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Troy Marquicias
her writing style is
authobiographical novel. the
novel "chinese cinderlla" is a
revised vesion of her
autobiography,falling leaves.
their is a certin connection of
this literary text to the author's
life because the author simply
shares part of her experience
through this book. Adeline yen
mah reminds me of the author
Sophocles.The two author uses
tragedy in their writings.
Their are many changes in the setting of the story. It is a
autobiographical novel started when she was a child and as
she grows up moved to different places along with the new
family of her father.
It all started when she was a young girl in the city or port of
Tianjin. The novel started at the year 1941. In the story,
Adeline is described as a 4 years old intellegent girl. Adeline
birth year was 1937, by the time she becomes 4 years old.
the year will be 1941. this is novel is also her autobiography.
Also this year are the time of the world war II.
Next was Adeline along with her brother and sister went to a
railroad going towards shanghai to meet their father.
Adeline now in shanghai studied at the school, sacred heart.
The setting of this part of the story reflects how young is she in
her life.
Another is in hong kong where she also studied and got a
boarding school.
the setting affect the story signifcantly because their is a
relection of two phases of life in one person. Adeline studies
in a school yet she lives in a boarding house. that implies two
different life in one body.
exposition: In the exposition, The theme of the story is shown
through the life of a 4 year old young girl who was treated as
the bad luck of the family because her birth was the cause
of her mother's death. Even though the curse of being a bad
luck to the family molds her destiny, she has a kind aunt
Baba that treats her like a daughter and Adeline treats her
Aunt Baba as her mother.
rising action: Adeline's life was a mess and miserable. The abuse of
her sibling to her physically and mentally. She was treated not part
of the family and was treated a criminal and more worse is treating
her like a curse. Now, Adeline meets Niang, her step mother. as her
father is out of town. Niang is the one who handled them. Niang
gave them ducks as a gift. Adeline was given the last duck and
given the name, PLT, "precious little treasure". Her father had a dog
named Jackie and to test the dog's obedience the father baited
the duck which was PLT. The dog ate PLT and Adeline's heart was
crushed because Adeline treated PLT as her friend. Adeline was also
once been humilated in front of her classmates when her
classmates visited her making noise. Niang was outraged and
abused Adaline physically and having the deciscion of getting
Adeline out of the house. Basically, the rising action of the story is
how the weak Adeline bacame strong through the hardship of her
parents and siblings.
Climax: The Climax of the story is when she was send to hong
kong boarding school. A school that was lead by the
catholic school and needed to speak in english or french. In
the story she was not able to recieve gift from anyone and
not visted at all but it didn't bother much Adeline. She read
books in the library and was happy. The transferring of her to
the boarding school was her longing escape from the
nightmare she lived with her family. The strong character
was finally molded in this school. Adeline enters her
metamorphosis from a centipede to a butterfly.
falling action: Eventually she was the only girl left in the
school. Other student left for the holiday and decided to join
play-writing competition. Her father took her home because
her father found out that she won First prize in a play-writing
competition. Allowing her to Study at England in a medical
Resolution: Adeline had a happy ending. Adeline was able
to get the attention of her father allowing her to study in
london. Adeline wants to study about literature but her
father's condition was medicine. Adeline took the chance of
studying in london in the fields of medicine. Her aunt told her
that her life was similar to Cinderella, that both Adeline's and
Cinderella's mother died early and had a miserable life with
their sibling and family but in the end her aunt was very
proud of her accomplishments.
main character
Yen Jun-Ling(Adeline Yen Mah) static, through out the story she was
considering the feelings of others and only tend to hide her feelings inside her
Aunt Baba- the loving and kind aunt of Adeline. static, through out the story
her unconditional love to Adeline was constant at the very end Aunt Baba let
Adeline feel her love that didn't faded.
