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1.The Rise of Gamespace
The first video game tournament (October 19, 1972)
Reliably, at any nighttime moment (i.e. non-business
hours) in North America hundreds of computer
technicians are e鍖ectively out of their bodies, locked in
life-or-death space combat computer-projected onto
cathode ray tube display screens, for hours at a time,
ruining their eyes, numbing their fingers in frenzied
mashing of control buttons, joyously slaying their
friend and wasting their employers valuable computer
time. Something basic is going on.
Stewart Brand, Spacewar. Fanatuc Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums
League of Legends World Championship final (November 4, 2017)
City of Legends. 1: The Rise of Gamespace
Family & Friends / Living Room
Atari 2600 commercial (1982)
Gamer / Bedroom
Diablo II commercial (2000)
Variety Streamer / Streaming Room
Fortnite streaming on Twitch
City of Legends. 1: The Rise of Gamespace
Streaming setup
Ninjas streaming room
Futuremans streaming room
ManVSGames streaming room
Gamers / Gaming Center
PC Bang in Seoul
Multi-Bang in Seoul
Street signs in Seoul
Jingly Wu, Lemon Internet bar (2017)
Jingly Wu, Lemon Internet bar (2017)
Jingly Wu, Lemon Internet bar (2017)
Pro Gamers / Training Facility
Team Liquid gaming house in Santa Monica (2015)
Team Liquid gaming house in Santa Monica (2015)
Cloud9 CS:GO gaming house in California (2017)
Fnatic gaming house in Berlin (2015)
Fnatic gaming house in Berlin (2015)
Fnatic gaming house in Berlin (2015)
Fnatic gaming house in Berlin (2015)
Team Liquid training facility in Los Angeles (2018)
Movistar Riders eSports Center in Madrid (2017)
Movistar Riders eSports Center in Madrid (2017)
Movistar Riders eSports Center in Madrid (2017)
Movistar Riders eSports Center in Madrid (2017)
(Pro) Gamers / Arena
Luxor eSports Arena in Las Vegas (2018)
TwitchCon in San Diego (2018)
League of Legends World Championship Final in Beijing (2017)
Dreamhack Winter in J旦nk旦ping (2018)
Populous, The Gaming House of the Future (2018)
Albert Robida,Telephonoscope (1883)
Henry Dreyfuss, The Measure of Man (1993)
Fran巽ois Dallegret, Anatomy of Dwelling (1965)
Submarine cables map (2015)
City of Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto 5 (2013)
Andr辿s Jaque, Urban Enactments (2014)

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