Apply business ethics and self sufficiency economiy 121117(thamonwan theerabu...Thamonwan Theerabunchorn
犢犖犖∇犖犖犖園犖犖犖犖犖巌犖犖迦犖迦牽犖∇犖犖÷献犖о牽犖犖 犖犖朽牽犖萎犖園犖犖 (Master of Science in Marketing of Thammasart Business School)
犖犖迦犖迦牽犖∇犖犖犖萎犖橿肩犖迦犖迦硯犖巌犖迦犖迦牽犖犖園犖犖迦牽犖犖伍牽犖犖巌犖犢犖迦犖ム元犖 犖犖犖萎硯犖巌犖∇顕犖犖迦牽犖犖園犖犖迦牽 犖÷牽犖.犖犖犖萎犖犖
All Right Reserved 犖犢犖迦検犖ム賢犖犢犖ム元犖∇犢犖犖 犖犖園犖犢犖 犖犖園犖ム賢犖 犖犖犖о犖犖巌犖犖巌犖迦検犖犖犖犖ム鹸犖犖犖巌犖犖巌犖犖犖園犢犖犢犢犖犖犖犖園犖犖犖朽2犖犖2558
Apply Business Ethics
by Thamonwan Theerabunchorn(M.Sc.Marketing Thamasart Business School)
All Right Reserve
of Writer Under Name of A.J.F1formula
A Molding of "cool smart" Fighter Retail Business Management of Pranakorn Rajhapath University Thailand
Apply Business Ethics
by Thamonwan Theerabunchorn(M.Sc.Marketing Thamasart Business School)
All Right Reserve
of Writer Under Name of A.J.F1formula
A Molding of "cool smart" Fighter Retail Business Management of Pranakorn Rajhapath University Thailand
7. 犖犖園硯犖犖∇犖迦犖犖迦牽犢犖犖朽権犖÷牽犖犖∇顕犖
Nicolas Sarkozy in gum fight with Turkish mayor
By Joel Taylor - 27th February, 2011
The French president was accused of chewing gum
offensively as he arrived on a visit to the Turkish
Melih Gokcek (Turkish city mayor):
Sarkozy came down the steps of his plane
chewing a wad of gum. He stopped for a
moment, looked around and continued to
chew. I was offended.
Previously, he showed similar disrespect to
our president Abdullah Gul in France.