Niang(step mother) - static, Niang is one of the people who makes her life very
miserable, abusing her phsically and didn't showed how to be mother to
Adeline's eyes
Father- Her father, dynamic - because of how it showed at the very end the
change of heart when he saw the letter to Adeline that she won a play-
writting contest. He was consistent that she isn't proud of Adeline but at the
end felt for the first considering Adeline and showing her a father figure as he
agreed to let Adeline study in London.
minor character
Ye Ye -Adeline's grand father
Nai Nai- Adeline's grand mother
Lydia - Eldest sister of Adeline
Gregory- Eldest brother of Adeline
Edgar second brother of Adeline
James- Third brother of Adeline
Franklin- Fourth/half brother of Adeline,
Favorite son of her Father
Susan- Youngest sister
Aunt Reine- Niang's sister, Aunt of Adeline
unlce Jean- wife of Aunt reine, Uncle of
Claudine and victor- children of Uncle
Jean and Aunt Reine. Cousins of Adeline
Lin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-ling's
best friends at Shanghai
Mary, Elanor and Monica -- Jun-ling's
schoolmates at Sacred Heart
man vs. man
showed when Adeline was being abused physically by her step mother, another is
how her father crushed her heart when her father baited her duckling ,PLT, to the
man vs. society
when the whole family treated her like a curse or badluck. all of her family members
treats her differently.
man vs. faith
When Adeline wonders if she is a badluck, because thinking if she is the reason of her
mother's death.
man vs. faith
story her life was similar to Oedipus Rex when he is destined to kill her father, thus
Adeline's life of bringing the life as a badluck of the family.
the pov of the story is very clear. knowing that it is a
Autobiography, Its in a First person View. The one telling the
story is Adeline, author of the story. "I was always happy
when our rickshaw approached the imposing red brick
building of St. Joseph?s. I loved everything about my
school¡­ My classmates made me feel as if I ?belonged.?
Unlike my siblings, nobody looked down on me" another is
how she described her readings ¡°I read because I have to.
It drives everything else from my mind. It lets me escape to
find other worlds. The people in my books become more
real than anyone else. They make me forget.¡±
The theme of the story was Tragedy. All her life she was suffering,
her life was miserable, few people loves her. Through this hardship
she was able to build a strong character that never gave up, that
all of the suffering will end. The few people who loved her is
enough for her to not to give up and persue to a better future.
The different places she lived is a symbolism of her stage in life.
from childhood to adolescenes to womanhood. the places reflect
on how she lived and how should a person lived. best descibed
where she studied. PLT or her duckling was a symbolism of her
heart. when her duckling was eaten into pieces by her father's
dog her heart was crushed because her duckling is as fragile as is
heart. the dog is a symbolism of her father. that a harsh dog
would eat a baited duckling, shows how Adeline isn't able to fight
back to his father.
The theme of the story was Tragedy. All her life she was suffering, her life was
miserable, few people loves her. Through this hardship she was able to build a strong
character that never gave up, that all of the suffering will end. The few people who
loved her is enough for her to not to give up and persue to a better future.
The different places she lived is a symbolism of her stage in life. from childhood to
adolescenes to womanhood. the places reflect on how she lived and how should a
person lived. best descibed where she studied. PLT or her duckling was a symbolism
of her heart. when her duckling was eaten into pieces by her father's dog her heart
was crushed because her duckling is as fragile as is heart. the dog is a symbolism of
her father. that a harsh dog would eat a baited duckling, shows how Adeline isn't
able to fight back to his father.
The title is very obvoius that her life is similar to the fairytale Cinderella. all of their
hardships are common and alike. despite all of his struggles. both stories had a happy
Literature is understanding a text through heart, mind and soul.
some can be read by heart, some can be read by mind, some
are read by soul, and some are read by all of these. literature is
also made by by heart, mind and soul and giving it a reason that
it is only understood by using of these three.
This book is literature because of the link giving it to the reader. it
penetrates all three dimensions of a reader (heart, mind and soul).
it affects also how a person sees things in life. for me a text is not a
literature that can't affect the feelings or changes the reader.
author's main reason of writing is to show their point and somehow
their way of touching the readers. so if a text doesn'table totouch
a reader. its either the text is not a literature or the reader didn't
put a heart, mind and soul into it.

