This document promotes cake and pastry making courses available through online links, suggesting that learning these skills can lead to career success or financial independence. It provides 5 clickable links for users to access courses on confectionery and baking.
Design thinking presentation & personal brandingMartyn Sukys
Design thinking is a problem-solving philosophy and process that is user-centered and co-creative. It involves redesigning products or services to better meet user needs, such as IDEO's 1999 redesign of the shopping cart. Personal branding involves showing potential employers and clients who you are and what you stand for through consistency online and offline in order to stand out from others. The document discusses design thinking and personal branding, and provides various links to related videos and websites.
This document discusses using information and communications technology (ICT) in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It outlines that by the end of the workshop, participants will be able to understand what a content management system (CMS) is for, distinguish and use different types of educational applications for students, and distinguish and use specific resources to help teachers prepare and adapt educational resources. It also discusses understanding social bookmarking tools, registering and using a CMS platform and social bookmarking tool to improve organization of online resources.
This document provides guidance on developing a tool kit to plan CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) lessons. It outlines a six stage process for creating a personalized tool kit, including constructing a shared CLIL vision, analyzing the teaching context, planning a CLIL unit, preparing and monitoring the unit, and reflecting on lessons. Key aspects are developing global goals for the CLIL program and using questions to guide planning tailored to each teaching environment. The stages are meant to help CLIL teachers develop confidence in their practice through collaborative professional learning.
This document discusses key aspects of designing CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) materials using open educational resources (OER) and information and communication technologies (ICT). It outlines several core features of the CLIL methodology, including scaffolding learning through visual and graphic support, facilitating active and interactive learning through strategies and group work, and identifying language needs. The document also notes that CLIL is not just translating content but changing methodologies. It recommends considering resources, formats, tools for planning and designing materials, and ways to collaborate when creating CLIL materials.
This document discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), an approach to teaching subjects in a foreign language to improve both content knowledge and language skills. It provides an overview of CLIL, including definitions, benefits, different models of implementation, and considerations for applying CLIL such as teacher training, curriculum design, and methodology. Challenges of CLIL are also addressed, such as ensuring comprehension for students with varying language abilities and balancing language accuracy and content coverage.
Recursos educativos y de formaci坦n para docentes de programas biling端esRosario Outes
Breve descripci坦n panor叩mica de algunos de los numerosos recursos y programas que el MECD tiene a disposicion del profesorado de programas biling端es para formarse o utilizar dentro del aula.
Task-based learning (TBL) involves students completing meaningful tasks using the target language. It focuses on developing fluency over accuracy. A task for TBL purposes is an activity with a non-linguistic outcome that requires students to use available information to arrive at a solution. Key aspects of TBL include information gaps, reasoning gaps, and opinion gaps in tasks. Lessons typically involve a pre-task introduction, the task itself in small groups, and a review of results. TBL advocates for a more student-centered approach and has been shown to improve motivation through authentic language use.
The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used by EFL teachers to enhance communication, create new learning environments, and teach culture. It provides examples of using ICT for content-based instruction and exploring culture through online information. Recommendations are made for software like Audacity, GoEar, Skype, and Voicethread that allow students to communicate, assess themselves, and showcase their progress to teachers.
The document summarizes a security flaw in TLS/SSL that allows attackers to decrypt encrypted traffic by exploiting timing differences in error handling. Specifically, when padding is incorrect on encrypted records, servers may respond at different speeds depending on the stage the error is detected. This creates a timing side channel that can be used to gradually decrypt the last byte of records. The flaw was addressed in TLS 1.1 by standardizing error handling behavior. The document recommends not revealing too many error details and avoiding timing side channels to prevent similar attacks.
Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente (versi坦n en ingl辿s)INTEF
This document proposes a common framework for defining the digital competence of teachers in Europe. It summarizes an existing framework developed by the European Commission called DIGCOMP, which defines digital competence across 5 areas and 21 competencies. This document aims to adapt the DIGCOMP framework specifically for teachers by providing descriptors and proficiency levels for evaluating teachers' digital skills.
The document discusses whether content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a good match with information and communication technology (ICT). It argues that ICT can enhance CLIL in several ways. First, ICT allows students to access up-to-date content from the internet rather than relying only on teachers. It also helps develop students' digital literacy and cooperative learning skills. Additionally, using ICT with CLIL can personalize learning, increase student motivation, and foster creativity. The document provides examples of how tools like word processors, presentations, graphic organizers, and video editors can support CLIL. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing contact and reference information.
