Here is a collection of my top clips from Virginia Commonwealth University's student newspaper "The Commonwealth Times," the VCU Public Relations Office and other publications.
This document provides a summary of Ella V. Williams' education and professional experience. It lists her contact information, education history including degrees from Arkansas State University and Nova Southeastern University, and certifications. Her professional experience includes roles as an elementary school principal, head start director, assistant principal, teacher, and adjunct instructor. She has over 40 years of experience in education.
John Gunn has extensive experience in education spanning over 30 years. He has held several leadership roles including principal of Mt. Pleasant High School from 2012 to present, assistant director of schools for Dickson County Schools from 2006 to 2012, and principal of New Directions Academy from 1998 to 2006. He has a proven track record of academic success as demonstrated by numerous awards and achievements at the schools he has led.
The iCAN Project is a project developed by four Northwestern University students hoping to provide a summer enrichment program to high-potential, low-income students in Evanston and Rogers Park, Ill.
El toc y trastorno de atenci坦n El AviadorSindy Garz坦n
En la siguiente presentaci坦n se evidencian las escenas m叩s representativas de la pel鱈cula en las cuales se hacen presentes los trastornos de atenci坦n yTOC
La termoterapia consiste en la aplicaci坦n de calor y fr鱈o con fines terap辿uticos. La aplicaci坦n de calor produce vasodilataci坦n e incremento del flujo sangu鱈neo local, mejorando la nutrici坦n y oxigenaci坦n de los tejidos. Se clasifica seg炭n su profundidad de acci坦n en superficial, hasta 1 cm de profundidad, y profunda, en estructuras m叩s internas.
A conceptual study of social entrepreneurshipdeshwal852
This document summarizes a research article on social entrepreneurship. It defines social entrepreneurship as entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose, focusing on addressing societal problems and creating social value rather than profit. The document discusses how social entrepreneurship differs from corporate social responsibility by existing to directly help those in need. It also examines some of the ethics around social entrepreneurship, how it can be practiced by for-profit organizations, and the importance of developing young social entrepreneurs to solve social issues.
Comparing customer satisfaction in hyper stores in different parts of Delhideshwal852
The customer satisfaction not only a frill but as a foundation of retail store growth, today the focus has been shifted from financial benefits to soft areas where customer expectations are matched with retail stores performance. Better service quality is the only solution in the hands of retailers for the success of the retail grocery stores. A comparison between expectations and performance is known as service quality. Customer satisfaction is based on perceived service quality. Service quality is a vital factor for the success of the firm. Customer satisfaction occupies prominent position literarily in general as well as specifically in retail stores. The present study is an exploratory research work that was focused on
comparison between the customer satisfactions in hyper stores operating in different parts of Delhi. A sample of 200 customers was considered for study.100 customers were taken from South-West Delhi and 100 were taken from North- East Delhi. Sample includes both male and female respondents. Data was collected from six different hyper stores. Three stores were from South-West Delhi and rest three stores from North- East Delhi. Random convenient sampling was used. Results revealed that there was
no significant difference between the customer satisfaction.
Workforce diversity- A perspective of employees and studentsdeshwal852
Diversity can generally be defined as recognizing, understanding and accepting individual differences irrespective of their race, gender, age, class, ethnicity, physical ability, race, sexual orientation spiritual practice and so on. Diversity is growing in todays organizations. Diversity can benefit the
organizations in enormous ways. Different values and perspectives shared by employees can make the
organization to compete in this turbulent environment. Globalization in this recent time has triggeredm more interaction amongst people from different cultures and backgrounds than before. People are now more open-minded in the marketplace worldwide with competition coming from almost everywhere in the continent. This study is an attempt to find out and compare the perception of people for workforce
diversity. In the present study the sample of 200 respondents was taken. Convenient sampling technique was used. The sample was drawn from Delhi. Interpretation of result was done on the basis of mean, standard deviation and t test.
This document discusses strategies for managing stress. It begins by defining stress and examining its sources and consequences. Stress can have physiological impacts like high blood pressure, psychological impacts like anxiety and depression, and behavioral impacts like poor job performance. The document then outlines individual strategies for managing stress, such as exercise, time management, relaxation, and seeking help. It also discusses organizational strategies organizations can implement, like stress management programs and employee wellness initiatives. Overall, the document examines the causes and effects of stress and provides recommendations for how individuals and organizations can develop strategies to better cope with stress.
