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Different but almost the same
Titles  Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Saving Private Ryan
Heroes Frodo Has to be the leader of everyone He is just a little hobbit from the shire Wants to get the biggest quest of his life over Miller He is the leading commander in his group He is a school teacher in a small town in Pennsylvania  Wants to get his duty over so that he can go home to his wife
Sub Heroes Lord of the rings Gandoff Aragorn Sam  Pippin Legolas Gimili Boromir Merry Saving private Ryan Private Ryan Private Wade Private Caparzo Private Jackson Private Richard Reiben
Quest of heroes Frodos quest is to take the ring to Mordor so that it can be destroyed! He also has to keep the ring in his possession. Frodos quest is to save the whole world and if he fails then the time of man is over and the beginning of Orcs will begin. Millers quest is to save one soldier. The reason why he has to save him is because all of his brothers have died and he is the only one left in the family.  If Miller gets this done then he gets his ticket home to go be with his wife.
Setting The setting is very vast in Lord of The Rings. In the movie it shows you a map and it is just like as if it was a whole another world just on a piece of paper.  There was a lot of place like Mordor, the Shire, Rohan, Isangard, and Gondor and many more.  The setting in this movie is kind of vast because they have to go through a lot of towns.  They had to go through a bunch of battle fields and just open fields to get to there designated place.
Valor Frodo has shown a bunch of courage and valor because for one he has to carry the ring and that is a very big task. He has to show a lot of courage because he has the worlds fate in his hands at all times and he cant lose it. Another person who shows a bunch of courage is Sam. He shows it because he has to resist the pull of the ring and plus he has to protect Frodo through thick and thin. Another person who shows courage is Aragorn. Aragorn has to show a abundant of courage because he has to go to every single fight and has to live through each one and has to just keep on going.  Miller shows a lot of valor in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He has to show the most valor out of everyone because he is the leader of his pack and he has to show that he is not scared of anything. Miller has to lead his group of men through thick and thin. Another man who must show valor is private Jackson because he shoots people when they least suspect it because he is a sniper and I think that would be very hard to do because your taking another man/womens life without them even knowing it. Jackson is kind of the guy in second command and he cant be scared of anything either.
Guides In the Lord Of the Rings Frodos main guide is Sam. Sam was with Frodo through thick and thin the whole way on their mighty quest. Sam would of walked through fire or even try to swim across a river even knowing that he cant swim.  The second guide is Gandoff because he gave Frodo the posession of the ring and gave him the burden of it. Gandoff has to be there with Frodo.  In Saving Private Ryan Miller has a lot of guides because everyone in his platoon is a guide to everyone. The reason is that everybody has to work together or they will all die and then they fail there quest.
Supernatural Forces In the Lord of the Rings there are a lot of supernatural forces. The first one would have to be the ring because it can take control over you. Another one is the sword that Frodo got from Bilbo because when they are 0rcs around the sword will shine a bright blue. Gandoffs staff is magic too just like when it gives off a great light so that he can get the Nazruls away.  In Saving Private Ryan the Americans have some supernatural forces like airplanes. Airplanes were a big deal because they could drop bombs on the tanks and on specific areas that are marked. Tanks are a supernatural force to because they can go over the top of trenches and can pretty much go wherever you want to go like through a wall.
Message The main message in Lord of the Rings is that you must always stick close to all of your friends. Some day you will need your friends and they will be there right next to your side helping you out I anyway that they can. Another message is that you should never become greedy because greed is what will kill this world in the long run just like how Sauron wanted to take over the world and what he got was his life and land taken away.  The main message in Saving Private Ryan is that when you get a mission you will do it no matter at what cost. Plus you dont have to have super powers or anything like that to be a hero to people. The best message of all is that you only have one life and you have to live it to its fullest or you will miss out!

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  • 2. Titles Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Saving Private Ryan
  • 3. Heroes Frodo Has to be the leader of everyone He is just a little hobbit from the shire Wants to get the biggest quest of his life over Miller He is the leading commander in his group He is a school teacher in a small town in Pennsylvania Wants to get his duty over so that he can go home to his wife
  • 4. Sub Heroes Lord of the rings Gandoff Aragorn Sam Pippin Legolas Gimili Boromir Merry Saving private Ryan Private Ryan Private Wade Private Caparzo Private Jackson Private Richard Reiben
  • 5. Quest of heroes Frodos quest is to take the ring to Mordor so that it can be destroyed! He also has to keep the ring in his possession. Frodos quest is to save the whole world and if he fails then the time of man is over and the beginning of Orcs will begin. Millers quest is to save one soldier. The reason why he has to save him is because all of his brothers have died and he is the only one left in the family. If Miller gets this done then he gets his ticket home to go be with his wife.
  • 6. Setting The setting is very vast in Lord of The Rings. In the movie it shows you a map and it is just like as if it was a whole another world just on a piece of paper. There was a lot of place like Mordor, the Shire, Rohan, Isangard, and Gondor and many more. The setting in this movie is kind of vast because they have to go through a lot of towns. They had to go through a bunch of battle fields and just open fields to get to there designated place.
  • 7. Valor Frodo has shown a bunch of courage and valor because for one he has to carry the ring and that is a very big task. He has to show a lot of courage because he has the worlds fate in his hands at all times and he cant lose it. Another person who shows a bunch of courage is Sam. He shows it because he has to resist the pull of the ring and plus he has to protect Frodo through thick and thin. Another person who shows courage is Aragorn. Aragorn has to show a abundant of courage because he has to go to every single fight and has to live through each one and has to just keep on going. Miller shows a lot of valor in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He has to show the most valor out of everyone because he is the leader of his pack and he has to show that he is not scared of anything. Miller has to lead his group of men through thick and thin. Another man who must show valor is private Jackson because he shoots people when they least suspect it because he is a sniper and I think that would be very hard to do because your taking another man/womens life without them even knowing it. Jackson is kind of the guy in second command and he cant be scared of anything either.
  • 8. Guides In the Lord Of the Rings Frodos main guide is Sam. Sam was with Frodo through thick and thin the whole way on their mighty quest. Sam would of walked through fire or even try to swim across a river even knowing that he cant swim. The second guide is Gandoff because he gave Frodo the posession of the ring and gave him the burden of it. Gandoff has to be there with Frodo. In Saving Private Ryan Miller has a lot of guides because everyone in his platoon is a guide to everyone. The reason is that everybody has to work together or they will all die and then they fail there quest.
  • 9. Supernatural Forces In the Lord of the Rings there are a lot of supernatural forces. The first one would have to be the ring because it can take control over you. Another one is the sword that Frodo got from Bilbo because when they are 0rcs around the sword will shine a bright blue. Gandoffs staff is magic too just like when it gives off a great light so that he can get the Nazruls away. In Saving Private Ryan the Americans have some supernatural forces like airplanes. Airplanes were a big deal because they could drop bombs on the tanks and on specific areas that are marked. Tanks are a supernatural force to because they can go over the top of trenches and can pretty much go wherever you want to go like through a wall.
  • 10. Message The main message in Lord of the Rings is that you must always stick close to all of your friends. Some day you will need your friends and they will be there right next to your side helping you out I anyway that they can. Another message is that you should never become greedy because greed is what will kill this world in the long run just like how Sauron wanted to take over the world and what he got was his life and land taken away. The main message in Saving Private Ryan is that when you get a mission you will do it no matter at what cost. Plus you dont have to have super powers or anything like that to be a hero to people. The best message of all is that you only have one life and you have to live it to its fullest or you will miss out!