To create 5 Zentangles following given examples and samples, fill in the entire 4" x 4" area of each with patterns or designs, which can be shaded in with pencil or left as black and white drawings.
This document provides instructions for students entering Mrs. Gaff's 5th grade classroom. Students are directed to find their assigned desk with a name tag, take out a pencil from their supplies or borrow one, and then select a worksheet from the front of the room to quietly work on until the rest of the class arrives.
The document provides 22 tips for enhancing reading skills and comprehension. It recommends choosing a quiet reading space, maintaining a reading log, increasing reading speed gradually, developing eye control, and brushing up on vocabulary. It also suggests discussing what was read and checking reading progress on a chart. The tips aim to help readers eliminate bad habits and focus on the content by recommending techniques like skimming, scanning and skipping parts of the text.
The Mixers team provides their experience using the 6 thinking hats method to generate ideas. Their team consists of two members named Lena. They wore the blue hat first to plan their work. With the white hat, they thought of obstacles and came up with 43 ideas to overcome them. The red hat encouraged intuitive ideas about massage, hugs, and warmth. The green hat sparked the idea of telling fairy tales, producing 19 more ideas. When stuck, the yellow hat's optimism helped create 8 more ideas about monsters and pretending to sleep. Upon review with the black hat, some ideas were removed for not working. They found each hat useful and stylish.
This document provides instructions for students to create a comic book adaptation of Frankenstein for primary school pupils. Students will work together in groups with designated roles of artist, researchers, and writer. The researchers will read through an act of the play to identify important events to include in their comic book page. The artist will draw the panels and characters based on input from the researchers. Meanwhile, the writer will add speech bubbles and text to explain the action. Students will use a comic book template to plan their draft page before presenting it to be combined with other groups' pages into a full comic book adaptation of the story.
The document provides a homework grid with various activities divided into categories such as helping around the house, academics, being active, reading, spelling, being creative, relaxing, and using technology. The grid includes tasks like doing chores, practicing math facts, going for a jog, reading books and magazines, writing spelling words, drawing a picture, meditating, doing online research, and communicating with others through interviews or speeches.
This document provides instructions for a graphic space project involving symmetrical images and the use of positive and negative space. The project involves tracing a symmetrical image, cutting out the pieces, and assembling a mirrored design by gluing pieces to both sides of a folded sheet of paper. The instructions guide the reader through each step, from selecting and sizing the image to gluing and folding pieces to create a mirrored visual effect.
Hieroglyphs were pictures used by ancient Egyptians to write. They were written in rows or columns and could be read from left to right or right to left. People learned to write and read hieroglyphs in a special school, where they studied for 5 years to become a scribe, usually a man but sometimes a woman. Scribes wrote with reed pens on papyrus, which was made from plant stems that were cut, laid flat, and smoothed.
Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs as their writing system. Hieroglyphs were pictures that represented words or sounds. Egyptians learned to write and read hieroglyphs by attending a special school where they studied for 5 years. Only those who mastered the hieroglyphic language became scribes, who wrote on papyrus using reed pens and ink. The modern writing system differs in using an alphabet instead of pictures and more widespread literacy.
Este documento trata sobre los peces. Explica que los peces son el grupo m¨¢s numeroso de vertebrados y la mayor¨ªa viven en el mar aunque algunos habitan en agua dulce. Describe las diferentes formas de cuerpo de los peces y sus adaptaciones como branquias, aletas y escamas para vivir en el agua. Tambi¨¦n cubre los sentidos de los peces como la visi¨®n, el o¨ªdo y el olfato, as¨ª como sus formas de reproducci¨®n y clasificaci¨®n en diferentes grupos.
El D¨ªa Internacional de la Mujer se celebra el 8 de marzo para conmemorar las protestas de las mujeres a principios del siglo XX que exig¨ªan igualdad de derechos, como reducir sus horas de trabajo y recibir el mismo salario que los hombres. Aunque se han logrado avances, todav¨ªa queda trabajo por hacer para cambiar las actitudes sexistas en la sociedad y lograr la igualdad real. El poema incluido elogia la fuerza y belleza de las mujeres.
El documento describe los pasos para realizar una b¨²squeda en la base de datos sobre la prevenci¨®n de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en ni?os y adolescentes publicados en los ¨²ltimos 15 a?os, incluyendo traducir los t¨¦rminos de b¨²squeda al ingl¨¦s usando DeCS, desarrollar una estrategia de b¨²squeda con operadores l¨®gicos como AND y OR, y aplicar filtros como el idioma y fecha de publicaci¨®n.
