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Introduction toInnovations Supporting People with Disabilities in Self Employment
My PathJune 2006 received acceptance into SEB 52 week program after bad employment experience.Started Access Infinity Management because it is my belief that access should be infinite.Since starting the business I have continuous had to  negotiate my rights as a self-employed personAlone in my pursuit lonely place
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
The Hummingbird
Ccrw Presentation Gned
Its not the destination but the journeyProfessionals withDisabilitiesEntrepreneurs with Disabilities
Who Are We? Committed group of entrepreneurs with disabilities and service providers committed to supporting the self-employment aspirations of people with disabilities
Ccrw Presentation Gned
Truly Global.& GrowingAustraliaCanadaHollandSpainUnited KingdomUSA Pakistan
Reasons to go it aloneEverybodyOpportunityTurning a negative into a positiveCreativity Flexibility of lifestyle Income
Reasons to go it alonePWDSOpportunityTurning a negative into a positiveCreativity Flexibility of lifestyle (disability management)Income
You Cant Do ThatBarriers
Ccrw Presentation Gned
Recognized Need.Respond to the information needs of pwds who are in business and those who are developing ideas for future businessInform disability employment policy by showcasing successProvide supportDevelop tools to assist members through all cycles of business
Synergy and the power of social mediaLessons learned through the power of online communityThis initiative was born out of online collaborationWork is done collaboratively Using Skype, PB works, Linkedin, 			Twitter and a growing			number of tools
The Way ForwardMoving from online on to the beat and trackContinue to build network of entrepreneurs with disabilitiesContinue to build library of online resourcesEncourage innovation and progressive policy directions when discussing the employment of pwds
Starting to light up the world
The Road Ahead
The Way ForwardMoving from online on to the beat and trackContinue to build network of entrepreneurs with disabilitiesContinue to build library of online resourcesEncourage innovation and progressive policy directions when discussing the employment of pwds
Getting the funds to grow the network in Canada and world-wide.
Thank You!!!http://entrepreneurswithdisabilities.org/Orwww.gned.org Email: laurie@gned.org

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Ccrw Presentation Gned

  • 1. Introduction toInnovations Supporting People with Disabilities in Self Employment
  • 2. My PathJune 2006 received acceptance into SEB 52 week program after bad employment experience.Started Access Infinity Management because it is my belief that access should be infinite.Since starting the business I have continuous had to negotiate my rights as a self-employed personAlone in my pursuit lonely place
  • 3. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
  • 6. Its not the destination but the journeyProfessionals withDisabilitiesEntrepreneurs with Disabilities
  • 7. Who Are We? Committed group of entrepreneurs with disabilities and service providers committed to supporting the self-employment aspirations of people with disabilities
  • 10. Reasons to go it aloneEverybodyOpportunityTurning a negative into a positiveCreativity Flexibility of lifestyle Income
  • 11. Reasons to go it alonePWDSOpportunityTurning a negative into a positiveCreativity Flexibility of lifestyle (disability management)Income
  • 12. You Cant Do ThatBarriers
  • 14. Recognized Need.Respond to the information needs of pwds who are in business and those who are developing ideas for future businessInform disability employment policy by showcasing successProvide supportDevelop tools to assist members through all cycles of business
  • 15. Synergy and the power of social mediaLessons learned through the power of online communityThis initiative was born out of online collaborationWork is done collaboratively Using Skype, PB works, Linkedin, Twitter and a growing number of tools
  • 16. The Way ForwardMoving from online on to the beat and trackContinue to build network of entrepreneurs with disabilitiesContinue to build library of online resourcesEncourage innovation and progressive policy directions when discussing the employment of pwds
  • 17. Starting to light up the world
  • 19. The Way ForwardMoving from online on to the beat and trackContinue to build network of entrepreneurs with disabilitiesContinue to build library of online resourcesEncourage innovation and progressive policy directions when discussing the employment of pwds
  • 20. Getting the funds to grow the network in Canada and world-wide.

