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CESI 2014 
Perspectives on what Creates and 
Effective Online Learning Experience
 Young people aged 
between 13-16yrs who 
are out of mainstream 
 At-home learners 
 Blended Centre learners 
 FETAC Accreditation L3 
 Progression to further 
Education, Training and 
Stephen Heppell 
Notschool UK 
Notschool Ireland 
Pilot 2007-2009 
iScoil 2009-
iScoil 2012-13 
Fig: Gender 2012-2013 N=52 
Fig: Accreditation 2012-2013 
Fig: Reason for Referral 2012- 
2013 N=52 
Fig: Progression Routes 2012-2013 N=28
Perspectives on what Creates an Effective Online Learning Experience
Perspectives on what Creates an Effective Online Learning Experience
What the Students think..... 
Well you are not stuck in all day 
From early in the morning till 
I really liked that I could log on later in the day and do the tasks then, My brain works better 
when I'm fully awake and when I was in regular schooling I would be really tired and 
couldn't concentrate as much because of it. I also like that I can use the Internet to look up 
things I'm not 100% sure about. 
Like in school you are trying to keep up with 
the rest of the class. 
I used to have that problem 
where you would be writing 
something down and then 
you havent it all and she 
wipes the board. 
I hate that.
Very handy better than writing or books rather the computer. 
Im terrible at writing Id rather the computer its handy. 
Ive always wanted to be a mechanic so Id 
probably bring some things like that on to it [iScoil]. 
Theres bits on it already how you do this with a car 
and things like that if there was more up on it youd 
learn more. 
Yeah sometimes the videos have writing in it isnt it 
when you have to read the writing. 
And it trips on very fast. 
I felt like I knew her (mentor) like even though I never seen her before. I felt 
comfortable like.
What the Teachers think ..... 
they dont feel confined to a classroom, do you know like, just the 
pressure of having an adult, building up a different relationship with 
its going to be private and individual to them, 
nobody is looking over their shoulder to see what 
theyve done, nobody is comparing it to what 
theyre doing next to them. And its that that takes 
that pressure away. 
Very often in mainstream schools as well, is just that curriculum, where in iScoil, the 
project courses, we try to outline their interests and their likes and that really gets 
them going, if theyre able to do quite well on Man Utd tasks or whatever might 
entice them to try another communication task and that really gets the ball 
but sometimes the hard thing is you dont 
even get any feedback (from students) 
..... like if you do kind of set projects task and previously youd only 
kind of be getting short answers for that and then you suddenly give 
them a task about World War Two or something and you come back 
and theyre written this big long essay full of descriptive language and 
its that they actually have no problems with literacy, just that they 
werent interested in what you were giving them....... 
think that sometimes you have to try and assess students by stealth 
on the other hand I feel that lack, you get a 
sense of someone when they come in, their 
mood, where theyre coming from
Perspectives on what Creates an Effective Online Learning Experience
Fig: Pedagogical Pattern Collector - Communications Unit 2 
Fig: Pedagogical Pattern Collector - Maths Unit 3.2 
Total 335mins 
Total: 170mins
Studies in interventions using technology emphasise the ability of online 
learning environments to provide a highly individualised and differentiated 
learning experience (Archambault et al 2010) 
What we know works ...... 
Self Paced Personalised 
Interest Led Safe 
How it works ..... 
Student Centred Competency Based Active Learning 
Synchronous vs 
Could it work better.... 
Interaction Instruction 
What did you not like or what would you change? 
I would change some of the tasks difficulty to make them more challenging for the 
students of course it all depends on the students strong & weak points how the 
tasks should change for example a student who is weak at math could start of at 
a 1 out of 5 on a difficulty scale and work their way up to 4 or 5 eventually 
while a student who is strong at math could start of at a 3 out of 5 etc.
Blended Learning Centres Partners 
School Completion Programme 
Garda Youth Diversion Project 
Justice and Probation Project 
Youth Work Ireland 

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Perspectives on what Creates an Effective Online Learning Experience

  • 1. CESI 2014 Perspectives on what Creates and Effective Online Learning Experience
  • 2. Young people aged between 13-16yrs who are out of mainstream education At-home learners Blended Centre learners FETAC Accreditation L3 Progression to further Education, Training and Employment Stephen Heppell (Heppell.net) Notschool UK Notschool Ireland Pilot 2007-2009 iScoil 2009-
  • 3. iScoil 2012-13 Fig: Gender 2012-2013 N=52 Fig: Accreditation 2012-2013 N=52 Fig: Reason for Referral 2012- 2013 N=52 Fig: Progression Routes 2012-2013 N=28
  • 6. What the Students think..... Well you are not stuck in all day From early in the morning till night I really liked that I could log on later in the day and do the tasks then, My brain works better when I'm fully awake and when I was in regular schooling I would be really tired and couldn't concentrate as much because of it. I also like that I can use the Internet to look up things I'm not 100% sure about. Like in school you are trying to keep up with the rest of the class. I used to have that problem where you would be writing something down and then you havent it all and she wipes the board. I hate that.
  • 7. Very handy better than writing or books rather the computer. Im terrible at writing Id rather the computer its handy. Ive always wanted to be a mechanic so Id probably bring some things like that on to it [iScoil]. Theres bits on it already how you do this with a car and things like that if there was more up on it youd learn more. Yeah sometimes the videos have writing in it isnt it when you have to read the writing. And it trips on very fast. I felt like I knew her (mentor) like even though I never seen her before. I felt comfortable like.
  • 8. What the Teachers think ..... they dont feel confined to a classroom, do you know like, just the pressure of having an adult, building up a different relationship with adults. its going to be private and individual to them, nobody is looking over their shoulder to see what theyve done, nobody is comparing it to what theyre doing next to them. And its that that takes that pressure away. Very often in mainstream schools as well, is just that curriculum, where in iScoil, the project courses, we try to outline their interests and their likes and that really gets them going, if theyre able to do quite well on Man Utd tasks or whatever might entice them to try another communication task and that really gets the ball rolling
  • 9. but sometimes the hard thing is you dont even get any feedback (from students) ..... like if you do kind of set projects task and previously youd only kind of be getting short answers for that and then you suddenly give them a task about World War Two or something and you come back and theyre written this big long essay full of descriptive language and its that they actually have no problems with literacy, just that they werent interested in what you were giving them....... think that sometimes you have to try and assess students by stealth on the other hand I feel that lack, you get a sense of someone when they come in, their mood, where theyre coming from
  • 11. Fig: Pedagogical Pattern Collector - Communications Unit 2 Fig: Pedagogical Pattern Collector - Maths Unit 3.2 Total 335mins Total: 170mins
  • 12. Studies in interventions using technology emphasise the ability of online learning environments to provide a highly individualised and differentiated learning experience (Archambault et al 2010) What we know works ...... Self Paced Personalised Interest Led Safe How it works ..... Student Centred Competency Based Active Learning Assessment Synchronous vs Asynchronous Could it work better.... Interaction Instruction Adaptable Flexible Discussion
  • 13. What did you not like or what would you change? I would change some of the tasks difficulty to make them more challenging for the students of course it all depends on the students strong & weak points how the tasks should change for example a student who is weak at math could start of at a 1 out of 5 on a difficulty scale and work their way up to 4 or 5 eventually while a student who is strong at math could start of at a 3 out of 5 etc.
  • 14. Blended Learning Centres Partners School Completion Programme Garda Youth Diversion Project Justice and Probation Project Youth Work Ireland FAS Pathways