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Chinese cinderella

  • 2. ADELINE YEN MAH her writing style is authobiographical novel. the novel "chinese cinderlla" is a revised vesion of her autobiography,falling leaves. their is a certin connection of this literary text to the author's life because the author simply shares part of her experience through this book. Adeline yen mah reminds me of the author Sophocles.The two author uses tragedy in their writings.
  • 3. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? SETTING Their are many changes in the setting of the story. It is a autobiographical novel started when she was a child and as she grows up moved to different places along with the new family of her father. It all started when she was a young girl in the city or port of Tianjin. The novel started at the year 1941. In the story, Adeline is described as a 4 years old intellegent girl. Adeline birth year was 1937, by the time she becomes 4 years old. the year will be 1941. this is novel is also her autobiography. Also this year are the time of the world war II.
  • 4. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? SETTING Next was Adeline along with her brother and sister went to a railroad going towards shanghai to meet their father. Adeline now in shanghai studied at the school, sacred heart. The setting of this part of the story reflects how young is she in her life. Another is in hong kong where she also studied and got a boarding school. the setting affect the story signifcantly because their is a relection of two phases of life in one person. Adeline studies in a school yet she lives in a boarding house. that implies two different life in one body.
  • 5. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? PLOT exposition: In the exposition, The theme of the story is shown through the life of a 4 year old young girl who was treated as the bad luck of the family because her birth was the cause of her mother's death. Even though the curse of being a bad luck to the family molds her destiny, she has a kind aunt Baba that treats her like a daughter and Adeline treats her Aunt Baba as her mother.
  • 6. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? PLOT rising action: Adeline's life was a mess and miserable. The abuse of her sibling to her physically and mentally. She was treated not part of the family and was treated a criminal and more worse is treating her like a curse. Now, Adeline meets Niang, her step mother. as her father is out of town. Niang is the one who handled them. Niang gave them ducks as a gift. Adeline was given the last duck and given the name, PLT, "precious little treasure". Her father had a dog named Jackie and to test the dog's obedience the father baited the duck which was PLT. The dog ate PLT and Adeline's heart was crushed because Adeline treated PLT as her friend. Adeline was also once been humilated in front of her classmates when her classmates visited her making noise. Niang was outraged and abused Adaline physically and having the deciscion of getting Adeline out of the house. Basically, the rising action of the story is how the weak Adeline bacame strong through the hardship of her parents and siblings.
  • 7. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? PLOT Climax: The Climax of the story is when she was send to hong kong boarding school. A school that was lead by the catholic school and needed to speak in english or french. In the story she was not able to recieve gift from anyone and not visted at all but it didn't bother much Adeline. She read books in the library and was happy. The transferring of her to the boarding school was her longing escape from the nightmare she lived with her family. The strong character was finally molded in this school. Adeline enters her metamorphosis from a centipede to a butterfly.
  • 8. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? PLOT falling action: Eventually she was the only girl left in the school. Other student left for the holiday and decided to join play-writing competition. Her father took her home because her father found out that she won First prize in a play-writing competition. Allowing her to Study at England in a medical school.
  • 9. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? PLOT Resolution: Adeline had a happy ending. Adeline was able to get the attention of her father allowing her to study in london. Adeline wants to study about literature but her father's condition was medicine. Adeline took the chance of studying in london in the fields of medicine. Her aunt told her that her life was similar to Cinderella, that both Adeline's and Cinderella's mother died early and had a miserable life with their sibling and family but in the end her aunt was very proud of her accomplishments.
  • 10. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? CHARACTERS main character Yen Jun-Ling(Adeline Yen Mah) static, through out the story she was considering the feelings of others and only tend to hide her feelings inside her Aunt Baba- the loving and kind aunt of Adeline. static, through out the story her unconditional love to Adeline was constant at the very end Aunt Baba let Adeline feel her love that didn't faded. Niang(step mother) - static, Niang is one of the people who makes her life very miserable, abusing her phsically and didn't showed how to be mother to Adeline's eyes Father- Her father, dynamic - because of how it showed at the very end the change of heart when he saw the letter to Adeline that she won a play- writting contest. He was consistent that she isn't proud of Adeline but at the end felt for the first considering Adeline and showing her a father figure as he agreed to let Adeline study in London.
