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Alameda County Office of Education
                                       Alliance for Arts Learning Leadership
                                       Planning and Implementation Groups

                                           Mid Year Report 2011-2012
Name of Planning and Implementation Group: Regional Summer Institute

Date Submitted: January 26, 2012

Purpose: To establish a Regional Summer Institute that is a platform for Bay Area educators who are demonstrating
professional practice and arts integration for student engagement and learning across the curriculum. This will be a
culminating event for demonstration and art learning anchor schools and an entry point for new schools seeking to
improve practice through culturally relevant, arts and arts integrated, teacher action research from across the greater
Bay area region.

Time Period this form covers: October 2011-January 2012

Members of Group:
  o Phil Rydeen, MILE/OUSD fillmore.rydeen@ousd.k12.ca.us
  o Miriam Spilman TARI Teacher, San Leandro spilman2542@earthlink.net
  o Kris Murray, Young Audiences and TAO Kris kris@ya-nc.org
  o Rob Daniels & Antigone Trimis, SF Arts Education antigone@mindspring.com
  o Dave Maier, Berkeley Rep dmaier@berkeleyrep.org
  o Miko Lee, Youth in Arts mlee@youthinarts.org
  o Sandy Sohcut, Rex Foundation sandy@rexfoundation.org
  o Marilyn Z. Koral, SFUSD KoralM@sfusd.edu, wdsdequeen@comcast.net
  o Belinda Taylor, TAO belindat@mac.com
  o Tana Johnson, Alliance
  o Carolyn Carr, Alliance
  o Louise Music, Alliance

Summer Institute official dates: Tuesday  Thursday, August 7-9, 2012

Lead Alliance Team Member: Carolyn Carr

Accomplishments based on Objectives

1. Co-design and implement an institute modeled after Harvards Project Zero to include plenary sessions,
  mini courses and study groups
     A daily schedule has been proposed for the three day event. The P&I group agrees that one keynote
        and two panels of practicioners would be the best scenarios for the plenaries.
     Louise will invite Linda Darling-Hammond as primary plenary speaker.

2. Develop a RFP to provide mini courses
     The current RFP form will be revised by Belinda. The new RFP will accompany a general Eblast
        announcment on Feb 10. The deadline for proposals is March 20.
     Phil Rydeen will create an online scoring tool to assist with the selection process.
     The P&I Committee will hold a phone meeting on March 20 from 2:30-4:00 to discuss next steps
     Next P&I meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24 from 12-2.

3. Identify title, location, logistics, and fees
      Inventing Our Future is the name of the 2012 SI.
      Berkeley HS has been identified as best location for easy access via public transportation,
good classroom & auditorium spaces, and within easy access to restaurants. Suzanne McCulloch
       is making contacts with BHS admin to secure the space and necessary custodial help.
      TAO has been contracted by the Alliance to handle on-site registration, registration packets,
       payment of stipends to presenters, and general logistics of the event.
      Members agreed that the fee of $150. is appropriate for the audience, not too prohibitive for teachers and
       enough to provide a budget to cover costs. Anticipated audience: 150-200 = $22,500 - $30,000.
      Budget will be developed by Andrea Temkin.

4. Build marketing communications timeline and promote through all Alliance channels.
     Meeting to be scheduled with ACOEs Communications Dept to discuss handling marketing and online
     First Eblast is Feb 10.

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  • 1. Alameda County Office of Education Alliance for Arts Learning Leadership Planning and Implementation Groups Mid Year Report 2011-2012 Name of Planning and Implementation Group: Regional Summer Institute Date Submitted: January 26, 2012 Purpose: To establish a Regional Summer Institute that is a platform for Bay Area educators who are demonstrating professional practice and arts integration for student engagement and learning across the curriculum. This will be a culminating event for demonstration and art learning anchor schools and an entry point for new schools seeking to improve practice through culturally relevant, arts and arts integrated, teacher action research from across the greater Bay area region. Time Period this form covers: October 2011-January 2012 Members of Group: o Phil Rydeen, MILE/OUSD fillmore.rydeen@ousd.k12.ca.us o Miriam Spilman TARI Teacher, San Leandro spilman2542@earthlink.net o Kris Murray, Young Audiences and TAO Kris kris@ya-nc.org o Rob Daniels & Antigone Trimis, SF Arts Education antigone@mindspring.com o Dave Maier, Berkeley Rep dmaier@berkeleyrep.org o Miko Lee, Youth in Arts mlee@youthinarts.org o Sandy Sohcut, Rex Foundation sandy@rexfoundation.org o Marilyn Z. Koral, SFUSD KoralM@sfusd.edu, wdsdequeen@comcast.net o Belinda Taylor, TAO belindat@mac.com o Tana Johnson, Alliance o Carolyn Carr, Alliance o Louise Music, Alliance Summer Institute official dates: Tuesday Thursday, August 7-9, 2012 Lead Alliance Team Member: Carolyn Carr Accomplishments based on Objectives 1. Co-design and implement an institute modeled after Harvards Project Zero to include plenary sessions, mini courses and study groups A daily schedule has been proposed for the three day event. The P&I group agrees that one keynote and two panels of practicioners would be the best scenarios for the plenaries. Louise will invite Linda Darling-Hammond as primary plenary speaker. 2. Develop a RFP to provide mini courses The current RFP form will be revised by Belinda. The new RFP will accompany a general Eblast announcment on Feb 10. The deadline for proposals is March 20. Phil Rydeen will create an online scoring tool to assist with the selection process. The P&I Committee will hold a phone meeting on March 20 from 2:30-4:00 to discuss next steps Next P&I meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24 from 12-2. 3. Identify title, location, logistics, and fees Inventing Our Future is the name of the 2012 SI. Berkeley HS has been identified as best location for easy access via public transportation,
  • 2. good classroom & auditorium spaces, and within easy access to restaurants. Suzanne McCulloch is making contacts with BHS admin to secure the space and necessary custodial help. TAO has been contracted by the Alliance to handle on-site registration, registration packets, payment of stipends to presenters, and general logistics of the event. Members agreed that the fee of $150. is appropriate for the audience, not too prohibitive for teachers and enough to provide a budget to cover costs. Anticipated audience: 150-200 = $22,500 - $30,000. Budget will be developed by Andrea Temkin. 4. Build marketing communications timeline and promote through all Alliance channels. Meeting to be scheduled with ACOEs Communications Dept to discuss handling marketing and online registration. First Eblast is Feb 10.