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Our油logo is a step toward realizing this vision, and is the result of us getting to know油and work with each other across three continents and seven time zones!油'It is a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. The hummingbird is also able to fly backwards, teaching us that we can look back on our past. But, this bird also teaches that we must not dwell on our past; we need to move forward. When the hummingbird hovers over flowers while drinking nectar, we learn that we should savor each moment, and appreciate the things we love.'油
  • #6: Its not quantity its about quality, quality quality Small group synergyCommitment, support and collaboration are key to the success of any venture and networking is a key tool. Linked in provided the tool through its discussion forums and the members of the team brought the rest. Bringing our A-Game to create something created for people with disabilities by people with disabilities and the potential to alter futures for the better.Stages of group developmentBruce Tuckman (1965) developed a 4-stage model of group development.油 He labelled the stages, Dr Suess-style:1. Forming: The group comes together and gets to initially know one other and form as a group. 2. Storming:油A chaotic vying for leadership and trialling of group processes 3. Norming: Eventually agreement is reached on how the group operates (norming) 4. Performing: The group practices its craft and becomes effective in meeting its objectives.
  • #7: Although we started on Linkedin and it remains a vital part of our communication network it is only part of the puzzle.
  • #9: After less than six months our collaborative effort is reaching around the world to bring entrepreneurs with disabilities together. The Global Network Of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities (GNED )Online Community Still in DevelopmentStructure in DevelopmentFounding Group Members have Founder credit Decision on the groups direction are made through lots of discussion using all the tools at our disposal
  • #11: Recent statistics Canada survey reports a surge in self-employment startups due to the most recent economic downturn. People with disabilities also start businesses for the same reasons as a nondisabled counterparts. However, adds extra component to the equation.
  • #12: Recent statistics Canada survey reports a surge in self-employment startups due to the most recent economic downturn. People with disabilities also start businesses for the same reasons as a nondisabled counterparts. However, adds extra component to the equation.The ability to control the parameters of ones work in the considerations of disability make it an attractive option.
  • #13: People with disabilities often hear you cant do that when it comes to employment, education and general engagement in life.Many people with disabilities would not consider self-employment options because they have previously not had success in the work force or support mechanisms discourage self-employment endeavors. Many support programs do not support self-employment as a viable option.Change of perspective self-employment provides a way of Negotiating Barriers found in traditional work place settingsNot negating that self-employment does have challengesYet self-employment provides options for if not going through the wall getting around it little by little. Governments acknowledge they must nurture self-employment as a workforce option. However in the case of people with disabilities governments have been slow to respond with open-mindedness although this is changing. It begins with the acknowledgment of the capacity of people with disabilities to reach levels of appropriate meaningful employment whether it be by a traditional employee employer relationship or a self-employment venture. Self-employment ventures must be viewed as viable options and supported as such.
  • #14: We can run all kinds of businessesAnd how we will be developing people on the ground in these areas to be our interface and to sort through the people who could benefit from our wisdom and experience.
  • #15: Purpose of EWD/Looking for place to fit our piece of the life puzzleOUT TARGET AUDIENCE ARE PPLIn business now but not making the most of it.Ready to startup but are facing 油a variety of obstacles.Thinking about it but are not yet skilled enough to progress their ideas.Not really yet aware that self employment could even be an option to them. It is beyond their wildest dreams!To achieve their potential they need encouragement, support and reliable information.
  • #16: USINGSOCIAL MEDIA TO LAUNCHSetting up the linkedin site, wiki use, logotournament, website, blogNot always easy to talk to each other!Give us a call from wherever you are, we have friendly people waiting to help you!
  • #17: After a successful launch at the US business leadership network conference in Chicago GNED is receiving more and more attention everyday on and off the Internet
  • #18: Who we have heard from and what they want to do: Next stepsSOFT LAUNCH OF WEBSITE IN MID-JULYCOMING UP ON 2000 VISITORSNUMBEROUS DPOS AND PPL WHO ARE WANT TO OR HAVE A BUS FROM:USA, CANADA, UK, WEST INDIES, SOUTH AFRICA, ZIMBABWE, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, INDIA, CHINA, PHILLIPINESTHEY DO OR WANNT TO DO JOB COACHING, HOME HEATH CARE BUSINESS, BUSINESS SERVICES, GRAPHIC DESIGN, BOOK BINDERY, CANDLE MAKING, POUTLRY FARM, COMPUTER REPAIR, DESIGN PROSTETHICS, HOME ACCESS MODIFICATIONS, MEDICAL ALERT/PERSONAL ALARMS, BOAT DESIGN, ADVENTURE TRAVELTHEY HAVE SPINAL CORD, BRAIN INJURY, AMPUTEES MENTAL HEALTH, POLIO, MS, CP, LD, BLIND/VIGNEWD plans to become a global resource of business owners and entrepreneurs with disability to which potential business owners with disability can turn at any stage of their business journey.油It is a place to build community, dignity, and self-determination through a market place for disabled and non-disabled business people to connect and collaborate for mutual benefit.油油油油油The Network油is unique in being able to油share our expertise, first hand experiences, provide case studies, and leverage contacts/connections to a worldwide audience. It provides realistic油encouragement because we have confronted (and in some cases still are facing) the challenges and barriers of business start-ups and ongoing operation with a disability. We can and will help people explore what is possible and prepare others for their start-up journey on how to grow a business with one-on-one mentoring across the disability spectrum.油油油