that philosophy of our differences, we are from two different planets, Mars and Venus. If that is the truth, how can we ever comprehend what do they really want? So, lets think about that for instance. Are they really some strange creatures? If so, and they really think like they are not from this planet, what men secretly want? I do not think it is quite like that. After all, we are all humans, and it should not be some science to figure them out.
This document provides advice for both men and women on dating and relationships. It discusses biological differences between men and women such as body shape that evolved from hunter-gatherer roles. Culturally, it notes that traditionally men display power and women use appearance to seduce, but modern women are independent. Relationship tips include making a woman feel comfortable by listening and not focusing on appearance, and advice for women to be confident and give a man time and space. Overall, the document encourages openly communicating love and finding compatibility instead of making excuses to avoid relationships.
This document outlines an 8-step process for asking forgiveness: 1) Ask what exactly bothered the other person, 2) Make an empathy statement, 3) State the error, 4) Address conflict resolution, 5) Specifically ask for forgiveness, 6) State how you will act differently moving forward, 7) Make an offering to the other person, and 8) Use embedded commands to reinforce forgiveness and moving forward in a positive way. The steps emphasize understanding the other perspective, taking responsibility for one's actions, resolving issues respectfully, and committing to positive change.
The document contains a series of prompts asking the reader to list 5 adjectives or emotions for different topics. These include describing a best friend, emotions experienced yesterday, parents, regular emotions, describing oneself, and emotions one would like to experience more. Each prompt is followed by a list of 5 blank lines to write responses.
Listening To Your Heart And Following Your Purpose With Ana MarteThink Alpha Project
In this episode, Ana discusses how to change the perception of those around you while also staying true to your inner voice and not allowing your haters to stop you from accomplishing all that you can be. Ana is the perfect reminder that we all can be strong and fearless, and that our background truly has no determination on where we will end up in life.
The document provides seven secrets to being humble and simple: 1) Give room for God in your heart instead of filling it with yourself. 2) Look for the best in people and learn from others. 3) Give sincere compliments to others to see their positive qualities. 4) Be quick to admit your mistakes and avoid repeating them. 5) Be the first to apologize in arguments to kill pride and arguments. 6) Admit your limitations and needs and accept help from others. 7) Serve others through volunteering to gain humility and thanks.
How To Start A Conversation With Any GirlGeorge Hutton
Most guys can approach, but lose their nerve when it comes to talk. here's how to deal with that common problem.
Self-compassion involves creating a caring space within yourself free of judgment for your hurts and failures. Dr. Kristin Neff says self-compassion softens experiences with kindness. The document provides 10 ways to be self-compassionate such as not judging yourself for failures, knowing everyone fails, staying away from destructive emotions during setbacks, and being your own best friend by loving yourself unconditionally.
This document provides instructions for an exercise to help discover one's "Why" by talking to close friends. The exercise involves:
1) Making a list of 3-5 closest friends who will be there unconditionally.
2) Asking those friends "Why are you friends with me?" and listening without interrupting as they struggle to articulate their response.
3) Comparing the responses to identify common themes and key words friends use to describe you, in order to gain insight into one's natural abilities.
Assertiveness is just like a muscle. The more you practice it, the easier it gets. Learn More:
This document discusses acceptance and loving oneself. It talks about supporting each other as sisters and not thinking one is better than the other. Participants are asked to identify emotions they need and how their life would be different without needing certain things. They are guided to turn negative self-talk into positive affirmations and design an acceptance mirror with an empowering message to oneself. The goal is to walk through life with love and pride for oneself.
Sophie struggled with asserting boundaries as a child due to her parents' arguments. As an adult, she had unstable relationships and difficulty making decisions. The document discusses how to set healthy boundaries by determining what behaviors you are comfortable with, communicating limits clearly, and addressing boundary violations calmly while also being honest and consistent. It warns that failing to set boundaries can make people angry, tired, and lead to resentment as their own needs go unmet.
Words That Attract Women: Your Unfair Advantage Over Rich, Good-Looking Guys...jakedennert
[] Words that attract women? As far-fetched as this may sound to you, Im not blowing smoke with that title. When you develop a way with words, you really DO have an amazing upper-hand with women an advantage that all of the rich, good-looking guys wont be able to touch.
The document provides tips for expressing sympathy to someone who has experienced a loss. It advises against saying "I know how you must feel," "Time heals everything," or "They're in a beautiful place now." Instead, one should say "I can't imagine how you must feel," "I'm so sorry," or "Let me know if you want to share." The document also cautions against saying "Everything happens for a reason" and suggests saying "Life can be difficult to understand" instead. It concludes by advising people to conquer their fear of what to say, ask if they are intruding, be a good listener, and keep their sympathy simple.