  • 11. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? CHARACTERS minor character Ye Ye -Adeline's grand father Nai Nai- Adeline's grand mother Lydia - Eldest sister of Adeline Gregory- Eldest brother of Adeline Edgar second brother of Adeline James- Third brother of Adeline Franklin- Fourth/half brother of Adeline, Favorite son of her Father Susan- Youngest sister Aunt Reine- Niang's sister, Aunt of Adeline unlce Jean- wife of Aunt reine, Uncle of Adeline Claudine and victor- children of Uncle Jean and Aunt Reine. Cousins of Adeline Lin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-ling's best friends at Shanghai Mary, Elanor and Monica -- Jun-ling's schoolmates at Sacred Heart
  • 12. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? CONFLICTS man vs. man showed when Adeline was being abused physically by her step mother, another is how her father crushed her heart when her father baited her duckling ,PLT, to the dog man vs. society when the whole family treated her like a curse or badluck. all of her family members treats her differently. man vs. faith When Adeline wonders if she is a badluck, because thinking if she is the reason of her mother's death. man vs. faith story her life was similar to Oedipus Rex when he is destined to kill her father, thus Adeline's life of bringing the life as a badluck of the family.
  • 13. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? POV the pov of the story is very clear. knowing that it is a Autobiography, Its in a First person View. The one telling the story is Adeline, author of the story. "I was always happy when our rickshaw approached the imposing red brick building of St. Joseph?s. I loved everything about my school¡­ My classmates made me feel as if I ?belonged.? Unlike my siblings, nobody looked down on me" another is how she described her readings ¡°I read because I have to. It drives everything else from my mind. It lets me escape to find other worlds. The people in my books become more real than anyone else. They make me forget.¡±
  • 14. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? THEME AND SYMBOLISM The theme of the story was Tragedy. All her life she was suffering, her life was miserable, few people loves her. Through this hardship she was able to build a strong character that never gave up, that all of the suffering will end. The few people who loved her is enough for her to not to give up and persue to a better future. The different places she lived is a symbolism of her stage in life. from childhood to adolescenes to womanhood. the places reflect on how she lived and how should a person lived. best descibed where she studied. PLT or her duckling was a symbolism of her heart. when her duckling was eaten into pieces by her father's dog her heart was crushed because her duckling is as fragile as is heart. the dog is a symbolism of her father. that a harsh dog would eat a baited duckling, shows how Adeline isn't able to fight back to his father.
  • 15. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? THEME AND SYMBOLISM The theme of the story was Tragedy. All her life she was suffering, her life was miserable, few people loves her. Through this hardship she was able to build a strong character that never gave up, that all of the suffering will end. The few people who loved her is enough for her to not to give up and persue to a better future. The different places she lived is a symbolism of her stage in life. from childhood to adolescenes to womanhood. the places reflect on how she lived and how should a person lived. best descibed where she studied. PLT or her duckling was a symbolism of her heart. when her duckling was eaten into pieces by her father's dog her heart was crushed because her duckling is as fragile as is heart. the dog is a symbolism of her father. that a harsh dog would eat a baited duckling, shows how Adeline isn't able to fight back to his father. The title is very obvoius that her life is similar to the fairytale Cinderella. all of their hardships are common and alike. despite all of his struggles. both stories had a happy ending.
  • 16. CHINESE CINDERELLA ? DEFENITION OF LITERATURE Literature is understanding a text through heart, mind and soul. some can be read by heart, some can be read by mind, some are read by soul, and some are read by all of these. literature is also made by by heart, mind and soul and giving it a reason that it is only understood by using of these three. This book is literature because of the link giving it to the reader. it penetrates all three dimensions of a reader (heart, mind and soul). it affects also how a person sees things in life. for me a text is not a literature that can't affect the feelings or changes the reader. author's main reason of writing is to show their point and somehow their way of touching the readers. so if a text doesn'table totouch a reader. its either the text is not a literature or the reader didn't put a heart, mind and soul into it.