The use of ict for learning and teaching (week 1)Trudy Sweeney
This document discusses the use of ICT for learning and teaching. It examines several potential "traps" schools can fall into when implementing technology, such as superficial "cosmetic" use, overemphasis on the technology itself rather than pedagogy ("technological imperative"), and unrealistic "romantic visions". It also discusses debates around technological determinism in educational research and the need to consider social and cultural contexts of ICT use. The document concludes that technology should not be seen as the main driver of changes in education and that both in-school and out-of-school learning can complement each other with new technologies.
Supporting children's learning in ICT - Powerpoint ruksana_kadir
The document summarizes an ICT lesson where the teacher used the wordfoto app with a class of 25 year 3 students. The purpose was for the students to use the app to create artwork by describing their friends using words. Students first brainstormed words in groups and then used iPads, laptops and computers to access the app individually. With guidance from the teacher, students were able to insert photos of friends and add descriptive words to create layered artworks. The activity helped students develop ICT, literacy and social skills. The teacher reflected that integrating technology engaged the students and supported learning, especially for lower-ability students.
Materiales por sesiones para la UD de h叩bitos saludables, nutrici坦n y activid...Sonia Arag坦n Calvo
The learning activity consists of three physical education sessions where students work in teams to complete relay races and exercises related to healthy eating. In the first session, students race to collect words related to food groups. In the second, they fill in blanks about foods and play a matching game. The third has students read about nutrition while running and try to remember the text.
El documento discute la importancia del pensamiento cr鱈tico en el enfoque constructivista de la educaci坦n. Define el pensamiento cr鱈tico como la capacidad de emitir juicios evaluativos mediante la interpretaci坦n y el an叩lisis de evidencia en contextos espec鱈ficos. Explica que el modelo constructivista busca desarrollar habilidades cognitivas complejas como investigar, interpretar y juzgar. Finalmente, propone varias estrategias para incorporar el pensamiento cr鱈tico en las lecciones, como hacer preguntas, considerar diferentes perspectivas y realizar an叩
This CLIL didactic unit is designed for 3rd grade primary students and focuses on the solar system. The unit has the following key goals: students will identify and classify the eight planets, understand the earth's movements of rotation and revolution, know how days, nights, and seasons occur, and distinguish the three layers of the earth. The unit content covers the sun, planets, phases of the moon, and earth's movements and layers. Activities include role playing the solar system, crafting a model of the earth's layers, watching educational videos, games, and a test to evaluate student learning. The unit utilizes various teaching methods including individual, paired, small group and whole class instruction and is designed to take place over six
Esta insignia propuesta busca ofrecer credenciales alternativas para los estudiantes de MOOCs. Se propone que la insignia sea emitida por los patrocinadores del curso y recibida por los usuarios que cumplan con los criterios, con el objetivo de que los consumidores valoren esta credencial. La insignia se basar鱈a en evidencias del aprendizaje del estudiante y se distribuir鱈a a trav辿s de varios canales, formando parte de un ecosistema de recursos educativos.
The document discusses Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, which organizes thinking skills into six levels from basic to more complex. It outlines the original and revised terms, with changes made to better reflect active thinking processes. Examples of classroom activities are provided for each of the six levels - Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating.
This document provides an overview of Bloom's Taxonomy, which classifies learning objectives into six levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Each level is defined and examples of learning objectives for that level are given. The document also discusses using Bloom's Taxonomy to design classroom lectures and assessments that target different cognitive abilities.
ICT literacy basically involves using digital technology, communication tools and/or access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in order to function in a knowledge society.
Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente - 2017INTEF
Este documento presenta una propuesta de Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente en Espa単a. Resume los objetivos del proyecto, las conclusiones de un an叩lisis comparativo de marcos existentes, y describe la propuesta de marco con cinco 叩reas y descriptores de competencia en seis niveles. El marco busca facilitar la evaluaci坦n y acreditaci坦n de la competencia digital de los docentes a trav辿s de un portafolio en l鱈nea.
This document provides a list of over 100 different digital tools that can be used to encourage students, including tools for brainstorming, creating infographics, podcasting, screen casting, assessment, and more. It discusses frameworks like TPACK, SAMR, and Bloom's Taxonomy that can help teachers integrate technology into their lessons in meaningful ways. The overall message is that teachers can inspire and engage students by utilizing the digital tools and platforms that students are already familiar with in their daily lives.
Building Learning Experiences (IxDA 2015 Education Summit)Andre Plaut
Andre Plaut gave a presentation about designing learning experiences. He discussed the elements of learning design, including curriculum, content, interface, delivery and experience. He described the progression of a learning experience from relevance to application. He explained how UXDI, a user experience design institute, was built using a consistent global structure but regional flexibility. The presentation outlined UXDI's curriculum, workshops, projects and feedback process to provide life-changing learning experiences to help people find work they love.