This document appears to be a summary of chapters from a book about manipulating people and relationships using psychological techniques. It discusses how emotions and feelings drive human behavior, and provides strategies for altering a partner's feelings to obtain forgiveness after cheating, create expectations they will feel compelled to live up to, and other interpersonal influence tactics. While some content focuses on understanding psychology, the overall approach seems to prioritize control and coercion over mutual understanding and consent in relationships.
If you want to resonate with somebody on a deep level, you've got to open up yourself, and you've got to open up them. Both are these are incredibly easy. Learn How:
Here's how to stop obsessing over an ex girlfriend.
These slides reveal 3 keys that eliminate your obsession
with your ex and help put you in the right mind state to
re-attract her back.
You'll also learn a simple re-attraction process that gets
her running back into your arms.
The document contains a collection of inspirational quotes and thoughts about life, relationships, happiness, and gratitude. Some of the key ideas expressed are that meeting the wrong people can help you appreciate the right person; happiness comes from making the most of what you have rather than what you don't; and to live your life in a way that brings joy to others.
The document contains a collection of short quotes and sayings about life, love, happiness, friendship and gratitude. Some of the key ideas expressed are: meeting wrong people before finding the right one helps us appreciate love; we often dwell on closed doors and don't see new opportunities; the best friends are those you feel close to even without words; we don't know what we're missing until it arrives; and we should make the most of what life brings us each day.
The document contains a collection of quotes and sayings about friendship, love, happiness, and living life to the fullest. It encourages appreciating meaningful relationships and taking opportunities to brighten others' days by sharing messages with friends. It suggests finding fulfillment through making the most of what life brings rather than focusing on material things.
The document contains a collection of quotes and sayings about friendship, love, happiness, and life. It encourages appreciating meaningful relationships and finding happiness in both good and difficult times. It suggests living a life where you bring joy to others and make the most of what comes your way. The quotes are framed as a message to share with people who are important and help you find light in dark times.
The document contains a collection of quotes and sayings about friendship, love, happiness, and living life to the fullest. It encourages the reader to appreciate those in their life who provide friendship and support, and to brighten others' days by sharing the message. It ends by repeating text urging the reader to pass the message along to those who are important to them.
The document discusses the uncertainty of life and relationships through a series of short reflections beginning with "Maybe...". It suggests we don't fully appreciate what we have until we lose it, that the future is based on the past, and that true happiness comes from making the most of each moment rather than having the best of everything. Finding fulfillment involves opening our hearts to love without expectations of reciprocation from others. Overall it advocates dreaming boldly and living fully despite life's uncertainties.
The document contains several short quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages living life to the fullest and making the most of each moment. It also promotes appreciating those who have positively impacted one's life by sharing messages of care, support, and friendship.
The document contains a collection of quotes and thoughts about love, relationships, and life. Some of the key ideas expressed are: it can be painful to love someone who doesn't love you back; meeting the wrong people helps you appreciate the right person; true love is caring for someone beyond passion and romance; and love finds a way to those who still have courage, faith and a willingness to be vulnerable again despite past hurts. The quotes reflect on the importance of living life to the fullest and making the most of each moment and experience.
This document is a collection of quotes and passages about the topic of love. It discusses how love is forgiving, helps one feel less lonely, and makes each day wonderful. Other quotes note that love lifts one up, is found through imagination rather than common sense, and that the greatest lesson is to love and be loved in return. The document focuses on the positive and meaningful aspects of love.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains several inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and friendship. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and live with smiles rather than tears at the end of life. The overall message is one of positivity, gratitude, and making the most of the opportunities in one's path.
The document contains a collection of inspirational quotes and sayings about life, happiness, love, and relationships. It encourages the reader to follow their dreams, make the most of what they have, appreciate those who have impacted their life, and to spread messages of kindness. The overall message is about finding meaning and happiness in life through challenging times by cherishing relationships and maintaining a positive outlook.
The document announces a Thanksgiving potluck for a military unit and their families. It provides information on guest speakers, volunteering opportunities, and social events. It also includes details on welcome home ceremonies for soldiers returning from deployment and ways for families to view the ceremonies online or get updates.
This guide provides information for families on welcoming home soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division after their deployment. It details where and when welcome home ceremonies will take place, how to get notification of ceremony times, and directions to the ceremony location. It also provides guidance for families and guests, including recommended arrival times, what to bring, and how to view the ceremony online for those unable to attend.
This document tracks donations and purchases for an Operation Barracks Upgrade. It lists items donated, pledged, received, and still needed to provide toiletries and amenities for soldiers. These include bed linens, pillows, blankets, towels, soap, snacks, drinks and personal hygiene items donated by families and support organizations or purchased with project funds. The chart tracks over 180 items collected for the soldiers' barracks upgrade.
