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Introduction to Computers
Lecture 1
Course Details
 Course Title: Introduction To Computer
 Credit Hours: 2 + 1
 Course Prerequisites: No
 Semester: 1st
 Labs Status: Yes
 Program: BS- Computer Science
Recommended Book
 Introduction to computers by
Peter Norton 7th edition
 Computer Fundamentals by
Pradeep K.Sinha, Priti Sinha
4th edition
 The main objectives of this course are:
 Discuss Fundamental Concepts of Information Technology (IT)
 Show how Computers are used as Practical Tools for Solving
Personal, Business, and Academic Problems
 Learn Basic Computer Skills that Enables the Students Explore
IT World
 Enabling students to work with various office / Productivity
 Learning use of internet and email
Course Description:
 Introducing Computer Systems, History and generation of
Computers. The Parts of a Computer System, The
Information Processing Cycle, Essential Computer
Hardware Types of software: System and Application
software, Introduction and features of different Operating
systems Input devices: Keyboard , Mouse, optical mouse
Others: trackball, touchpad, pointing stick, light pen,
touch screen, stylus, Microphone, Scanners Types of
storage : Primary and secondary-RAM vs ROM Output
Devices: Display device-CRT monitor, Liquid Crystal
Printers: Impact printers-Dot-matrix printer, Line
printer Audio output- Speakers, headsets Non-impact
printers-Ink-jet, Laser, Thermal Working with
Windows:- The Desktop, Taskbar, and Start MenuParts
of a Window. Customizing desktop. Files and Folders,
Control panel Introduction word processing: MS word
Creating presentation: MS PowerPoint Creating
spreadsheets: Ms excel Networking : types of networks-
LAN, MAN and WAN, peer-to-peer & client/server
networks Internet Services: email, World-Wide Web,
E-Commerce Security and Privacy- Protection:
antivirus program Terms: hacker, cracker, Methods of
security: Passwords, Backup Assignment submission
and presentation
Marks distribution
 Assignments: 10%
 Quizzes: 10%
 Midterm Exam: 35%
 Final Term: 45%
What is Computer?
 Computer is an electronic machine used to solve different
problems according to the set of instructions given to it.
 A computer can accept data, process data into useful information
and store it for later use.
 The word computer is derived from word compute that means to
 Computer can be used as calculating machine to produce results
at very high speed.
What is Computer?
 However, calculation is not the only use of computer. It can also be used for
different purposes.
 People can use computer to perform different problems quickly and easily.
 It has changed the way of life. (How?)
Computer is a electronic machine
(device). Which takes input (data)
from user and process it according
to given instructions (program), then gives
specific output or result (information) for user.
What is Computer?
Common Desktop Computer
What is Computer?
Computer is an electronic device which is
capable of doing arithmetic calculations,
taking logical decisions and giving very
accurate results. It can also store a large
volume of data for a long time.
Father of Computer Charles Babbage
What is Computer?
It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and
logical) calculations.
A computer has four functions:
a. accepts data (Input)
b. processes data (Processing)
c. produces output (Output)
d. stores results (Storage)
Input (Data): Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the
input devices. It is the collection of letters, numbers, images etc.
Process: Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is
totally internal process of the computer system.
Output: Output is the processed data given by computer after data
processing. Output is also called as Result. We can save these results in
the storage devices for the future use.
Computer System: All of the components of a computer system can be
summarized with the simple equations.
 Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices All physical parts of
the computer (or everything that we can touch) are known as Hardware.
 Software = Programs Software gives "intelligence" to the computer.
 USER = Person, who operates computer.
Computers in the Home
 Computers used for a variety of tasks:
 Looking up information and news
 Exchanging e-mail
 Shopping and paying bills
 Watching TV and videos
 Downloading music and movies
 Organizing digital photographs
 Playing games
Characteristics/Advantages of Computer
 The important characteristics of a computer are as follows:
1. Speed
2. Reliability
3. Storage
4. Processing
5. Accuracy
6. Recalling
7. Control Sequence
8. Consistency
9. Versatile
10. Communication
11. Cost Reduction
 Computer processes data at a very high speed. It is much faster than human
 A computer can perform billions of calculations in a second.
 Computer speed is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz) or Giga Hertz (GHz)
For example
The process of multiplying 750 and 927
can take one or two minutes if its is
performed by human beings. However, a
computer can perform millions of such
calculations within a second.
 Computer is very reliable. The electronic components in modern
computer rarely break or fail.
 Computer can store a large amount of data permanently.
 People can use this data at any time.
 The user can store any type of data in the computer.
 The storage capacity of computer is increasing rapidly.
 A computer can store thousands of books easily.
 A computer can process the given instructions.
