2015年8月31日に開催されたCouchbase Live Tokyoで利用した資料です。間もなくリリースされるCouchbase Server 4.0、N1QL、インデクシング、MDS (Multi-Dimensional-Scalability)、ForestDB、セキュリティといった新機能についてご紹介しました。
The document discusses using HTML POST forms to upload files directly to Amazon S3. Key points covered include:
- Specifying the S3 bucket as the form action target.
- Including hidden inputs for the filename/key, AWS access key, ACL, success redirect URL, signed policy, and signature.
- The policy defines expiration, conditions like bucket name and ACL, and is Base64 encoded.
- The signature is the policy signed with HMAC/SHA-1 and the secret key, then Base64 encoded.
This allows uploading files directly from a browser to S3 using a simple HTML form, with the policy and signature providing authorization for the upload.
The document discusses using HTML POST forms to upload files directly to Amazon S3. Key points covered include:
- Specifying the S3 bucket as the form action target.
- Including hidden inputs for the filename/key, AWS access key, ACL, success redirect URL, signed policy, and signature.
- The policy defines expiration, conditions like bucket name and ACL, and is Base64 encoded.
- The signature is the policy signed with HMAC/SHA-1 and the secret key, then Base64 encoded.
This allows uploading files directly from a browser to S3 using a simple HTML form, with the policy and signature providing authorization for the upload.
The document discusses cloud infrastructure configuration and security. It defines an availability zone with multiple containers, and assigns a private IP address and security group to each. It also defines a database cluster across the availability zones for redundancy.