+ web + design + marketing - co2
Ecologie Digitali: progetto multiforme di DigitalAgency.
La nostra mission 竪 realizzare strumenti e servizi di comunicazione aziendale che integrano innovazione tecnologica, utilit e basso impatto ambientale, per rendere il settore digitale pi湛 pulito e sostenibile.
Presentazione del corso Engineering CAD-CAM/Modellizzazione Industriale organizzato da Lo Sportello dell'Osservatorio Manifattura 4.0 di SIAM e sostenuto e patrocinato da Cherry Consulting
Giulia De Santis - PAES Piano di Azione per lEnergia Sostenibile Arch. GiuliaSviluppoBasilicata
Il ruolo della P.A. e degli enti locali nella riduzione delle emissioni di CO2. Strategie e incentivi.
Incubatore dImpresa di Sviluppo Basilicata Viggiano(PZ)
2 Dicembre 2013
CO2mmunity School | Risparmiare energia sar un gioco da ragazzi! - I属 lezioneTHOMAS ZINATO
Prima lezione di un breve ciclo didattico sull'efficienza energetica tenuto presso le scuole medie di Pianiga e Cazzago, nell'entroterra veneziano, a novembre 2016.
Consumo risorse - Impronta ecologica - Energia da combustibili fossili - Cambiamento climatico - Efficienza energetica - Risparmio energetico - Energia rinnovabile
L'esperienza della personalizzazione nella personalizzazione dell'esperienza. Il coinvolgimento del cliente con linclusione nei processi di creazione di prodotti o servizi sar il futuro della personalizzazione. Vivete insieme questa esperienza per far vostra questa nuova modalit operativa.
Concetti di base e storie di artigiani tecnologici Roland nel seminario presentato a PTE Promotiontrade Exhibition 2017. www.rolanddg.it
The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for smart cities. It describes an urban IoT architecture that uses various protocols like CoAP, EXI and 6LoWPAN to connect constrained devices. An experimental smart city project in Padova, Italy is also summarized that uses IoT nodes on street lights to monitor environmental data and lighting status. The nodes send data to a gateway and then to backend servers using protocols like HTTP and CoAP. The overall architecture and technologies discussed could enable various smart city applications and services.
Cosa cambia in concreto con l'introduzione delle modifiche al Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale approvate Consiglio dei Ministri il 30 Dicembre scorso? Presentiamo a tutti i lettori una piccola guida, una sintesi preziosa per capire in che modo il testo pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale lo scorso 10 gennaio 2011 ha modificato le norme del 2005, introducendo nuovi diritti, nuovi obblighi e, soprattutto, fornendo strumenti e modalit organizzative per far rispettare gli uni e gli altri.
Smart Cities Part 1: Introduction (際際滷s for Talk on IoT, Pune Meetup)Bhavin Chandarana
This document provides an introduction to smart cities and IoT technologies. It discusses existing technologies like ICT, IoT, machine learning and big data, as well as future technologies like IPv6 and blockchain. It also provides examples of smart city applications in areas like waste management, transportation, and public spaces. The document then discusses definitions of smart cities, key technologies involved like ICT, cloud computing and mobile, as well as trends in IoT and machine learning. It also presents case studies on smart city initiatives in cities like Chicago and Hong Kong.
tutorial per affrontare tutti gli aspetti della fresatura, dalla preparazione del file alla messa in macchina.
Basato su MDX-40A della Roland pu嘆 essere
Smart Cities and Measurable Cities - a technological perspectiveSpeck&Tech
Smart cities utilize digital technologies and data to improve city operations and services for residents. A smart city requires measuring various city data through sensors and IoT devices. This data helps optimize areas like transportation, infrastructure, and public services. However, collecting and sharing large amounts of citizen data also raises privacy and security issues. Creating an open yet secure city data platform that many stakeholders can access presents technological and coordination challenges. Overall, smart cities aim to enhance life for residents through data-driven improvements, but achieving this vision requires addressing numerous technical, social, and governance complexities.
Guida in italiano all'utilizzo di Prezi Classic. I principali strumenti, come creare una presentazione. Cos'竪 Prezi, come si usa Prezi Classic. Aggiornata a settembre 2017
The document provides an introduction to CAD/CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing). It discusses the need for CAD/CAM due to factors like global competition, demand for new products with enhanced features, and short product life cycles. It also describes developments in computers that have enabled the growth of CAD/CAM technologies. CAD is defined as using computers to assist in the design process, while CAM uses computers to plan and control manufacturing operations. The document outlines the benefits of CAD/CAM including improved productivity, quality, communication and databases of standardized parts.
The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as the concept of connecting physical objects to the internet and being able to identify, sense and communicate with those objects. It describes how IoT allows both people and devices to communicate with each other and exchange data. Some key applications of IoT mentioned are smart homes, smart cities, industrial automation, logistics and supply chain management. The document also outlines several challenges to the large-scale implementation of IoT such as issues relating to privacy, security, standardization, and developing energy sources for billions of connected devices.
This document provides an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. It discusses Kevin Ashton who coined the term "Internet of Things" and his vision for using data to increase efficiency. Key enabling technologies for IoT like cheap sensors, bandwidth, processing and wireless coverage are outlined. Examples of IoT applications in various sectors like manufacturing, transportation, agriculture and smart cities are provided. The document also discusses challenges in making sense of the large amounts of data generated by IoT devices and the importance of a citizen-centric approach to building smart cities by leveraging crowdsourcing and citizen engagement.