Solar Academy es un programa del CIET de la Universidad Adolfo Ib¨¢?ez y Acesol, con el apoyo de Corfo, y patrocinio de la empresa SMA, que cumple con el objetivo de potenciar la innovaci¨®n y el emprendimiento en el negocio de la energ¨ªa solar fotovoltaica.
En su primera versi¨®n, Solar Academy se imparti¨® en Vi?a del Mar y Santiago y tuvo como duraci¨®n tres meses, donde los participantes pudieron desarrollar una idea, entender las tendencias del mercado, c¨®mo funciona las tecnolog¨ªas, y d¨®nde est¨¢n las oportunidades para desarrollar un modelo de negocio exitoso. Prontamente se convocar¨¢ a los interesados para una segunda versi¨®n.
This document provides updates on Alameda County's CalFresh Partnerships Program, including new partners and a partner directory. It encourages collecting client stories to demonstrate the need for CalFresh funding and provides details on what information should be included in submitted stories. An example story is given about a mother of four from Hayward who finds it difficult to make ends meet. She expresses gratitude for being approved for CalFresh benefits and says it helps her buy food and other necessities for her family. The document ends with a reminder about an upcoming in-person meeting.
Reviewing Pickett & Associates, LLC, its approach to strategic marketing & communications, and the results, including a highlight of client engagements.
El documento habla sobre la belleza exterior y c¨®mo la sociedad promueve demasiado la est¨¦tica. Los famosos son retocados en las revistas para parecer perfectos y esto hace creer a la gente que lo m¨¢s importante es la apariencia f¨ªsica cuando en realidad no define el ¨¦xito de una persona.
La presentazione ¨¨ stata realizzata all'interno del laboratorio Digitale "Quando Hitler rub¨° il coniglio rosa" sulla prima met¨¤ del novecento, la Germania Nazista, la fine della prima guerra mondiale e le seconda guerra mondiale. E' un progetto che nasce all'interno del progetto Scuola Digitale Comune di Sirmione.
Element Productions is updating their followers on progress of their new film through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. They encourage people to follow their accounts - @elementpd on Twitter, Elementproductions on Instagram, and elementpd78 on Snapchat - to get behind the scenes footage and updates on the film as it is being made available across these different social media channels.
Este documento describe un plan de lecci¨®n de expresi¨®n corporal para alumnos de 6-7 a?os. La lecci¨®n consta de tres partes e incluye ejercicios para expresar emociones y representar acciones con el cuerpo y objetos imaginarios. Los objetivos son calentar el cuerpo, saber expresar emociones, representar figuras y acciones, y volver a la calma al final de la clase.
El documento resume las caracter¨ªsticas del Renacimiento en Espa?a. Se introdujo a finales del siglo XV coincidiendo con la toma de Granada y la conquista de Am¨¦rica. No hubo una ruptura definitiva con las formas medievales. Los estilos arquitect¨®nicos que surgieron fueron el plateresco en el siglo XVI, caracterizado por su decoraci¨®n abundante, y luego el purismo o clasicismo, con formas m¨¢s depuradas y racionales inspiradas en Italia.
Humphrey Davy created the first electric light in 1800 using an arc lamp with wires connected to a battery and piece of coal. Thomas Edison later invented the first practical light bulb in 1879 using a carbon filament inside an oxygen-free glass bulb that lasted 40 hours. Over the years, improvements were made such as adjustable power beams, fluorescent lighting, halogen bulbs, and the first LED in the 1940s-50s to make lighting more efficient and eco-friendly.
Innovative teaching strategy for teaching and learning grammarKiran Dammani
This document describes an innovative strategy for teaching English grammar using digital self-learning materials. It discusses developing self-learning materials in the form of concept maps, presentations, and mind maps and making them available on a website. An experiment was conducted with 805 students across 8 junior colleges to test the effectiveness of the digital materials compared to a conventional teaching method. Analysis of covariance showed that students who used the digital materials performed significantly better on a post-test of English grammar concepts after accounting for pre-test scores. The study demonstrates the potential of digital self-learning materials to improve students' understanding of English grammar topics.
BTL believes that synergy, or the creation of a whole greater than the sum of its parts, is strongest when built on a foundation of absolute trust, like that provided by blockchain technology. As the creators of blockchain platforms, BTL aims to transform industries by developing innovative and decentralized solutions that promote transparency through trusted networks and applications.
La Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) es una organizaci¨®n regional formada por pa¨ªses andinos como Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Per¨². Sus objetivos son promover el desarrollo integral de la regi¨®n a trav¨¦s de la integraci¨®n andina y latinoamericana para acelerar el crecimiento econ¨®mico. La CAN ha establecido una zona de libre comercio entre sus miembros y ha logrado mayor integraci¨®n f¨ªsica y comercial, aunque actualmente atraviesa una crisis debido a conflictos entre los pa¨ªses.
Funciones de oferta y demanda en equilibrioKarlabahe1
El documento analiza las leyes de la oferta y la demanda. Explica que la oferta es la cantidad de un bien disponible mientras que la demanda es la cantidad requerida. Describe c¨®mo un aumento u disminuci¨®n en la oferta o demanda afecta el precio equilibrado. Adem¨¢s, identifica los factores que influyen en la demanda como los ingresos, precios de bienes sustitutos y complementarios, preferencias y otros factores. Finalmente, presenta un ejemplo num¨¦rico para calcular la elasticidad precio de la demanda y la oferta.
El documento describe los elementos b¨¢sicos de la sintaxis visual como la forma, tama?o, color y textura. Explica conceptos como el encuadre, planificaci¨®n, punto de vista, espacio pl¨¢stico y composici¨®n. Incluye ejercicios para analizar estas t¨¦cnicas en im¨¢genes y crear nuevas obras aplicando estos principios.
Este documento trata sobre los peces. Explica que los peces son el grupo m¨¢s numeroso de vertebrados y la mayor¨ªa viven en el mar aunque algunos habitan en agua dulce. Describe las diferentes formas de cuerpo de los peces y sus adaptaciones como branquias, aletas y escamas para vivir en el agua. Tambi¨¦n cubre los sentidos de los peces como la visi¨®n, el o¨ªdo y el olfato, as¨ª como sus formas de reproducci¨®n y clasificaci¨®n en diferentes grupos.
El D¨ªa Internacional de la Mujer se celebra el 8 de marzo para conmemorar las protestas de las mujeres a principios del siglo XX que exig¨ªan igualdad de derechos, como reducir sus horas de trabajo y recibir el mismo salario que los hombres. Aunque se han logrado avances, todav¨ªa queda trabajo por hacer para cambiar las actitudes sexistas en la sociedad y lograr la igualdad real. El poema incluido elogia la fuerza y belleza de las mujeres.
El documento describe los pasos para realizar una b¨²squeda en la base de datos sobre la prevenci¨®n de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en ni?os y adolescentes publicados en los ¨²ltimos 15 a?os, incluyendo traducir los t¨¦rminos de b¨²squeda al ingl¨¦s usando DeCS, desarrollar una estrategia de b¨²squeda con operadores l¨®gicos como AND y OR, y aplicar filtros como el idioma y fecha de publicaci¨®n.
Solar Academy es un programa del CIET de la Universidad Adolfo Ib¨¢?ez y Acesol, con el apoyo de Corfo, y patrocinio de la empresa SMA, que cumple con el objetivo de potenciar la innovaci¨®n y el emprendimiento en el negocio de la energ¨ªa solar fotovoltaica.
En su primera versi¨®n, Solar Academy se imparti¨® en Vi?a del Mar y Santiago y tuvo como duraci¨®n tres meses, donde los participantes pudieron desarrollar una idea, entender las tendencias del mercado, c¨®mo funciona las tecnolog¨ªas, y d¨®nde est¨¢n las oportunidades para desarrollar un modelo de negocio exitoso. Prontamente se convocar¨¢ a los interesados para una segunda versi¨®n.
This document provides updates on Alameda County's CalFresh Partnerships Program, including new partners and a partner directory. It encourages collecting client stories to demonstrate the need for CalFresh funding and provides details on what information should be included in submitted stories. An example story is given about a mother of four from Hayward who finds it difficult to make ends meet. She expresses gratitude for being approved for CalFresh benefits and says it helps her buy food and other necessities for her family. The document ends with a reminder about an upcoming in-person meeting.
Reviewing Pickett & Associates, LLC, its approach to strategic marketing & communications, and the results, including a highlight of client engagements.
El documento habla sobre la belleza exterior y c¨®mo la sociedad promueve demasiado la est¨¦tica. Los famosos son retocados en las revistas para parecer perfectos y esto hace creer a la gente que lo m¨¢s importante es la apariencia f¨ªsica cuando en realidad no define el ¨¦xito de una persona.