Discovering service quality in retail grocery stores: A case study of Delhideshwal852
Purpose of the research: With the given backdrop it was decided to inquire about the service quality offered in organized retail grocery stores. The customers who visit the grocery stores with so much expectation; are they really satisfied with the service quality delivered tothem. This paper is an attempt to compare the service quality offered in different organized retail grocery stores. Research Methodology: Primary data has been collected by a sample survey of customers shopping at various grocery stores located at Delhi using convenient sampling technique. A sample of 300
respondents was approached. These respondents are from different categories of organized retail stores as Hypermarket, Supermarket and Convenience Stores. For the purpose of collecting the required data, the questionnaire method was used. A standardized questionnaire was used to solicit information on customers. To collect the primary data Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) developed by Dabohlkeret.
al. (1996) was used. The Retail Service Quality Scale have Physical Aspects, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Problem-Solving and Policy Making as five different dimensions to measure service
quality offered by retail stores. Data was interpreted by applying two ways ANOVA. Implications: The research will be helpful to gain an understanding of the whole scenario of service quality offered. It will also provide an insight to find the gap between the satisfaction levels of the customers with respect to different types of stores due to service quality.
This document provides an overview of articles in the Winter/Spring 2009 issue of Futures in Urban Ed, the magazine of the USC Rossier School of Education. The articles discuss various international education initiatives including a new study abroad program in Asia, a conference on the future of universities in China, and experiences of students visiting schools in China. Additional articles address the role of universities in failed states, a teacher training program in Korea, how culture shapes the brain, trends in privately operated public schools globally, and lessons from Latin America. Brief summaries are also provided of the Dean's message and news from Rossier.
The school board president provides an update on the strong state of the University Place School District. Superintendent Patti Banks is retiring after many years of service. The board undertook a thorough process to select a new superintendent, seeking community input. They ultimately hired Deputy Superintendent Jeff Chamberlin who was seen as continuing the legacy of excellence in the district.
The document discusses the "At Promise" program, which was created to help struggling students succeed. It has expanded over the years and now supports students at multiple grade levels. The first graduates of the program are being produced, including a student who credits the program for his academic and athletic success.
Superintendent's Weekly Review - St. John, FloridaPacettiBay
The Superintendent's weekly review summarizes key issues from the legislative session, including proposed bills on teacher performance pay and tenure that would dramatically change teacher evaluations. Budget cuts of 10% proposed by the governor could result in losing 275 teaching positions. Updates are also provided on the strategic plan presentation to staff, the school-related employee reception, and volunteer recognition events.
- MPS student enrollment has declined 23% over 5 years, faster than population decline alone can account for. Students' perspectives on why they choose other schools have not been widely discussed.
- The group partnered with Citizens League to create a website called Students Speak Out for students to voice opinions on enrollment decline. The site generated student survey responses and forum posts on reasons for leaving MPS.
- Focus groups at North High identified issues like negative stereotypes, high teacher expectations, and lack of encouragement as reasons for declining enrollment. The site aimed to elevate student voices in the public discussion.
The document is the spring 2009 issue of The Magazine of Radford University. It includes articles about Radford University's sustainability initiatives, athletics programs, alumni profiles and accomplishments. Governor Tim Kaine spoke at the spring commencement ceremony. The university received recognition for its community service work. Several academic programs received accreditation. Homecoming 2009 featured basketball games and other alumni events.
The Summer Bridge Program at Chattanooga State Community College aimed to prepare TN Promise students for academic and social success in college. Over three weeks, students participated in reading, writing, math instruction and seminars on success strategies. Based on COMPASS test scores and intended majors, academic coaches helped students develop course schedules for the fall semester. The program helped 90% of the inaugural TN Promise fall 2015 cohort persist into the spring term. Chattanooga State was commended for its commitment to supporting TN Promise students through initiatives like prescriptive scheduling and a smooth transition from high school to college.
Through their annual convening, over 150 North Carolina community college presidents and local school superintendents addressed the state's most pressing education and workforce issues. Several successful partnership examples were highlighted, including Pitt Community College and Pitt County Schools' initiatives to strengthen career pathways for students; Central Carolina Community College's work with regional school districts to align efforts and tailor supports; and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and Rowan-Salisbury Schools' teacher preparation pipeline program. Key takeaways focused on the importance of intentional collaboration to improve student outcomes and meet workforce needs.
Kenn Young Letter of Recommendation FinalTom Spillman
Tom Spillman is recommended for leadership positions in education. The letter details Spillman's accomplished career in education spanning the military, probation work, high school counseling, and over 16 years in community college administration. As Dean of Student Services, Spillman demonstrated visionary leadership and partnership building to improve student outcomes. He played a key role in the Riverside County Education Collaborative, which received recognition from President Obama and others, for significantly increasing postsecondary attainment through strategic academic alignment from K-12 to college. The county superintendent offers his unqualified recommendation of Spillman based on his exceptional qualifications and experience improving education.