 It can perform different type of processing like addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
 It can also perform logical operations like comparing two numbers to decide
which is the bigger etc.
 Accuracy means that computer provides results without any error.
 Computer process large amount of data and produce results accurately. The
results can be wrong only if the data given to the computer is not correct.
Suppose the average marks of a class are
required. There can be a chance of mistake
in a result if it is performed by human
being. However, computer can produce
this result very accurately and quickly.
 A computer can recall the stored data and information as and when required.
 The stored in the computer can be used at a later time.
 The computer can recall the data in few seconds.
Control Sequence
 A computer works strictly according to the given instructions. It follows the same
sequence of execution that is given in a program.
 Computer works in a consistent way. It does not lose concentration due to heavy
work. It does not become tired or bored. Computer performs all jobs with equal
 Computer is a versatile machine. It can perform different types of tasks. That is
why it is being used in every field of life.
 Computers are used in hospitals, banks, offices and at home.
 A user can paly games, listen to music, watch movies and use the internet using
 Most of the computer have the capability of communicating with other computers.
We can connect two or more computers by a communication device such as
 Connected computer can share data, instructions and information. These
connected computers makes a network.
 We can communicate with other people in the world using network like Internet.
Cost Reduction
 We can perform a difficult task in less time and less cost.
 For example, we may have to hire many people to handle an office. The same
work can be performed by single person with the help of the computer. It reduces
the cost.
What is Technology?
 Technology is a body of knowledge used to create
tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials.
 It is also the application of science (the combination
of the scientific method and material) to meet an
objective or solve a problem.
 Technology is the process by which humans modify
nature to meet their needs and wants.
 Technology" term can also be used to refer to a
collection of techniques.
Comp App Lect 1.ppt
What is Data?
 Data means Collection of raw material.
 A collection of facts from which conclusions may be
 Data refers to graphs or images, particularly as
measurements or observations of a set of variables.
 Data can exist in a variety of forms as numbers or
text on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored in
electronic memory, or as facts stored in a person's
What is Information?
 Knowledge acquired through study or
experience or instruction.
 When information is entered into and stored in a
computer, it is generally referred to as data.
 After processing (such as formatting and
printing), output data can again be perceived as
Comp App Lect 1.ppt
What is an Information Technology?
The branch of engineering that deals with the use of
computers and telecommunications to retrieve and
store and transmit information-
What is Communication?
 The term communication' covers just about any
interaction with another person.
 It includes sharing information, ideas and feelings
between people.
 Communication is a two way' process.
 When you communicate you perceive the other
persons responses and react with your own
thoughts and feelings.
 It is only by paying attention to the other person that
you have any idea about what to say or do next.
 Communication is a process of transferring
information from one entity to another.
The Five Generations of Computers
First generation computers
 The first computers used vacuum tubes
 Punched cards secondary storage
 Bulky in size
 Highly unreliable
 Limited commercial use, commercial production difficult
and costly
 Difficult to use
 First generation computers relied on machine language.
First generation computers
 They were very expensive to operate and in addition to
using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat,
which was often the cause of malfunctions.
and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation
computing devices.
First generation computers
Second generation computers
 Transistors replaced vacuum tubes in the
second generation of computers.
 Magnetic tape and disks secondary storage
 High-level programming languages were also
being developed at this time, such as early
versions of COBOL and FORTRAN.
 These were also the first computers that stored
their instructions in their memory.
Second generation computers
 More reliable and easier to program
 Commercial production was still difficult and
Second generation computers
Third generation computers
 The development of the integrated circuit was the
hallmark(symbol) of the third generation of computers.
 Larger magnetic core memory
 Larger capacity magnetic disks secondary storage
 Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted
with third generation computers through keyboards
and monitors and interfaced with an operating system.
 Allowed the device to run many different applications at
one time.
Third generation computers
 More reliable
 Easier and cheaper to produce commercially
 Easier to upgrade
 IBM 360/370
Third generation computers
Fourth generation computers (1971-
 The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of
 The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the
components of the computer.
 From the central processing unit and memory to
input/output controls on a single chip.
 Fourth generation computers also saw the development
of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
Fourth generation computers (1971-
 Larger capacity hard disks as in-built
 Personal computers
 Spread of high-speed computer network
 Operating systems for PCs
 GUI multiple windows
 UNIX operating system
 C programming language
Fourth generation computers (1971-
 Reliable and easy to use
 More powerful and reliable mainframe systems
 Easier to produce commercially
 IBM PC, Apple II
Fourth generation computers
Fifth generation computers (present and beyond)
 Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial
 Are still in development, though there are some
applications, such as voice recognition.
