Think together, make together code for japanHal Seki
A presentation for explaining what Code for Japan doing in Japan to Estonian president at FINEST startup event hosted by Estonia government and Microsoft at March 6th, 2014.
Change the world with open source software and contentHal Seki
The presentation at the summer school of the GEospatial and Space Technology consortium for Innovative Social Services in Tokyo University Komaba Campus.
Think together, make together code for japanHal Seki
A presentation for explaining what Code for Japan doing in Japan to Estonian president at FINEST startup event hosted by Estonia government and Microsoft at March 6th, 2014.
Change the world with open source software and contentHal Seki
The presentation at the summer school of the GEospatial and Space Technology consortium for Innovative Social Services in Tokyo University Komaba Campus.
19. CODE for JAPAN は、各地の
Code for X(ブリゲイドコミュニティ)
Code for
?国やCODE for AMERICAとの橋渡し
Friday, February 7, 14