Carrie Balk is the principal of Three Rivers High School in Three Rivers, Michigan. She has over 15 years of experience in education, previously serving as an assistant principal and classroom teacher. As principal, she has developed and supported a positive learning environment through effective communication, collaboration, and research-based instructional strategies. Her exemplary practices in communication, positive school climate, and team building have transformed the school culture and served as the cornerstone of her tenure.
This document summarizes news from the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. It discusses the incoming class profile reflecting more non-resident and international students. It also highlights the new online MSW program. It provides details on faculty awards, promotions, and research. Additionally, it recognizes outstanding alumni and student achievements and acknowledges the school's efforts to transform its curriculum to a trauma-informed and human rights perspective.
Wake Living Magazine Article for Wake Education Partnership (due 01.09.15)Margaret Scarboro
The Wake Education Partnership (WEP) is a non-profit organization established in 1983 that partners local businesses with schools in the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) to support STEM and global studies education. WEP holds events like a World Caf辿 and Idea Crucible competition to facilitate discussions between businesses and schools about partnership opportunities. These partnerships provide resources for school projects and experiences for students like internships and career workshops. WEP and WCPSS share a belief that every student deserves an excellent public education.
A conceptual study of social entrepreneurshipdeshwal852
This document summarizes a research article on social entrepreneurship. It defines social entrepreneurship as entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose, focusing on addressing societal problems and creating social value rather than profit. The document discusses how social entrepreneurship differs from corporate social responsibility by existing to directly help those in need. It also examines some of the ethics around social entrepreneurship, how it can be practiced by for-profit organizations, and the importance of developing young social entrepreneurs to solve social issues.
Comparing customer satisfaction in hyper stores in different parts of Delhideshwal852
The customer satisfaction not only a frill but as a foundation of retail store growth, today the focus has been shifted from financial benefits to soft areas where customer expectations are matched with retail stores performance. Better service quality is the only solution in the hands of retailers for the success of the retail grocery stores. A comparison between expectations and performance is known as service quality. Customer satisfaction is based on perceived service quality. Service quality is a vital factor for the success of the firm. Customer satisfaction occupies prominent position literarily in general as well as specifically in retail stores. The present study is an exploratory research work that was focused on
comparison between the customer satisfactions in hyper stores operating in different parts of Delhi. A sample of 200 customers was considered for study.100 customers were taken from South-West Delhi and 100 were taken from North- East Delhi. Sample includes both male and female respondents. Data was collected from six different hyper stores. Three stores were from South-West Delhi and rest three stores from North- East Delhi. Random convenient sampling was used. Results revealed that there was
no significant difference between the customer satisfaction.
Workforce diversity- A perspective of employees and studentsdeshwal852
Diversity can generally be defined as recognizing, understanding and accepting individual differences irrespective of their race, gender, age, class, ethnicity, physical ability, race, sexual orientation spiritual practice and so on. Diversity is growing in todays organizations. Diversity can benefit the
organizations in enormous ways. Different values and perspectives shared by employees can make the
organization to compete in this turbulent environment. Globalization in this recent time has triggeredm more interaction amongst people from different cultures and backgrounds than before. People are now more open-minded in the marketplace worldwide with competition coming from almost everywhere in the continent. This study is an attempt to find out and compare the perception of people for workforce
diversity. In the present study the sample of 200 respondents was taken. Convenient sampling technique was used. The sample was drawn from Delhi. Interpretation of result was done on the basis of mean, standard deviation and t test.
This document discusses strategies for managing stress. It begins by defining stress and examining its sources and consequences. Stress can have physiological impacts like high blood pressure, psychological impacts like anxiety and depression, and behavioral impacts like poor job performance. The document then outlines individual strategies for managing stress, such as exercise, time management, relaxation, and seeking help. It also discusses organizational strategies organizations can implement, like stress management programs and employee wellness initiatives. Overall, the document examines the causes and effects of stress and provides recommendations for how individuals and organizations can develop strategies to better cope with stress.