Social Media in Universities. International Staff Week 2013 Spain (Valencia)....Fernando Leandro
Hi, I'm Fernando Leandro, Social Media of the University CEU Cardenal Herrera.
Recently, I've colaborated in a International Staff Week 2013 Valencia (Spain).
The International Week involves five days of exploring ways to collaborate in the internationalization of our institutions.
In this link you can see more about that http://www.uchceu.es/actividades-culturales/2013/jornadas/first-international-staff-week-ceuuch
How to rank for quick answers in Google - April 2017 - Adrian PhippsAdrian Phipps
The document discusses strategies for ranking in Google's quick answers or featured snippets. It emphasizes understanding user intent, creating thorough content that directly answers questions in the first 100 words and title, and addressing related questions with headers and structured content like lists. Non-text elements like images and calculators can also help. Strong on-page optimization and technical SEO are important to have a better chance of ranking. Quick answers account for 3-5% of monthly traffic for the author's site.
The document summarizes the 2015-16 year review for Scripps Jschool's social media efforts, which included various campaigns to increase brand awareness and engagement through hashtags like #WhyILoveScripps and events like Dad's and Donuts weekend. The social media team also created memes, live tweeted various events, expanded to new platforms like Snapchat and Pinterest, sold branded t-shirts, and held internal team building events.
Task-based learning (TBL) involves students completing meaningful tasks using the target language. It focuses on developing fluency over accuracy. A task for TBL purposes is an activity with a non-linguistic outcome that requires students to use available information to arrive at a solution. Key aspects of TBL include information gaps, reasoning gaps, and opinion gaps in tasks. Lessons typically involve a pre-task introduction, the task itself in small groups, and a review of results. TBL advocates for a more student-centered approach and has been shown to improve motivation through authentic language use.
The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used by EFL teachers to enhance communication, create new learning environments, and teach culture. It provides examples of using ICT for content-based instruction and exploring culture through online information. Recommendations are made for software like Audacity, GoEar, Skype, and Voicethread that allow students to communicate, assess themselves, and showcase their progress to teachers.
The document summarizes a security flaw in TLS/SSL that allows attackers to decrypt encrypted traffic by exploiting timing differences in error handling. Specifically, when padding is incorrect on encrypted records, servers may respond at different speeds depending on the stage the error is detected. This creates a timing side channel that can be used to gradually decrypt the last byte of records. The flaw was addressed in TLS 1.1 by standardizing error handling behavior. The document recommends not revealing too many error details and avoiding timing side channels to prevent similar attacks.
Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente (versi坦n en ingl辿s)INTEF
This document proposes a common framework for defining the digital competence of teachers in Europe. It summarizes an existing framework developed by the European Commission called DIGCOMP, which defines digital competence across 5 areas and 21 competencies. This document aims to adapt the DIGCOMP framework specifically for teachers by providing descriptors and proficiency levels for evaluating teachers' digital skills.
The document discusses whether content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a good match with information and communication technology (ICT). It argues that ICT can enhance CLIL in several ways. First, ICT allows students to access up-to-date content from the internet rather than relying only on teachers. It also helps develop students' digital literacy and cooperative learning skills. Additionally, using ICT with CLIL can personalize learning, increase student motivation, and foster creativity. The document provides examples of how tools like word processors, presentations, graphic organizers, and video editors can support CLIL. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing contact and reference information.
The use of ict for learning and teaching (week 1)Trudy Sweeney
This document discusses the use of ICT for learning and teaching. It examines several potential "traps" schools can fall into when implementing technology, such as superficial "cosmetic" use, overemphasis on the technology itself rather than pedagogy ("technological imperative"), and unrealistic "romantic visions". It also discusses debates around technological determinism in educational research and the need to consider social and cultural contexts of ICT use. The document concludes that technology should not be seen as the main driver of changes in education and that both in-school and out-of-school learning can complement each other with new technologies.
Supporting children's learning in ICT - Powerpoint ruksana_kadir
The document summarizes an ICT lesson where the teacher used the wordfoto app with a class of 25 year 3 students. The purpose was for the students to use the app to create artwork by describing their friends using words. Students first brainstormed words in groups and then used iPads, laptops and computers to access the app individually. With guidance from the teacher, students were able to insert photos of friends and add descriptive words to create layered artworks. The activity helped students develop ICT, literacy and social skills. The teacher reflected that integrating technology engaged the students and supported learning, especially for lower-ability students.