 The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop
devices that respond to natural language input and are
capable of learning and self-organization.
 Larger capacity main memory and hard disks
 Notebook computers, Powerful desktop PCs and
 Very powerful mainframes
Fifth generation computers (present and
 The Internet, World Wide Web(WWW)
 Multimedia applications, Internet-based
 More powerful, cheaper, reliable and easier to
 Very powerful mainframes
 Easier to produce commercially
 IBM notebooks, Pentium PCs, IBM SP/2
Fifth generation computers

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  • 2. Course Details Course Title: Introduction To Computer Credit Hours: 2 + 1 Course Prerequisites: No Semester: 1st Labs Status: Yes Program: BS- Computer Science
  • 3. Recommended Book Introduction to computers by Peter Norton 7th edition Computer Fundamentals by Pradeep K.Sinha, Priti Sinha 4th edition
  • 4. COURSE OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this course are: Discuss Fundamental Concepts of Information Technology (IT) Show how Computers are used as Practical Tools for Solving Personal, Business, and Academic Problems Learn Basic Computer Skills that Enables the Students Explore IT World Enabling students to work with various office / Productivity software's Learning use of internet and email
  • 5. Course Description: Introducing Computer Systems, History and generation of Computers. The Parts of a Computer System, The Information Processing Cycle, Essential Computer Hardware Types of software: System and Application software, Introduction and features of different Operating systems Input devices: Keyboard , Mouse, optical mouse Others: trackball, touchpad, pointing stick, light pen, touch screen, stylus, Microphone, Scanners Types of storage : Primary and secondary-RAM vs ROM Output Devices: Display device-CRT monitor, Liquid Crystal Display
  • 6. Printers: Impact printers-Dot-matrix printer, Line printer Audio output- Speakers, headsets Non-impact printers-Ink-jet, Laser, Thermal Working with Windows:- The Desktop, Taskbar, and Start MenuParts of a Window. Customizing desktop. Files and Folders, Control panel Introduction word processing: MS word Creating presentation: MS PowerPoint Creating spreadsheets: Ms excel Networking : types of networks- LAN, MAN and WAN, peer-to-peer & client/server networks Internet Services: email, World-Wide Web, E-Commerce Security and Privacy- Protection: antivirus program Terms: hacker, cracker, Methods of security: Passwords, Backup Assignment submission and presentation
  • 7. Marks distribution Assignments: 10% Quizzes: 10% Midterm Exam: 35% Final Term: 45%
  • 8. What is Computer? Computer is an electronic machine used to solve different problems according to the set of instructions given to it. A computer can accept data, process data into useful information and store it for later use. The word computer is derived from word compute that means to calculate. Computer can be used as calculating machine to produce results at very high speed.
  • 9. What is Computer? However, calculation is not the only use of computer. It can also be used for different purposes. People can use computer to perform different problems quickly and easily. It has changed the way of life. (How?)
  • 10. Computer is a electronic machine (device). Which takes input (data) from user and process it according to given instructions (program), then gives specific output or result (information) for user. INPUT DEVICE OUTPUT DEVICE PROCES S KEYBOARD MOUSE CPU PROCES MONITOR (SOFTCOPY) PRINTER (HARDCOPY) 75+25 DATA INFO 100 What is Computer?
  • 12. What is Computer? Computer is an electronic device which is capable of doing arithmetic calculations, taking logical decisions and giving very accurate results. It can also store a large volume of data for a long time. Father of Computer Charles Babbage
  • 13. What is Computer? It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations. A computer has four functions: a. accepts data (Input) b. processes data (Processing) c. produces output (Output) d. stores results (Storage)
  • 14. Input (Data): Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection of letters, numbers, images etc. Process: Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the computer system. Output: Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also called as Result. We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use. Computer System: All of the components of a computer system can be summarized with the simple equations. COMPUTER SYSTEM = HARDWARE + SOFTWARE+ USER Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices All physical parts of the computer (or everything that we can touch) are known as Hardware. Software = Programs Software gives "intelligence" to the computer. USER = Person, who operates computer.
  • 15. Computers in the Home Computers used for a variety of tasks: Looking up information and news Exchanging e-mail Shopping and paying bills Watching TV and videos Downloading music and movies Organizing digital photographs Playing games
  • 16. Characteristics/Advantages of Computer The important characteristics of a computer are as follows: 1. Speed 2. Reliability 3. Storage 4. Processing 5. Accuracy 6. Recalling 7. Control Sequence 8. Consistency 9. Versatile 10. Communication 11. Cost Reduction
  • 17. Speed Computer processes data at a very high speed. It is much faster than human beings. A computer can perform billions of calculations in a second. Computer speed is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz) or Giga Hertz (GHz) For example The process of multiplying 750 and 927 can take one or two minutes if its is performed by human beings. However, a computer can perform millions of such calculations within a second.
