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Region 4 Report to CCSESA
February/March 2012

San Mateo County Office of Education hosted a workshop February 1 on arts education
for PTA leads. Susan Stoddard, San Francisco USD/COE, was the keynote speaker.

San Mateo COE Art Education Committee held monthly meetings in January and
February where teachers and principals shared classroom action research, related art
project plans and exchanged general information.

The Contra Costa COEs STEAM Colloquium hosted their 2nd annual forum to discuss
and share best practices in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and
Mathematics) education on February 2. Participants included educators, business
leaders, and representatives from community organizations. Tana Johnson, coordinator
of Alameda COEs Integrated Learning Specialist Program, presented a workshop.

Region 4 arts leads met on February 4 at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre. They
reviewed their successful implementation of the 5th annual regional leadership forum
Assessing What Matters on January 11 and the Contra Costa COE STEAM
colloquium. They engaged in planning for the first annual regional Teacher Action
Research Summer Institute Inventing Our Future to be held August 7-9, 2012 at
Chabot Space and Science Center. Carol Kocivar, CA PTA President, was the featured
speaker focusing on how we can create unified messages for advocacy.

Art IS Education Month in Alameda County launched March 1 with a reception at
RADIATE an exhibition of visual art, science and ELA interdisciplinary projects
presented by the Arts and Humanities Academy at Berkeley HS and Kala Institutes
Artists-in-Schools Program. The Art IS Education 2012 theme, Creating a Better Future
Together, is to inspire and share student visions of how we can make positive change
for ourselves, our communities and our world through the arts. You can download a
Community Quilt Project Plan to make a paper quilt with youth that explores the ways we
can create healthy lives, thriving families, peaceful communities and a green planet.
Each Alameda County Library will host a community quilt making day. Click the link
below for a list of 50 free events for youth and families happening during March at
Alameda County Library locations. Art IS Education

On March 8 Alameda COE kicked off a series of community conversations to Map the
Next 10 Years. Sixty-five educators, teaching artists, parents and community members
considered the question: How can we collectively transform public education through
the arts to create a better future for everyone? Participants received a Conversation-in-
a-Box Toolkit to continue the conversation in their various networks and organizations.
The conversations will be tracked and synthesized online at

Solano COEs 2012 Annual Report and Calendar featured student art work. All student
art work may also be viewed on the Solano COE website here.


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2012 CCSESA region 4

  • 1. Region 4 Report to CCSESA February/March 2012 San Mateo County Office of Education hosted a workshop February 1 on arts education for PTA leads. Susan Stoddard, San Francisco USD/COE, was the keynote speaker. San Mateo COE Art Education Committee held monthly meetings in January and February where teachers and principals shared classroom action research, related art project plans and exchanged general information. The Contra Costa COEs STEAM Colloquium hosted their 2nd annual forum to discuss and share best practices in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education on February 2. Participants included educators, business leaders, and representatives from community organizations. Tana Johnson, coordinator of Alameda COEs Integrated Learning Specialist Program, presented a workshop. Region 4 arts leads met on February 4 at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre. They reviewed their successful implementation of the 5th annual regional leadership forum Assessing What Matters on January 11 and the Contra Costa COE STEAM colloquium. They engaged in planning for the first annual regional Teacher Action Research Summer Institute Inventing Our Future to be held August 7-9, 2012 at Chabot Space and Science Center. Carol Kocivar, CA PTA President, was the featured speaker focusing on how we can create unified messages for advocacy. Art IS Education Month in Alameda County launched March 1 with a reception at RADIATE an exhibition of visual art, science and ELA interdisciplinary projects presented by the Arts and Humanities Academy at Berkeley HS and Kala Institutes Artists-in-Schools Program. The Art IS Education 2012 theme, Creating a Better Future Together, is to inspire and share student visions of how we can make positive change for ourselves, our communities and our world through the arts. You can download a Community Quilt Project Plan to make a paper quilt with youth that explores the ways we can create healthy lives, thriving families, peaceful communities and a green planet. Each Alameda County Library will host a community quilt making day. Click the link below for a list of 50 free events for youth and families happening during March at Alameda County Library locations. Art IS Education On March 8 Alameda COE kicked off a series of community conversations to Map the Next 10 Years. Sixty-five educators, teaching artists, parents and community members considered the question: How can we collectively transform public education through the arts to create a better future for everyone? Participants received a Conversation-in- a-Box Toolkit to continue the conversation in their various networks and organizations. The conversations will be tracked and synthesized online at http://allianceforall.wordpress.com/ Solano COEs 2012 Annual Report and Calendar featured student art work. All student art work may also be viewed on the Solano COE website here. Submitted03.20.2012AST