Materiales por sesiones para la UD de h叩bitos saludables, nutrici坦n y activid...Sonia Arag坦n Calvo
The learning activity consists of three physical education sessions where students work in teams to complete relay races and exercises related to healthy eating. In the first session, students race to collect words related to food groups. In the second, they fill in blanks about foods and play a matching game. The third has students read about nutrition while running and try to remember the text.
El documento discute la importancia del pensamiento cr鱈tico en el enfoque constructivista de la educaci坦n. Define el pensamiento cr鱈tico como la capacidad de emitir juicios evaluativos mediante la interpretaci坦n y el an叩lisis de evidencia en contextos espec鱈ficos. Explica que el modelo constructivista busca desarrollar habilidades cognitivas complejas como investigar, interpretar y juzgar. Finalmente, propone varias estrategias para incorporar el pensamiento cr鱈tico en las lecciones, como hacer preguntas, considerar diferentes perspectivas y realizar an叩
This CLIL didactic unit is designed for 3rd grade primary students and focuses on the solar system. The unit has the following key goals: students will identify and classify the eight planets, understand the earth's movements of rotation and revolution, know how days, nights, and seasons occur, and distinguish the three layers of the earth. The unit content covers the sun, planets, phases of the moon, and earth's movements and layers. Activities include role playing the solar system, crafting a model of the earth's layers, watching educational videos, games, and a test to evaluate student learning. The unit utilizes various teaching methods including individual, paired, small group and whole class instruction and is designed to take place over six
Esta insignia propuesta busca ofrecer credenciales alternativas para los estudiantes de MOOCs. Se propone que la insignia sea emitida por los patrocinadores del curso y recibida por los usuarios que cumplan con los criterios, con el objetivo de que los consumidores valoren esta credencial. La insignia se basar鱈a en evidencias del aprendizaje del estudiante y se distribuir鱈a a trav辿s de varios canales, formando parte de un ecosistema de recursos educativos.
The document discusses Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, which organizes thinking skills into six levels from basic to more complex. It outlines the original and revised terms, with changes made to better reflect active thinking processes. Examples of classroom activities are provided for each of the six levels - Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating.
This document provides an overview of Bloom's Taxonomy, which classifies learning objectives into six levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Each level is defined and examples of learning objectives for that level are given. The document also discusses using Bloom's Taxonomy to design classroom lectures and assessments that target different cognitive abilities.
ICT literacy basically involves using digital technology, communication tools and/or access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in order to function in a knowledge society.
Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente - 2017INTEF
Este documento presenta una propuesta de Marco Com炭n de Competencia Digital Docente en Espa単a. Resume los objetivos del proyecto, las conclusiones de un an叩lisis comparativo de marcos existentes, y describe la propuesta de marco con cinco 叩reas y descriptores de competencia en seis niveles. El marco busca facilitar la evaluaci坦n y acreditaci坦n de la competencia digital de los docentes a trav辿s de un portafolio en l鱈nea.
This document provides a list of over 100 different digital tools that can be used to encourage students, including tools for brainstorming, creating infographics, podcasting, screen casting, assessment, and more. It discusses frameworks like TPACK, SAMR, and Bloom's Taxonomy that can help teachers integrate technology into their lessons in meaningful ways. The overall message is that teachers can inspire and engage students by utilizing the digital tools and platforms that students are already familiar with in their daily lives.
Building Learning Experiences (IxDA 2015 Education Summit)Andre Plaut
Andre Plaut gave a presentation about designing learning experiences. He discussed the elements of learning design, including curriculum, content, interface, delivery and experience. He described the progression of a learning experience from relevance to application. He explained how UXDI, a user experience design institute, was built using a consistent global structure but regional flexibility. The presentation outlined UXDI's curriculum, workshops, projects and feedback process to provide life-changing learning experiences to help people find work they love.
Social Media in Universities. International Staff Week 2013 Spain (Valencia)....Fernando Leandro
Hi, I'm Fernando Leandro, Social Media of the University CEU Cardenal Herrera.
Recently, I've colaborated in a International Staff Week 2013 Valencia (Spain).
The International Week involves five days of exploring ways to collaborate in the internationalization of our institutions.
In this link you can see more about that http://www.uchceu.es/actividades-culturales/2013/jornadas/first-international-staff-week-ceuuch
How to rank for quick answers in Google - April 2017 - Adrian PhippsAdrian Phipps
The document discusses strategies for ranking in Google's quick answers or featured snippets. It emphasizes understanding user intent, creating thorough content that directly answers questions in the first 100 words and title, and addressing related questions with headers and structured content like lists. Non-text elements like images and calculators can also help. Strong on-page optimization and technical SEO are important to have a better chance of ranking. Quick answers account for 3-5% of monthly traffic for the author's site.