The Red Dragon battalion had another successful month in September. Soldiers conducted many missions including key leader engagements, patrols, and training of Iraqi security forces which helped improve security. Notable events included recognizing soldiers for combat awards and promotions. The battalion is preparing to move to Kuwait but will continue supporting the mission until returning home later this year or early next year. Families are thanked for their continued support of soldiers during this deployment.
This document summarizes an order form for custom 3-82 Field Artillery deployment tapestry throws. It states that all orders are due by October 16th to ensure shipment by the holidays, and that checks will be deposited between October 16th and 18th. Orders are scheduled to arrive at the battalion on or before December 16th. The order form requests the buyer's contact information and number of throws wanted.
Red Dragon kids sent this poem to their superhero Soldiers after our October Town Hall, complete with lots of Army and superhero sticker decorations and notes from home.
The document summarizes an upcoming family readiness group event. It includes details about a potluck dinner, guest speaker, volunteer recognition, and contact information for FRG leaders and points of contact. Plans are also mentioned for supporting deployed soldiers through mail and remaining in contact throughout the upcoming 12-month deployment.
The document announces a "Spouse Deployment Fitness Day" event to be held on September 10, 2011 at Fort Hood for military spouses. The free, half-day event will provide classes and activities related to physical, financial, and emotional resilience during deployment separation. Topics will include Zumba, yoga, self defense, budgeting, goal setting, cooking classes, and relationship enrichment. Childcare will be available with reservation. Registration begins August 1st and attendees should select their top three class choices by September 5th.
The newsletter provides an update on the activities and accomplishments of the 3-82 FA Red Dragon battalion over the past month in Iraq. It discusses the positive work and precision being demonstrated across different areas of responsibility. It also highlights upcoming mid-tour leave for soldiers and thanks families for their continued love and support from home.
A child wrote a letter to their favorite soldier stationed at Fort Hood expressing that they miss and love the soldier. The child attended a family night event where they read a book called "A Paper Hug" and made their own paper hug to send to the soldier. The child wants the soldier to keep the paper hug in their pocket until they return home as a way for the child to hug the soldier from far away.
The newsletter provides updates from Red Dragon Soldiers serving in Iraq. It discusses how Soldiers are performing well on daily missions with Iraqi partners. It also highlights news and accomplishments from different units within the battalion, including Headquarters Battery, Alpha Battery, and their platoons. The Commander expresses gratitude to Soldiers' families for their continued support, which helps motivate personnel as they work to complete their deployment together.
This document provides tips to help military kids stay safe online. It discusses how to safely use chat rooms, instant messaging, webcams, and email. The main tips are to only interact with known friends and family online, get parent permission before sharing private info or downloading anything, and tell a trusted adult if anything makes you feel uncomfortable. The goal is to educate kids on having fun online while protecting their privacy and security.
Because KIDS SERVE TOO! Camp C.O.P.E.速 was designed to help our YOUNG HEROES cope with the effects of war, deployments and the sacrifices they are asked to make every day.
Texas Lions Camp provides summer camp experiences for children with physical disabilities completely free of charge. The upcoming summer season is quickly approaching and applications are being accepted for sessions running from June to July. The application requests detailed medical information and requires signatures from parents, physicians, and sponsoring Lions club members. Special instructions explain that applications should be submitted at least one month before the desired session and must have original signatures to be processed.
Texas lions camp (for children with Down Syndrome)RedDragon FRG
The document provides information about applying for a week of summer camp at the Texas Lions Camp for children with Down syndrome, including instructions on completing the application, submitting it by certain deadlines, and obtaining necessary signatures. It also lists the summer camp schedule and contact information for the camp.
This document provides information about Texas Lions Camp, a summer camp for children with type 1 diabetes. It details that the camp is free for eligible Texas children ages 8 to 15, offers a week-long session in July focused on diabetes education and management, and is staffed by medical professionals. Parents are asked to complete an application with their child's medical and insurance information to enroll them in an upcoming session.
1. Whenever you miss your Soldier, you can STOP and think of all the happy times youve had. Write a letter, send an email, or draw a picture just to say I love you and I miss you.Sometimes you may feel sad about your Soldier being gone. When that happens, YIELD and take a moment to take a deep breath, and let someone know how you feel. Its good to share.There may be times that you just want to tell everyone to KEEP OUT. Its okay to feel that way, but be sure to talk to a trusted adult about how youre feeling they will understand how you feel.If you ever feel angry and just want to hurt something, think DO NOT ENTER. Dont let those bad thoughts get to you. Go away, bad thoughts! Youre not welcome here. There is ONE WAY to make it through this deployment and that is simply one day at a time. You will have good days and bad days. You may laugh or cry, but you can make it through this! Were all in this together!<br />Welcome, Army kids! Your Family Readiness Group (FRG for short) is happy that youre here. <br />Use this paper to talk with your Family about the Deployment Challenges you may be facing now. You might hit a road block every now and then, but theres always help available for you! Were all in this together. Red Dragons!<br />