  • 18. Reliability Computer is very reliable. The electronic components in modern computer rarely break or fail.
  • 19. Storage Computer can store a large amount of data permanently. People can use this data at any time. The user can store any type of data in the computer. The storage capacity of computer is increasing rapidly. A computer can store thousands of books easily.
  • 20. Processing A computer can process the given instructions. It can perform different type of processing like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It can also perform logical operations like comparing two numbers to decide which is the bigger etc.
  • 21. Accuracy Accuracy means that computer provides results without any error. Computer process large amount of data and produce results accurately. The results can be wrong only if the data given to the computer is not correct. Example: Suppose the average marks of a class are required. There can be a chance of mistake in a result if it is performed by human being. However, computer can produce this result very accurately and quickly.
  • 22. Recalling A computer can recall the stored data and information as and when required. The stored in the computer can be used at a later time. The computer can recall the data in few seconds.
  • 23. Control Sequence A computer works strictly according to the given instructions. It follows the same sequence of execution that is given in a program.
  • 24. Consistency Computer works in a consistent way. It does not lose concentration due to heavy work. It does not become tired or bored. Computer performs all jobs with equal attention.
  • 25. Versatile Computer is a versatile machine. It can perform different types of tasks. That is why it is being used in every field of life. Computers are used in hospitals, banks, offices and at home. A user can paly games, listen to music, watch movies and use the internet using computer.
  • 26. Communication Most of the computer have the capability of communicating with other computers. We can connect two or more computers by a communication device such as MODEM. Connected computer can share data, instructions and information. These connected computers makes a network. We can communicate with other people in the world using network like Internet.
  • 27. Cost Reduction We can perform a difficult task in less time and less cost. For example, we may have to hire many people to handle an office. The same work can be performed by single person with the help of the computer. It reduces the cost.
  • 28. What is Technology? Technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials. It is also the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problem. Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. Technology" term can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques.
  • 30. What is Data? Data means Collection of raw material. A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. Data refers to graphs or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables. Data can exist in a variety of forms as numbers or text on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored in electronic memory, or as facts stored in a person's mind.
  • 31. What is Information? Knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
  • 33. What is an Information Technology? The branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information-
  • 34. What is Communication? The term communication' covers just about any interaction with another person. It includes sharing information, ideas and feelings between people. Communication is a two way' process.
  • 35. When you communicate you perceive the other persons responses and react with your own thoughts and feelings. It is only by paying attention to the other person that you have any idea about what to say or do next. Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another.
  • 36. The Five Generations of Computers
  • 37. First generation computers (1940-1956) The first computers used vacuum tubes Punched cards secondary storage Bulky in size Highly unreliable Limited commercial use, commercial production difficult and costly Difficult to use First generation computers relied on machine language.
  • 38. First generation computers (1940-1956) They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. The UNIVAC I, IBM 701, EDVAC, and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices.
  • 40. Second generation computers (1956-1963) Transistors replaced vacuum tubes in the second generation of computers. Magnetic tape and disks secondary storage High-level programming languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN. These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory.
  • 41. Second generation computers (1956-1963) Faster Smaller More reliable and easier to program Commercial production was still difficult and costly IBM 7030, UNIVAC LARC
  • 43. Third generation computers (1964-1971) The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark(symbol) of the third generation of computers. Larger magnetic core memory Larger capacity magnetic disks secondary storage Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system. Allowed the device to run many different applications at one time.
  • 44. Third generation computers (1964-1971) Faster Smaller More reliable Easier and cheaper to produce commercially Easier to upgrade IBM 360/370
  • 46. Fourth generation computers (1971- present) The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer. From the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls on a single chip. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
  • 47. Fourth generation computers (1971- present) Larger capacity hard disks as in-built Personal computers Spread of high-speed computer network Operating systems for PCs GUI multiple windows UNIX operating system C programming language
  • 48. Fourth generation computers (1971- present) Small Affordable Reliable and easy to use More powerful and reliable mainframe systems Easier to produce commercially IBM PC, Apple II
  • 50. Fifth generation computers (present and beyond) Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence. Are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization. Larger capacity main memory and hard disks Notebook computers, Powerful desktop PCs and workstations Very powerful mainframes
  • 51. Fifth generation computers (present and beyond) The Internet, World Wide Web(WWW) Multimedia applications, Internet-based applications More powerful, cheaper, reliable and easier to use Very powerful mainframes Easier to produce commercially IBM notebooks, Pentium PCs, IBM SP/2