Discovering service quality in retail grocery stores: A case study of Delhideshwal852
Purpose of the research: With the given backdrop it was decided to inquire about the service quality offered in organized retail grocery stores. The customers who visit the grocery stores with so much expectation; are they really satisfied with the service quality delivered tothem. This paper is an attempt to compare the service quality offered in different organized retail grocery stores. Research Methodology: Primary data has been collected by a sample survey of customers shopping at various grocery stores located at Delhi using convenient sampling technique. A sample of 300
respondents was approached. These respondents are from different categories of organized retail stores as Hypermarket, Supermarket and Convenience Stores. For the purpose of collecting the required data, the questionnaire method was used. A standardized questionnaire was used to solicit information on customers. To collect the primary data Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) developed by Dabohlkeret.
al. (1996) was used. The Retail Service Quality Scale have Physical Aspects, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Problem-Solving and Policy Making as five different dimensions to measure service
quality offered by retail stores. Data was interpreted by applying two ways ANOVA. Implications: The research will be helpful to gain an understanding of the whole scenario of service quality offered. It will also provide an insight to find the gap between the satisfaction levels of the customers with respect to different types of stores due to service quality.
This document provides an overview of articles in the Winter/Spring 2009 issue of Futures in Urban Ed, the magazine of the USC Rossier School of Education. The articles discuss various international education initiatives including a new study abroad program in Asia, a conference on the future of universities in China, and experiences of students visiting schools in China. Additional articles address the role of universities in failed states, a teacher training program in Korea, how culture shapes the brain, trends in privately operated public schools globally, and lessons from Latin America. Brief summaries are also provided of the Dean's message and news from Rossier.
The school board president provides an update on the strong state of the University Place School District. Superintendent Patti Banks is retiring after many years of service. The board undertook a thorough process to select a new superintendent, seeking community input. They ultimately hired Deputy Superintendent Jeff Chamberlin who was seen as continuing the legacy of excellence in the district.
The document discusses the "At Promise" program, which was created to help struggling students succeed. It has expanded over the years and now supports students at multiple grade levels. The first graduates of the program are being produced, including a student who credits the program for his academic and athletic success.
Superintendent's Weekly Review - St. John, FloridaPacettiBay
The Superintendent's weekly review summarizes key issues from the legislative session, including proposed bills on teacher performance pay and tenure that would dramatically change teacher evaluations. Budget cuts of 10% proposed by the governor could result in losing 275 teaching positions. Updates are also provided on the strategic plan presentation to staff, the school-related employee reception, and volunteer recognition events.
- MPS student enrollment has declined 23% over 5 years, faster than population decline alone can account for. Students' perspectives on why they choose other schools have not been widely discussed.
- The group partnered with Citizens League to create a website called Students Speak Out for students to voice opinions on enrollment decline. The site generated student survey responses and forum posts on reasons for leaving MPS.
- Focus groups at North High identified issues like negative stereotypes, high teacher expectations, and lack of encouragement as reasons for declining enrollment. The site aimed to elevate student voices in the public discussion.
The document is the spring 2009 issue of The Magazine of Radford University. It includes articles about Radford University's sustainability initiatives, athletics programs, alumni profiles and accomplishments. Governor Tim Kaine spoke at the spring commencement ceremony. The university received recognition for its community service work. Several academic programs received accreditation. Homecoming 2009 featured basketball games and other alumni events.
The Summer Bridge Program at Chattanooga State Community College aimed to prepare TN Promise students for academic and social success in college. Over three weeks, students participated in reading, writing, math instruction and seminars on success strategies. Based on COMPASS test scores and intended majors, academic coaches helped students develop course schedules for the fall semester. The program helped 90% of the inaugural TN Promise fall 2015 cohort persist into the spring term. Chattanooga State was commended for its commitment to supporting TN Promise students through initiatives like prescriptive scheduling and a smooth transition from high school to college.
Through their annual convening, over 150 North Carolina community college presidents and local school superintendents addressed the state's most pressing education and workforce issues. Several successful partnership examples were highlighted, including Pitt Community College and Pitt County Schools' initiatives to strengthen career pathways for students; Central Carolina Community College's work with regional school districts to align efforts and tailor supports; and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and Rowan-Salisbury Schools' teacher preparation pipeline program. Key takeaways focused on the importance of intentional collaboration to improve student outcomes and meet workforce needs.
Kenn Young Letter of Recommendation FinalTom Spillman
Tom Spillman is recommended for leadership positions in education. The letter details Spillman's accomplished career in education spanning the military, probation work, high school counseling, and over 16 years in community college administration. As Dean of Student Services, Spillman demonstrated visionary leadership and partnership building to improve student outcomes. He played a key role in the Riverside County Education Collaborative, which received recognition from President Obama and others, for significantly increasing postsecondary attainment through strategic academic alignment from K-12 to college. The county superintendent offers his unqualified recommendation of Spillman based on his exceptional qualifications and experience improving education.
