I have been providing training in creativity for various target audience in the past 10 years or so. This is the first time I gather together and present the course structure, content, and characteristics in one go. I hope this serves the purpose of anyone who is interested to know what a creativity course looks like.
The document discusses the importance of being open to unexpected discoveries and anomalies. It notes that many inventions were originally accidental discoveries or experiments that went wrong. Successful companies have the flexibility to turn small failures into big successes. Companies should be attuned to unexpected or "quirky" ways consumers adapt their products and be ready to adjust their marketing accordingly. Thinking outside the box means looking at problems through the lens of different disciplines.
This document provides tips for product development, including good entrance design, using metaphors effectively, considering briefcases, the importance of color, making information flow and processes transparent, focusing on simplicity, protecting novice users by allowing for errors and adjustments, prioritizing safety, using checklists, and adding finishing touches with easily wearable designs. It also lists various mouse models from Logitech, Disney, Apple, Microsoft and their sales.
7. 窜补辫辫辞蝉的十条公司经营守则
#1. Deliver WOW through service. #6. Build Open and Honest
給客戶驚喜 Relationships With
#2. Embrace and Drive Change. Communication
擁抱改變,引領改變 建立開放坦率的溝通機制
#3. Create Fun and a Little #7. Build a Positive Team and
Weirdness Family Spirit
創造工作樂趣與生活中的幽默 營造正向積極的團隊氣氛和同
感 舟共濟的家庭精神
#4. Be #8. Do More with Less
Adventurous, Creative, and 皇天不負苦心人,沒有什麼努
Open-Minded 力是白費的
秉持冒險精神與不受限的創意 #9. Be Passionate and
思考 Determined
#5. Pursue Growth and Learning 保持熱情,堅持不懈
求知若渴,終生學習 #10. Be Humble