140222 how to be a creative parent for slideshareAnnita Mau
In order to make a better world to live, we need more people who can cope with difficulties and crises, hence we need produce more kids who can stand up to challenges. First step is to convince the parents not to help their kids with everything. What is more useful than to train them to become a creative parent. A talk to 90 parents who are barely over 30 in a kindergarten at Tai Po on 22 Feb, 2014.
140222 how to be a creative parent for slideshareAnnita Mau
In order to make a better world to live, we need more people who can cope with difficulties and crises, hence we need produce more kids who can stand up to challenges. First step is to convince the parents not to help their kids with everything. What is more useful than to train them to become a creative parent. A talk to 90 parents who are barely over 30 in a kindergarten at Tai Po on 22 Feb, 2014.
The document tells the story of the tortoise and the hare racing, with multiple versions and lessons. In the original, the hare loses by sleeping. They race again, with the hare winning by not stopping. They become friends and team up, each using their strengths. The key lessons are to identify your strengths, change strategies if needed, work consistently as a team by combining strengths, and to not give up after failure.
This document provides stretches to do while sitting at a computer to prevent neck, shoulder, and back stiffness. It recommends doing the stretches every hour or whenever feeling stiff. The stretches include neck rolls, shoulder rolls, arm stretches, and leg raises. Doing the stretches regularly while taking breaks to walk around the office can help the body feel better while sitting for long periods at a computer.
32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your BusinessBarry Feldman
How can a digital marketing consultant help your business? In this resource we'll count the ways. 24 additional marketing resources are bundled for free.
4. 1. 创新实践者 What matters is not innovation, but useful innovation. 价值源于创新 任何领域都可以创新 21 世纪的创新必须与实践配合:动手能力、融会贯通 21 世纪的人才应该:左右脑并重、既创新又实践 创新实践者 实践者 创新者 爱迪生、盖茨、 Larry & Sergey 福特、郭士纳 牛顿
5. 2. 跨领域合成者 21 世纪的 1000 种知识: 1,000,000 两种知识的合成 1,000,000,000 三种知识的合成 Google = information retrieval + networking + good UI + crawler + hardware + parallel processing iPod = storage + MP3 + Internet + good UI Speech recognition = statistics + linguistics + acoustics + signal processing + pattern recognition 跨越专业的局限 Google = ? In the future, CIO will not be “Chief Information Officer” but “Chief Integration Office” 数据挖掘 统计学 机器学习 概率论 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 Robotics 。。。 机械 。。。 Digital Entertainment 。。。 戏剧 。。。 CAD 。。。 土木 。。。 Genomics 。。。 生物 。。。 Econometrics 。。。 经济学 。。。 计算语言学 。。。 语言学 。。。 用户界面 。。。 心理学 。。。 计算机 。。。
6. 3. 三商兼高者 IQ – Intelligence Quotient EQ – Emotional Quotient 21 世纪需要跨国界、语言、领域合作者 孤僻、自傲的天才不再是最好的人才 经过社团、项目合作、暑期工作培养 SQ – Spiritual Quotient 分清善恶、正直诚信的价值观 EQ is 9 times more important than IQ . To: Engineer CC: Manager, Director, VP, Sr. VP Why would you assume that you could avoid this corporate technical initiative? This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Does your manager know you are this stupid?
7. 4. 高效能沟通者 The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think. 高效能沟通者激发热情、信任 低效能沟通者 = 没有思想 心诚 ? 面善 高效能沟通者有更多的机会 多寻找团队合作的机会
8. 5. 热爱工作者 找到你的最爱: 理解专业 ≠ 工作,多做工作、公司咨询 寻找专业中的子专业,寻找跨领域机会 保持好奇的心,争取暑期工作机会 If you find a job you love, you will never work a day in your life.
9. 6. 积极主动者 In a few hundred years, the most important event those historians will see is … that for the first time, people will have a choice. They will have to manage themselves. 对自己的一切负责 不去解决也是一种解决,不做决定也是一个决定 沉默不是金 推销你自己,让别人知道你的成果 不要等待机遇 , 做好充分的准备 把握机遇、制造机遇
10. 7. 乐观向上者 The glass is half full or half empty depending on whether you’re pouring in or out 更实时、善变的环境一定会带来更多的错误,更多的挫折 乐观:“多想一二” 向上:从挫折中学习:挫折不是惩罚,而是学习的机会 1832 年:失业。 1833 年:经商失败。 1834 年:选上州参议员。 1835 年:爱人死亡。 1838 年:发表演说失败。 1843 年:角逐国会议员提名失败。 1846 年:当选国会议员。 1848 年:未被再度提名。 1849 年:想专任地方官失败。 1854 年:竞选参议员失败。 1856 年:角逐副总统提名失败。 1858 年:竞选参议员失败。 1860 年:当选总统。 Abraham Lincoln
12. 更多资源 网上交流: www.kaifulee.com “ 中国青年成长离不开的互助平台” 经过 bbs 、 blog 、 chat 与老师、专家、其他世界各地学生交流 Google Camp: www.googlecamp.org Google 经过学校社团帮助培养 21 世纪人才的七种素质 Google 中国招聘 : www.google.com/chinajobs 我的两本书: A Walk into the Future