Carrie Balk is the principal of Three Rivers High School in Three Rivers, Michigan. She has over 15 years of experience in education, previously serving as an assistant principal and classroom teacher. As principal, she has developed and supported a positive learning environment through effective communication, collaboration, and research-based instructional strategies. Her exemplary practices in communication, positive school climate, and team building have transformed the school culture and served as the cornerstone of her tenure.
This document summarizes news from the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. It discusses the incoming class profile reflecting more non-resident and international students. It also highlights the new online MSW program. It provides details on faculty awards, promotions, and research. Additionally, it recognizes outstanding alumni and student achievements and acknowledges the school's efforts to transform its curriculum to a trauma-informed and human rights perspective.
Wake Living Magazine Article for Wake Education Partnership (due 01.09.15)Margaret Scarboro
The Wake Education Partnership (WEP) is a non-profit organization established in 1983 that partners local businesses with schools in the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) to support STEM and global studies education. WEP holds events like a World Caf辿 and Idea Crucible competition to facilitate discussions between businesses and schools about partnership opportunities. These partnerships provide resources for school projects and experiences for students like internships and career workshops. WEP and WCPSS share a belief that every student deserves an excellent public education.
K12 District Counseling Plan 15-16 revTamir Harper
The School District of Philadelphia developed a K-12 District Counseling Plan for 2015-2016 to guide around 240 school counselors. The plan was created through stakeholder input and is designed to address academic achievement, social/emotional health, and college and career readiness. It outlines the roles of district leadership, stakeholders, and school counselors to develop comprehensive school-based counseling programs tailored to individual school needs.
This dissertation by Jennifer T. Butcher examined factors related to job satisfaction and retention of alternatively certified teachers. The study aimed to identify aspects of alternative certification programs that influence whether these teachers remain in the profession. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze demographic data and determine relationships between variables like program structure and teachers' intent to stay in the field. The results could help improve alternative certification and support retaining qualified teachers.
The article discusses Dr. Leah Robinson, an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Auburn University's College of Education. Dr. Robinson works with preschoolers at Auburn Day Care Centers to promote healthy lifestyles. She uses her energetic personality and ready smile to encourage the children and relate to them. Her goal is to instill good habits in young children through fun activities that keep them active and engaged. The article highlights how Dr. Robinson's youthful exuberance helps children lead healthier lives.
The Superintendent's Bulletin provides timely information to Wellesley Public Schools staff such as meeting announcements, professional development opportunities, and job postings. It also congratulates retiring staff members David Boston, Penny Copplestone, and Diane Diamond for their service, and provides tributes highlighting their contributions to the school district over many years of teaching.
This document provides an agenda for the OERC Fall 2014 Conference on using data to inform policy, practice, and teacher success. The conference included panels on preparing effective teachers, bridging opportunity gaps, and national staffing needs in education. It also featured a keynote on the economic value of teacher quality and breakout sessions. The goal of the conference was to discuss how to improve teacher preparation programs and support, recruit high-quality teachers, and address challenges in underserved areas through collaboration between education institutions and districts.
MetroSquash opened a new academic and squash center in Chicago's Woodlawn neighborhood. The 2014-2015 school year saw expansion of MetroSquash's programming, including increasing the number of students served. Key accomplishments included all 10 graduating high school seniors being accepted to and planning to attend colleges and universities. MetroSquash's goals for the future include continuing to expand programming responsibly to serve more students while maintaining rigorous academics and student support.
The document provides an update on service-learning activities at Queensborough Community College in spring 2015. It discusses new faculty and community partners involved in service-learning projects during 2014. It also notes that 26 faculty participated in a research survey on the impacts of service-learning and 15 faculty were involved in a grant-funded project to promote civic engagement. The update highlights several fall 2014 events involving service-learning students and faculty presenting their work. It includes short articles from five faculty members describing their successful service-learning projects partnering with local schools and organizations.
The document discusses programs and initiatives in Champaign Unit 4 Schools. It summarizes that the district uses a Schools of Choice process to promote diversity. It describes new magnet programs at three elementary schools focused on STEM, international baccalaureate, and microsociety/leadership. These programs receive an MSAP grant and have seen success, such as recognition for the STEM academy. The district is working to sustain the magnet programs after the grant ends.