La presentazione ¨¨ stata realizzata all'interno del laboratorio Digitale "Quando Hitler rub¨° il coniglio rosa" sulla prima met¨¤ del novecento, la Germania Nazista, la fine della prima guerra mondiale e le seconda guerra mondiale. E' un progetto che nasce all'interno del progetto Scuola Digitale Comune di Sirmione.
Element Productions is updating their followers on progress of their new film through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. They encourage people to follow their accounts - @elementpd on Twitter, Elementproductions on Instagram, and elementpd78 on Snapchat - to get behind the scenes footage and updates on the film as it is being made available across these different social media channels.
Este documento describe un plan de lecci¨®n de expresi¨®n corporal para alumnos de 6-7 a?os. La lecci¨®n consta de tres partes e incluye ejercicios para expresar emociones y representar acciones con el cuerpo y objetos imaginarios. Los objetivos son calentar el cuerpo, saber expresar emociones, representar figuras y acciones, y volver a la calma al final de la clase.
El documento resume las caracter¨ªsticas del Renacimiento en Espa?a. Se introdujo a finales del siglo XV coincidiendo con la toma de Granada y la conquista de Am¨¦rica. No hubo una ruptura definitiva con las formas medievales. Los estilos arquitect¨®nicos que surgieron fueron el plateresco en el siglo XVI, caracterizado por su decoraci¨®n abundante, y luego el purismo o clasicismo, con formas m¨¢s depuradas y racionales inspiradas en Italia.
Humphrey Davy created the first electric light in 1800 using an arc lamp with wires connected to a battery and piece of coal. Thomas Edison later invented the first practical light bulb in 1879 using a carbon filament inside an oxygen-free glass bulb that lasted 40 hours. Over the years, improvements were made such as adjustable power beams, fluorescent lighting, halogen bulbs, and the first LED in the 1940s-50s to make lighting more efficient and eco-friendly.
Innovative teaching strategy for teaching and learning grammarKiran Dammani
This document describes an innovative strategy for teaching English grammar using digital self-learning materials. It discusses developing self-learning materials in the form of concept maps, presentations, and mind maps and making them available on a website. An experiment was conducted with 805 students across 8 junior colleges to test the effectiveness of the digital materials compared to a conventional teaching method. Analysis of covariance showed that students who used the digital materials performed significantly better on a post-test of English grammar concepts after accounting for pre-test scores. The study demonstrates the potential of digital self-learning materials to improve students' understanding of English grammar topics.
BTL believes that synergy, or the creation of a whole greater than the sum of its parts, is strongest when built on a foundation of absolute trust, like that provided by blockchain technology. As the creators of blockchain platforms, BTL aims to transform industries by developing innovative and decentralized solutions that promote transparency through trusted networks and applications.
La Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) es una organizaci¨®n regional formada por pa¨ªses andinos como Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Per¨². Sus objetivos son promover el desarrollo integral de la regi¨®n a trav¨¦s de la integraci¨®n andina y latinoamericana para acelerar el crecimiento econ¨®mico. La CAN ha establecido una zona de libre comercio entre sus miembros y ha logrado mayor integraci¨®n f¨ªsica y comercial, aunque actualmente atraviesa una crisis debido a conflictos entre los pa¨ªses.
Funciones de oferta y demanda en equilibrioKarlabahe1
El documento analiza las leyes de la oferta y la demanda. Explica que la oferta es la cantidad de un bien disponible mientras que la demanda es la cantidad requerida. Describe c¨®mo un aumento u disminuci¨®n en la oferta o demanda afecta el precio equilibrado. Adem¨¢s, identifica los factores que influyen en la demanda como los ingresos, precios de bienes sustitutos y complementarios, preferencias y otros factores. Finalmente, presenta un ejemplo num¨¦rico para calcular la elasticidad precio de la demanda y la oferta.
El documento describe los elementos b¨¢sicos de la sintaxis visual como la forma, tama?o, color y textura. Explica conceptos como el encuadre, planificaci¨®n, punto de vista, espacio pl¨¢stico y composici¨®n. Incluye ejercicios para analizar estas t¨¦cnicas en im¨¢genes y crear nuevas obras aplicando estos principios.
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Com fer zentangle
1. Zentangle Instructions
You are to create 5 different Zentangles.
Examples and samples are given.
Zentangles can be about 4¡± x 4¡± in size. Fill in the entire area.
They can be shaded in with pencil, or left black and white.
Have fun with this!!