Giulia De Santis - PAES Piano di Azione per lEnergia Sostenibile Arch. GiuliaSviluppoBasilicata
Il ruolo della P.A. e degli enti locali nella riduzione delle emissioni di CO2. Strategie e incentivi.
Incubatore dImpresa di Sviluppo Basilicata Viggiano(PZ)
2 Dicembre 2013
CO2mmunity School | Risparmiare energia sar un gioco da ragazzi! - I属 lezioneTHOMAS ZINATO
Prima lezione di un breve ciclo didattico sull'efficienza energetica tenuto presso le scuole medie di Pianiga e Cazzago, nell'entroterra veneziano, a novembre 2016.
Consumo risorse - Impronta ecologica - Energia da combustibili fossili - Cambiamento climatico - Efficienza energetica - Risparmio energetico - Energia rinnovabile
L'esperienza della personalizzazione nella personalizzazione dell'esperienza. Il coinvolgimento del cliente con linclusione nei processi di creazione di prodotti o servizi sar il futuro della personalizzazione. Vivete insieme questa esperienza per far vostra questa nuova modalit operativa.
Concetti di base e storie di artigiani tecnologici Roland nel seminario presentato a PTE Promotiontrade Exhibition 2017. www.rolanddg.it
The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for smart cities. It describes an urban IoT architecture that uses various protocols like CoAP, EXI and 6LoWPAN to connect constrained devices. An experimental smart city project in Padova, Italy is also summarized that uses IoT nodes on street lights to monitor environmental data and lighting status. The nodes send data to a gateway and then to backend servers using protocols like HTTP and CoAP. The overall architecture and technologies discussed could enable various smart city applications and services.
Cosa cambia in concreto con l'introduzione delle modifiche al Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale approvate Consiglio dei Ministri il 30 Dicembre scorso? Presentiamo a tutti i lettori una piccola guida, una sintesi preziosa per capire in che modo il testo pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale lo scorso 10 gennaio 2011 ha modificato le norme del 2005, introducendo nuovi diritti, nuovi obblighi e, soprattutto, fornendo strumenti e modalit organizzative per far rispettare gli uni e gli altri.
Smart Cities Part 1: Introduction (際際滷s for Talk on IoT, Pune Meetup)Bhavin Chandarana
This document provides an introduction to smart cities and IoT technologies. It discusses existing technologies like ICT, IoT, machine learning and big data, as well as future technologies like IPv6 and blockchain. It also provides examples of smart city applications in areas like waste management, transportation, and public spaces. The document then discusses definitions of smart cities, key technologies involved like ICT, cloud computing and mobile, as well as trends in IoT and machine learning. It also presents case studies on smart city initiatives in cities like Chicago and Hong Kong.
tutorial per affrontare tutti gli aspetti della fresatura, dalla preparazione del file alla messa in macchina.
Basato su MDX-40A della Roland pu嘆 essere
Smart Cities and Measurable Cities - a technological perspectiveSpeck&Tech
Smart cities utilize digital technologies and data to improve city operations and services for residents. A smart city requires measuring various city data through sensors and IoT devices. This data helps optimize areas like transportation, infrastructure, and public services. However, collecting and sharing large amounts of citizen data also raises privacy and security issues. Creating an open yet secure city data platform that many stakeholders can access presents technological and coordination challenges. Overall, smart cities aim to enhance life for residents through data-driven improvements, but achieving this vision requires addressing numerous technical, social, and governance complexities.
Guida in italiano all'utilizzo di Prezi Classic. I principali strumenti, come creare una presentazione. Cos'竪 Prezi, come si usa Prezi Classic. Aggiornata a settembre 2017
The document provides an introduction to CAD/CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing). It discusses the need for CAD/CAM due to factors like global competition, demand for new products with enhanced features, and short product life cycles. It also describes developments in computers that have enabled the growth of CAD/CAM technologies. CAD is defined as using computers to assist in the design process, while CAM uses computers to plan and control manufacturing operations. The document outlines the benefits of CAD/CAM including improved productivity, quality, communication and databases of standardized parts.
The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as the concept of connecting physical objects to the internet and being able to identify, sense and communicate with those objects. It describes how IoT allows both people and devices to communicate with each other and exchange data. Some key applications of IoT mentioned are smart homes, smart cities, industrial automation, logistics and supply chain management. The document also outlines several challenges to the large-scale implementation of IoT such as issues relating to privacy, security, standardization, and developing energy sources for billions of connected devices.
This document provides an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. It discusses Kevin Ashton who coined the term "Internet of Things" and his vision for using data to increase efficiency. Key enabling technologies for IoT like cheap sensors, bandwidth, processing and wireless coverage are outlined. Examples of IoT applications in various sectors like manufacturing, transportation, agriculture and smart cities are provided. The document also discusses challenges in making sense of the large amounts of data generated by IoT devices and the importance of a citizen-centric approach to building smart cities by leveraging crowdsourcing and citizen engagement.
Tragitto Sir Lanca Italia in aereo: 7753 km
Quota individuale di co2 prodotta in kg: 1550
mq di foresta necessaria ad assorbire la CO2 prodotta: 1411
Tragitto Sir Lanca Italia in aereo: 7753 km
Quota individuale di co2 prodotta in kg: 1550