Orange Chatham Association of REALTORS, 2019 educational convocationCub Berrian
This document provides an overview of the Durham County School System's new 2019-2023 strategic plan. The plan was created through a listening tour, data review, and input from a strategic planning committee. The plan outlines the system's core beliefs, mission, vision, and five priorities: increasing academic achievement; providing a safe and supportive learning environment; attracting and retaining excellent educators and staff; strengthening family and community engagement; and ensuring fiscal responsibility. Each priority includes two to four measurable goals to be achieved by 2023. The presentation highlights the plan's focus on equity, shared responsibility, high expectations, and supporting the whole child.
Job Offer and Salary Negotiations March 2025Bruce Bennett
Learn the secrets to successful salary negotiations, from understanding your market value to responding to tough employer pushback. Learn practical strategies to negotiate offers, ask for raises, and confidently approach these crucial conversations. With expert insights and actionable tips, youll walk away ready to secure the salary you deserve.
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How Joseph Dee McLean is Secretly Saving Thousands of AnimalsJoseph Dee McLean
Joseph Dee McLean secret to saving thousands of animals lies in his holistic approach. By combining hands-on rescue work with legislative advocacy and public education, McLean has created a powerful movement for change. Joseph Dee McLean legacy is one of empathy, action, and enduring impact, proving that even behind-the-scenes efforts can lead to monumental change in the world of animal welfare.
How Joseph Dee McLean is Secretly Saving Thousands of AnimalsJoseph Dee McLean
1. Home Print Edition News Teaching residency
program helps revitalize Richmond public schools
Teaching residency
program helps revitalize
Richmond public
September 29, 2014
Sterling Giles
Click to see more
Best All Around Non-Daily (Region 2)
-SPJ Mark of Excellence awards
2. On Friday, T.C. Boushall Middle School hosted U.S. Senator Tim
Kaine, VCU President Michael Rao and Richmond public schools
superintendent Dana Bedden to discuss and observe VCUs
Richmond Teaching Residency graduate program. Photo by
Miranda Leung.
Matt Leonard
Contributing Writer
Online Content Editor
VCU President Michael Rao and U.S. Senator Tim Kaine
visited T.C. Boushall Middle School to observe the Richmond
Teachers Residence graduate program on Friday.
RTR is a four-year residency program that provides aspiring
teachers with training and field experience in the classroom
while awarding university credit. The program requires
enrollment in a one-year residency and obligation to teach a
minimum of three years in a difficult area within the
Richmond Public School system in an effort to revitalize
systems chronically low performance.
The visit to T.C. Boushall began in Samantha Martins eighth
grade physical science class. Students were working on a lab
VCU falls short during battle
of the Rams
Malinka Walters Contributing Writer Baseball
struggled to get momentum going this weekend
in their series against the Rams of Rhode
Island University at Bill Feck Field. Game 1 The
Rams competed in a three-game series
Womens lax records
inaugural A-10 victory
Sophia Belletti Staff Writer The assista
coaches for womens lacrosse were ask
coach the team in its road matchup ag
Bonaventure as head coach Jen OBrie
maternity leave. The girls defeated
3. where they observed the rate of diffusion for food coloring in
beakers containing hot and cold water.
Martin is a clinical residence coach (CRC) for the program.
This means she mentors a graduate student who is in the
residency program.
The graduate student Martin is mentoring is Christal Corey.
Kaine spoke with Corey briefly about how she became
involved with the program before she took over the class and
began talking to the students about molecules and their
movement through water.
Kaine and Rao walked back to the We the People room at
T.C. Boushall where they had a discussion about RTR with
people involved in the program including Dana Bedden,
superintendent of Richmond Public Schools; Christine
Walther-Thomas, the dean of VCUs school of education; and
Wildad Abed, the principal of T.C. Boushall.
The day before this meeting the RTR program learned they
had received a $7.5 million Teacher Quality Enhancement
Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Walther-Thomas said this would fund the program for 5
years. A $5.8 million grant started and has maintained the
program for the last five years.
Residents have the ability to choose from either the SE
(special/exceptional education) or secondary track. The
secondary track is designed to teach core subjects such as
biology, English and math. The program was developed in
2010 in response to the needs of the RPS.
There was a need for strong, dedicated core teachers, said
Kristi Harris, an SE-track resident. Thats how the program
4. started.
The SE track was introduced this year and was developed in
response to the growing desire for special education teachers
in the Richmond metro area. Residents complete specialized
three-month training courses led by the CRCs over the
summer. When the school year begins, the residents typically
teach four days a week and participate in seminars on
In the classroom, the CRCs take the lead during lessons, but
the residents gradually receive more teaching time as the
year continues under observation and critique by their
I have been provided with a little bit of extra breathing room
for me to try out new, engaging and innovative lessons and
teaching practices with the students, said Gregory Palmer, a
secondary track math resident.