The document summarizes the 2015-16 year review for Scripps Jschool's social media efforts, which included various campaigns to increase brand awareness and engagement through hashtags like #WhyILoveScripps and events like Dad's and Donuts weekend. The social media team also created memes, live tweeted various events, expanded to new platforms like Snapchat and Pinterest, sold branded t-shirts, and held internal team building events.
The document discusses the benefits of using iPads in the classroom. It argues that iPads allow teachers to customize lessons for students of all ages and help students stay organized with features like iProjects, iReading, and iHistory. iPads also provide access to educational resources anywhere and anytime through apps and sites. The document cites several websites with more information on using iPads and iPad lesson plans.
Docentes 多Digitales o digitalizados?
Reflexi坦n sobre las generaciones y el internet que nos ha tocado vivir. C坦mo poder acompa単ar a nuestros alumnos en la alfabetizaci坦n digital.
Marco de competencia digital discente.
Este documento describe una sesi坦n de capacitaci坦n sobre el uso de herramientas de Google para la educaci坦n. La sesi坦n cubrir叩 temas como el uso de Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs y Google Classroom para mejorar la comunicaci坦n, organizaci坦n y colaboraci坦n. El objetivo es mostrar c坦mo estas herramientas pueden reemplazar el uso de papel y optimizar los procesos educativos.
Neurodid叩ctica aplicasda a la educaci坦nm. Class of clans 4 asignaturas 1 juegoPlataforma Proyecta
Ponencia en la UFV Neurodid叩ctica aplicada a la educaci坦n. Deconstrucci坦n del premio nacional de educaci坦n 2015: CLASS OF CLANS
Este documento presenta una sesi坦n informativa sobre metodolog鱈as activas en la educaci坦n. Aborda temas como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, el aprendizaje social, las inteligencias m炭ltiples, la gamificaci坦n, la evaluaci坦n continua y la importancia de crear entornos de aprendizaje inspirados en la neurodid叩ctica. El objetivo es promover un cambio de paradigma educativo centrado en el estudiante y basado en evidencias sobre c坦mo funciona realmente el aprendizaje.
Este documento presenta una sesi坦n informativa sobre metodolog鱈as activas. Aborda temas como el contexto educativo actual, las inteligencias m炭ltiples, el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, el flipped classroom, la evaluaci坦n, la gamificaci坦n y la importancia de la motivaci坦n y las emociones en el aprendizaje. El objetivo final es mejorar la educaci坦n enfoc叩ndose en el estudiante.
多Hay que cambiar el aula? Ponencia VII jornadas TIC del CRIF Las Acacias 2015...Plataforma Proyecta
Ponencia VII Jornadas TIC del CRIF Las Acacias. 多Hay que cambiar el aula?, trucos, herramientas y consejos para hacerte la vida m叩s f叩cil con la tecnolog鱈a.
La presentaci坦n con videotutoriales de las herramientas comentadas.
El documento propone cinco micro revoluciones para desarrollar la educaci坦n del siglo XXI. Estas incluyen 1) Innovar con laboratorios escolares, 2) Centrarse en las personas, 3) Abordar los problemas, 4) Encontrar soluciones, y 5) Trabajar juntos. El objetivo es transformar la metodolog鱈a con tecnolog鱈a para mejorar la ense単anza y la gesti坦n escolar mediante la capacitaci坦n del personal, el dise単o de tiempos y espacios de aprendizaje, y la aplicaci坦n de la psicolog鱈a del j
Tablets en el aula. Entrevista Revista Magisterio pag12 19marzoPlataforma Proyecta
1) Marcos Garasa es el director pedag坦gico de InnovaSchool, una empresa dedicada a ayudar a los colegios a incorporar las nuevas tecnolog鱈as de forma efectiva. 2) Garasa aboga por un modelo que vaya m叩s all叩 del uso de aplicaciones e integre la tecnolog鱈a, los contenidos y la pedagog鱈a del docente. 3) Seg炭n Garasa, la tecnolog鱈a permite trabajar mejor y tener m叩s tiempo para los alumnos, mejorando los resultados acad辿micos cuando se integra correctamente en el aula.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Use google docs and research the internet to write a report.
Use google docs and research on the internet to create the report and
share the document with the teacher
Use google docs and research on the internet to create the report and
share the document with the teacher and other students. Insert comments
and rewrite your report
Use google hangouts to connect a virtual tour of your neighborhood city.
Create a promotional video with google slides and upload it to youtube.
Share questions and pictures through G+