Olivier Mangelschots deelt tips&tricks: hoe word je succesvol als selfmade ondernemer.
Hoe kan jij als pas afgestudeerde succesvoller worden op de arbeidsmarkt?
Herbekijk de presentatie die Olivier gaf op Hogeschool Gent aan de bachelors IT.
This person has a strong social media presence with over 1,700 connections on their professional network. They have nearly 300 followers and over 2,100 friends on their social media accounts. Their website http://ashwinkrishna.com provides more information about them and their work.
Gopal Kumar is seeking a role that allows him to utilize his 18+ months of experience in sales and marketing, specifically in channel sales, channel management, and sales distribution. He has worked as a Territory Sales Manager for Dishnet Wireless Ltd. and as a Relationship Manager for Vodafone Spacetel Ltd. Gopal Kumar is looking to join a company where he can help drive growth through collaborating on sales and marketing strategies.
This document contains two figures showing microscopic images of cultured cells. Figure 1 shows cultured cells on a substrate, while Figure 2 shows cultured cells on a polymer material. Both figures provide visual examples of cells that have been cultured outside of their natural environment for observation under a microscope.
This certificate certifies that Ali Zergan Yadimi has satisfied the requirements for the Oil Consultants Competency Scheme in well testing at the senior operator level. The certificate number is OCL312335-1361438403 and it was issued on February 21, 2013.
Rahul Patidar is a mechanical engineer seeking a job. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from S.A.I.T Indore with 75.05% marks. He has work experience visiting a gears manufacturing company and has completed academic projects on refrigeration testing rigs using different refrigerants. He is proficient in AutoCAD and has received vocational training and certifications in toolroom operations, autocad, abacus and karate. His personal details and contact information are also provided.
Geraldine Haney has over eight years of experience providing administrative support to plant managers, regional safety managers, human resource managers, and quality managers. She handles administrative tasks like managing calendars, scheduling meetings, ordering supplies, and performing payroll and HR functions. Haney also has experience coordinating safety and quality programs. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, Oracle PeopleSoft CRM, Kronos, and various operating systems. Currently, Haney works as an Administrative Coordinator at Sonoco Products, where she provides administrative and coordination support and assists in shipping, inventory, and accounting tasks.
Thuis op het Werk, gastvrijheid en het Nieuwe werken - Facto 12John Hokkeling
In HNW-kantoren speelt de ‘floor host’ een belangrijke rol. Het gaat om facility medewerkers die meerdere taken uitvoeren en zowel oog hebben voor gastvrijheid als kunnen inspelen op onverwachte situaties. Om dat goed te
kunnen, moeten ze wel opgeleid en begeleid worden.
This person has a strong social media presence with over 1,700 connections on their professional network. They have nearly 300 followers and over 2,100 friends on their social media accounts. Their website http://ashwinkrishna.com provides more information about them and their work.
Gopal Kumar is seeking a role that allows him to utilize his 18+ months of experience in sales and marketing, specifically in channel sales, channel management, and sales distribution. He has worked as a Territory Sales Manager for Dishnet Wireless Ltd. and as a Relationship Manager for Vodafone Spacetel Ltd. Gopal Kumar is looking to join a company where he can help drive growth through collaborating on sales and marketing strategies.
This document contains two figures showing microscopic images of cultured cells. Figure 1 shows cultured cells on a substrate, while Figure 2 shows cultured cells on a polymer material. Both figures provide visual examples of cells that have been cultured outside of their natural environment for observation under a microscope.
This certificate certifies that Ali Zergan Yadimi has satisfied the requirements for the Oil Consultants Competency Scheme in well testing at the senior operator level. The certificate number is OCL312335-1361438403 and it was issued on February 21, 2013.
Rahul Patidar is a mechanical engineer seeking a job. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from S.A.I.T Indore with 75.05% marks. He has work experience visiting a gears manufacturing company and has completed academic projects on refrigeration testing rigs using different refrigerants. He is proficient in AutoCAD and has received vocational training and certifications in toolroom operations, autocad, abacus and karate. His personal details and contact information are also provided.
Geraldine Haney has over eight years of experience providing administrative support to plant managers, regional safety managers, human resource managers, and quality managers. She handles administrative tasks like managing calendars, scheduling meetings, ordering supplies, and performing payroll and HR functions. Haney also has experience coordinating safety and quality programs. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, Oracle PeopleSoft CRM, Kronos, and various operating systems. Currently, Haney works as an Administrative Coordinator at Sonoco Products, where she provides administrative and coordination support and assists in shipping, inventory, and accounting tasks.
Thuis op het Werk, gastvrijheid en het Nieuwe werken - Facto 12John Hokkeling
In HNW-kantoren speelt de ‘floor host’ een belangrijke rol. Het gaat om facility medewerkers die meerdere taken uitvoeren en zowel oog hebben voor gastvrijheid als kunnen inspelen op onverwachte situaties. Om dat goed te
kunnen, moeten ze wel opgeleid en begeleid worden.
De slimme organisatie - 8 november 2013Hans Janssen
Dit seminar laat zien hoe u -met dezelfde mensen- een innovatieve, slimmere en fanatieke organisatie bouwt. Menno Lanting deelt het podium met oa de 'Head of Employee Engagement' van Spotify (over uit Zweden), de marketingdirecteur van het WNF (over uit Zwitserland) en het wereldwijde hoofd 'Brand Design' van Philips.
Pilot circulair inkopen kantoorinrichting ProRailHumanagement
Humanagement was trekker van twee pilots circulair inkopen van vloerbedekking en meubilair voor de nieuwe verkeerleidingpost van ProRail. De leerervaringen die wij opgedaan hebben zijn in samenwerking met PIANOo beschreven in een uitgebreide rapportage en een samenvatting die de belangrijkste leerpunten bevat.
Humanagement levert projectleiders voor nieuwbouw (Facilitair Weekblad dec 2013)Humanagement
Station Utrecht Centraal verwerkt het meeste treinverkeer in heel Nederland. De verkeersleidingspost van Utrecht is daarom een van de meest cruciale in het spoorwegnet. De nieuwe verkeersleidingspost, inclusief controlroom ligt direct aan een knooppunt van van sporen en zal naar verwachting eind 2014 in gebruik worden genomen.
Circulaire inkoop is in opkomst in Nederland. Ook bij ProRail wordt een deel van de inrichting van de nieuwe verkeersleidingpost in Utrecht circulair ingekocht. Projectleiders Geerke Versteeg en Sanne van Es doen verslag.
Het gerenoveerde regiokantoor van Joulz in Heinenoord is het eerste pand in Nederland dat 4 sterren (Excellent) scoort voor het onderdeel Gebruik. De score maakt deel uit van de BREEAM-NL In-Use certificering. Dit is de hoogste score tot nu toe behaald voor het onderdeel Gebruik. Op de onderdelen Asset (het pand zelf) en Beheer scoort het pand van Joulz 3 sterren (Very Good) voor beide. Sanne van Es was projectleider huisvesting tijdens het herhuisvestingproject en heeft de BREEAM certificering begeleid. Samen met Gertjan Sybrandi van Joulz is zij geïnterviewd door Facility Management Magazine over het project.
Humanagement is een onafhankelijk managementbureau dat gespecialiseerd is in Facility Management. Wij verzorgen interimmanagement en projectmanagement op facilitair gebied en adviseren en ondersteunen organisaties bij het managen en optimaliseren van facilitaire bedrijfsprocessen.