Palmer was enthusiastic about this structural aspect of the
program, because he said it allows him to incorporate
creative methods in his lessons.
Its a safety net, Harris said regarding the convenience the
program provides. Its great to have someone there so
everything doesnt fall on you.
Harris and Palmer both agreed the residency program is far
more effective than the prior training they received as
substitute and volunteer teachers. These programs would
only consist of a six to eight week training period after which
participants were immediately thrust into the school system
with no further assistance.
Music an hour
in the making
April 11, 2016
Jesse Adcock
Contributing Writer
Local electronic artists
gathered at the Camel
last Tuesday for the
Richmond Electronic
Collectives monthly
Beat Cypher One-Hour
Challenge to flex their
creative muscles. For
the challenge, artists
are given a
pop-up shows
allow artists to
April 11,
Logic delivers
show in
5. The SE mentor coordinator, Cecilia Batalo, Ph.D., said she
thinks the secondary tract has had much success among its
residents and school system and is similarly enthusiastic
about the future of the newer SE path.
The program is evolving nicely and the students are all
doing well in their placements, Batalo said. This is showing
the same with our SE residents even though they are just
beginning their year of residency, she added.
A recurring theme within the RTR program is establishing
residents as effective and accessible resources for their
students. Harris stressed the importance of building
relationships with the students. An example of this is when
last week, the residents visited some of the low-income
neighborhoods their students inhabit to better understanding
their home environment.
I think its the same whether youre teaching general
education or special education but the key is you have to
learn your kids, Harris said. Meet them where they are to
bring them where they need to be.
RTR is not the only VCU program dedicated to better serving
the citys education system.
The Institute for Education Sciences, IES, a sect of the U.S.
Department of Education, offered a different grant to VCU
professors Bryce McLeod and Kevin Sutherland to research
behavioral problems in local preschool children. The four-
year grant totaled up to $1.6 million.
For the last seven years, Sutherland, a professor in VCUs
School of Education, has been working on developing early
intervention programs for preschools in the Richmond area
April 11,
Ram Reverb:
April 11,
Talent and
Highlight 23rd
James River
Film Festival
April 11,
6. after finding that there is a correlation between poverty and
behavioral problems.
We know that 18 to 25 percent of students that show up
from preschool show problem behaviors, he said.
The objective of the programs was to develop measures to
assess the practices teachers were using in the classroom to
deal with children with behavioral problems.
Sutherlands programs differ from prior research because his
work explores methods of intervention executed by the
teachers in the classroom opposed to focusing solely on
emotionally supportive classrooms and teachers.
He stressed that the key to implementing effective
intervention programs is to detect the signs sooner than
later. Examples of early signs of behavioral problems in
students include having difficulty sitting still in the classroom
and being incompatible with their classmates and teachers.
You have a young child that has a problem behavior and
when we dont help that child to be more successful in school,
over time those things get magnified, Sutherland said.
As he delved further into his research, however, Sutherland
realized he would require more funding. He teamed up with
VCU psychology professor Bryce McLeod and developed a
grant proposal that would be sent to IES.
The process of being accepted proved to be incredibly
competitive for the duo because of the depleted available
funds resulting from federal budget cuts. With much
persistence, the team was awarded the grant money with
their third attempted proposal submission.
Presently, the two are planning to continue developing
intervention programs for schools in the Richmond area.
Despite the relativity of the RTR program and the duos
study, the two are not working in unison. However,
Sutherland was involved in the RTR program over the
summer where he served as a CRC for SE residents. Harris
was one of Sutherlands trainees during the summer.
The (residents) are bright, they are motivated, and they are
enthusiastic, Sutherland said. They have all these traits you
would hope for teachers that I would like to have teach my
own children.
Teaching residency program helps revitalize Richmond public
schools (The Commonwealth Times) | Sterling News
8. VCU students #BlackExcellence video goes viral
Sterling Giles, Capital News Service
Published: February 23, 2016, 10:57 am
VCU students (left to right): Schyler Landrum, Terry Everret,Terrence Everett and Jonathan Brooks
RICHMOND Rap cyphers started in the early days of hip-hop on urban playgrounds and in
concert halls. But recently, they have garnered notable attention on social media.
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9. The latest cypher sensation on YouTube, Twitter and other platforms is by a group of Virginia
Commonwealth University students rapping about their majors in the medical 鍖eld. Over the
past month, the groups breakout video ( has
been watched more than 37 million times and received national attention.
Donning dapper suits and ties, 鍖rst-year students Jonathan Brooks and twin brothers Terrence
and Terry Everett were the participants in the 30-second video. Schyler Landrum, who lives on
the same dormitory 鍖oor, recorded the cypher on a smartphone.
We were just sitting around in the dorm, and we didnt really have anything to do. So we were
like, Lets bust a rhyme really quick for Twitter. We didnt expect it to blow [up] like this but it
did, and thats a blessing, Terry Everett said in an interview with a local culture blog, Rich City.
The students posted the video on Twitter on Martin Luther King Day with the hashtag
#BlackExcellence shorthand for looking smart and being smart. Within days, the video
exploded all over social media. It was reposted on numerous social media sites, amassing a
combined 37 million views. Since then, the young men have added two more videos
( to the Black Excellence
The original video has received an outpouring of support from social media blogs, celebrities
and the local community. Sway Calloway, host of the popular satellite talk show Sway In The
Morning, has asked to feature the students on his show.
The #BlackExcellence video was in part an answer to the Geeked Up Challenges raps
circulating on social media that often include explicit content about sex, drugs and violence.
10. We just wanted to take something negative and turn it positive and to show kids how attractive
intelligence can be, Terrence Everett said in the Rich City interview.
For their e鍖orts, the aspiring doctors have received branding opportunities from necktie
companies and invitations to speaking engagements.
Family members helped out by creating a website,
( It accepts donations and sells Black Excellence wristbands,
with all proceeds going toward the students tuition.
Last week, the Everett brothers and Brooks collaborated with a local producer and released
their 鍖rst full-length track, Black Excellence Movement Be the Movement. It is available for
free on SoundCloud (
If we join hands together and touch youth of all colors, we can be a movement that personi鍖es
excellence of children of all colors, the group said on its website. Dr. Martin Luther King had a
dream that one day we would all join together for a greater good. We embody his philosophy
and are doing our part to make our nation greater.
Editors note: CNS reporter Sterling Giles is a writer and social media representative for Rich City, a
blog about art, music and culture in Richmond.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Students shine at local underground music festival
By Sterling Giles
University Public Affairs
Friday, Aug. 21, 2015
Music festivals occur all over the globe but few feature underground artists exclusively. Richmond is home to one of those few
Epic Fest, an annual music festival hosted by Slapdash, a local music promotion agency.
Virginia Commonwealth University senior Marques M.arques B.erry Berry, an English major, and sophomore Jake Barkley, a
creative advertising major, made their Epic Fest debuts this summer. Recalling the emphatic crowds at the venues as well as the
uniqueness and talent of the other artists, both agreed the experience was a blast. They also appreciated Slapdashs hard work in
organizing the festival and making sure it ran smoothly.
I loved the energy that was there, Barkley said. You could really feel the vibe that something special was going on.
Thats what the organizers had intended. Richmond natives Derail Cain McCoy Hampton, a VCU alumnus, and Robert Octavion
X Markum founded Slapdash in 2009 to provide venues for local artists.
The first Epic Fest, in 2010, originally consisted of a single-day event in which artists performed at a local venue. Now in its fifth
year, the festival lasts an entire week, taking place at several venues. This years Epic Fest, held in late June, featured more than
50 graphic and performing artists from the city and beyond.
13. All of the artists on the bill are bubbling so essentially we are breaking artists to you guys that you normally wouldnt hear
about, Hampton said.
This years first event, Epic Art Battle, took place at Gallery 5 and featured performances from local musicians as well as
showcases from graphic artists.
Barkley and Berry performed a set together. Despite their differences in rap flows, they said they had one of the best sets of the
I feel we stood out from the rest of the performers our set meshed really well, Barkley said.
Berry and Barkley plan to pursue careers as performing artists after graduation. However, as students, they constantly battle with
balancing school and their respective crafts. Berry said the balance can prove difficult, but he believes ultimately his academic
studies are strengthening his artistic pursuits.
Barkley feels the same way.
This is my mentality take what you learn from your formal education and apply it to your life, he said.
Slapdash founders and Richmond natives Robert Octavion X Markum (left) and Derail Cain McCoy Hampton, a VCU alumnus.
This is my mentality take what you learn from your formal education and
apply it to your life.
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every Thursday.
ques M.arques B.erry Berry at Epic Fest.
15. Virginia Commonwealth University
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Updated: 8/21/2015
Created by VCU University Relations
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